Big Brother 21 Day 23 - Kemi is evicted; Nick wins HoH

July 11, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction show, Kemi was evicted by a vote of 10-1. Jack cast the sole vote to evict Jessica. Kemi headed up to Camp Comeback with David and Ovi. The HoH competition then took place. Nick won HoH.

7:00-7:30 PM: When feeds returned, Kemi talked to David about how people can say whatever they want, but if they have something to say, they should say it to her face or shut up. Elsewhere, Bella talked to a handful of houseguests about how she was Kemi’s only friend in the game, and she listened to her cry every night. Kat brought up that Kemi pitched an alliance to her last night while she campaigned, so she is the one doing what she accused Bella and Nick of. Meanwhile, Nick told Tommy that he is not going to say anything dumb. He added that he already got his piece out. He explained that he really liked Kemi until she made that speech. Nick admitted that Kemi was right since he was playing her side, but she doesn’t know about Gr8ful. Nick talked about it bothering him that Kemi would do that to him after he was waiting for her and tearing up when she was at her lowest point last week. While Nick was talking in the boat room, Bella and Kemi got into it on the other side of the house. Bella brought up that her game is called being nice to people. The two to went back and forth verbally for a short period of time. They were in each other’s faces by the end of it. Bella told Kemi that she doesn’t need to stand so close to her. Bella put her hand on Kemi’s arm. Kemi pushed it off and told Bella not to touch her. The two were then separated and Kemi went to the DR. On her way, Kemi brought up that Bella wouldn’t say anything to her face.

7:30-8:00 PM: While Kemi was in the diary room, Bella talked about being excited that she was a part of the first fight of the season. While Bella admitted that she is angry, she said that she will not talk about who Kemi is as a person. Bella said she is mind blown since she has only said nice, positive things about Kemi. Bella mentioned being bewildered by whatever strategy was behind Kemi dropping their names. Cliff suggested that Kemi was doing it for TV. When Nick found out about what happened between Bella and Kemi, he told her that it’s not worth it to fight. Elsewhere, Holly and Jackson made out in the bedroom. Jackson let Holly know that he was the one who voted to evict Jess. Jackson said that she cannot tell Analyse, cause it would ruin their games if it happened to get back to Christie or Jack. Jackson pointed out that they could have use the vote against Bella or Nick had anyone other than them won HoH. Cliff and Nicole checked in with one another. Nicole said she feels as though Analyse, Jack, Holly, Jackson, Bella and Nick are all working together. Cliff said he hasn’t been able to figure it out. Cliff said he doesn’t think that he is part of that alliance except through his association with Holly and Jackson. Nicole said it’s weird that the people within the alliance have spoken to her about each other, but she has come to the realization that it was only to see where she lies. Cliff asked Nicole if she voted to evict Jess. Nicole said it wasn’t her but she does think that it will be pinned on her. Back in the boat room, Kemi spoke to Sam. Kemi explained why she made the speech that she did. She talked about hearing that Nick was campaigning against, and that Bella ran straight to Jackson when she gave her information about him. Kemi said that Bella will bring certain things to light, spinning them in her own way.

8:00-9:00 PM: Nicole told Kemi that she is starting to see the dynamics of the house. Nicole said she thinks that Analyse, Jack, Holly, Jackson, Bella and Nick are all working together. Nicole said she has a sneaking suspicion that they want to pick off Jess, Kat, Cliff and herself, leaving Christie and Tommy in the house with the three couples. Kemi informed Nicole that Bella said Christie overheard Cliff talking to the cameras about having an alliance with Nicole and Ovi called “Zing”. Nicole said that’s why people are acting weird. Nicole brought up that the only way to keep her off of the block may be to have Kemi blow up the relationships between the others. Nicole mentioned stating facts such as Bella creating the alliance to go after Jack and Jackson, or Nick telling Kemi to nominate Analyse and Jack. Later, Nicole spoke to the cameras while alone in the bedroom. She talked about the realizations that she has had about the couples working together once the vote was revealed and there was a rogue vote. Nicole said that they will have to detonate bombs to make the eight go against each other. In the boat room, Analyse asked Tommy what if Jack had Christie vote to evict Jess. Tommy wondered what it would accomplish, but he did say he thinks that it was someone close to them. Analyse said she doesn’t think that it was Nicole. Jack eventually joined them. He called it a ballsy move that you would probably have to be the best player to pull off. Tommy said he knows that Jack planted the seed to make it happen. Jack denied it. He said he thinks that it was Nicole. The three then discussed that Kemi’s speech brought Gr8ful closer together, and Bella and Nick will use this is an opportunity to build trust.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson asked Nick if he is thinking about nominating Cliff and Nicole. Nick said that’s exactly what he was thinking. He said that he can bring up Nicole having the power and Cliff having made an alliance called Zing. Jackson asked Nick if he wants to bring up that Nicole was the vote. He said that Nicole has been freaking out. Nick said he thinks that Cliff was the vote. Nicole came by. Nick asked her who she thinks that the vote was. Nicole said that she has no idea but it wasn’t her. Jackson said the vote is tripping him out since it matters a lot even though it is irrelevant. In the bathroom, Bella tried to clear the air with Jess. She talked about the night that the Black Widow alliance was formed, and then said that she lost trust in Jess the next day because Kemi said she saw Jess telling Kat that the votes were flipping against her. Jess denied having told Kat anything. Bella then talked about Ovi having told Jack that there was an all girls alliance. She said that Jack questioned her in a way that made her believe that he already knew about the Black Widow alliance, but he was really talking about the all girls one, which is why she outed the alliance. Analyse checked in with Nicole. Nicole insisted that she would not have gone out on a limb and put herself in a bad spot by being the lone vote this early in the game. Analyse said she doesn’t think that it was her, but others do, and she is looking for a way to save Nicole.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nicole told Holly that she wants to be in the game so bad. She admitted to having messed up and got herself at the bottom of the totem pole. Holly assured Nicole that she people love her. Nicole eventually brought up that Kemi was not lying, and that Bella was. Holly said she knows and that everyone is on to Bella and Nick. Holly called them bullies. Elsewhere, Analyse told Christie that they could go after Gr8ful if they win the next HoH, since Camp Comeback will be over with. As for this week, they agreed that Cliff has got to go. They talked about the need to make decisions as a six instead of in the high with Bella and Nick. Christie admitted that she blabs and shares too much information. In the other bedroom, Jess told Kat that Bella really messed with her mind, seeing as had a story that made sense in terms of why she had told Jack about the Black Widow alliance.

12:00-1:00 AM: The majority of the Gr8ful alliance was in the HoH room when Nick let them know that he is leaning towards putting Cliff on the block. As for the other nominee, he said that it is between Jess and Nicole. Once everyone but Bella, Nick and Sam cleared out of the HoH room, Bella said she thinks that Jackson may have voted to evict Jess. She pointed out that he first said it was definitely Nicole, then said it was definitely Cliff, and he keeps bringing up that it sketched him out. Nick also believes that it may have been Jackson. His reasoning is that Jackson has been talking more game to him than ever, and he keeps bringing up that it was Nicole. Nick said he doesn’t think that Analyse and Holly were in on the plan. Nick thinks that Jackson did it because they want him to target Nicole. Tommy joined them. Nick asked Tommy if he thinks that it could have been Jackson. Tommy said it could be. Nick then let Bella, Sam and Tommy know that he is leaning towards nominating Cliff and Jess. Nick added that he does not want to nominate Nicole. Nick told Bella and Sam that he isn’t mad about Jack being suspicious. Nick admitted that he worried about Jack backdooring him last week as well. Nick said he will respect that Jack didn’t put him up, so he wont be nominating Jack either. Nick added that if he wins the power and can hijack his own nominations, he will nominate Jack and Jackson with the power.

1:00-2:00 AM: Nick informed Nicole that she will not be going on the block. He promised that she will not be going up this week. Nick said he believes that someone voted to evict Jess in hope of pinning it on her. Nick said that Kat will likely be his replacement nominee if one is needed. Nick asked if Nicole was worried when he won HoH. She admitted that she was due to her association with Kemi. Nick explained that he has no ill will towards Kemi. He didn’t understand why she said what she did, and he asked if Nicole could try to figure out exactly what was said to other people. Nick talked about feeling bad that Kemi was sitting by herself in the HoH room. Bella then spoke to Nicole to ask why Kemi is upset with her. Nicole said Kemi thinks that Bella sets things up to knock them down, and she also knows that someone told Jack about her coming after him. Bella argued that Kemi was very vocal about that, so she was not the only one that knew about it. Bella told Nicole that Kemi is not a nice person. She brought up that Kemi talks poorly about people in her diary room sessions. Bella said she no longer has any desire to talk to Kemi, but she will be civlil and does not want to fight with her.

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