Big Brother 20 Day 72 - Scottie wins the Battle Back; Tyler wins HoH

August 30, 2018

2:00-3:00 PM: After the HoH lockdown, Angela told Tyler that Sam asked her how to vote. Angela said she told her to do whatever is best for her personal game, and then Sam said she doesn’t have a personal game. Angela explained that she had to tell Sam something, so she let her know that she doesn’t think that she can beat Faysal in a competition. Angela then relayed the same conversation to Brett. Meanwhile, JC asked Tyler if they are voting Faysal out. Tyler confirmed that they are, adding that it has been the plan all along. JC said Tyler has been focused on getting Haleigh out. Tyler said she can be next. JC claimed that he doesn’t care who goes as long as they are splitting up duos. JC did say that Faysal would go after Angela, Brett and Kaycee over Tyler. Tyler said he is not keeping Faysal. JC then said that it will be hard to keep Brett from coming after Tyler, but Tyler said he can do those things himself. In the bedroom, Haleigh told Faysal that production is on JC today. She revealed that Allison Grodner spoke to her about what JC did last night by leaving the bathroom door open while she was in there. Haleigh said she doesn’t want JC to get in trouble for it. She explained that she wanted to surprise JC when he opened the door, and she threw toilet paper at him when he opened it. Haleigh said JC was shocked when he saw her in there, then he left and later came back to tie the door open. Back in the kitchen, Brett and Tyler discussed that JC might take a shot at Angela and Kaycee if he wins HoH. Both said that they have been trying to talk him out of it and get him to focus on sticking to the plan. Brett said they will have the numbers to save them if they win the veto, since JC would not come after the two of them. Brett told Angela that he is nervous about JC. He advised her to reassure him so that he doesn’t deviate from the plan. Angela thinks that JC would go after Sam if he wins HoH.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Faysal was evicted by a vote of 4-1. Sam was the only one who voted to evict Haleigh. The Battle Back then took place. Scottie won the Battle Back. Before he entered the house, Julie asked him about his strategy. Scottie said he was planning on getting back with Faysal and Haleigh, but now he is probably going to have to try to get back with Tyler since Faysal is gone. When Julie asked who he would target, Scottie said that Angela seems to be the problem. Scottie then re-entered the house through the front door.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Scottie was filling the houseguests in on the jury house and how everyone is doing there. Scottie said Faysal came out after being evicted, told them that he didn’t know what was happening, and then apologized to him for targeting him. The houseguests discussed that they were happy to have Scottie back. Haleigh said she is so happy that today went the way that it did. JC told Brett and Kaycee that their alliance still has the numbers but now they really have to win HoH. Haleigh brought up that she accidentally hit Sam in the face when she went to greet Scottie, so she thinks that Sam is upset with her. JC suggested that she might be upset about being on the wrong side of the vote. Haleigh asked if they are sure that Sam was the one vote. Kaycee said she is pretty sure. Haleigh said she is not surprised. Haleigh apologized to Angela for Faysal’s speech. She said that she had no idea what he was going to say.

8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Angela, Brett and Tyler that they have to win HoH. He said the worst case scenario would be Haleigh or Scottie winning. JC made it clear that he is not happy about there having been a Battle Back. Angela said that Scottie returning was the best case scenario out of the options that they had. JC agreed. Later, Tyler told Angela that they are going to be okay. Angela said she hopes so since she cannot be in the house without him. Tyler said he can’t be there without her either. Angela admitted that Faysal’s speech got to her a little bit. They agreed that he doesn’t even know her as a person. Tyler said Faysal was right about her having him wrapped around her finger. Tyler told Angela that she does in the best way possible. Angela said that makes her happy.

9:00-10:00 PM: Sam asked Angela if Faysal was lying about everything. Angela said that he was. Sam said she thought so since they have been friends. Sam assured Angela that she will not be putting her up if she wins HoH. Angela pointed out that she didn’t even consider nominating Sam during either of her HoH weeks. Sam explained that she was going to vote Haleigh out, but then Faysal’s speech hurt her and she decided to keep him. Angela said it’s okay. Sam apologized. She said that people know she gets emotional and then they try to play her, which worked. Sam reiterated that she loves Angela and will not be targeting her. She brought up that Angela hangs out with Haleigh but she thinks it’s cause they do more similar things, not because Angela would choose Haleigh over her. Angela said she would pick Sam over Haleigh. Sam said the only reason why she was going to vote Haleigh out is because she is the only one who she has any beef with, just because she had to nominate her early on in the game. Afterwards, Sam told Haleigh that she had every intention of keeping her until she heard Faysal’s speech, then she was sad. Sam let Haleigh know that she loved her speech and thought that she was eloquent and well spoken. Haleigh told Sam that it’s a game and there are no hard feelings.

10:00-12:00 AM: The HoH competition got underway at 10:41. The houseguests had to stand on a disc while hanging on to their rope. The last houseguest standing would then become the new HoH. The order to be eliminated from the competition was as follows: JC (7 minutes), Sam (25 minutes), Scottie (28 minutes), Brett (40 minutes), Kaycee (50 minutes), Haleigh (1 hour 5 minutes). Tyler is the new HoH.

12:00-1:00 AM: After the competition ended, Tyler commented on how solid Haleigh was. Haleigh said the same to Tyler. She added that she knew that he was going to outlast her. Tyler said she would have beat him if she didn’t slip, as his arms were about to give out. Haleigh said she only had another 5-10 minutes in her. Elsewhere, Angela told Kaycee she thinks that Haleigh would have nominated the two of them and tried to backdoor Tyler had she won HoH. JC brought up to Brett that Sam was so worried when it got down to Haleigh and Tyler. JC asked Haleigh if she heard Sam screaming for Tyler. Haleigh confirmed that she did. She said she heard Sam telling Tyler to hang on because she was shaking and about to fall. Haleigh was not happy about it. She also let the guys know that Sam claimed she never wanted to vote against her. Haleigh didn’t buy it. JC spoke to Angela about what he thinks needs to happen this week. He wants Scottie to be targeted. He debated whether or not it is best to try to backdoor him. The concern was that Scottie could save Haleigh if he is not nominated and still gets picked to play in the veto competition. Looking ahead to next week, JC said the feud between Haleigh and Sam is perfect since they will want to target each other.

1:00-2:00 AM: JC asked Tyler if he knows what he wants to do. Tyler said he thinks so but he wants to talk to everybody. JC suggested that Tyler get the least blood on his hands. He asked if Tyler is nominating Scottie. Tyler made it seem as though he will be doing that. Meanwhile, Haleigh told Scottie she is glad that he is back. Scottie said he is glad that she is still there. Haleigh said she wont be for much longer, as it’s happening just like Scottie. She pointed out that he said Faysal would go and then she would go if Faysal were to take him out. Haleigh said if it makes him feel any better, Faysal felt really stupid about the move afterwards. Scottie said Faysal apologized to him tonight. Scottie told Haleigh that Faysal said JC was the one in his ear.

2:00-3:00 AM: Kaycee asked Brett what he is thinking. Brett thinks that they should target Scottie. Kaycee brought up that he likely needs to go on the block as opposed to being backoored, because he can save Haleigh with the if not. Kaycee then asked Angela if she thinks that Haleigh and Scottie should both be nominated. Angela said yeah. In the have-not room, Haleigh told Scottie that Sam has been a b*tch to her all week. Scottie said Sam was not cheering for her at all. Haleigh said she is so over the week. She expects to be nominated tomorrow. Haleigh told Scottie that he is not in danger of going up, seeing as Tyler never wanted him out. Haleigh said that she is over it and she is ready to go. Haleigh mentioned that she had a good talk with Tyler a couple of days ago, and she doesn’t think that he is coming after her, but that was before he won HoH. After Tyler got his HoH room, Haleigh told him that she is really happy for him. She revealed that she almost tried to make a deal with Tyler during the competition. Tyler explained that he wouldn’t have wanted to make one since he wouldn’t have wanted her to be pressured afterwards. Haleigh reiterated that it is not her vs Tyler. Tyler said it’s good that everybody thinks that. Haleigh said she doesn’t want to be on the block. Tyler said they can talk more tomorrow.

3:00-4:00 AM: Tyler told Angela that this week will be a repeat of last week in a way. Tyler said he will make sure that Sam is not coming after Angela before he makes his decision. Angela said she is curious what Scottie is thinking. They discussed that it’s terrifying that Haleigh did so well in the competition. Angela said Haleigh would have put them both up had she won. Tyler said he isn’t sure who the bigger threat to them is right now out of Haleigh and Scottie.

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