Big Brother Canada 6 Day 54

April 25, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Olivia told Ali that one of Maddy, Paras, or Will needs to go in the triple. She said it cant be Derek and Johnny. Ali said unless they get that opportunity. Olivia said she still would want to get one of the three out first. Ali argued that it’s all about keeping who you can beat. Olivia asked if Ali is saying that getting Derek and Johnny out is the best option. Ali said they would lose a number but Johnny has proven that he is willing to risk their lives even though they gave him their word. Ali said she doesn’t believe that Johnny has any intent of keeping them together. Seeing as both sides would be after them, Ali suggested that getting Johnny out is better since he is stronger. Ali said she would prefer Derek stay over Johnny if they have the choice. Ali told Olivia her best case scenario for the triple is to nominate Derek, Maddy and Paras. She said Johnny can then go up if Derek wins the veto, and they can send Johnny and Paras out.

10:00-11:00 AM: Paras told Will that it’s not looking good for them if they don’t win the triple. Will said he has come to terms with it that he could leave on Thursday. Will brought up that Derek is trying to get his name out there. Paras said a showmance is guaranteed airtime, and Derek was quick to get into one even though Kaela always says she is more into him than he is into her. Paras said her theory is that Derek has a girlfriend, or he is gay. Will said it’s weird that they never even kiss. Will said Derek and Kaela are great people but their lies in the game are too much. Paras brought up that they tried to pin them against each other. Will said Derek told him that Paras has the best social game by far, going around saying to everyone that they are her #1. Before the talk wrapped up, Paras said if Johnny is sitting next to any of them, they have to save themselves. Will agreed.

11:00-12:00 PM: Maddy and Paras discussed the plan for the vote. Maddy wants to blindside Will if they vote to evict Ali, cause she is concerned about how Will is going to react. Paras worried that Will could flip to the other side if they piss him off. She said he has so much dirt on them. Kaela spoke to Maddy, Paras and Will. She assured them that she will not be going after them if she stays. Kaela said she and Derek want to go after Johnny and Olivia next week. Maddy said a major concern of hers is that Kaela is still close with Olivia. Kaela admitted to being close to her a few weeks back, but not now. Kaela guaranteed that Ali and Olivia will nominate Maddy, Paras and Will if they win HoH. Johnny interrupted the conversation. He said the lies from Derek and Kaela are exhausting. Johnny said more would come out of the conversation if it was done in front of the group. Johnny asked if they want to have a group conversation. Kaela said she doesn’t care. Johnny they brought Ali and Olivia into the room. Johnny said it’s clear that Kaela is feeling a lot of desperation, so it would be best to say it all in front of the group. Kaela admitted she was pitching that she would keep Maddy, Paras and Will safe by putting Johnny and Olivia on the block. Ali questioned why Kaela is guaranteeing that she would nominating the trio when she has not talked to her about what she wants to do. Kaela mentioned that Ali has wanted Maddy out, and the way to do it would be by putting Paras and Will next to her. Ali said the game evolves and changes every day, so don’t speak on her behalf in terms of what she would do. Johnny said Derek and Kaela pitched that Maddy, Paras and Will need to go, and Derek said Will is the biggest sheep in the game. Johnny also brought up that Derek and Kaela were pushing for a five with Ali, Olivia and himself, but Ali and Olivia made it clear that they were not for that. Kaela said Johnny and Olivia are gone if she is there next week. Johnny pointed out that Derek and Kaela are a lot stronger than Ali and Olivia, which is why they need to go. The back and forth continued before Ali and Olivia left the room. Ali eventually returned to say that they are wrong if they think that she and Olivia would keep Derek over anyone at this point.

12:00-1:00 PM: Johnny and Kaela continued a back and forth, with one of the topics being whose names Johnny threw out as a replacement nominee. Kaela insisted that Johnny said Maddy, Paras and Ali. Johnny told her that he did not mention any names, cause he didn’t want anyone else to go up. Johnny said that’s why he didn’t use the Power of Veto. Kaela let Johnny know that he was going to be her replacement nominee if not for him winning the veto. Johnny said he knew that, and her denying it over and over is another example of her constantly lying. Johnny told Derek and Kaela that they have the worst games in the house. He said he will not be voting for them, and he will poison the entire jury against them. Afterwards, Paras told Maddy she is sick of Will brining up the 86 alliance. Will had brought it up during the house meeting. Paras said she didn’t ever bring up Five’s Company to Will, yet he continues to doubt them because of what he has heard. Maddy said Will is only questioning Paras, not her. She wondered if that means Will didn’t ever trust her. Paras figured it means that he doesn’t have doubts about Maddy. Maddy, Paras and Will then discussed the plan for the week. Will said he is now leaning towards keeping Ali because Ali and Olivia are not half as powerful as Derek and Kaela are. Will said there is a good chance that Johnny survives the triple, wins HoH, and then targets them if they keep Kaela in the game. Will said he believes that Derek would put one of them up next to Johnny and Olivia, but he would not nominate all of them even if Kaela goes. Maddy said she wants to do what’s best for the three of them. She said if keeping Kaela is their best chance, and they don’t do it because Johnny wont like it, they are taking a big risk for someone who is already well positioned. Paras agreed. Paras explained she is hesitant about keeping Kaela since she and Derek have lied so much, but any deal they make should be more legitimate now that those two have no one else to go to. Will said he would like to speak to Derek and Kaela again, because the back and forth is exhausting.

1:00-2:00 PM: Will and Johnny spoke in the HoH room. Will assured Johnny that he has his back. Will revealed that Maddy and Paras asked him which way he is leaning. He said he told them that he wants to keep Ali cause they will lose Johnny’s trust if not, and cause Derek and Kaela are a stronger duo. Will said Maddy and Paras then brought up that Derek and Kaela would likely keep their word in the triple. Johnny said they would then be letting Derek and Kaela get to the Final 5 together. Johnny asked if they are leaning towards keeping Kaela then. Will said he doesn’t think that they are leaning towards keeping Kaela, but they are definitely think about it. Will asked Johnny not to say anything. Will told Johnny they want to look out for the three of them. Johnny said they are so focused on the triple but they are not looking at the rest of the game. Johnny said Derek and Kaela are going to win the game. Johnny said he will make sure Maddy and Paras don’t get his vote, Ali’s vote, or Olivia’s vote if they turn on them to keep Kaela, since they are threatening the same thing. Johnny said he would even vote for Derek and Kaela over those two if they make that move. Johnny said he doesn’t get why Will would want to screw him over when he wants to go to the Final 2 with him so bad. Will said he would not do that, and he knows that keeping Kaela would be gambling with Johnny’s life. Johnny said he will nominate Maddy and Paras if they keep Kaela.

2:00-3:00 PM: Will told Johnny he needs Ali and Olivia’s word that they will not put him up. Johnny said he should know that they will not do that. Johnny explained that Ali might be scared of saying that since she could then lose Maddy and Paras’ votes this week. Ali joined them. Johnny said the idea that Derek and Kaela would nominate one of the trio, Olivia and himself is appealing to Maddy and Paras. Will clarified that Ali still 100% has his vote. Johnny said he assumes that Ali is putting him up but the trio doesn’t believe it. Ali said she didn’t want to go around broadcasting it, but Johnny put her up after she saved him. Johnny said he is not offended. Will asked for a guarantee that Ali and Olivia will not nominate him out of the trio. Will said he can get in Maddy and Paras’ heads about keeping her. Ali said it’s so clear she still has Paras and Will’s backs since she didn’t blow up the six during the talk, so it’s frustrating that she is being doubted. Ali went to the diary room. Paras joined Johnny and Will. Johnny said Derek and Kaela will take the entire game if Kaela stays, and he will be so choked if they keep Kaela round. Johnny let Paras know that this week will play a role in his future nominations and his jury vote. Ali, Johnny and Paras spoke in the HoH room. Ali said her goal for weeks has been to get to the Final 5 together with the remaining members of the six. Ali said that hasn’t changed. Ali pointed out that she would have called out the six earlier if she didn’t have their backs. Ali told Johnny her putting him up on the block would not be done to end his game, and she would not be horrified to see him stay. Ali explained that Johnny put her game at risk this week. Afterwards, Ali told Paras and Will that one of Derek or Johnny would have to go. Paras let Maddy know that Johnny said he is coming for them if they keep Kaela. Maddy said she doesn’t care cause he cant play for HoH. Maddy said if they do this, it’s the end of them and Will. Paras said Will seemed kind of on board to keep Kaela before. Maddy told Paras that Derek and Kaela will come for Will first if he doesn’t vote to keep Kaela.

3:00-4:00 PM: Olivia told Paras she is irritated this week, more so with Will, cause they have been loyal but there is wavering going on when Ali’s back is against the wall. Paras explained that Veronica went on the block the week after promising Jesse her vote and going back on it, so she doesn’t want to make that same mistake. Will joined them. As she did with Paras, Olivia explained her thoughts to Will. Olivia said she will be nominating Derek, Johnny and Maddy, and Derek and Johnny would go in an ideal world. Once Will left, Olivia told Paras she would nominate Will over her if a replacement nominee is needed. Paras asked where Ali stands, cause she thinks that Ali likes Will more than her. Olivia said she thinks she could convince Ali to get rid of Will over her. Paras asked if her plan is similar to what Ali wants to do. Olivia said yeah. Paras said if Ali does put Will up instead of her, she will know that it was because of Olivia’s influence.

4:00-5:00 PM: Paras told Maddy to know that what she has been saying to Johnny comes back to her. Maddy said Johnny initiates the conversations, and he is trying to separate them. Paras assured Maddy that she has enough trust in her that it’s not a concern. Maddy said it comes back to her when Paras and Will say things about her too. Paras said she knows that but they have to be smart enough not to let it separate them. The girls talked over the things that they have said to Johnny. Maddy said she thinks Paras believes the conversations have been more anti-Paras than they have been. Paras feels that telling Johnny she has the least trust in Johnny of the three of them puts her at the bottom of the list for Johnny. Maddy said she is not trying to put herself in second place on Johnny’s list. Paras said she gets that Maddy is there for $100,000, but the worst thing she could do to her is throw her under the bus after she stuck her neck out for her four times. Maddy said she is not trying to throw her under the bus. Paras then let Maddy know she has a feeling that Derek and Kaela are going to screw them over if they make a deal with them. Paras mentioned that Derek and Kaela lied continually earlier in the day, which was further proof that they will say whatever they need to say.

5:00-6:00 PM: Paras told Maddy that 80% of her conversation with Will was him questioning how he can believe her over Derek and Kaela when they have been saying things about her. Maddy asked who is making him feel that way. When Paras said Johnny is, Maddy suggested that they should keep Kaela. Paras said she doesn’t know if it’s the best choice to stick it to him right now. Maddy said the writing is on the wall. The two then continued to hash things out with regards to Maddy going to Johnny. Maddy stressed that Johnny has never been her #1. Paras said she doesn’t like being called baggage, she doesn’t like Maddy thinking that she is better than them cause she doesn’t argue, and so on. Maddy denied having said those things. Maddy said she doesn’t think she is better than Paras, and she knows Paras is the only reason that she is there right now. Maddy mentioned that she is playing for $20,000 against Paras. Paras said that’s not true. Maddy worried that she is now in even more danger in the triple. Paras said things like this don’t change her mind, and she would like Maddy to have a chance to defend herself. Afterwards, Paras brought up her concerns about leaving the biggest power duo in the game, especially if it’s not a triple. Maddy said tomorrow will not be a regular week by any means. Paras said it makes her sick to think that they would believe Daela once again after they have lied so much in this game. Paras expects that Canada would be calling them sheep for having had the wool pulled over their eyes. Maddy said they would be putting Daela up if they win anyway. Afterwards, Ali checked in with Paras to ask if Maddy is trying to keep Kaela. Paras said no. She said Maddy is just trying to look at both sides. Ali explained that she wanted to know so that she can watch what she says to Maddy.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kaela made another pitch to Maddy, Paras and Will. Will brought up that he would be the first to go if they make it down to the Final 5. He said Kaela has even asked Maddy in the past if she would be willing to cut him at that point. They acknowledged that the talk had indeed taken place. Will pointed out that Kaela didn’t even deny saying that she would target him first at that point. Due to that, Will said it doesn’t make sense for his game to keep her. Kaela said it would still guarantee him a spot in the Final 5. Maddy said she is torn over worrying about the Final 5, or worrying how to get there. Kaela suggested going with her and Derek since they are more likely to win, and they will take out Johnny and Olivia. Kaela said she will check in with them again tomorrow if she doesn’t hear back from them by then. Maddy then asked Paras and Will if they feel the need to talk to Derek. Will said they can tell him that they are not against him if Kaela goes. Will said he will be voting to evict Kaela. Will talked about being loyal to Johnny too, since he is part of their four. Paras said she doesn’t want them to be kicking themselves for putting Johnny’s game ahead of their own. Will said he isn’t, cause he knows that he would be the first out at the Final 5. Will told Maddy and Paras to keep Kaela if they want, but he will go work with Johnny and Olivia since he needs numbers too. Will questioned why they would keep Daela after wanting them out for weeks. Paras said it’s to better their chances at getting to the Final 4. Maddy agreed. Will said they have to stop playing scared. Will told the girls his mind is not changing. Will headed to the HoH room to let Johnny know that Kaela was pitching hard to them again. He let Johnny know that Maddy and Paras were saying they have to come to a team decision, so he said he is evicting Kaela, and he will go work with Johnny and Olivia if they do that. Will told Johnny he reminded Maddy and Paras that they had made a Final 4 with Johnny last week. Meanwhile, Maddy told Paras she thinks that she is going to have to try convince her to evict Ali. Will saying that he would run to Johnny and Olivia concerned Maddy. She thinks that Johnny and Olivia are working together. Maddy said she will nominate Derek, Kaela and Johnny if she wins HoH tomorrow. Paras said she has gone back and forth all day on this decision, and she thinks that Derek or Kaela will win the game if they make it to the Final 5. Maddy said not if they have anything to do with it. Paras also mentioned having so much loyalty to Will. Paras headed to the HoH room to talk to Johnny and Will. Johnny said Maddy is wanting to get to the Final 5 with Daela because she knows that they would both take her to the Final 2. Johnny reassured Paras and Will that he is locked in with them. Paras explained that she was considering all options to figure out what gives the best chance for all of them to move forward. Paras eventually said they should stick to the plan, getting Kaela out. When Johnny asked if she is committed to that, Paras said she wants to have another talk with Ali but she has been leaning that way today anyway.

8:00-9:00 PM: Johnny told Paras and Will that Maddy wants to keep Kaela since Derek and Kaela will nominate Paras or Will over her, while Ali and Olivia will nominate her over Paras and Will. Once that talk wrapped up, Johnny informed Olivia that Will is putting in so much work for them. Johnny told Olivia about Will saying he will work with the two of them if Maddy and Paras vote Ali out. Johnny said Paras and Will need to think that Derek and Kaela would nominate them over Maddy. Johnny asked that Olivia not nominate Will before others. Olivia said she wont if she can help it, but she is concerned that he would use the veto on Maddy or Paras if he is not nominated. Elsewhere, Paras told Ali she is pretty confident in what she is going to do tomorrow. Paras said she has known what she wants to do for 3-4 days, and she knows it is better for her game to have Ali there. Paras said she will confirm her decision with Ali in the morning.

9:00-10:00 PM: Paras let Maddy know that she is thinking she wants to get Kaela out. Paras said she has a better chance to beat Ali, plus she doesn’t trust that Derek and Kaela would keep their word. Even if the worst case scenario, which would be Derek winning HoH, Paras said he will likely nominate Johnny, one of them, and one of Ali or Olivia. Maddy said she will vote to evict Kaela if Paras wants to, but her worst case scenario would become any of three people winning HoH. Paras continued to say she thinks keeping Ali is the best decision for them. Maddy said she made her case but she cannot vote differently from Will, or from what Johnny wants. Paras said the risk they would be taking by going against those two would not be worth it based on what they might gain from Kaela. Maddy became emotional. Paras assured her that she is not trying to screw her in this. Maddy said she doesn’t think that she is, but now she will have to win HoH. Once Paras was alone, she spoke to the cameras about her decision. She said she has to do what is best for her game even though she loves Maddy to death. Paras said she feels bad for Maddy, since she will go up if Ali or Olivia win, and she doesn’t want to lose her, but she cannot trust Derek and Kaela.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kaela told Paras that people can tell her the truth if they are evicting her, cause she can tell by the way that people are acting. Paras said they are leaning towards that for sure, but Maddy is still undecided. Kaela said she thinks Maddy was the only one who actually wanted to keep her. Paras said Kaela can take it however she wants to, but she wouldn’t have had all of these discussions if she wasn’t considering it. Kaela told Paras that she would pick Maddy and Paras over Will in the Final 5, but Ali will pick Will over Paras. Kaela said she might see Paras in jury sooner than later. Kaela told Paras that doing something that is better for someone else’s game is not a winning point for her, and she gets to go to the jury to talk. Paras said she doesn’t want to rock the boat with someone who has had her back, so if Will thinks this is the better call, she’s going with it since they are playing together. Kaela said that’s a pro for Will and a con against Paras if they make it to the end together. Kaela again said that Paras should do what she wants to do. Paras said she would have a hard time cutting someone off after 54 days together. Kaela argued that if Paras’ relationship with Will is strong enough, it shouldn’t end over one decision. After her talk with Kaela wrapped up, Paras let Maddy know that she is reconsidering her decision a little bit. Maddy worried that Kaela would run around saying things unless they give her a bit of hope. It was decided that Paras should go ask her to give her until morning to decide. Paras then asked Kaela to give her until morning so that she can talk to Maddy one more time. Kaela agreed. Kaela reiterated that she is on Paras’ side and Maddy’s side, but not so much on Will’s side. Paras then asked Maddy what deal she made with Kaela, because Kaela told Paras she thinks she has Maddy’s vote as long as Paras is on board. Maddy said no deal was made except that Kaela would not nominate her during the triple. Paras said they need to make up their minds. Maddy said she is happy to evict Kaela if Paras wants to. Will joined them. He asked what is best for them to make it to the Final 5. Paras said keeping Kaela is best for them to get to Final 5, but getting rid of her is best for their chances of making it further than that. Paras mentioned that they can go into the HoH competition 5 on 1 if they keep Kaela. Paras said she hates that she is saying this after just telling Kaela that she is going home. Will said he would like to have one more chat with Daela.

12:00-1:00 AM: Will told Maddy and Paras he wants to look out for the three of them above anyone else. Will wants to get Derek and Kaela to swear on something. They discussed that they cannot let Ali or Johnny know if they change the plan. When Will left the room, Maddy asked Paras why she changed her mind. Paras said she doesn’t want to make the decision for Will anymore. Paras asked if she is making the right call. Maddy said she is since they can take Derek and Kaela out in the triple. Maddy asked who Paras wants in the house after the triple. Paras said Maddy, Will, and weak people. Maddy said she wants Kaela and Olivia then. Will headed to the HoH room. He told Johnny that Paras said she told Kaela that she is keeping Ali. Johnny asked if Maddy is on board. Will said he doesn’t know. Johnny asked if Paras and Will are for sure keeping Ali. Will said yes but Derek and Kaela want to have another chat. Paras came by to let Johnny know that she broke the news to Kaela. She talked about wanting to confirm with her again in the morning. Once Johnny was alone, he mentioned being suspicious of what just happened, though he didn’t understand why Paras and Will would lie to him if they are lying. Back in the white room, Maddy, Paras and Will continued to talk things over. Will admitted that he is second guessing things again. Paras said she hates that she is scared of Derek, cause that is playing a part in her decision making. Derek and Kaela made their way upstairs. Kaela swore on her cats that she will nominate Johnny and Olivia if she wins HoH. Derek swore on his family that he will do the same if he wins. Maddy, Paras and Will said their minds are not made up yet, but they wanted to hear them out one more time.

1:00-2:00 AM: Derek and Kaela discussed that Kaela might actually have a chance to stay. Kaela said she would honour the deal to go to the Final 5 with Maddy, Paras and Will if she wins HoH. She said Derek should too. While Maddy, Paras and Will had a discussion after talking to Derek and Kaela, there was no audio on the feed.

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