Arisa Cox - Host
Ali Martinez
Andrew Miller
Derek Kesseler
Erica Hill
Hamza Hatoum
Jesse Larson
Johnny Mulder
Kaela Grant
Maddy Poplett
Olivia Reimer
Paras Atashnak
Rozina Yaqub
Ryan Ballantine
Will Kenny

Kirsten MacInnis
Veronica Doherty
Mikey Jacobczak
Merron Haile


Big Brother Canada 6

Move In Day

Group 1: Hamza, Kaela, Erica, Ali, Will
Group 2: Johnny, Olivia, Rozina, Jesse, Andrew
Group 3: Paras, Maddy, Ryan, Derek

Heaven And Hell Twist

Andrew’s goblet was different than the rest, having one blue eye and one red eye. Due to that, Andrew had to split the house in half. He had to choose to send seven houseguests to heaven where they would be safe for the week. The other seven houseguest had to live in hell, being on slop and without their personal belongings for the week. They were also the only seven houseguests eligible to compete for HoH and eligible for nomination.

Heaven: Andrew, Derek, Erica, Hamza, Jesse, Olivia and Ryan
Hell: Ali, Johnny, Kaela, Maddy, Paras, Rozina and Will

HoH Competition - “Feel The Burn"

The goal is simple. Hang on as long as you can, withstanding all of the elements thrown at you. If you fall into the pit, you will be eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will become the first Head of Household.

Johnny won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Johnny nominated Ali and Rozina for eviction.

Veto Competition - “The Game of Inches"

Veto Players: Johnny, Ali, Rozina, Hamza, Jesse and Olivia.
Host: Kaela.

On go, slide down your leaf and grab an egg. You then must squirm on your belly, nudging your egg inch by inch. At the five inch mark, you can no longer use your hands to push the ball. You will release your egg, trying to land it in one of the five holes. Each competitor also has one golden egg. The first houseguest to land a golden egg will freeze their opponents for 30 seconds. The first houseguest to land an egg in all five holes will win the Power of Veto.

Johnny won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Johnny decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Rozina was evicted by a vote of 11-0.

Votes to evict Rozina (11): Will, Erica, Ryan, Paras, Jesse, Hamza, Maddy, Derek, Kaela, Olivia and Andrew.
Votes to evict Ali (0): None.

Gate Crasher Twist

Canada voted to send one male and one female gate crasher into the Big Brother Canada house. Canada voted for Merron and Veronica. They were informed that they could not tell the others that Canada voted them in. They had were given safety for a week but they had to come up with a believable story as to how they got there.

HoH Competition - “Right In The Kisser"

The houseguests filled out a survey based on their first impressions of each other. The results will be the basis of the Head of Household competition. Johnny will read a question. The first to buzz in will bring their martini glass to Johnny. He will pour them a drink, and they will answer the question by throwing the drink right in the kisser of the person they think is the answer. If correct, you will choose someone to be cut off, eliminating them from the competition. If incorrect you will be cut off. The last person remaining in the competition will be the new Head of Household.

Question 1: Who did the house decide smells the worst?
Andrew correctly answered Ryan. Andrew eliminated Olivia from the competition.

Question 2: Who did the house decide is here only for a showmance?
Erica correctly answered Derek. Erica eliminated Andrew from the competition.

Question 3: Who did the house decide is most likely to cry when nominated?
Maddy incorrectly answered herself. The correct answer was Kaela.

Question 4: Who did the house decide would be easiest to manipulate?
Jesse incorrectly answered Kaela. The correct answer was Paras.

Question 5: Who did the house decide would have the least amount of people attend their funeral?
Paras incorrectly answered herself. The correct answer was Olivia.

Question 6: Who is the house most surprised to see cast this season?
Kaela correctly answered Hamza. Kaela eliminated Hamza from the competition.

Question 7: Who did the house decide is the dumbest houseguest?
Derek incorrectly answered Will. Paras was the correct answer.

Question 8: Who did the house decide is the least trustworthy houseguest?
Ryan correctly answered Andrew. Ryan eliminated Kaela from the competition.

Question 9: Who did the house decide would have the least people at their birthday party?
Erica incorrectly answered Ryan. The correct answer was Hamza.

Question 10: Who did the house decide would cause the most drama this season?
Ali incorrectly answered Andrew. The correct answer was Erica.

Question 11: Who did the house decide was least deserving of the grand prize?
Will incorrectly answered Hamza. The correct answer was Olivia.

Ryan won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Ryan nominated Andrew and Hamza for eviction.

Veto Competition - "Tomb Raider"

Veto Players: Ryan, Andrew, Hamza, Erica, Jesse and Johnny.
Host: Ali.

You will start with your hands tied, and must free yourself before you start your mission. After getting untied, you will pick up your bow and arrow, and attempt to hit your first puzzle piece. You will then head out of to the jungle in search of the rest of your pieces. Once you have collected all of your pieces, you will put together your pyramid which will reveal the code to unlock the tomb. The first player to unlock the tomb will win the Power of Veto, earn an advanced screening of Tomb Raider, and win $5,000.

Erica won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Erica decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Andrew was evicted by a vote of 10-0.

Votes to evict Andrew (10): Erica, Johnny, Paras, Jesse, Ali, Olivia, Will, Maddy, Kaela and Derek.
Votes to evict Hamza (0): None.

HoH Competition - “Handle With Care"

Teams: Hamza and Veronica, Ali and Jesse, Olivia and Maddy, Will and Johnny, Paras and Merron, Derek and Kaela.

Working together and from inside your crates, each team will work to transfer eight pieces of each fruit from one end of the yard to the other. One houseguest will take the fruit halfway, and then pass it to their partner through the hole in their crate, who will then deposit it at the other end of the yard. The first team to transfer all of their fruit will decide amongst themselves who will be the new Head of Household.

Erica is sitting out of the competition and will be safe for the week.

Hamza won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Hamza nominated Jesse and Olivia for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Fresh off the Block"

Veto Players: Hamza, Jesse, Olivia, Derek, Erica and Ryan.
Host: Maddy.

Your goal is to be the first to knock over all of the vegetable targets in your garden. The balls you will use to throw are frozen in ice blocks. On go, race across the top of your fence and across the vegetables to the freezer. Grab an ice block and chip through it to free your ball. Throw until you hit a target. After hitting your first four targets you can search your garden for a key that will unlock a bigger tool. The first to knock over all of their vegetable targets will win the Power of Veto and $5,000.

Hamza won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Hamza decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Jesse was evicted by a vote of 9-2.

Votes to evict Jesse (9): Merron, Ali, Maddy, Paras, Kaela, Will, Ryan, Erica and Johnny.
Votes to evict Olivia (2): Derek and Veronica.

HoH Competition - “Night at the BBCAN Museum"

Earlier, the houseguests took a stroll through the Hall of Fame position of the BBCAN museum, revisiting some of the most iconic moments. They will now be tested on how much they remember. The answer will be either “A” or “B”. If you answered incorrectly, you will be eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will become the new Head of Household.

Question 1: What was the name on the envelope that Ika was holding in her hand; A) Neda or B) Jon?
Answer: B. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 2: In Sabrina’s display, which hand did she have pointed up in the air: A) her right or B) her left?
Answer: A. Merron and Will answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 3: Kevin had the Power of Veto necklace around his neck is his exhibit. A) true or B) false?
Answer: B. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 4: The title of Sabrina’s plaque was “Sabrina delivers good TV”. A) true or B) false?
Answer: B. Johnny, Kaela, Olivia, Ryan and Veronica answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 5: On the table behind Ika, how many envelopes were missing a stamp; A) 2 or B) 3?
Answer: A. Paras answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 6: How many times did you hear the clip of Sabrina saying “you want good TV?”; A) 3 or B) 4?
Answer: B. Everyone answered incorrectly.

Question 7: How many times did the word “triple” appear on Kevin’s plaque; A) 2 or B) 3?
Answer: B. Maddy answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Tiebreaker Question: At the end of the competition “Handle with Care”, how many pieces of fruit had been successfully transported across the backyard in total?
Answers: Erica 150, Ali 243, Derek 420.
The correct answer was 206.

Erica won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Erica nominated Maddy and Merron for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Fisherman’s Barf"

Veto Players: Erica, Maddy, Merron, Ali, Olivia and Ryan.
Host: Will.

In the first round, you will each have a dock with fishing line wrapped around a series of posts. While attached to one end of the fishing line, you will have to circle, spin and crawl your way through the maze. The first three to untangle their fishing line, and ring the bell, will move on to the final round.

Erica, Maddy and Olivia advanced to the final round.

In the final round, the houseguest will have a fishing reel that they must jump onto and over to reel in their fishing line. The first houseguest to reel in their fish will win the Power of Veto.

Erica won the Power of Veto

Veto Ceremony

Erica used the Power of Veto on Maddy. Erica nominated Veronica as the replacement nominee.

Double Eviction

Veronica was evicted by a vote of 9-1.

Votes to evict Veronica (9): Derek, Olivia, Hamza, Kaela, Paras, Ryan, Maddy, Ali and Johnny.
Votes to evict Merron (1): Will.

HoH Competition - “One, Two, Three”

Two at a time, you will face off at your podiums, and answer a question about your time so far in the BBCAN house. The answer will be either “1”, “2”, or “3”. The goal is to be the first person to buzz in with the correct answer. If you do so, you will stay in the game, and your opponent is out, and you will choose the next two people to face off. Answer incorrectly and you will be eliminated. The last person standing will be the new Head of Household.

Round 1: Ali vs Olivia
How many males houseguests competed in the “Fisherman’s Barf”?
Answer: 2. Olivia answered correctly.

Round 2: Merron vs Ryan
How many times has the Power of Veto been used this season?
Answer: 1. Ryan answered correctly.

Round 3: Maddy vs Olivia
How many former houseguests visited the house on Day 26?
Answer: 1. Maddy incorrectly answered 3.

Round 4: Hamza vs Paras
How many pairs of houseguests wore handcuffs after the competition “Will You Showmance?”
Answer: 3. Hamza incorrectly answered 2.

Round 5: Johnny vs Ryan
How many votes were cast to evict Olivia at the time of Jesse’s eviction?
Answer: 2. Ryan answered correctly.

Round 6: Olivia vs Paras
How many of the exhibits at the BBCAN museum featured a former female houseguest?
Answer: 2. Olivia answered correctly.

Round 7: Kaela vs Ryan
How many evictees have been male?
Answer: 2. Ryan answered correctly.

Round 8: Derek vs Olivia
How many times has the Power of Veto been won by the reigning HoH?
Answer: 3. Derek incorrectly answered 2.

Round 9: Ryan vs Will
How many houseguests did not compete in “Handle with Care”?
Answer: 2. Ryan answered correctly.

Round 10: Olivia vs Ryan
How many PoV competitions have been won by a female?
Answer: 2. Ryan incorrectly answered 1.

Olivia won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Olivia nominated Merron and Ryan for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Big Brother Pinball"

Veto Players: Olivia, Merron, Ryan, Ali, Hamza and Paras.

You each have your own pinball game with five targets and two balls. The first houseguest to knock down all of their targets will win the Power of Veto.

Ryan won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Ryan used the Power of Veto on himself. Olivia nominated Hamza as the replacement nominee.


Hamza was evicted by a vote of 8-1.

Votes to evict Hamza (8): Maddy, Johnny, Kaela, Derek, Will, Paras, Ali and Ryan.
Votes to evict Merron (1): Erica.

HoH Competition - “About Last Night"

The houseguest will be read a series of questions about events that happened last night. You will answer either “true” or “false” to each question. If you answer incorrectly, you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH. The first four out of the competition will be have-nots for the week.

Question 1: True or false; the banner in front of the DJ booth read “Big Brother Frat”?
Answer: False. Merron answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 2: True or false; the frat boy that did the worm was the last dancer in the dance off?
Answer: True. Kaela answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 3: True or false; the DJ yelled “party foul” before he yelled “cance off”?
Answer: True. Ali answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: True or false; the frat boy who handed you drinks as you entered the party was wearing a headband?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 5: True or false; a frat boy passed out on the couch before you all had a shot?
Answer: True. Derek, Johnny, Paras, Ryan and Will answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 6: True or false; all of the shots you were given were delivered on one platter?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 7: True or false; the frat boys throwing the football around were wearing the same coloured t-shirt?
Answer: False. Maddy answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Erica won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Erica nominated Merron and Ryan for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Skip the Dishes"

Veto Players: Erica, Merron, Ryan, Ali, Johnny and Maddy.
Host: Paras.

You will look through the 10 orders on your tablet. Your goal is to deliver all of your orders in the fastest time. If you complete the delivery with the correct order, restaurant and address, someone will answer the door when you knock. If no one answers, you will have to try again. The player who delivers all their orders in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto and a $5,000 Skip the Dishes gift card.

Johnny won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Johnny decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Merron was evicted by a vote of 5-3.

Votes to evict Merron (5): Johnny, Maddy, Paras, Will and Olivia.
Votes to evict Ryan (3): Derek, Kaela and Ali.

HoH Competition - “Buttoned Up”

On go, you will reach up and press the button above you, and keep it pressed. When released, you will be eliminated. As the game goes on, Big Brother will offer some temptation. The first houseguest to hit the buzzer in front of them will claim the temptation. All who leave their buttons will be eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will be the new Head of Household.

Temptation 1: Nobody accepted a pizza party for the entire house.
Temptation 2: Paras accepted $1,000.
Temptation 3: Nobody accepted a temptation to prevent cold showers for 48 hours.
Temptation 4: Nobody accepted a season long slop pass.
Temptation 5: Derek accepted safety for the week.
Temptation 6: Will accepted a phone call from home.

Order to drop out of the competition: Paras (19 minutes), Ryan (54 minutes), Maddy (1 hour 3 minutes), Derek (1 hour 15 minutes), Ali (1 hour 27 minutes), Will (1 hour 35 minutes), Johnny (1 hour 38 minutes), Olivia (1 hour 58 minutes).

Kaela won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Kaela nominated Ryan and Will for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Air Transat"

Veto Players: Kaela, Ryan, Will, Derek, Erica and Johnny.
Host: Olivia.

In round one, each houseguest will transfer one champagne glass at a time to their tray, lapping around their table to pick up their next glass. Once you have all 21 champagne glasses, you must stack them in a pyramid shape. If you drop a glass, you must start all over. The first four houseguests to stack all 21 glasses will move forward.

Ryan, Erica, Johnny and Kaela advanced to the next round.

In round two, the houseguests must maneuver their stick through a maze that represents London’s subway system. The first two houseguests to succeed will advance to the final round.

Johnny and Ryan advanced to the final round.

In the final round, you must smash the clay pots to uncover your puzzle pieces. Once you collect all 20 of your pieces, you can begin your puzzle. The first person to complete their puzzle will win the Power of Veto and a vacation for two to London, England.

Johnny won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Johnny decided not to use the Power of Veto.

"Canada Saves" Vote

Arisa informed the houseguests that fans were given the chance to save Ryan or Will, or keep the nominations the same.

Canada saved Ryan. Kaela nominated Erica as the replacement nominee.


Erica was evicted by a vote of 5-2.

Votes to evict Erica (5): Ali, Olivia, Paras, Derek and Maddy.
Votes to evict Will (2): Johnny and Ryan.

HoH Competition - “Before or After"

Arisa will read you a series of questions about events that happened this season. You will have to decide if the first event happened before or after the second. Answer incorrectly, and you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing will be the new Head of Household.

Question 1: Did houseguests chip their way to a frozen ball before or after a golden ball froze houseguests during a PoV?
Answer: After. Will answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 2: Did houseguests untangle themselves in a PoV competition before or after the boys tangled the girls hair in a task?
Answer: Before. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 3: Did houseguests raid a tomb in a challenge before or after the have-nots raided the pantry with the tinfoil?
Answer: Before. Ryan answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: Did Paras pour a drink on herself in the competition “Right in the Kisser" before or after Maddy poured a drink on herself?
Answer: After. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 5: In the competition “One, two, three”, was Hamza eliminated before or after Merron was eliminated?
Answer: After. Ali, Maddy and Paras answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 6: Did a houseguest become the first to be nominated two times before or after a housegueset became the first to win two PoV competitions?
Answer: After. Everyone answered correctly.

Tiebreaker Question: Combined, how many times did Olivia, Erica and Maddy jump over their reels in the second part of “Fisherman’s Barf”?
Answers: Olivia 50, Johnny 63, Derek 100.
The correct answer was 117.

Derek won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Derek nominated Johnny and Ryan for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Under Fire"

Veto Players: Derek, Johnny, Ryan, Maddy, Olivia and Paras.
Host: Ali.

You will each fire a single shot towards a target on the floor. The houseguest closest to the centre will be ranked first and earn a bye to the final round. The lower you rank, the more rounds you must compete in. The first houseguest to knock down all of their targets will win and advance to take on the next ranked houseguest.

Round 1: Olivia defeated Paras.
Round 2: Derek defeated Olivia.
Round 3: Derek defeated Ryan.
Round 4: Derek defeated Maddy.
Round 5: Derek defeated Johnny.

Derek won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Derek decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Ryan was evicted by a vote of 6-0.

Votes to evict Ryan (6): Ali, Olivia, Will, Paras, Maddy and Kaela.
Votes to evict Johnny (0): None.

HoH Competition - “Slippery Slope"

Holding on to your rope, you will climb up onto your giant candy, and attempt to stay on for as long as you can. The last person standing will be the new Head of Household.

Order to drop out of the competition: Maddy, Olivia, Ali, Kaela, Will, Paras.

Johnny won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Johnny nominated Derek and Kaela for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Cyberspace"

Veto Players: Johnny, Derek, Kaela, Ali, Maddy and Paras.
Host: Olivia.

In each round, a series of images from this season will download on the screen. Based on the question asked, your job is to spot the correct image on the screen, find the corresponding photo, and bring it back to your laptop. The last to correctly assemble their images in each round will be eliminated. The winner will receive the Power of Veto and $5,000.

Round 1: Paras was eliminated from the competition.
Round 2: Kaela was eliminated from the competition.
Round 3: Ali was eliminated from the competition.
Round 4: Johnny was eliminated from the competition.
Round 5: Maddy was eliminated from the competition.

Derek won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Derek used the Power of Veto on himself. Johnny nominated Ali as the replacement nominee.


Ali was evicted by a vote of 4-1.

Votes to evict Ali (4): Derek, Maddy, Paras and Will.
Votes to evict Kaela (1): Olivia.

HoH Competition - “Name That Speech”

To win, you will need to know who said what. Each of you has a cube with the faces of five evicted houseguests. Arisa will read a quote said by one of those houseguests. You will turn your cube so the houseguest you think said it is facing forward. Answer incorrectly and you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing will be the new Head of Household.

Question 1: At an eviction ceremony, who said “I’ve lost 28 pounds but gained 15 new best friends”?
Answer: Ryan. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 2: At a veto ceremony, who said “I have given you meals filled with love, held you in my arms with big bear hugs”?
Answer: Andrew. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 3: At a veto ceremony, who said “I want to assure you that we could be blood brothers”?
Answer: Merron. Kaela, Maddy, Olivia, Paras and Will answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Derek won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Derek nominated Johnny, Maddy and Olivia for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Drawbridge to Veto”.

Veto Players: Johnny, Maddy, Olivia, Kaela, Paras and Will.

You each have a drawbridge that is missing four planks which are on a post within your lane. Your goal is to find the planks with the name of a former HoH who also won the PoV competition during their reign. You will run around the post until the plank is free, then place it on your drawbridge in order from earliest HoH at the bottom to most recent HoH at the top. The first houseguest to correctly place all their planks, lower their drawbridge, and hit their button will win the Power of Veto.

Kaela won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Kaela decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Johnny and Olivia were evicted.

Votes to save Maddy (3): Kaela, Paras and Will.
Votes to save Johnny (0): None.
Votes to save Olivia (0): None.

HoH Competition - “Previously on Big Brother Canada"

You will hear a recap of a series of events that took place during a specific week of the season. You will then spin your dial to reveal the face of the person you think was HoH during the week being described. The houseguest who gets the most correct will become the new HoH.

Round 1: The houseguests were shocked, and for very good reason, when the veto was used for the first time this season.
Answer: Erica. Everyone answered correctly.

Round 2: Will struggled to make the house kiss the cod, not knowing it was all a big facade.
Answer: Derek. Everyone answered correctly.

Round 3: A houseguest left with regrets and woe, when evicted without playing in that week’s veto.
Answer: Erica. Kaela, Maddy and Will answered correctly.

Round 4: The game as a whole changed on a dime when a nominee won PoV for the very first time.
Answer: Olivia. Everyone answered correctly.

Round 5: The BBCAN house was brimming with plots the week the HoH pick two have-nots.
Answer: Johnny. Kaela, Maddy and Paras answered correctly.

Round 6: Houseguests had a task to make the house neat, but in a slick twist they had to clean to the beat.
Answer: Hamza. Kaela, Maddy and Paras answered correctly.

Results: Kaela 6, Maddy 6, Paras 5, Will 4.

Tiebreaker Question: During the competition “Under Fire”, how many shots did all competing houseguests fire combined?
Answers: Maddy 112, Kaela 180.
The correct answer was 517.

Kaela won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Kaela nominated Maddy and Paras for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Stick it to Me"

Veto Players: Kaela, Maddy, Paras, Derek and Will.

You will all start off by climbing onto your voodoo doll which is filled with different coloured pins. Over time, the light bar will indicate which colour of peg to pull. If you fall off or are unable to pull your peg in the time allotted, you will be eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will win the Power of Veto.

Order to be eliminated from the competition: Maddy, Paras, Will, Derek.

Kaela won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Kaela decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Maddy was evicted by a vote of 2-0.

Votes to evict Maddy (2): Derek and Will.
Votes to evict Paras (0): None.

HoH Competition - “Legends of the Fallen"

The monitor will slowly reveal information about an evicted houseguest. Your job is to figure out which fallen houseguest is being described. The first to buzz in will get to answer. If they are correct, they will earn a point. The houseguest with the most points after seven questions will be the new HoH.

Round 1: Paras answered correctly.
Round 2: Paras answered correctly.
Round 3: Paras answered correctly.
Round 4: Paras answered correctly.

Paras won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Paras nominated Derek and Kaela for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Stuck in the Past"

Veto Players: Paras, Derek, Kaela and Will.

You are standing in the centre of a giant maze. Your job is to find four bags containing numbers, which you will bring back to the centre. You will be doing all of this blindfolded. Along the way, you will trigger trivia questions read by evicted houseguests. If you know the correct answer, it will lead you in the right direction. Once you have collected all of your numbers, you can remove your blindfold and use them to solve a series of final questions. The houseguest to complete the competition in the shortest amount of time will win the Power of Veto.

Kaela won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Kaela used the Power of Veto on herself. Paras was forced to nominate Will as the replacement nominee.


Will was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Kaela cast the sole vote to evict.

Final HoH Competition - Part 1 - “Bribe the Beast”

On go, collect three gold coins, climb into your boat and pull yourself across the river. Once there, place your offering to the beast, one coin at a time. You can only collect three coins per trip. Each time, stack your coins on top of each other. If your coins fall, you will have to leave what is fallen.

The first houseguest to stack 20 coins on each pillar wins and will advance to Part 3 of the final HoH competition.

Paras won Part 1 of the HoH competition.

Final HoH Competition - Part 2 - “Reach for the Stairs”

In front of you is a staircase waiting to be filled with blocks containing photos of houseguests and information about the season. Your job is to arrange the blocks so every photo of a houseguest correctly applies to the clue beneath it. The person to do so in the shortest amount of time will advance to Part 3 of the final HoH competition.

Results: Kaela 17:06, Derek 20:43.

Kaela won Part 2 of the HoH competition.

Final HoH Competition - Part 3

Arisa will read questions about the members of the jury. The answers will be either “A” or “B”. Whoever has the most points at the end of seven questions will be the winner.

Question 1: On what day did Johnny win his second Power of Veto competition; A) 29 or B) 36?
Answer: A. Kaela and Paras answered correctly.

Question 2: Who was the first juror to be eliminated from the competition “Buttoned Up”; A) Maddy or B) Ryan?
Answer: B. Kaela and Paras answered correctly.

Question 3: True or false, no juror was evicted the first time that they were nominated?
Answer: A. Nobody answered correctly.

Question 4: How many Power of Veto competitions did Will compete in this season; A) 4 or B) 5?
Answer: A. Kaela and Paras answered correctly.

Question 5: How many jurors were a nominee at one point on Day 55; A) 3 or B) 4?
Answer: B. Kaela and Paras answered correctly.

Question 6: Which Power of Veto competition had more jurors compete in it; A) Fisherman’s Barf or B) Big Brother Pinball?
Answer: A. Kaela and Paras answered correctly.

Question 7: True or false, Ali was nominated once on an odd numbered day and once on an even numbered day? A) True or B) false?
Answer: B. Paras answered correctly.

Paras won HoH.


Derek was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Paras cast the sole vote to evict.

Jury Vote

Ryan voted for PARAS
Ali voted for PARAS
Olivia voted for PARAS
Johnny voted for PARAS
Maddy voted for PARAS
Will voted for PARAS
Derek voted for KAELA

Paras won Big Brother Canada by a vote of 6-1.