Big Brother Canada 7 - Laura Roberts Exit Interview

March 8, 2019

Given that there was no veto competition the first week, you knew that you were going to be headed to a vote as soon as you were nominated. Did you ever feel that you had the votes?

Laura: There definitely was points that I believed I had the votes. I believe to this day that people were very genuine in wanting to keep me over Damien. I think they just felt they had no choice cause Adam and Sam were such strong players. I think some of them did try, or did try to suggest, keeping me over Damien. In the beginning it’s so difficult cause you are going off of so little that people are afraid.

During your speech, you mentioned that you hope a Day 1 alliance is honoured. Can you give more context as to what you were referring to?

Laura: The live feeds hadn’t started yet, so I think people might be a bit confused. The very first day that I got there, within the first hour, Sam had pulled Chelsea and I into the bathroom and given a speech “I want us women to get to the end together. Forget those guys. I want it to be the three of us”, and the second that Adam won HoH, I felt very dropped by her. I felt that she flip flopped quite a lot during that time. I made reference to that to make sure everyone knows I made an alliance with her. If I’m going down, I am going to plant that seed.

Do you believe that Sam was being genuine to Chelsea, and she only turned on you?

Laura: During that period, she immediately latched onto Adam. I felt that she dropped both Chelsea and I. I personally feel that’s the kind of game that she will play. I was just the one to say “look, you are being phony”.

Do you think that Chelsea feels the same way about Sam as you do?

Laura: I absolutely think Chelsea feels the same way. Did she explicitly say that? No but I think it crossed her mind. In the conversations that I had with Chelsea, I don’t think she wanted me to go either.

Aside from Adam and Sam, did you notice any other alliances forming?

Laura: I was close with Eddie, Kailyn, Anthony. I know Anthony kind of was very much loved by everybody, but Anthony gave me quite a few good talks and quite a few pieces of advice behind the scenes. The alliance with Anthony and I, people really weren’t aware how strong it was from the beginning.

Had you stayed, who would you have wanted to target?

Laura: I think I probably would have gone for Este. She is so sweet and so nice, but she really came out of the woodwork in the first competition. Of all of the girls, she is quite a bit more fit, so probably her. I probably would have put one of Adam or Sam on the block, or tried to backdoor one of them to get them out.

Who do you see as someone that is flying under the radar so far but may be a threat to win the game?

Laura: Kailyn. That’s my girl. I think she holds her cards very close to her chest. She is very smart. She has been very cool, calm and collected, and that’s a threat moving forward.

Who is your pick to win at this point?

Laura: Kailyn or Anthony. That’s who I want to win. If people keep playing safe or afraid to put themselves out there, then unfortunately I do believe that Adam and Sam will make it very far.

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