Big Brother 21 Day 54

August 11, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Tommy let Cliff know that he is pretty sure that he will be using the veto on Christie. Tommy claimed that he would have done that for anyone who went on the block as the third nominee, because the wants their to be two people on the block. Tommy thinks that there will be less room for anything weird to happen with the votes that way. Tommy explained that he would like to leave things up to the house this week. Cliff told Tommy that he is willing to make deals if that is what Tommy is looking for. Tommy said that he would like to get at least two weeks of safety if he is going to influence people to keep Cliff. Cliff said that he is willing to do more than that. He mentioned that Tommy is someone who he wouldn’t mind seeing win since he loves the game. Cliff said that he would have no problem guaranteeing that he would not vote against Tommy and he will not put him up. Aside from that, he said that he would like to work together to protect each other.

12:00-1:00 PM: Nicole let Nick know that she picked Jess’ brain about him yesterday. Nicole said that Jess would not nominate Nick if she wins HoH. Nick asked who she would nominate. Nicole explained that she did not ask that, but she did find out what she thinks about him. Nicole mentioned telling Jess that they are good with Nick considering he trusted her enough to do what she wanted him to do during her HoH week. Nick thanked Nicole. He said that they can go far in this game together since they have each other on separate sides of the house. Nicole said that she would have to win something. Nick told her that she doesn’t have to right now.

1:00-2:00 PM: Holly advised Kat to talk to Jess since she would not give her any information last night. Kat said that she did but Jess is not really saying anything. Holly was surprised by that since she assumed that Jess would have automatically had Kat’s back. Kat said that it sucks since she would automatically have Jess’ back. Kat said that she at least has Holly and Jackson. Holly told her that they cannot be the only ones to have her back, so she needs to talk to Tommy. Holly wants to find a way to convince people to keep Kat without throwing Cliff under the bus. Holly does no want to let on how close the two of them are.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jess told Christie that she does not know what Kat is planning, and she does not know if she has any final deals with anyone. Jess said that she may find out that Holly and Kat do have something if she keeps her. Christie said that she loves Kat but her gut is telling her to be scared of the dynamic between Holly and Kat. Jackson asked Holly who Tommy wants to target this week. Holly said that she doesn’t know. When Jackson said that Tommy would like for him to vote with him, Holly then assumed that Kat is his target. Outside, Nicole told Nick that she doesn’t understand why Tommy wouldn’t have nominated Holly if he views her and Jackson as such big threats. Nick suggested that Kat is the better competitor. Nick talked to Nicole about getting to the Final 6 with Analyse, Christie, Cliff and Tommy. Nick said that he has protected Nicole really well without her even having to talk to Analyse, Christie or Tommy. Nick let Nicole know that it would be tough for him to protect her with the others if she did not vote with them. Nick pushed for Nicole to vote to evict Kat. Nicole revealed that she was already leaning that way since Cliff has kept his mouth shut as opposed to Kat who has gone around telling people the things that she has said.

5:00-6:00 PM: Holly mentioned to Kat that she and Jackson will have to vote with Analyse, Christie and Tommy if they want to play with that side. Holly said that they will have to convince those three to keep Kat. Kat asked if they would vote her out even if she had Jess and Nicole on her side. Holly said no. Holly said she wishes that those two would be more transparent. She added that they could make their own six if everyone was willing to leave Analyse, Christie and Tommy, but she does not think that Nick would be on board. Tommy let Kat know that he would have wanted to take the third nominee down no matter who it was. Tommy told Kat that she will have a great shot at staying. Kat reassured Tommy that she will not be targeting him if she stays. She also mentioned that she told Christie the same thing when she was HoH, and that still stands.

6:00-7:00 PM: Analyse told Holly that it doesn’t really matter to her who leaves, so she would like to see what Tommy prefers and what everyone else is planning. Holly told Analyse that Kat said she loves her and would not come after her. Holly pointed out that Cliff will be a threat in mental competitions since he knows all of the days. Analyse said that it is best for her game to get Cliff out. Holly then focused on saying that Cliff not taking Jack’s deal shows that he is not willing to work with them. Holly informed Analyse that she thinks that Nick is working with Cliff and Nicole, making for a powerful trio. Holly let Analyse know that Nick was trying to turn her and Jackson against them, and he tried to drive a wedge between the six. Analyse said that Nick did the same thing with her side as well. She said she believes that Nick wanted to get Jack out the whole time even though he said that he wanted to help them keep him. Holly agreed.

8:00-9:00 PM: While talking to the cameras, Nick said that Cliff will be the one staying this week. He brought up that he trusts Cliff way more than he trusts Kat. Kat spoke to Jess to reiterate that she would vote to keep her no matter who she was on the block against. Jess told Kat that she does not need to be convinced. Christie told Analyse that Holly wanting Kat to stay is a red flag for her. Analyse said that she would like break Holly and Kat up for that reason. Analyse relayed what Holly had said about Nick trying to break them up. Christie attributed it to Holly doing whatever she can to keep Kat. Analyse said that she doesn’t really care who goes. Christie called Kat a triple threat when it comes to the social, physical and mental aspects of the game. Nick came by. He said that Cliff would go after Holly and Jackson if they keep him. Christie wants to cut a deal with Cliff in order to secure that he will not come after her, Analyse or Tommy at least until after the double eviction. Nick suggested that they make a Final 6 deal. Analyse questioned if Nick would be willing to go after Cliff and Nicole at that point, and he said that he would. Nick swore to God that he would go to the Final 4 with Analyse, Christie and Tommy. Christie wants to solidify a deal with Cliff before others tell him that they are voting to keep him. Analyse then filled Nick in on Holly saying that he was trying to break them up. Elsewhere, Nicole told Cliff that she will be voting for him to stay. She explained that she has more of a connection with him than she does with Kat. Nicole added that Nick would like to keep Cliff too. Cliff thinks that Analyse and Christie will jump on board then as well. Jess joined the conversation. She told Cliff and Nicole she knows for sure that Nick would come after her if he were to win HoH.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kat told Nicole that she can win mental or physical competitions, but she does not want the people outside of their alliance to realize that. Kat also does not want people to think that she will win and retaliate. She admitted that she would be willing to not do that as long as it didn’t impact Jess or Nicole. Kat stress that Jess and Nicole are still her plan if she stays, as she would like to make it work with them. Kat pointed out that they may need to bring others in or be strategic in new ways moving forward.

10:00-11:00 PM: Christie told Kat that she loves her and thinks that she is a loyal person. As for Cliff, she said she does not know where he stands. That being said, Christie admitted to being concerned about Kat’s allegiance to Holly and Jackson. Kat claimed that she would target Jackson if she were to win HoH, and she would nominate Holly next to him. Kat reassured Christie that she would not nominate her or Tommy if she wins. Kat stressed that targeting Jackson is the only move that would make sense. She asked that Christie not let those two know what she is thinking.

11:00-12:00 AM: Tommy told Christie and Nick that he does not care who leaves. He said that both Cliff and Kat are threats, and he would be open to hearing what the house wants to do. Nick let the two know that Nicole is leaning towards keeping Cliff, so they can make the move against him should they choose to do so. Out in the yard, Jackson asked Tommy if he has a preference in terms of who leaves this week. Tommy said that he is going to take Christie off of the block, leaving them with two nominees who would each have reason to come after him should they win HoH. Tommy brought up that Cliff is injured and that the guys would be outnumbered 6-3 if he were to leave. Both Jackson and Tommy agreed that they are scared by that. Inside, Jess let Analyse know that she will probably still vote to keep Kat even if everyone else is voting her out. She talked about that being what you do for people who have your back unconditionally.

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