Big Brother: Over The Top Day 18

October 15, 2016

1:00-2:00 PM: America’s Have-Not choices were revealed. Alex, Danielle and Shelby are the have-nots for the week. Danielle told Shane that she will miss him. They then tried out the have-not bed together and Shane said that he would sleep in there along with Danielle. Shelby told Alex that she will not be making food for Danielle when she cooks. She told Alex that she can if she wants to be nice. Alex said she probably will since it can’t hurt to get on her good side.

4:00-5:00 PM: After Jason hid the Krackel bars from Shelby, the girls found them and hid them themselves. Jason’s group then found them last night. The girls realized that the chocolates were taken back and they attempted to find them to no avail. Kryssie spoke to Neeley in the bedroom. She was upset that someone had gone through her laundry when looking for the Krackle bars. She said every day she realizes that she is too old for this. Kryssie said she would have swung at the girls if this were real life. Kryssie told Neeley that they will go back and watch the feeds and realize that she did not touch anybody’s stuff yesterday. Kryssie said she is over it and she has never in her life been put in a situation where it’s advantageous to see who can be more horrible. Kryssie said the candy war is hilarious but it became personal. Danielle said she doesn’t think that they were trying to be personal, but they were looking for the chocolates. Kryssie said she is so tired of the trash that they live with. Kryssie said giving up every bit of privacy was a big step and now the last bit of sacredness she had was taken away. Kryssie told Danielle, Jason and Neeley that she might go out of the house for swinging. She called everyone in the house awful and said they are trash. Kryssie said everyone on that side of the house owes her an apology.

7:00-8:00 PM: The safety ceremony took place. Scott was tasked with saving four houseguests from nomination. He saved Justin, Alex, Whitney and Jason in that order. Shane mentioned that he is the target. Kryssie told him that Scott may be telling everyone that Shane is the target but then he is going to backdoor her for the third time in a row. Scott spoke to Alex and Shelby up in the HoH room. His plan remains to nominate Kryssie and Neeley as pawns in hope of being able to backdoor Shane. Scott said he would like to tell Kryssie that she seems to have the most trouble dealing with situations that make her feel uncomfortable and he does not want to have that negative energy around. As for Neeley, Scott said it sucks that he has to use her as a pawn. Alex said Neeley needs to be shaken up a bit because she is too comfortable at the moment. Scott talked about the possibility of Danielle being America’s Nominee. The girls didn’t think that it was too likely. Scott said there is a reason that America chose her to be a have-not this week. Scott thinks it is because she is getting sloppier with regards to letting her true colours show.

9:00-10:00 PM: Alex, Shelby and Whitney spoke in the bedroom. Alex said she prefers Neeley and Shane over Danielle and Kryssie. Alex told the girls that if she had her way, Danielle would leave over Shane. Shelby said they could vote how they want to vote. She said they are the Ball Smashers, not Scott and his pythons.

10:00-11:00 PM: Danielle cried to Kryssie in the kitchen. She said she is not even worried about herself at this point. She said she doesn’t want to stay and have Shane go. Kryssie replied with yeah you do. Danielle agreed and said she will continue to play the same game that she is playing if Shane leaves, though you get attached to people in the house. Danielle said she doesn’t want to think about playing this game without Shane. Danielle told Kryssie that Shane is trying so hard to not let her see that he is worried. Danielle said she hopes that she gets picked to play in the veto competition so that she can win the veto, keep America’s nominee on the block and save Shane. Danielle said the girls are being snobs and they don’t understand how it feels. Justin told Danielle not to let them see her cry. In the bedroom, Morgan told Alex, Shelby and Whitney that she doesn’t think Kryssie understands that she is not the target. Kryssie has just finished speaking to Morgan. She hoped that Morgan could speak to Scott for her. Alex said she thinks Kryssie believes that she is the target. Morgan said Kryssie has been thinking that every week. Morgan told the girls that Kryssie even said she came close to quitting today because people went through her clothes. Alex figured that Kryssie was emotionally unstable before this and then this was the trigger point. Scott joined them. He got filled in on what happened with Kryssie. Scott said that’s good to know since he will not rip into her too hard, opting instead to lightly demoralize her. Morgan said Kryssie thinks that she is the target week after week. Scott said Kryssie is not worth an HoH so it’s not worth it to target her.

11:00-12:00 AM: Justin spoke to the girls about how Danielle and Kryssie are having rough days. Justin said Kryssie thinks that someone went through her clothes. Alex said no one did. She said someone picked up Kryssie’s duffle bag to see if the chocolates were in it. Justin said Kryssie wants an apology. Shelby said no to that. Justin told the girls that he does not believe in being divided because he wants to be a part of everybody, so he has no idea why everyone is being so separated. Morgan told Justin that she is fine with going outside and sitting with Jason, Kryssie and Neeley, but none of the people on that side want to approach them.

12:00-1:00 AM: Shelby headed to have-not room to get ready for bed. She came back out and told Justin and Whitney that Danielle gave her the small blankets and hid the other ones. Shelby said she will die of hypothermia. Shelby asked Justin where the blankets are. He told her to go ask Danielle. Shelby asked if Justin can ask for her. Justin said no and told Shelby to grow some nuts and do it herself. Jason headed inside. Justin filled him in on the action. Justin let Jason know that Shelby is afraid to go ask Danielle about the blankets so she stole Shane’s comforter instead. Jason said he would go tell them. Jason did just that. Danielle got irritated when she heard that because she said the girls saw her take the blankets outside to put them in the wash. Danielle said she is about to cuss Shelby out. She explained that she is tired and hungry so tonight is not the night to mess with her. Jason told Danielle that she is taking this so much more seriously than the girls are. He said Shelby is the only one worried about it. Kryssie said she really hopes that Shelby says the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrap party so that she can see her get knocked out. Jason told Kryssie that she can knock Shelby out at that point. Kryssie said it’s not worth the night in prison. Danielle said the only reason Shelby is acting like this is because her side is in power. Danielle told Shane that they are in the smallest have-not bed. Shane said they can switch it tomorrow. Shane let Scott know that he wants Shelby out. He suggested that America will nominate Shelby.


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