Big Brother 21 Day 86 - Tommy is evicted; Nicole wins HoH

September 12, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Tommy was evicted by a vote of 2-0. The HoH endurance competition then got underway at 6:53.

7:00-8:00 PM: As the feeds returned at 7:02, the HoH competition was over. Once Cliff fell, Holly threw the HoH competition. She made a deal prior to the eviction that she would throw the competition. Cliff and Nicole explained to Holly and Jackson that they were getting a lot of information from Tommy so they had to sort through it. Cliff said that Tommy spun a lot of stuff. Holly assured them that there are no hard feelings. Cliff said that he was able to look Holly and Jackson in the eyes and tell. Nicole said that Cliff’s wisdom and ability to sift through things really helped. Nicole admitted that she was wrong but she is glad that they ultimately made the right decision. Later, Cliff told Jackson that he said he was not going to vote differently than Nicole, and they talked a lot. Jackson said he knows which way Cliff was leaning. They discussed that Nicole is going to finale night. Cliff said that Nicole had so much fear but he had to keep telling her that Holly and Jackson were going to keep their word. Jackson said he knew that Holly was going to fall but her pride would not let her go out first.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jackson told Cliff that they can talk after the veto but he has voiced things and that was before his fate was ever in their hands. Jackson said that they can talk more about situations in terms of what Cliff would do if he were to win the veto. Cliff told Jackson he knows what he would do and Jackson has got his handshake on what he would do. Cliff added that it wouldn’t seem fair otherwise. Cliff told Jackson that he would vote for him to stay, and then they can duke it out in the Final 3. Jackson agreed. Cliff said that there were commitments made tonight that he will be honouring. Jackson said “likewise”. Cliff then spoke to Nicole. He let her know that he is not going to send Jackson home if he wins the veto. Nicole said that that’s fine. Cliff said that they can fight it out there. Nicole said that Holly throwing the HoH competition was proof enough, and she was not expecting this to be honoured. Cliff said that he looked Jackson in the eye and knew that it would be honoured.

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