Big Brother Canada 6 Day 37

April 8, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Erica told Johnny she feels like she would be a lot more comfortable if Ali wasn’t in the game. Johnny agreed. They both thing that Ali sees targeting them as her way of winning the game. Erica said she thinks it was Olivia who mentioned to her that Kaela was concerned Johnny is more with the white room than with them during the early stages of her HoH reign. Erica said if she wins next week, she cannot put up Daela. Erica said she thinks that she would have to nominate Maddy and Paras, but she doesn’t feel that she has strong support for that move. Erica mentioned that the order she trusts people in is Johnny, Olivia and then Kaela. Olivia joined them. Johnny asked what she is thinking for next week. Olivia said she is thinking of nominating Maddy and Paras. Olivia explained that she thinks she needs Daela there for the triple. Erica and Johnny said that is strange logic. Johnny asked why Olivia doesn’t think that Kaela would put her up. Olivia said Kaela wants to move forward with threats, not floaters, so that her chances of getting to Final 2 are greater. Erica said it’s a good point since having people with equal resumes ups her chances of being taken to the end. Johnny said the odds are way better that they get further with Daela out of the picture, so he doesn’t get why people think it’s smart to keep them around. Johnny asked if Ryan goes home this week no matter what, even if he uses the veto. Erica said she doesn’t know about that. Olivia asked what the point of using the veto is if Ryan is going home. Johnny is concerned that Will would go home over a replacement nominee if Ryan has a secret power. Olivia said she would likely keep Will over Maddy. Erica said she would weigh her options. Olivia said there would be two brand new nominees if Ryan has a power. Erica said she doesn’t want that. Johnny said that’s because she would rather send Will home. Olivia said it’s because Erica thinks that it could be her. Ali joined them. They all discussed that Will would take a shot at Daela, whereas Maddy has not expressed that outright. Erica said she would send Maddy out over Will since Will would target the showmance. Johnny said he doesn’t think he would use the veto but he is considering his options. Johnny told Olivia he is trying to understand the logic behind Ali and Olivia protecting Daela until the triple. Olivia explained that people would nominate Daela and one other person. Erica said it’s odd that they are concerned about going up and surviving as opposed to upping their chances of winning HoH in the first place. Olivia said she is down for whatever, including targeting Daela next week if the alliance thinks that it’s the best move. Johnny said Kaela told him that she is just waiting to take a shot at Ali and Olivia. Olivia said everyone has to take a shot at everyone eventually. Olivia said she doesn’t think that she and Ali are viewed seen as as much of a duo as they once were. Erica said the perception is still there. Olivia said there are people she would keep over Ali, so they are just assuming that.

11:00-12:00 PM: Erica told Olivia that even if Maddy, Paras or Will win the triple and put the remaining Daela member up next to Ali and Olivia, Olivia will be safe regardless. Erica said Olivia’s position doesn’t look so bad if Ali is gone. Johnny said some people might keep Ali over Olivia, so she needs Erica and himself to be there. Erica said it’s going to be a very boring season if the few people who have actually won a competition al leave. Erica said she doesn’t buy it that Kaela would be against taking any floater past the triple, even though she may very well want the Final 3 to be threats. Erica thinks Kaela would take a shot at Ali, Olivia, Johnny or herself if she wins in the triple. Johnny said that’s why he doesn’t get why they don’t target them. Johnny circled back to potentially using the veto on Will as a sign of good faith. Olivia said it could also help to separate him from Maddy and Paras. Once Olivia left the room, Johnny questioned why Erica thinks that they should put Maddy and Paras up over Daela. Erica said she doesn’t believe that it makes sense to do that anymore after they just weighed out their options. Erica said there is no way that Daela would take either of them to a point where they all get to play for the veto. Johnny asked if Erica would nominate Derek and Kaela if she wins HoH next week. Erica said yeah. Erica and Johnny agreed that the game looks so much easier if Derek, Kaela and Ali are out of the picture. Erica told Johnny she thinks that he narrowly escaped a backdoor this week. Johnny asked why she thinks that. Erica said she just knows Kaela, and therefore she believes Kaela wouldn’t have wanted to waste her HoH week if Ryan had won the veto.

12:00-1:00 PM: In the bathroom, Ali told Johnny she wonders if the plan was to target Ryan all along. She questioned if everything else was just a ploy to collect information. Johnny said he was put on the hot seat during his first conversation with Kaela. Johnny continued to debate whether or not to use the veto on Will. Ali said to trust his gut, though she doesn’t think that Will would leave. Ali suggested that Derek and Kaela would be open to it as long as Johnny has a compelling argument as to why Will is in danger. Johnny then asked why they are still holding off on targeting Daela next week. Ali explained her concern that she would be unable to compete the following week if she takes out Derek or Kaela, and whichever one of them remains would be out for vengeance. Johnny admitted that he is sick of their truce with Daela. Ali said that she has not ruled out targeting them next week. She also mentioned that Olivia is likely not ruling it out either. Next up, Ryan spoke to Johnny about how he would prefer to have the veto used on him if Johnny uses it. Ryan said he believes that Paras would be the replacement nominee, and he would still go home over her. Ryan pitched the idea of solidifying a five with Ali, Olivia, Erica and Johnny. He said they have won 11 of 14 competitions, and they could make it to the end together if they stick to it. Johnny asked what would stop everyone from coming after him and Erica at that point. Ryan said it’s very possible that they would win out. Ryan said the four of them would be all of the votes that he needs, and they would have the majority moving forward. Ryan said he doesn’t want to see the two duos continue to protect each other until the triple, and then Erica or Johnny get picked off in the meantime. When Johnny brought up Ryan saying that he thinks he would have Will’s vote if Will is off of the block, Ryan said he no longer believes that after a talk that he had with Will the other day.

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned after the houseguests played Monopoly in the HoH room. Paras was talking to Maddy about there being no chance that Will leave this week. She said the two of them, Johnny and Derek would all vote to evict Ryan. Maddy said that Ali would as well. Paras admitted that Johnny worries her. Maddy said they have to keep an eye on him for sure. Paras said Johnny wants too much out of the game since he doesn’t even want people to talk about him. Paras added that Johnny cannot be best friends with Ali, Olivia and Erica, and then come be best friends with the two of them and Will as well. After Maddy left the room, Paras spoke to herself. She wondered if Daela told Johnny what she had said about him. Paras said you can’t talk game with anybody, cause it just blow up in your face. Paras said Johnny is going to have to go soon since it doesn’t sit well with her that he has both sides. Out by the hot tub, Johnny and Will discussed the options for the veto. Will pointed out that using the veto could prove that Johnny and Maddy are not a duo. Johnny wondered if he is messing up his game if he uses it when Ryan is leaving anyway. Will revealed that Kaela had promised she would use the veto on him if she had won it. Johnny asked who would have went up if that happened. Will said he guessed it would have been Maddy. Will said Maddy would target Daela if they put her up. Johnny said he has thought about that as well. Will said he plans to nominate those two if he wins HoH next week. Johnny asked if Will would be willing to talk to Kaela to see what she thinks about the veto being used. Will said he will talk to her. Johnny asked if Will would use the veto on him if he happened to be on the block. Will assured Johnny that he 100% would do that. Will brought up that Maddy said she doesn’t know if Johnny can be trusted. Erica briefly joined Johnny and Will. They all talked about feeling comfortable with each other, and said they would not put each other up.

4:00-5:00 PM: Maddy told Paras that the ideal scenario may be putting Ali and Olivia up next week. She said they can vote Olivia out. For the triple, Maddy said that Ali, Erica and Johnny could then go on the block. Maddy later brought up that she is the only one who could potentially go home next to Ryan. Paras said Johnny knows that. Maddy wasn’t so sure, since she thinks that Johnny believes he has more sway over Ali and Olivia than he actually does. Maddy revealed that Erica has been her #1 target ever since she put her on the block. Elsewhere, Ali told Olivia that Erica and Johnny’s paranoia comes from thinking that the duos will not take a shot at each other during the triple. Olivia said those two are trying to manipulate them into thinking that Daela will take a shot at them in the triple. Olivia said they could let Daela know that Erica and Johnny’s paranoia has been spiking since they speculate that they wont go after each other during the triple. Afterwards, Ryan pitched to Olivia that the two of them, Ali, Erica and Johnny could work together. Ryan noted that they have won 11 of the 14 competitions thus far. Ryan argued that that’s better protection against the triple than Derek and Kaela’s word is. Ryan suggested that Kaela should go on the block as soon as possible since she is the most threatening person in the game. Ryan later made the same pitch to Ali. Outside, Johnny asked Paras what she thinks about him using the veto on Will. Paras said Maddy would go up, which she would not want to risk since some of the girls do not like Maddy. Johnny said he thinks that anyone would be safe next to Ryan. Johnny told Paras he doesn’t think that Maddy trusts him in the same way that she and Will do. Paras said Maddy trusts Johnny. Johnny brought up that using the veto would be a good way to ensure that Will would do the same for him down the road. However, Paras doesn’t think that Will needs to come off of the block since Derek, Maddy, Johnny and herself are all of the votes that he needs. Johnny asked if Will would ever lie to him in order to get him to no trust Maddy. Paras said she doesn’t think so, as it would not make sense for them to turn on each other. In the red room, Ali asked Olivia what she thinks of Ryan’s pitch. Olivia said she still think that Ryan needs to go, because it was nothing that she hasn’t heard before. While Ryan pitched that they got after Daela, Olivia said Erica and Johnny are the ones that they need to focus on. Ali agreed.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ali and Olivia discussed that Johnny could have gone this week had Ryan won the veto. Olivia said she isn’t sure if she can take the shot at Erica before the triple. Ali agreed. Olivia said she would put Maddy and Paras up next week if she wins HoH. She also said she would consider backdooring Johnny. Out in the yard, Johnny asked Paras why Will would want him to use the veto if he feels that Maddy is at risk. Paras said that Will doesn’t look out for the group. Johnny questioned why Paras would think that Maddy could go if the two of them, Derek and Will would be the votes to keep her. Paras said she just feels that it’s safer with Will on the block. Johnny pointed out that twists do happen. He asked if Paras would rather lose Maddy or Will. Paras said her head says to keep Will but then it goes back to conversations she has heard in which Will says anything to make sure that he is not the target. Paras acknowledged that using the veto on Will would solidify that he is with Johnny above anyone else, so she gets why it’s really good for his game in that sense. However, Johnny said it comes down to how much Johnny values Maddy. In the white room, Will spoke to Kaela about the possibility of Johnny using the veto on him. Kaela said Johnny is more than welcome to do whatever he wants with the veto, but someone is going to have to take one for the team if that happens. Kaela assured Will that there is no chance in hell that he will leave over Ryan. Kaela said this is the easiest week to be on the block.

6:00-7:00 PM: Erica let Johnny know that Kaela asked if he would really take Will down in order to put his best friend Maddy on the block. Johnny said it's annoying that he is being paired up with her like that. Johnny figured that Kaela doesn’t want him to use the veto then. Erica said it doesn’t seem like it. Johnny asked if Ryan is for sure going home. Erica said 100%. Johnny asked if he would still leave over Maddy, which Paras was not convinced of. Erica listed off the votes as Derek, Johnny, Paras, Will and herself. Johnny then spoke to Maddy about the veto. She said she will be going up if the veto is used, and she is the only person who might leave over Ryan. Even if she doesn’t go this week, Maddy said she will leave next week once Ryan has sewered her game. Maddy told Johnny that he will not lose Will if he doesn’t use the veto. Johnny explained that having someone who will return the favour is a benefit to his game. He also mentioned that people are still viewing he and Maddy as a duo. Maddy said she understands if Johnny feels that distancing from her is best for his game. Outside, Ali told Kaela that she is worried about Erica and Johnny. Ali said Erica and Johnny are attempting to plant seeds of doubt so that she and Olivia don’t trust Daela. Ali went on to say that Erica and Johnny are encouraging them to take the shot at Daela next week. Ali suggested that evicting Ryan may not be the best option for them. Ali said that Ryan would be grateful to them if the two duos saved him. Kaela said Ryan would not be dumb enough to think that he could beat them if they stuck together until five. Kaela also didn’t think that Johnny would use the veto. Ali said she could tell him to use it. Kaela asked if people would vote Erica out. Ali thinks that they would have to bank on Maddy or Paras realizing that Erica is the bigger threat. Ali said they could tell Maddy or Paras if Johnny suggests nominating them, then get them on board with evicting Erica. Kaela worried that she would be Johnny’s #1 target if she makes that move. Ali said Johnny would see that they too were in on the move when they vote to evict Erica. Ali suggested that Kaela encourage Johnny to use the veto if he brings it up. They also talked about wanting to see if Johnny would throw out Ali or Olivia’s names.

7:00-8:00 PM: Johnny told Will that he doesn’t know what to do with the veto. He said he would use it in a heartbeat if Will was in danger of going home. Will told Johnny to do whatever is best for his game, as he does not want him to hurt his own game. Johnny said they have so much trust in each other but he isn’t sure if this would be a necessary display of that trust. Will told Johnny that there will be no hard feelings if he doesn’t use it. Johnny then talked to Kaela about the different options. Kaela said it’s cool if he uses it, or if he doesn’t. Both agreed that Ryan is going to go either way. Kaela said whoever goes up as the replacement nominee will see it as Johnny put them there. Kaela asked who Johnny would want her to put up. Johnny said he doesn’t care but he expects that it would be either Maddy or Paras. Johnny said his head is telling him not to use the veto but his gut is telling him to use it. Johnny said he could use this as an opportunity to build something with will, seeing as everyone else has a pair. When Kaela brought up that people see Johnny and Maddy as a pair, Johnny said that’s another reason to put Maddy up. Johnny asked if Kaela thinks that Maddy would go if she is on the block. Kaela said yeah. Johnny said it couldn’t be done unless Derek was on board, because Paras, Will and himself would vote Ryan out.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kaela threw Ali and Olivia’s names out there as potential nominees, in attempt to bait Johnny. Kaela asked if Johnny thinks that she should take that shot before the triple. Johnny said no since Ryan would stay. Johnny said he doesn’t know that Ryan would go over Ryan, seeing as he would vote Ryan out regardless. Johnny continued to say that Ryan needs to go when Kaela attempted to push further. When Kaela said she should just put two of her targets up, Johnny said he doesn’t want Ali to go. Johnny said he wouldn’t throw Ali and Olivia into the mix when Ryan needs to go this week anyway. Derek joined them. Johnny said as long as the two of them and the two white room people evict Ryan, he will go. Derek said he is 100% voting Ryan out. Johnny said he is going to be pissed if he leaves Will on the block and he hears any talk about keeping Ryan. Johnny also mentioned that Will likely goes if Ryan is saved by a power or by Canada. Kaela asked if that’s why Johnny is considering using the veto. Johnny said it plays into it.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kaela told Johnny that if Ryan has a secret veto, she will just have to take the shot, implying that she would go after Ali. Johnny said that’s a really extreme circumstance. Johnny told Kaela that that will not leave the room. At the end of the talk, Kaela asked Johnny if he feels better. Johnny said he does but he wishes that Will felt better. Kaela then told Derek that Ali said Erica and Johnny are encouraging them to take a shot at the two of them next week. Ali joined them. Kaela told her that Johnny semi mentioned her name as a replacement nominee. Kaela said Johnny said he has 100% in Olivia but Ali is sketchy. Ali said Johnny has got to go next week. Kaela said Johnny scares her now. She mentioned that she might have to take a shot if Johnny uses the veto. It was discussed that Johnny is pushing the agenda more than Erica is. Kaela spoke to Paras to ask if she is fine with voting Ryan out. Paras said that’s not even a question. They listed off Derek, Johnny, Maddy and Paras as the votes to save Will.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kaela told Paras she thinks that Johnny has a good relationship with Ryan, so he secretly wants to keep both nominees safe this week. Paras said Johnny is willing to sacrifice Maddy. Kaela said that’s why she doesn’t want Maddy to go. Kaela said she trusts Maddy 20 times more than she trusts Johnny. They discussed bringing Maddy in on a four, though Kaela stressed that Maddy cannot know that they already have a three. Paras said Johnny might have to go soon. She let Kaela know that Johnny has been gunning for the showmance for a while now. Kaela then filled Derk in on what Paras had said. Kaela questioned why Paras is just now telling her that Johnny is after them if she has their backs as much as she claims to. Back in the HoH room, Johnny told Will that he talked through all of the scenarios with Kaela. Johnny believes that Ryan is going no matter what. Will told Johnny to do what is best for his game. Johnny explained that Maddy is more at risk of going home if she goes up. Will told Johnny not to worry about using the veto. He said he will trust everyone’s word, hoping that he doesn’t go home. Will also assured Johnny that this will not change anything between the two of them.

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