Big Brother 21 Day 13

July 1, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Nick talked to Sam about how dumb Analyse and Jack were by staying up in the HoH room alone. Nick said everyone downstairs was talking about it. He mentioned Nicole saying she didn’t think that Analyse would be that dumb. Nick said he let Jack know that Kemi said she would put him up, which got Jack so angry. Nick commented on wanting Jack to be a target, and he knows that Christie feels the same way since he heard that she was bashing Jack to Jess and Kemi. The guys agreed that they do not want to win the upcoming HoH at this point. Nick named Jack as the one person that he would not want to win HoH. Nick called Jack “Winston” and Analyse “Brett” in a sense that Analyse is not going to play the game until Jack goes.

10:00-11:00 AM: Analyse, Christie, Holly, Jack, Jackson and Tommy spoke in the HoH room. Jack told Analyse that Nick is hyped about the two of them napping alone yesterday, so he doesn’t know if they should avoid each other today. Jackson said that Nick was saying the two of them are making his game so much harder by being stupid and putting a target on their backs. Christie said she doesn’t get why Nick cares. Tommy questioned who is actually talking about it. They agreed that no one but Nick is concerned about Analyse and Jack spending time together. Christie advised them to lay low if they care about the game, but she doesn’t think that it should be Nick’s business to bring it up. Christie figures that Nick is a little jealous about it. Christie had a quick chat with Tommy. She told him it’s good that Nick doesn’t like Analyse and Jack together, since she wants someone around to be a bigger target than she is. Christie said Analyse claimed that she doesn’t have feelings for Jack, plus she wishes that he was gone so that it wouldn’t be so tough. Cliff spoke to Bella, Nick and Kemi about the vote. He said he has told both Kat and Ovi that it’s nothing personal but he will be going with the house. Cliff asked which way they are leaning. Nick explained that he is leaning towards voting Ovi out since Kat is easier to use as a pawn and she is less likely to win competitions.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bella told Christie that Jack is being weird to her. Christie said the same and added that he was pissing her off last night cause he and Analyse use her bed as a love den. Christie said she came to play the game, not to be in a relationship, but it seems like Analyse is looking to flirt and giggle her way through the game. Bella said she wishes that Analyse and Holly would try to talk to more people. Christie said she would have loved for this to be a girl dominated season. She noted that the dynamic between her, Analyse and Holly was great to start but all it took was for a guy to get into the mix and change it up.

12:00-1:00 PM: Bella and Christie continued to discuss Jack. Christie said it’s messed up that Ovi is going around calling Jack his brother while Jack is treating him like he is a loser. Nick joined the girls. Christie said she is over Jack and it sucks because she loves Analyse but does not want her to get corrupted. Christie advised Nick to lay off of the comments about Analyse and Jack, seeing as they have been saying that he is the only one spreading rumours about them. Nick revealed that he might backdoor Jack if he wins HoH. Christie brought up that if Jack tries to come after her, she will win the veto and then she will tell everybody exactly how he has been playing each of them. Christie vowed to use specific examples about the slut shaming, food shaming, and other things that Jack has said. Afterwards, Nick spoke to Jack about the vote. He mentioned that Ovi thinks that he has the votes to stay. Nick asked for confirmation that they are voting to evict Ovi. Jack said she will not be voting against Kat, as they will have serious issues if Ovi makes it off of the block. The houseguests headed outside for an outdoor lockdown around 12:50, and it lasted for nearly two hours.

1:00-2:00 PM: While on lockdown, Jack let Tommy know that something he said last night was taken out of context. Jack said he needs to be careful what he says. Tommy asked if someone told production that they were uncomfortable with it. Jack said production heard it but it wasn’t a big deal. Jack later told Jackson about it as well, and Jackson said that he can can fix his mistake but he has to move forward since he cannot take back what he has said or done.

3:00-4:00 PM: Nicole asked Bella how she is feeling about the Black Widows alliance that was formed last night. Bella said she is all in for now but she will let them know if something is not feeling right. Bella added that she sees benefit in it for each of them since they are all different. On top of that, she pointed out that their golden ticket is that people will not suspect it. Nicole asked if Bella is sold on it or if she is with Nick and Sam. Bella said that the two guys might take her far but they would be fine with letting her go if they had to. Bella said that the girls have to do whatever they can to prove their trust to each other, such as sharing information when it comes up. Nick came by. He said that he is feeling so bad for Ovi since he has been talking about wanting to make them cookies on Thursday but he wont even be there. Nick also acknowledged that Ovi deserves to be there more than Kat does, but she can be used as a pawn. Inside, Christie told Cliff and Jack that she feels so bad about Ovi. Cliff asked if there is a grand plan. Christie suggested that getting rid of Ovi would be easiest since she doesn’t know where he stands. She added that he could be one of those floaters that winds up in the Final 3, making him more dangerous than Kat. Cliff said she doesn’t need to say any more. They all agreed that they don’t want to blindside Ovi. Christie wants to let him know that he is leaving the day of the eviction.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kat asked Holly if Ovi has been annoying more people. Holly claimed that he has been annoying her a bit. Kat said it’s messed up but she kind of wants Jackson to provoke him. Holly told Kat that there is no need since Ovi is already on his way out the door. Jackson came by to join the girls. Kat brought up that Kemi is gunning for Jack. Jackson believes that he has gotten himself out of the crosshairs when it comes to Kemi. Kat took the credit for making that happen, but Jackson attributed to swallowing his pride and continuing to be nice to Kemi. Meanwhile, Bell asked Kemi if she is wanting to tell Jess and Nicole everything. Kemi said she doesn’t want to tell them everything since Bella is the only one that she completely trusts. The girls agreed that they love Christie, though they would not want to bring her into an alliance with them. Bella said she is pissed that Analyse is falling into Jack’s trap. Kemi thinks that Analyse is using it to her advantage. Kemi believes that none of the guys will nominate Analyse since she flirts with all of them, and none of the girls would nominate her since they have the girl power thing. While Bella felt that Analyse isn’t playing the game, Kemi said she respects Analyse’s game and doesn’t think that she has a need to talk game right now when no one would put her up. Kemi believes that Tommy is playing a similar game to Analyse. Kemi revealed her plan to nominate Jack and Jackson if she wins HoH. If one of them were to win the veto, Kemi said that she would nominate Analyse in their place.

7:00-8:00 PM: Ovi told Jack he feels pretty good about things after talking to everyone, but the resounding response he is getting is that people are going with the house. Ovi said he thinks that people are waiting for Jack to tell him what to do. Jack then asked Ovi who he should talk to. Ovi listed off the people whose votes he thinks he already has that don’t need to be worked on. Once Ovi was alone, he said that if he can stay in the house past this week, he can convince someone to put him on the block so that he can use his power and be safe for another week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Bella let Nick know that it didn’t feel good to see him carrying Analyse into the house earlier this evening. Bella told Nick that if he is going to snuggle with everyone else, he shouldn’t do it with her. Nick said he likes Bella and it’s not his choice to not be with her. Nick explained that Bella is the one that didn’t want to commit to anything. Bella said she is committed to it, which is why she is upset. Nick said that makes everything different. Before the talk wrapped up, Bella let Nick know about her alliance with Jess, Kemi and Nicole. Nick headed outside to talk to Sam and Tommy about what happened between him and Bella. They didn’t understand why Bella was upset when they are not even in a relationship.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kat asked Jackson if he thinks that she is safe. Jackson said he knows that she is. He told her trust him when he says that she is going to be safe. Kat asked Jackson if he wants to win HoH next week. Jackson said he cannot win it since it’s too soon for him to be making moves. They discussed that Jackson could throw it to Kat if the opportunity arises. Elsewhere, Ovi went through the votes with Cliff, just as he has done numerous times over the past two days. Cliff brought up that there will be only six guys compared to eight girls if Ovi were to leave. Cliff admitted that it would make him a bit nervous. Ovi went to Jackson to point out that the girls would outnumber the guys 8-6 if he leaves. Jacks said it would legitimize the whole girl power thing going on. Ovi said he thinks that the houseguests are looking to Jack and Jackson to say something before making their decisions.

11:00-12:00 AM: Cliff and Nicole discussed the vote. Nicole explained that the player in her wants Kat to stay but the person in her wants Ovi to stay. Cliff said he feels the same way. In the bedroom, Jackson spoke to Analyse and Holly about Kat becoming possessive over him. Analyse said she sometimes feels weird talking to Jackson because she can see Kat staring her down. Jackson said he wants to talk to Analyse and Holly but feels like he has to talk to Kat. Jackson then spoke to Jack about Kat becoming clingy. He mentioned that he would prefer Holly. Jackson thinks that Kat became territorial after sleeping with him, and then it escalated the second time and the feelings came out the third time. Ovi came outside to break up the conversation in order to discuss the votes. The guys reassured him that he is good. Afterwards, Jack and Jackson told Christie that Ovi was campaigning and he is hurting. Christie asked if they are still on the same page. The guys confirmed that the plan remains to evict Ovi.

12:00-1:00 AM: Jackson told Analyse, Holly, Jack and Kat that Ovi has started spiralling. Jackson called it heartbreaking to watch but said that he has got to go. Kat worried that people would start to feel for Ovi and potentially flip their votes. Jack reassured her and said that he will know that he is leaving by 3:30 tomorrow. Analyse, Holly, Jackson and Kat all told Jack that they should wait until Wednesday to let Ovi know that he is leaving. The group then started discussing the plan for HoH. Kat was asked who she would nominate. She said that Bella and Nick are the two that would scare her the most as HoH. Jackson suggested nominating one of them next to Kemi, or else she would have both Bella and Nick coming after her. Kat said she is willing to do whatever they want.

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