Big Brother 16 Houseguest Bio: Brittany Martinez

June 19, 2014

VIDEO INTERVIEWS: CBS (Jeff) | Reality Relapse (Rachel) | Big Brother Network | WLBB

Age: 29

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

Current City: Torrance, CA
Occupation: Event Coordinator

Three adjectives that describe you: Fun, loving and loyal.
Favorite Activities: Dancing, working out, being crafty, sewing and fashion.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Being away from my family and kids. I've never gone longer than a weekend without my kids let alone months of not seeing them or talking with them. The same goes for my family. We’re a very tight knit family so that’s going to be a challenge for me.
Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: I'm going to go in without too much of a set strategy until I’ve been able to feel out the other house guests.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: Britney was pretty entertaining to watch.
What are you afraid of: Heights! I am terrified of heights!

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: My determination to never give up. I refuse to let my past and the hard times get the best of me.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… To live, to love and to repeat it daily.
What would you take into the house and why: Pictures of my kids, my phone and my best friend.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would never forget where I came from and all those who have always been there for me before I became famous.

Brittany is a mother of three who once faked labor to get out of a speeding ticket.  She recently started dating again after 8 years of marriage. 

Check out the bios of the other Big Brother 16 houseguests here.