Big Brother 23 Day 15

July 21, 2021

10:31 AM: Sarah Beth let Claire, Kyland and Tiffany know that yesterday she, Azah and Britini were talking about coasters and floaters. She explained that everything was normal and Azah was not upset. However she said Brent later told her that Azah got so upset with him and jumped down his throat. Sarah said it freaks her out cause she doesn’t know what is going on inside of Brent’s head.

10:45 AM: Frenchie stopped by to hug Claire, Derek X, Sarah Beth and Tiffany. He thanked them for being his friends and said that they are amazing people.

10:59 AM: Frenchie told Derek F he thinks that he could work with Derek X and Kyland. Derek said he could see that. Derek thinks that he can stay out of the line of fire since the Slaughterhouse side will go after people like Britini and Sarah Beth while the other side will be after Brent and Whitney.

11:33 AM: Derek F let Britini know that he told Frenchie he needs to be campaigning to others just like she needs to, because it’s the right way to go out. Frenchie said he thinks that they need to just let it roll because campaigning will do nothing but hurt each other’s games.

11:36 AM: Tiffany told Sarah Beth she is concerned about Claire being a target for others in the house. Tiffany stressed that they cannot lose her. Sarah said Brent told her that he is going to send home a girl. Tiffany thinks that Claire would be that girl. Sarah said he is going to target Britini and has been with Azah, but she could see him targeting her too. Tiffany said that Brent has got to go. Sarah said he has to go next week.

11:39 AM: Britini practiced her campaign pitch on Derek F. She told him she plans to be blatantly obvious with people that her main fear is going up again as it can be easy to use the same person as a pawn repeatedly.

11:48 AM: Brent brought up to Hannah that their team discussed working with Alyssa’s team, and it would make sense if the other two teams came after them if they were to win HoH. Brent said everyone is in agreement that they need to focus on the ladies on the other side of the house. Brent said they can stick to the narrative of the girls alliance and Britini being behind it according to Frenchie.

11:53 AM: Britini told Hannah she fears that people will use her as a pawn next week since she has already been one. Britini said she would love to stay tomorrow. Hannah said there is no question where her vote lies, and Britini has it 100%. Hannah asked Britini if she has any idea who she would target. Britini said she has nothing right now since she needs to get through all of these talks and stay in the house first. Hannah told Britini that she is not on her radar but she doesn’t really have any targets yet either.

12:08 PM: Alyssa told Britini that she is someone she would not want to risk using as a pawn because she is a competitor. Alyssa said if someone tells Britini that he is a pawn, she doesn’t even know if she would believe it since there are others that would make better pawns. Alyssa suggested that they look out for each other next week as the two females that were guilty by association and have experienced staying on the block until eviction night.

12:12 PM: Frenchie told Alyssa, in front of Britini, that he is the biggest target in the house and definitely does not want to leave but he will never campaign against Britini.

12:15 PM: Frenchie told Hannah and Tiffany that his one on one will take three seconds. He proceeded to tell them that he will never campaign against Britini. He added that neither of them were ever on his mind last week when he was HoH.

12:18 PM: Britini told Sarah Beth that she is gunning for HoH but she has no probably giving it to her if it comes down to it. Britini said she trusts her with everything. Britini asked who Sarah would like to see go before jury. The one name that was brought up was Brent’s. Sarah said that she would have to nominate one of his teammates next to him. Britini said that she has the same idea. Both girls said that they will protect each other long term.

12:30 PM: After being encouraged to do so by Derek F, Frenchie held one on ones. Frenchie told Brent that he made a mistake, owned up to it and understands that he is probably going home. Frenchie said he was hurt when he heard that Brent had betrayed him. Brent said he never betrayed him and Frenchie should have talked to him, which Frenchie admitted was his own fault. Frenchie asked that Brent think about giving him a second chance.

12:35 PM: Derek X told Britini that she should feel extremely safe. He said he wouldn’t even know what happened if she were to go home. He added that he would have used the veto if he felt that she was in danger. Britini assured Derek that he is not on her radar. Derek said that no one is on his radar but Britini is not even close to it.

12:39 PM: Frenchie told Alyssa that she was never his target. He claimed that it was Travis from the start but he had to create a diversion to make it seem as though he was targeting Alyssa and Christian. Alyssa said that the rogue votes were worrisome. Frenchie said they talked about it as an alliance the night before that it would not look good if the vote was unanimous, since people would put together who he was working with. Frenchie said he was under the assumption that he was doing what the alliance wanted to do. Frenchie talked about wanting to form a smaller group including Alyssa, Christian and Derek F if he stays. Alyssa suggested that he may be able to get in the heads of some people but her concern would be going against the house.

12:57 PM: Britini told Claire that Hannah was very vague with her and said that she has no idea who she is going after next week. Britini said that’s a lie since that girl knows what she is going to do every move of the game. Britini said she is very interested in having her conversation with Whitney because she still gives her information but she would like Whitney to go before jury.

1:02 PM: Frenchie told Alyssa and Derek F that he would have the votes if he gets the two of them, Brent, Christian, Sarah Beth, Tiffany and Xavier. Derek told him that it will be tough to get Brent on board.

1:25 PM: Brent told Britini that he would be shocked if the vote is not unanimous in her favour tomorrow. Brent pointed out that they have not even been talking game lately because everyone knows what is going to happen.

1:30 PM: Frenchie asked that Xavier consider who is better for his game when he casts his vote. Frenchie said if it’s not him, it’s not him and he is fine with that but he does not like the herd mentality where people don’t vote for what’s best for their game. He listed off the potential votes that he is going to try to get.

1:38 PM: Frenchie spoke to Christian about how this would be a good time to keep the alliance together since everyone thinks that they are arguing and that there is no alliance. Frenchie said he refuses to campaign against Britini but he does not want to leave.

1:41 PM: Whitney let Britini know that Frenchie is campaigning against her. Whitney assured her that her team and the Kings are all voting for her to stay, so she has nothing to worry about. Whitney made it clear that she is in support of a girls alliance if one does exist. Britini said she has no idea what Whitney is talking about. She said that she heard rumours about it and her name was involved and mentioned as the creator, but she was not present for any talks. Whitney said Frenchie is the one who said these things. Whitney said Brent is 1000% sure that Britini is behind the girls alliance and he is pushing that they have to get girls out. Whitney said she wants one of the girls to win HoH so that Brent doesn’t have the ability to attack the females. She said that he is a sexist and wants it to be all guys in the house. Britini said she fears going up with Claire if Brent wins HoH. Whitney confirmed that the two of them and Azah are on Brent’s radar. Whitney brought up Brent calling Azah super aggressive even though she was calm during the conversation. Whitney said her team had a talk without Brent and has agreed that they want to throw HoH so that Brent can leave.

1:58 PM: Frenchie told Derek X to make sure that he sticks together with Kyland. He said he hopes that they will make it far. He advised Derek to do what’s best for his game, adding that he cannot say anything more than that since it would be going against what he said in terms of not campaigning.

2:00 PM: Xavier told Britini that Frenchie had nothing but good things to say about her, and he wouldn’t necessarily say that he is campaigning against her. Xavier said it seems as though Britini is going to stay but he has not talked to anyone since Frenchie’s one on ones.

2:07 PM: Frenchie told Whitney that he is going home and he knows that his talks have been pointless but he does not want to leave with any animosity. Frenchie said the only thing he will do is ask her to do what is best for her game.

2:10 PM: Christian told Britini he is happy that Frenchie is going home. He said that is some craziness that they don’t need. Christian said Frenchie is campaigning but he is not throwing Britini under the bus. Christian reassured Britini that she has his vote and she has nothing to worry about.

3:00 PM: Frenchie told Sarah Beth that he doesn’t want to go home but he doesn’t want to campaign against Britini. He said that he would be campaigning as hard as he could if he was sitting next to a guy.

3:03 PM: Britini told Azah that Brent cannot win HoH. She explained that the two of them and Claire were thrown around as targets for Brent. In addition to that, she let Azah know that Brent is making up stories to turn people against her. Britini said Brent’s teammates want to throw HoH so that Brent can go home. Britini expressed concern about Xavier as he was the only one not to tell her that she has his vote.

5:03 PM: Frenchie told Azah that he wants to stay but does not want to campaign. Frenchie said he would always have her back but so would Britini. Azah said she wants Frenchie to stay and it is probably what is best for her game but she feels like she has to keep Britini since she was there for her in week one. Frenchie said he hopes that Azah sticks together with Britini and that the two of them and Derek F do well.

5:19 PM: Hannah told Claire she still thinks that Alyssa is the biggest threat but she does not know if they would be able to convince the house of that. Hannah said that her team, with the exception of Brent, wants Britini or Claire to win HoH.

5:25 PM: Tiffany told Claire and Kyland that someone from the Aces said their team needs to win because the Aces and Kings are working together. Kyland said the Kings told him about the pitch from the Aces, so he thinks that they have the loyalty of the Kings. Looking ahead, Tiffany said she would want Brent to go next week. Kyland worried that it would be another guy gone, and then it would be easy for the girls to continue targeting the guys including himself. Claire and Tiffany said that they are open to Whitney leaving instead. Tiffany pointed out that the one good thing about Brent is his loyalty, if you can get him to be loyal to you. Tiffany did worry that Brent is targeting Claire. The three discussed meeting with the Aces and seeing if the talk goes in the direction of creating a deal between their two teams. They talked about it not being a real deal on their end.

6:32 PM: Brent let his team know that they are wanted in the HoH room. He assumed that they would be proposing an alliance. Brent said the Queens don’t know that they are already with the Kings but they will not be able to say no to it. They discussed that the other teams cannot find out that they have deals with both teams. It was also talked about that they would all be going after the Jokers at that point.

6:46 PM: When Kyland momentarily left the HoH room, Tiffany asked Claire who they should evict. Claire said Whitney. Tiffany said that she is down for that.

6:51 PM: The Aces and the Queens met in the HoH room. Kyland asked them how they feel as a team. Brent said they are wiling to offer protection for as long as possible if the Queens are willing to work with them. He said that the Queens are not their targets even if they didn’t align. Brent explained that they are going to use the narrative of Britini creating the girls alliance when doing nominations. Brent asked if they are going to name their alliance. The two teams called themselves “The Mafia”.

7:25 PM: Whitney told Derek X and Hannah that she feels strongly about the two of them and also about Kyland’s team. Hanna said she thinks that they would have their backs. Hannah brought up that anyone would go home next to Alyssa. Whitney said that the guys would all keep her since they are in love with her. Hannah and Whitney discussed that it would be best to get one of Alyssa, Christian or Xavier out before jury. Derek said that he would like to get Brent to target Christian if by some chance he wins HoH. Whitney talked about it being smart to get Alyssa out since she is the closest with everyone. Hannah said that crossed her mind last night since she is Brent, Christian and Xavier’s closest ally. They discussed that Brent could go next week and then it may be time to consider targeting Alyssa.

7:45 PM: The Queens let the Kings know about their talk with the Aces. It was mentioned that protection was discussed and then Brent asked if they wanted to name it. Tiffany joked that it took her three days to name her son so she didn’t have a name for them.

8:35 PM: Xavier asked Alyssa who she thinks it’s most beneficial to get rid of if Brent and Whitney are on the block. Alyssa said Brent since Whitney has stated that she wants a woman to win, plus Brent is better in competitions and has more power of persuasion. Alyssa acknowledged that keeping Brent is likely better for Xavier. Xavier thinks that the guys want Whitney to go and the girls want Brent to go. Alyssa suggested that Brent going is best for the team since he is targeting Christian.

8:42 PM: Derek X let Azah know that he has been hearing her team’s name thrown around. He said he really wants her to win HoH because he needs them to shake things up a bit. Azah said that she is planning on going for it. Derek advised her not to let anyone convince her to throw it. Derek asked if he should be able to throw it to anyone from Azah’s team. She said yes. Derek said he wants to make sure that they are targeting the right person. Azah said absolutely.

9:28 PM: Tiffany spoke with Frenchie and told him not to take this eviction as an insult to his game. She said that he has the power and anybody who doesn’t come after him is hypnotized by it. She said that he should compliment those that were smart enough to see they didn’t stand a chance next to him.

9:47 PM: Christian and Derek X talked about how it’s not good for Derek’s game if he wins HoH. Derek said he wants to make sure that the Kings are down to take the shot. Christian confirmed that they are but said that they prefer to throw it to Sarah Beth if possible.

10:14 PM: Hannah spoke to Claire and Tiffany, letting them know that Whitney approached her and Derek X to tell them that she cannot stand Brent. Hannah said she then listed off the things that she hates about Brent. Tiffany asked what Whitney said about the Mafia alliance. Hannah said she asked her if it was fake. Tiffany told Hannah not to tell her that they think it is fake. Hannah thinks that the six of them, excluding Brent, know. Hannah then let Claire and Tiffany know that Derek X and Whitney talked about wanting to work with them and Kyland once the team twist is over. Hannah said they were the ones to initiate the conversation and she didn’t even have to say much.

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