Big Brother 21 Day 44 - Sam is evicted; Jess wins HoH

August 1, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Jack told Christie that Sam has turned his eviction speech into a campaign, and his one request is that Christie does not find out about it until after he leaves. Christie said that Sam is a coward. Jack told Christie that this has to be kept between the two of them, Analyse and Tommy. Jack brought up what Sam told them in regards to Christie’s behaviour during Cliff’s HoH week. Christie reminded them that Jackson volunteered to go on the block the night that Cliff won HoH, so she knew that she would not be going on the block. She said that Sam is lying. Jack told Christie that Sam said she was willing to play the bully card in order to avoid using her power. Christie claimed that it was a straight up fabrication.

2:00-2:30 PM: Jackson told Jack he doesn’t know if he can trust Analyse and Tommy. He mentioned that Tommy is fighting this hard, so he doesn’t know if they should tell Tommy that they know about him and Christie going to start a new alliance. Jackson suggested that Christie and Tommy are making an alliance outside of the six because they feel on the outs. Jackson claimed that Analyse is trying to turn him and Holly against each other. Jack said he thinks that Cliff and Kat are trying to turn the six on each other, so they are feeding Jackson a bunch of BS in order to make that happen. Jack said he thinks that Christie has Jackson’s back and would like to make it to the six. Jackson pointed out that Cliff, Kat, Nick and Sam all have the same stories, so they would all have to be lying. Jackson said that it would have to be the most elaborately executed scheme since the JFK assassination. Jackson told Jack that he is playing with his emotions right now, as the facts are facts. Jackson reminded Jack that Christie has talked about him directly to Holly, which is enough to debunk his theory. Jackson clarified that he is not saying that they need to implode the six right now even though Christie and Tommy cannot be trusted to not take a shot at them. Jackson told Jack that he needs to take his blinders off and look at things from an unbiased perspective. Jack said that he will continue to think on it. He asked if Jackson is trying to win the HoH. Jackson said that he has to.

2:30-3:00 PM: Jack let Tommy know that the six will not be getting back together. He explained that Jackson is set against it, and he is trying to get him on his side. Jack told Tommy that Jackson is saying a lot of stuff that he does not want to believe and he is not going to believe. When Tommy asked if any of it is about him, Jack said that it is all based on Christie. Jack said that him telling Tommy about this is him saying goodbye to Jackson. Jack said that there is no way that he would go with Jackson, but they will be fine if they can bring Nick back in. Jack informed Tommy that Holly and Kat knew each other coming into the game. Tommy said that he knew it, which is why he wanted to flip the votes today. Jack said that they cannot flip it, because part of him thinks that they put this into the water so that they flip it. Tommy argued that they did this in order to make them think that they did not know each other. Jack still said that they cannot keep Sam, but Tommy told him that they can get Sam on their side. Jack worried about leaving Cliff, Nick and Sam in the game together. Tommy said that they can get Christie to vote to evict Kat, because she knows that Holly and Kat know each other. Tommy pointed out that leaving Holly, Jackson and Kat in the game together is dangerous for anyone when it comes to jury votes. Tommy listed off the two of them, Analyse, Christie and Nick as the votes to evict Kat. He added that Nicole wants to flip too, so they can get the whole house to flip. Tommy insisted that keeping Sam is the play to make. Jack brought up that he is being told over and over again that Christie wants to get rid of him. Tommy said that she does not. Jack said that he trusts Tommy. Christie joined them. Tommy said that he would like to flip the vote since Holly, Jackson and Kat know each other. Christie said that she had already thought that. Tommy said that the six is no longer a thing moving forward because Jackson was fed information that Christie is coming after him. Jack said that Jackson is trying to get him to leave the two of them in order to go to his side. Christie asked who Jackson’s reliable source is. Tommy said that it has got to be Kat. Christie brought up that Kat has been talking to her about wanting to get Jackson out. Jack said that the thought of keeping Sam is so terrifying, but Tommy said that he is so desperate at this point.

3:00-4:00 PM: Jack told Christie that he is being told by Jackson that she would put him up. Christie assured Jack that he has never said that. Jack went on to say that he told Jackson that he is being fed incorrect information about Christie, but he believes it since Cliff, Kat, Nick and Sam are all feeding him the same story. Christie asked how they know that Holly, Jackson and Kat know each other. Jack said Jackson told him that Holly and Kat knew each other beforehand. Tommy explained that Holly and Jackson did not want anyone to talk to Christie last night because they did not want to chance that the votes could flip on Kat. Christie asked if they have the votes to flip. Tommy said that the three of them, Analyse, Nick and Nicole could flip it. Christie said that they will have to talk to them. Christie said that she didn’t ever trust Jackson. Jack said that they could pull Nick and Sam in but it wont be as tight as the six was. Christie said that she feels so played by Kat since she is the one who said that she would like to backdoor Jackson. Jack said the one thing that he is worried about is if Jackson is playing him in order to get him to keep Sam. Tommy said that he is not that good. Feeds then went down.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Sam was evicted by a unanimous vote of 9-0. Julie revealed the details of the America’s Field Trip twist to the viewers. America will vote over the next eight days. The three houseguests who receive the most votes will be forced to compete. Whoever wins the competition will be safe for the week, whoever finishes in second will earn a punishment, and whoever finishes in last will be the third nominee.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:18 following the HoH competition. Jess is the new HoH. Kat and Nicole spoke about the discussions that took place leading up to the eviction. Nicole said that she was pulled into a room by Christie and Jack to see if she would swear that she will vote to evict Kat. Nicole said that she let them know that she was not comfortable with doing that since she had given Kat her word. Kat asked if it was being pitched because Holly, Jackson and herself allegedly know each other. Nicole confirmed that that was Jack’s reasoning behind it. Kat let Nicole know that she has been planning on backdooring Jackson since week two. She added that she cannot talk without Jackson attacking her, which is why she has been feeling so down. Kat asked if Nicole thinks that they need to backdoor Jackson. Nicole pointed out that Holly and Jackson are a duo who everyone is against, whereas there is still a four person alliance in Analyse, Christie, Jack and Tommy that needs to be broken up. In the kitchen, Jess told Cliff that she does not want to go into the double eviction as a target. Cliff told Jess that she will not be the primary target no matter what happens. He said that there will be bigger targets since the six has now split up. Elsewhere, the six, aside from Jackson, met up to discuss that the six is over at this point. Tommy said that he does not feel great with Jackson. Holly said that she has no clue what to think about him. She called him paranoid, immature, and a hothead. After Christie left, Tommy told Analyse, Holly and Jack that he still trusts all of them. Holly said that she does not know how they feel about her after all of this, but she still has all of her trust in them. Jack doesn’t think that Jackson will ever trust him again. Tommy argued that this happened to them because of Jackson’s actions. Holly admitted that she is still concerned by Christie’s actions. Tommy said it’s really messed up that Jackson was trying to make Jack believe that Christie was after the both of them when it was really only about Jackson. Holly said that she was trying to get Jackson to refrain from blowing up, but he explodes like a volcano. In the bathroom, Jess let Christie know that there is no way that she would ever put her up. Christie said that she will not be using her power, so Jess can pretend that it doesn’t even exist at this point.

9:00-10:00 PM: Tommy explained to Kat that he really started to think that she, Holly and Jackson knew each other after Jackson told Jack that, plus Kat was saying that Jackson is not as bad as she had thought. Kat said that he definitely is that bad. Tommy said he feels sick to his stomach that he had doubted her. Tommy and Kat both said that they no longer want to work with Jackson. Tommy said that he tried so hard to get Christie and Jackson to have a conversation, as it would come out that Cliff and Sam were the ones behind all of this, but Jackson preferred to paint Christie as a target. Meanwhile, Nicole filled Jess in on what went down prior to the eviction. She said that she had asked about telling Jess about the plan to flip, but she was told that Jack did not want her knowing. Jess said that Jack has got to go. Jess considered the option of nominating Jack and Jackson next to each other. Jess talked about the possibility of Holly becoming suspicious that Analyse wants to get Jackson out. Nicole told Jess that she is worried about Analyse. Jess said that she will be the first girl that she would nominate if one of the guys takes themselves off of the block. Jess clarified that Holly will not be going on the block since she did not put her up last week.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kat spoke to Holly about Jackson. She said that everything that she has been telling them in confidence has been told to everyone with the intention of throwing her under the bus. Kat implied that Jackson is the one doing that to her. She added that he is degrading to women. Kat advised Holly against standing by him in that, as she does not want her to look bad. Holly said that she has not seen Jackson being degrading to women. Kat then called Jackson aggressive, which Holly was not happy about. She told Kat to be careful with her words while on TV. Kat pointed out that Jackson himself admitted to being aggressive, plus she is not the one who is getting called into the DR for things that she is saying on TV. The girls eventually discussed their future in the game together. Holly said that they need to not talk too much but they have to remain on the same page. Holly said that she only trusts Kat at this point.

11:00-12:00 AM: Jack told Tommy that he feels bad about what happened with Jackson. He brought up Jackson having told him that he trusts him and had his heart broken by him. Jack claimed that Jackson was crying. Tommy reassured Jack that he is not a bad person for what he did. Tommy suggested that Jackson will understand why Jack did what he did, plus he will come back to him, in time. Holly came by to speak to the guys. She said Jackson is questioning what is worse out of being the first one to jury or staying in a house in which he cannot trust anyone, or be trusted by anyone. She told the guys that Jackson has given up.

12:00-1:00 AM: After the HoH room cleared out, Cliff, Jess, Kat and Nicole talked things over. They discussed Christie’s gameplay and how it was mentioned that they are aligned with her. They brought up that she always talks about her dream team, and not wanting to work with couples, but nothing has ever been solidified. They agreed that Christie is a straight shooter but she talks a lot, so they know not to tell her too much. Kat said she heard that Jackson threw her under the bus but Jack is the one who ran with it. Jess said it’s almost like Jack is the house, since he has been able to flip votes. Kat said that one of those two guys has got to go. They then discussed that Analyse is someone who can be nasty and rude. Kat said that Analyse has not been nice since week two, and she always talks about how she hates being there and she does not like anyone. Jess asked who they trust. Kat said that she still has a good feeling about Christie. She also said that she trusts Holly even though she almost went home during her HoH week. Kat let the group know that she had volunteered to be a pawn last week. The four put their hands in and swore that they are in this together.

1:00-2:00 AM: Cliff, Jess, Kat and Nicole went over the potential options for nominations. Kat said that her plan was going to be to nominate Analyse and Jack, and then put Jackson up if one of them happened to win the veto. Nicole said that she was going to put Analyse and Jack up as well, because they are a couple. Jess argued that she does not have an excuse for putting Analyse up. Jess mentioned that she could put Jack and Jackson up next to each other, letting them duke it out as competitors. If one of them wins the veto, Jess said that she could then put one of the other four up. Nicole asked if Jess would be feeling good about Jackson leaving. Kat spoke up to say that Jack would never work with them but there is a chance that Jackson might after what happened today. Cliff agreed. Nicole added that it’s the same when it comes to the girls. She said that Holly would be more likely to work with them than Analyse would. Jess admitted that she is closer to Jackson than Jack. She said that Jack has got to go sooner than later. Jess threw out Analyse and Tommy’s names as potential replacement nominees. Cliff reminded Jess that Christie cannot find out about Tommy being an option, or else she could use her power. Kat asked if they would have the votes to evict Jack over Jackson. They counted the three of them in the room plus Holly as the only four votes that they would need to force a tie. Nick’s name was also thrown out there as a potential number that they might have. Jess said that Tommy, or anyone, would go home over Jackson since they only need their three votes plus Holly’s vote. The four then discussed that they were pushed away when they tried to work with the others, and they are not good enough for them. Jess said that she would now like to watch them scatter and throw each other under the bus.

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