The feeds return to plenty of game talk and drama

March 31, 2013

A Look Back at Day 39 in the Big Brother Canada House

Andrew Holds All of the Power

During Sunday's episode, it was confirmed that AJ had been evicted. Andrew won HoH and the episode then concluded with the nomination ceremony. Andrew had nominated Gary and Topaz for eviction. While he told Gary that Topaz was his target, his diary room session told us otherwise. Andrew's goal is to get Gary out of the house. Shortly after the feeds returned, we found out that Andrew holds all of the power this week. In addition to being the Head of Household, Andrew won the Power of Veto.

Alec, Jillian and Talla joined Andrew in his HoH room to discuss what was going on this week. We quickly found out that everyone was on board with the plan to evict Gary. They all discussed that Gary cannot find out about the plan. Alec said that Topaz really believes that she is the one going home. He said that Topaz has been trying to get him to hang out, saying that there is no reason not to since she is leaving anyway. Alec felt that he has a game to play and can't do that. He told them that it is smarter for all of them to take out Gary first. Everyone was in agreement with that.

Meanwhile, Topaz and Gary were having a conversation of their own. Gary told her that they are going to want him out and, if they are smart, they will get him out of the house. Topaz told Gary that she will be the one going home. She expressed her frustration with everything that has happened recently, saying that she wishes that she hadn't won that HoH. Topaz said that her game was going well until she won HoH, and now it was ruined.

Nova Scotia Alliance

Emmett went up to the HoH room before bed to talk some game with Andrew. Prior to last Thursday's eviction and the subsequent feed outage, a group of five was being discussed. The five were the trio of Andrew, AJ and Talla along with the Emmett and Jillian pair. Emmett was hesitant to trust Talla, but told Jillian to keep working on her anyway. Obviously AJ is now out of the picture, but it appears as though there still something going on between the four that remain.

Emmett brought up that Peter and Alec are going to try to pull Talla in, feeling that they can control her, and that she will go to whomever she feels safe with. Emmett told Andrew that the only way that they can handle the Alec and Peter combo down the road is if it is only Alec and Peter. Emmett said that he thinks that Talla wants the Final 4 to be her, Andrew, Jillian and himself, but they have to be careful not to lose Talla to Alec and Peter. Andrew said that he is fine with that Final 4 and that he is confident in Talla. Emmett's other piece of advice was for Andrew to watch how much he wins stuff, because he will make himself a bigger threat in the eyes of Alec and Peter. Andrew said that he's not going to stop. He told Emmett that it is the same with him and that they will have to go back and forth with HoHs, maybe having Jillian or Talla pull out a win in between. Emmett still had his doubts with Talla, saying that it could be risky to have her as HoH.

Jillian then joined in on the conversation, telling Andrew that Talla said that he is her person. Andrew was pleased to hear that. Jillian mentioned that Talla wants Peter out before Alec. Andrew thought that it may be best to take Alec out before Peter, because Alec can actually win things. Talk then turned to a potential twist. Andrew said that he will nominate Peter if one of the two nominees is somehow saved. If both are saved, he said that he will nominate Peter and Alec. Andrew said that he doesn't really trust the whole Alec and Peter thing, given that he has no shot of going past the Final 3 with them. Rather than doing that, he suggested that he, Emmett, Jillian and Talla work together until the Final 4. Once they got down to the Final 4, Andrew said that he and Talla can go up against Emmett and Jillian, or Talla can go home and the three of them can represent Nova Scotia in the final competition. The conversation ended with Emmett saying that the three of them have to be cautious not to be seen talking together too often.

Drama in the Bedroom

The Topaz and Alec showmance took a big hit when Alec chose to evict Andrew against the wishes of Topaz. From what we can tell, the two have only spoken sparingly since. While the conversation between Andrew, Emmett and Jillian was wrapping up upstairs, there was drama in the bedroom. Talla was sharing a bed with Alec. Things got heated as Topaz was not impressed, going on to call Talla a slut. Talla explained that she and Alec are just friends and that she has someone back home. After Topaz left, Talla said that Topaz shouldn't be talking when she is the one that is wearing a necklace/locket from some guy back home and that is in a showmance.

Topaz and Talla had a conversation shortly thereafter to try and resolve the issue. Talla made it clear that she was not happy about being called a slut. Topaz said that Talla needs to know when she crosses the line and she crossed the line. Topaz said that she doesn't even care if Talla attaches herself to Alec, but she didn't like that she brought it to the bed unnecessarily. Talla said that she gets where Topaz is coming from.

Topaz then opened up and told Talla that a lot of her frustration stems from her belief that she is in this spot because of two people, Alec and Talla. She explained that the whole house would have wanted her to put up AJ and Talla with the goal of evicting Talla, but she didn't do it. Topaz said that she put her friendship with Talla over the game. As far as Alec goes, Topaz said that she trusted his word and that backfired on her. Topaz also told Talla that she and Alec had agreed to act like they weren't in a showmance. The purpose of this was to try to protect Alec in the event that Gary were to win PoV. Topaz said that they figured that the replacement nominee would be either Emmett or Alec. In order to try to make Alec appear weaker that Emmett, they wanted Andrew to believe that all ties between the two of them were completely severed.

Gary Tries to Keep the Showmance Alive

While Topaz with speaking with Talla, Gary and Alec were having a conversation of their own. Alec told Gary that Topaz had turned her back on him, but ran back to him ten minutes after being nominated. As he did the other night, Gary pointed out that it was Alec who turned his back on Topaz first. Gary told Alec that he had really hurt Topaz on a personal level. Alec told Gary that he was feeling like he got played as well, seeing as Topaz is wearing a locket from some guy and will just run back to him after the show.

Gary then pushed for Alec to not give up on Topaz. He said that he can tell that what the two of them have is beautiful, so he wants it to work out. He told Alec that Topaz had feelings for him, but the way that he is acting is only increasing the wall between them. Alec again brought up that he feels as though he got played big time. Gary said that isn't true and that they both put their hearts into this equally.

Alec told Gary that he would talk to Topaz tomorrow and find out what is going on between them. He did mention that he feels as though the showmance is one of those things that has to be cut off in the house, while waiting to see how things end up being on the outside. Gary told Alec to speak to Topaz's heart. He said to sleep on the situation and think about the girl that he fell in love with in this house. He also pleaded with Alec to leave Topaz alone if he was not going to treat her better. Gary said that he doesn't want Topaz to get her heart broken and he doesn't want to see her like this.

Gary then reported back to Topaz, telling her that Alec was in love with her but right now it is not looking good. Gary again said that Alec is in love with her, saying that he loves her and doesn't care about the money. Topaz replied by saying "what?! He's in love?!" This could become awkward seeing as Alec had earlier told Talla that he doesn't miss Topaz and that this was looming for a long time, so he feels relieved more than anything. This is very similar to what he told Jillian on Friday night when the feed leak occurred. While Topaz mentioned that they were acting as though they weren't together for game purposes, Alec has not done a lot to show that he has an interest in Topaz for a while now.

Gary questioned Topaz about the locket that she wears around. He told her that Alec was concerned that he was getting played. Topaz admitted that she had lied about it being from a guy. She said that it was actually given to her by her sister. Topaz said that she was being guarded about her feelings out of fear of looking stupid if she is getting played. She did not want to get her heart broken. Gary said that he had his doubts before, but felt that his conversation with Alec was genuine and that Alec really does love her. Similar to how he advised Alec to talk to Topaz, Gary told Topaz to talk things over with Alec.

A Play to Backdoor Emmett?

Talla and Topaz continued to make up after their little fight. Talla told Topaz that she will not be the one going home this week. She explained that they don't want Gary to find out since it will be hell if he does. Topaz understood but began to question whether or not something could be done to save them both. Topaz said that the hit list will go Gary, Talla and then herself if things don't change. Talla wondered why the house would not go after bigger players. Topaz told her that she thinks that there is a bros alliance in the house and that it is much stronger than people think.

Topaz said that Andrew was not making a good move for his game by leaving Emmett in the house. She said that no matter how many times you nominate Emmett, he will just keep winning PoV. Topaz said that they have the perfect situation to get Emmett out right now, as the backdoor option is the only way to go. Topaz continued to push for a backdoor, saying that Andrew may think that he is in with the guys, but they will cut him. She said that Andrew could work with Gary and could also solidify things with Alec by taking out Emmett.

Topaz and Gary then spoke on the matter. Gary told Topaz that he is going home. He said that it sucks but he knows what it is. Gary said that Emmett and Jillian are running the house and that maybe Liza was right about Emmett wanting him out. He then said that they need to convince Andrew to take him down and nominate Emmett. Topaz said that Talla knows that this would be a good play as well. Topaz plans to continue to work Talla hard tomorrow in order to get her to convince Andrew to backdoor Emmett. The two agreed that there is a chance for both of them to stay and that tomorrow is game day.

The veto ceremony is expected to be held tomorrow afternoon, so things could get interesting as Topaz and Gary fight to keep their games alive at the expense of Emmett.