Big Brother 20 Day 82

September 9, 2018

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaycee gathered the houseguests in the living room for announcement. She revealed that have-nots are now done for the summer. Not long after, the feeds went down for roughly 20 minutes. The houseguests were shown videos from home.

7:00-8:00 PM: Angela and Haleigh chatted out in the yard. They discussed that you need to have a rock in the house. Angela said that Kaycee has been her rock. Haleigh said she has been leaning on Angela and Kaycee as her rocks over the past 2-3 weeks, even though you think that it would be the opposite since they have put her on the block. Haleigh said she is not bitter and she understands. She told Angela she thinks that it’s important to look at it from other perspectives. Haleigh said she keeps replaying in her head what Scottie said, referring to Scottie suggesting that they tolerate Haleigh but don’t like her. Haleigh said she hopes that that’s not the case. Angela pointed out that a lot of BS came out of Scottie’s mouth before he left, plus they didn’t really ever have real conversations with Scottie. Haleigh said she wishes that Swaggy hadn’t set the mood early on, otherwise they would have ended up really close. Angela added that Swaggy lying to her right after the first competition set the tone. Haleigh said the people remaining in the house are some of her favourite people. Angela said she loves everyone who is there right now.

9:00-10:00 PM: JC told Brett that Haleigh is asking him about this week. JC didn’t know what to tell her. Brett said she hasn’t talked to him yet. Brett asked if Kaycee is going to keep nominations the same. JC said she would be stupid not to. JC talked about not wanting to piss Angela off, or else she might get Kaycee to use the veto. Brett said he hopes that a crazy move doesn’t end up being made. JC reassured Brett that he will be fine. JC said they can work on the votes even in the worst case scenario that Angela wants to make a move against Brett. JC stressed that they need to take their shot at Angela and Kaycee now. He pointed out that having a solid duo in the Final 6, who is also tied to Tyler, gives them half of the house. Brett said he is just nervous since Haleigh has been all over the girls of late. JC said the two of them and Tyler will be voting Haleigh out. Brett brought up the possibility of Kaycee using the veto on Haleigh. JC said Kaycee knows better than to do that, and she would only make a move if Angela asked her to.

10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh came out of the diary room with a message from Big Brother. PopTV had sent a delivery of Chinese food for the houseguests. After dinner, Kaycee asked Angela if anything is new. Angela said no. She told Kaycee that she talked to Haleigh a bit, and Haleigh said she doesn’t even think that she should pitch to Kaycee for her to use the veto. Angela said she told Haleigh that it wouldn’t be smart for Kaycee to change her own nominations. Kaycee confirmed that she is going to be keeping the nominations the same.

11:00-12:00 AM: JC vented to Tyler about Angela. He said she needs to get her sh*t together because he is about to blow. Tyler told JC that blowing up is the worst thing that he could do. JC said even Kaycee told him that she doesn’t know why Angela has been acting like this. Tyler said she seems irritable. JC said he is not going to talk to her if she is walking around with a long face. JC asked what they are going to do on Thursday. They discussed that Thursday has to be a double eviction. JC said he doesn’t want to put Kaycee up but he knows that Kaycee could use the veto on Angela if she wins it. JC mentioned that they could nominate Angela and Sam, telling Kaycee that she needs to keep nominations the same no matter what happens. JC said Brett is going to go for blood if he wins HoH. He suggested that Brett would go after Angela and Kaycee. Tyler asked if JC is confident about that. JC said he will get in Brett’s head if he is not confident about it. JC told Tyler the chances of him finishing second to Tyler are very high if they get to the end together. Tyler said that’s BS. JC said he would still rather lose to Tyler in the Final 2 than lose to anyone else. He added that he would rather have a clear conscience that he stuck to his word by going to the end with Tyler. JC said Brett is not going to make it to the end. He explained that Tyler is coming after Brett. Tyler said he is not coming for Brett. Tyler said he feels like JC has Brett under his finger right now. JC said they are just friends, and he will take him out just like he took Faysal out. JC talked about wanting Brett to break Angela and Kaycee up, then he will send him out when it’s his time to go. Tyler said he they can possibly bring Brett to the Final 4 if JC believes that he has him wrapped up, but Brett is good at competitions. Tyler noted that Brett knows the days so well. JC said he cannot make his mind up right now, since he is taking things one day at a time. Looking ahead to Thursday, JC said the only thing that will save Angela is if she wins HoH. JC wants Brett to win HoH, sending Angela home, so that Kaycee will be coming after Brett. JC told Tyler he is going to nominate Angela next to Sam if he wins HoH.

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