Big Brother 21 Day 77

September 3, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Tommy let Christie know that he has a plan that he wants to talk to her about. Tommy said he thinks that Cliff, Nicole, Holly and Jackson snuck out last night to meet up. Christie said that she really does not want Jess to go. While Tommy said that it might have to happen, he told Christie that he has a plan for her to stay that involves her planting a seed of doubt about Cliff in Jackson’s head. Tommy suggested that she could say that the two of them, Cliff and Nicole are working together in order to make Jackson question Cliff. Christie wasn’t sure that Jess would be willing to lie. Tommy argued that it is her only shot at staying. Christie said she told Jess to cut a deal with Jackson and then throw the HoH. Christie told Tommy that Jess could pitch to Nicole that they would be a two, because Nicole likely feels comfortable going to the Final 4 with the two of them and Jess. Tommy wants Jess to let Nicole know that he is on board with whatever she wants. Christie brought up telling Nicole that Jess would go up as a pawn if Holly or Jackson win the veto. Tommy said that Nicole is smart. Christie said that she is not going to get to the Final 2 if Holly and Jackson stick around, and she wants to find out if Nicole is open to other options aside from being in a four with Cliff, Holly and Jackson.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackson admitted to Tommy that he is stressing about going into the Final 6. Tommy said that they have to see who wins and then take it from there. Jackson said that he feels bad since he had a good relationship with Jess on a personal level but he is trying to figure out what is best for his game. Jackson wondered if there is a pro to keeping Jess over Cliff. He considered that Jess may be so pissed off that she was nominated that she would come after him either way at this point. Jackson said that he is worried since he has burned Cliff a couple of times in this game. Tommy said he sees pros and cons to both, and he thinks that Cliff would beat any of them in the Final 2. Jackson said that he agrees with that. They both questioned whether or not the time is right to strike at Cliff. Tommy said that it comes down who offers Jackson a better deal for next week. Tommy suggested that Jess would not be able to hang on if it is BB Comics next week. Jackson said it’s nerve-wracking to gamble on that, since Jess will be good if she can hang on. Holly joined them. Jackson said he hopes that he didn’t mess up in terms of the order in which he put people on the block this week. Tommy said he doesn’t think that anything is beyond repair, so it will come down to the deals that are offered and what is best for Jackson’s game. Holly said she thinks that Cliff wants other men in the house as a shield for him. Jackson said he thinks that Cliff is the kind of guy to take bold shots. Jackson told Tommy that he trusts him and Christie, and while he has a good relationship with Cliff, Nicole and Jess, he doesn’t know who would come after him first. Jackson brought up that Jess has vocalized that she does not want males in the house. Tommy said that one advantage to targeting Jess is that if Cliff goes, there are only two duos left, and then they would become bigger targets.

1:00-2:00 PM: While alone, Nicole mentioned that this is going to be another hard week. Nicole said that it is tough since she has two allies on the block, and they are two people that she would have liked to see in the Final 3 with her. Nicole said that Cliff is so adamant about moving forward with Holly and Jackson but she doesn’t know if that is the best plan. Nicole said she guesses that they can nominate Christie and Tommy if they win HoH, one of them will go, and then they can move forward from that point with whoever remains of the two. If one of them comes off of the block, Nicole said that Holly or Jackson would then go up, and whoever goes home goes home. Nicole explained that Jess’ campaign is going to make her feel bad but she has been working with Cliff for so much longer.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackson reassured Cliff that he has Holly’s vote and Nicole’s vote. Cliff said that he trusts them and does not doubt it for a second. Cliff added that he has got to make sure that he is ready for the HoH competition, as he knows that Nicole will not be the one going up on the block if they do not win. Jackson said that it would probably be him and Cliff, which Cliff agreed with. They expect that Holly would then be the replacement nominee if one is needed. Cliff said that he would like to change the fact that someone in the house has never been nominated, in reference to Tommy. Jackson said Tommy scares him. When Cliff got a minute alone, he spoke to the live feeders. He said that he is going to do a little bit of campaigning tomorrow but he will more so be focusing on talking to Christie and Tommy in hope of getting them to target Holly or Jackson if they win HoH. In particular, he wants to make it clear how dangerous Jackson is.

3:00-4:00 PM: Christie spoke to Nicole about her plan to nominate Holly and Jackson, and target Jackson. Christie said that it is scary but she is not scared to do it since none of them stand a chance if those two stay in the game together. Nicole agreed. Christie let Nicole know that Holly and Jackson have been telling her and Tommy that they are with them, which she knows is not the case. Christie explained that Cliff has been working with Jackson ever since the slip n slide competition. Christie assumed that Jackson is giving Cliff and Nicole the impression that they are safe as long as the two of them or Holly win HoH, just like he is doing with her and Tommy. Nicole asked if they are a four. Christie swore on her sister that they are not and that she will nominate Holly and Jackson if she wins HoH.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jess and Tommy quickly touched base about the plan for the week. Jess talked about a plan to let people know that she is willing to go up as the pawn if Holly and Jackson are nominated, and one of them wins the veto. Tommy encouraged Jess to relay a message to Nicole that he is on board with keeping her as long as she is, and he is on board for whatever Nicole wants. Tommy said that it will be hard for Nicole to go against Cliff but it is the smartest plan for the four of them since they do not stand a chance going up against Holly and Jackson. Tommy thinks that Nicole is able to differentiate between game and personal enough to see that.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nicole told Jess that of the people left, she and Cliff would have been the ones that she wanted in the Final 3 with her. Nicole said that she is very scared moving forward. Jess said she has been thinking a lot about how much Nicole means to her personally. Jess claimed that she has always trusted Nicole’s judgment. Jess added that Nicole has always been her person, and she always will be her person. Jess let Nicole know that she has no intention of pitching to Holly and Jackson. She believes that they want Cliff to stay. Jess said she understands that the reason why she is still there is because of Nicole. Jess said that she will be gunning for HoH, and she will nominate Holly and Jackson. Jess told Nicole that Christie and Tommy are likely to do the same, and she has offered to be a pawn in the event that one of them came off of the block. Jess suggested that they could almost guarantee that they would make it to the Final 4 if they work together. In the event that Holly wins HoH, Jess said that she is likely going to go up again anyway. Jess said it is very clear that Cliff and Jackson have an understanding and are working together. Jess pointed out what Cliff did to Kat when they were nominated next to each other. She said that if he can do that to Kat, he can do it to anyone. Jess suggested that Holly would nominate Nicole if she is gone but she would nominate her instead of Cliff is gone. Jess encouraged Nicole to win HoH and take the shot at Holly and Jackson. Nicole said that she has a lot to think about.

8:00-9:00 PM: Christie asked Jess how her talk with Nicole went. Jess said she thinks that it went well. Jess let Christie know that Nicole thinks she and Tommy are working with Holly and Jackson. Christie said that Nicole was so scared to ask her that but she wants to ask Nicole the same thing. Christie swore on her sister that she will nominate Holly and Jackson if she wins HoH. Christie explained that she would like getting Jackson out to be on her resume. Christie said that she will talk to Nicole later since her earlier conversation was broken up by Cliff coming into the room. Later, Nicole spoke to the cameras about the decision at hand. Nicole said that she has a lot of thinking to do since Jess makes some valid points. Nicole knows that she would piss off Holly and Jackson if she evicts Nicole. While Jackson cannot compete for HoH, Nicole said that Holly would be really pissed off at her. That would leave Nicole with three people who are not upset with her. If she keeps Cliff, Nicole thinks that Holly and Jackson wont be mad, and Christie and Tommy would understand, so nobody would be mad at her. As for rumours of Cliff and Jackson working together, Nicole said that Cliff is a smart guy and knows that he cannot beat Jackson. Nicole talked about Jess saying that she was always her person, which she knows is false since Jess was with Kat. On top of that, Nicole said that Jess was telling her that she did not trust her earlier this week.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie reassured Nicole that she is not working with Holly and Jackson. Christie explained that she and Jackson have been going at it since Day 31. Christie traced it back to Cliff’s HoH week when Jackson tried to force her to use her power after he volunteered to go on the block in order to help her. Christie said that she later found out that Cliff and Jackson were working together, and Cliff had actually asked Jackson if he would like to be the pawn. Christie said that she lost respect for Jackson from that point forward. As for Holly, Christie said that she was pissed off by Holly trying to backtrack once America’s Prankster came into play, making it seem as though she was not considering using her as a pawn. Christie said that she is playing nice with Jackson until she wins an HoH.

10:00-11:00 PM: Christie again attempted to speak to Nicole, after multiple attempts earlier in the day had been broken up. Christie said that Holly and Jackson do not want them in rooms alone, as they do not want them comparing notes. Christie said that those two want them to take shots at each other. Nicole said that she had this conversation with Tommy before but it was very vague since they were afraid to say anything. Christie said that she is not afraid anymore. Christie brought up that Cliff told her about having been working with Jackson since the slip n slide competition, so that scares her because she knows that he and Jackson were working together early on in the season as well. Nicole said that Cliff is smart and he has to see that he cannot win against Holly and Jackson. Christie said it terrifies her that Cliff may not nominate Jackson if he wins HoH, as this is the only week to make the move. Christie reiterated that she would make that move. Nicole said that she would be a fool not to, since nobody is going to win against them. When Nicole asked which way Christie is leaning in terms of the vote, she said that they would have an even shot if Jess is still around. Christie mentioned that she would like to hear both of their campaigns but she and Tommy will end up voting whichever way Nicole does since Jackson would break the tie to evict Jess anyway.

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