Arisa Cox - Host
AJ Burman
Alec Beall
Andrew Monaghan
Aneal Ramkissoon
Danielle Alexander
Emmett Blois
Gary Levy
Jillian MacLaughlin
Kat Yee
Liza Stinton
Peter Brown
Suzette Amaya
Talla Rejaei
Tom Plant
Topaz Brady

Big Brother Canada Season 1

Have/Have-Not Competition - "Batter Up" (Episode 3)

One member of the team had to get into the batter and then race over to their teammates, who would then squeeze as much batter off of them as possible and continuing on until they fill the entire waffle. The first two teams will be the have for the week, while the last team to finish will be the have-nots for the week.

Blue Team: AJ, Andrew, Emmett, Liza.
Green Team: Alec, Peter, Talla, Tom.
Red Team: Aneal, Danielle, Gary, Suzette (sat out), Topaz.
Host: Jillian.

The blue team came in first place, followed by the red team.

The have-nots for the week are Alec, Peter, Talla and Tom.

Have/Have-Not Competition - “Dem Apples" (Episode 6)

The goal is to fill your baskets with the apples that your teammates fling over the fence. The first two teams to catch 10 apples in their baskets will be the haves for the week. The last place team will be the have-nots.

Blue Team: AJ, Andrew, Emmett, Gary.
Green Team: Alec, Aneal, Jillian, Topaz.
Red Team: Liza, Peter, Suzette, Talla.
Host: Tom.

The blue team was the first to get 10 apples, meaning that they will be haves for the week. The red team was the second to get 10 apples, meaning that they too will be haves for the week.

The have-nots for the week are the green team of Alec, Aneal, Jillian and Topaz. The have-not food for the week is beaver tails and poutine.

Have-Not Selection (Episode 9)

After Big Brother determined that Alec, Emmett, Jillian and Talla had broken the rules in the HoH competition, the four of them were named the have-nots for the week.

Have-Not Selection (Episode 15)

Andrew, as HoH, was given the task of choosing four houseguests to be the have-nots for the week. He chose Emmett, Gary, Peter and Topaz.

Have/Have-Not Competition - “Rub A Dub Dub" (Episode 21)

Each team will have a bar of soap with a key in the middle. The houseguests will have to get into the tub and start scrubbing. Once the soap is washed away from the key, the key must be brought to wall of boxes and the houseguest must find out which box it opens. The first team to open the box will be the haves for the week.

Team 1: Andrew and Talla
Team 2: Emmett and Peter

Emmett and Peter were the first to finish and are the haves for the week.

The have nots, Andrew and Talla, had additional tasks for the week. They had to:
1) Watch a 10 minute video of Emmett and Jillian kissing each morning when they wake up.
2) Be the house staff for the entire house for 72 hours, doing the laundry, cleaning, cooking, serving of drinks and whatever else the haves want them to do.
3) Wake up an hour earlier than the haves to do their chores.

The haves were given the opportunity to enjoy one luxury per day.