Big Brother Australia 2014 - Day 5 Recap - Katie and Priya decide on their food budget

September 12, 2014

Sandra told Cat that they need to have a talk, as she is in the same situation that she was in a night before and is feeling like going home. Gemma told Sam that Sandra is talking about leaving and called her so ungrateful. Cat told Sandra that she felt as though people were acting so selfish and spoiled, as if they were dying due to the lack of food. Priya and Katie then discussed their food budget. Priya brought up spending $300 per person. Katie asked if Priya is on board with that. She said that she is because she doesn’t want to create a rift, though she will not go above the $300 for the week. Katie said that the others understand that.

Big Brother’s Diner opened and began serving brunch. Priya gathered the housemates around and told them that they have made a decision to give each of the housemates $300 to spend on food and it is up to them to decide how and when they spend it. Priya said that she will be losing $2,400 and that is where her budget is going to stay. The housemates thanked Katie and Priya. Though each of the housemates now had $300, they all declined to purchase brunch at a price of $100 per serving.

Skye asked if she can keep the money if she doesn’t buy food. Katie said yes. Skye felt that it would be foolish to spend $100 on food when she could use it to pay off her loans when she gets out. Gemma told Skye that she is one of her favourite housemates because she doesn’t have to try with her and it is so natural and easy. Skye said that she feels the same way about Gemma. Gemma then told Skye that she is having trouble bonding with Katie. Skye told her that a few people have found it difficult to bond with Katie so far. Gemma told Skye that Lawson said that he feels as though she puts on a dumb act. Skye said that it’s not an act and questioned why she would want to be stupid. Skye told Gemma that it’s hard to grow up your whole life with people calling you dumb. Elsewhere, David was discussing with Sandra and Sam that Gemma annoys him. Sandra said that she is at the point where she cannot even sit and talk with her.

Big Brother’s Diner again opened, this time serving prime rib filet with fries, salads and two drinks at the price of $100 per serving. The housemates celebrated when they heard the price. The housemates purchased $800 worth, meaning that each of the housemates were given a half serving. After dinner, the housemates put on a show. Lawson did some magic tricks. Ryan had previously been critical of magic and said that he will not hold back on telling Lawson if his magic is rubbish. After watching Lawson, Ryan told Sam that Lawson seems pretty professional to him. Sam said that he is excited to see the rest of Lawson’s tricks. Ryan mentioned that Lawson has a trick that he said will blow them all away.

Jake rapped for the housemates. Skye and Aisha then discussed that Jake was their favourite. Skye said that she wants to make out with him and told Aisha that she can have Travis because Jake is hers. Katie and Travis discussed how Travis rates the girls. He said that Aisha is a 10, while Sandra is a 6 and Katie is a 7.5. Aisha said that it built an uncomfortable vibe when Travis and Katie were sitting there whispering in front of them all and judging them. Skye told Aisha that she is warming up to Gemma of late. They discussed that Gemma likes to make things difficult and complicated with the words that she uses. Skye said that Gemma likes to make her feel dumb. The night wrapped up with Travis and Katie talking in bed. Katie told Travis that she thinks that he should hook up with Aisha since he thinks that she is a 10. Travis said that she is a 10 but it doesn’t mean that they should hook up. Travis asked who Katie wanted to kiss. She said no one. Travis asked if Katie had seen Sam’s girlfriend, saying that he will not want to downgrade. Katie felt that Travis was being mean with her on purpose and said that it does not work with her. Travis pointed out that she thinks that he is going for Aisha anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

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