Big Brother 20 Day 61

August 19, 2018

10:00-10:30 AM: Sam told Faysal she will quit smoking if Faysal puts Haleigh up as the replacement nominee and she goes home. Sam said Haleigh is coming for her and she is always bossing Faysal around. Sam told Faysal that Haleigh should still feel the same way about with no matter what. Sam told Faysal that Haleigh would throw him on the block so quick. She mentioned that it was part of the plan when the girls alliance was discussed. Sam asked Faysal what he thinks about all of that. Faysal said he would have to think about it. Sam said he would be saving her life and she could quit smoking on national television. Sam asked Faysal if he is going to play with her or against her. Faysal said he doesn’t to play against her but he has not talked a lot of game with her. Sam assured Faysal that she would look at him as a teammate instead of as a tool like Haleigh does. Sam said Haleigh takes the most from the house and contributes the least. She suggested that Haleigh his going to throw him away like a used tissue. Faysal said he will have to think about if his best move would be to jump ship from Haleigh. Sam questioned what Haleigh has to offer him. She said Haleigh’s social game is not as good as hers, and nobody trusts her. Sam told Faysal the big difference that he needs to think about is that she would never come after him where as Haleigh would. Sam once again said she will quit smoking if Haleigh goes up and goes home, which will let her live healthier and longer. Sam said Faysal would get no blood on his hands by making the move against Haleigh, because nobody has ties with her. Sam said Scottie cleaned the whole house and he deserves to keep trying. Sam said Haleigh does nothing, and he person went home during her HoH week. Sam told Faysal to “do it, Fessy. Do it for me”. Sam said she is making him a good offer and only good stuff can come from it. She added that Haleigh would probably applaud the move because she is is gamey and she would do it to Faysal. Sam said she needs Faysal to promise her that he is going to do it. Faysal said he cannot promise that. Sam asked how Faysal is going to go through this house and pick the weakest partner. Sam said Haleigh wants Faysal’s clothes and his wins, and then she will throw him away.

10:30-11:00 AM: Sam told Faysal to go with his first thought, cause he is going to sit around and overthink it. Faysal said he doesn’t overthink anything. Sam told Faysal to promise to put Haleigh up, then wipe his head clean. Sam said Faysal knows that she would hand him everything and walk away okay with it, but Haleigh would never do that. Sam said it’s a big deal that she is willing to quit smoking, but she will do it if this happens. Sam sat down by Faysal and asked him to pinky swear. Faysal said he cannot promise it but he will think about it. Sam insisted that he pinky swear that he will put Haleigh up. Faysal told Sam that he cannot do that. Sam asked Faysal to do this one thing for him. Faysal said he did one thing for her last night when he pinky promised not to put her up. Faysal told Sam that she cannot just put him on the spot like this. Sam said Faysal’s HoH would be epic if he nominates Haleigh, plus he will go down in history for being part of her quitting smoking. Sam said she means business, which his why she is putting forth an offer and such a major commitment. Sam told Faysal to free himself of the dead weight that he has been dragging. Faysal continued to say that he cannot make that pinky promise. Sam told Faysal it’s something that he should just do and not think about. Faysal said he will pinky swear if he does decide to do it, but he cannot pinky swear right now. Sam said it’s meant to be since it’s the first time in 61 days that Faysal woke up before everyone, giving her some alone time with him. Faysal questioned why Sam is pressuring him. Sam said she will never do it again after this. Faysal asked if this is beneficial for his game. Sam said it is. Even if Haleigh doesn’t go this week if she goes up, Sam said she will leave next week if Faysal stops protecting her. Sam told Faysal he can be his own man once she is gone. Sam said she can see it all over Faysal’s face that he wants to agree with her but he just feels bad. Faysal said it’s not about feeling bad. Faysal said he is a grown man and what Sam is doing is not making him make a decision. Sam asked when she is going to find out whether or not he is doing this. Faysal said if he has a relationship with her, he will not leave her in the dark. Faysal said he doesn’t want to agree to something right now, just after waking up, and then change his mind. Afterwards, Faysal explained his move to Scottie. He said Scottie is a candidate for having flipped his vote. Faysal said he couldn’t base it off of who has nominated him, seeing as he has not yet been nominated. Scottie told Faysal that the way to avoid getting blood on his hands is to find someone to put up who everyone else wants out. Faysal apologized. Scottie said there is one person who everyone wants out that could go up without getting any blood on Faysal’s hands. Scottie said he is so tempted to tell Faysal everything right now. Faysal said to go ahead and tell him. Scottie said “Kaitlyn 2.0, but instead of you and Tyler, it’s you and me”. Faysal said that’s what he figured. Scottie said the only time he cried in this house was because of that.

11:00-12:00 PM: Scottie let Angela, Kaycee and Tyler know that he wants to talk to all of them today in order to catch them up on his revenge plan. When Angela asked who the plan is against. Scottie said the same person that it always was. He added that it’s the person who has been playing him. He referred to Haleigh as “Kaitlyn 2.0”. Scottie said it’s going to be a fun speech tomorrow, so he is excited about it. Angela asked if Scottie has any idea who the replacement nominee will be. Scottie said it’s going to be Haleigh if he gets his way, and that’s what his speech will be about. Angela told Scottie she thinks that Haleigh has had his back. Scottie said he thought that Bayleigh, Faysal and Haleigh all pitched that it would be legendary to put him on the block next to Tyler. Angela confirmed that they did. Scottie said that would suggest that Haleigh has not always had his best interests in mind. Angela asked Scottie if he told Haleigh that she let him know about her pitch. Scottie said Yes. He explained that Haleigh got super defensive, giving him confirmation that she did that. Angela said it put her in jeopardy when he did that, since she was on great terms with Haleigh prior to that. Scottie said Haleigh does not like Angela. He said Haleigh and Rockstar throw a lot of “b words” around when it comes to Angela.

12:00-1:00 PM: Scottie asked Angela if making the legendary speech tomorrow would be a bad idea. Angela said it wouldn’t make sense. She was under the impression that Scottie was referring to the legendary move that Haleigh and the others pitched. Scottie later clarified that it has nothing to do with that. Scottie said Haleigh never liked Angela. Angela asked how calling Haleigh out will do anything. Scottie said Faysal doesn’t know that he and Haleigh have a Final 2 deal, and Haleigh has thrown him under the bus on a couple of occasions. Scottie explained to Angela and Tyler that the whole reason he doesn’t talk game with Faysal is because Haleigh told him not to since it will all get back to JC. Tyler said he really doesn’t think that Faysal would nominate Haleigh. Scottie agreed but said he doesn’t think that he can beat anyone but Haleigh in a vote. Scottie also said he thinks that Tyler will be the replacement nominee if he doesn’t do this, which is something that he doesn’t want to have happen. Tyler said he is worried that Scottie could have this backfire on him if Faysal is wanting to put him up as the target. Scottie said he would not have the votes to stay over Tyler anyway. Faysal called the houseguests to the living room. He was tasked with choosing three have-nots for the week. Faysal chose JC. Sam and Tyler then volunteered. Afterwards, Angela mentioned to Faysal that it was Haleigh’s turn. Faysal said he was waiting for her to volunteer. In the storage room, Sam pointed out to Faysal that Haleigh has only been a have-not once yet she didn’t volunteer. Sam tried to get Faysal to pinky promise that he would nominate Haleigh. Faysal said he hasn’t even got to think about it yet because he has been in the diary room all morning. After Sam left the room, Faysal looked to the camera and said that she is crazy.

2:00-3:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee discussed the pawn situation. Kaycee said she doesn’t want any of them to be the pawn. She suggested that they should let Faysal know that Scottie plans to say something at the veto ceremony. Both agreed that Faysal would be more comfortable with putting a pawn up if he knows that they have his back enough to share some information with him. Kaycee said it’s going to be crazy if Scottie puts it out there that he and Haleigh have a Final 2. Meanwhile, Brett checked back in with Faysal. He said he believes that Scottie is going to go no matter who the replacement nominee is. While that talk was going on, Haleigh spoke to Tyler about what happened this week. She said it broke her heart when she found out that Faysal was going to put Scottie up, but she said okay to it once Faysal listed off all of the reasons behind the move. Haleigh said it wouldn’t make sense for Brett to openly lie about his vote and put a target on his back. Haleigh talked to Tyler about how the two of them, Angela and Faysal should work together moving forward. Tyler then went outside to speak to Angela and Kaycee. Tyler told Angela that they need to tell Faysal and Haleigh what they want to hear. Tyler advised Kaycee to let Faysal know that she is on board with him and she will vote out Scottie out. Tyler thinks that Angela, Kaycee and himself would benefit from trying to make Faysal and Haleigh believe that they would target the people in the middle such as Brett and Sam. Tyler asked what they should do if Faysal nominates Haleigh. Angela said they should still vote Scottie out since Haleigh would then be against Faysal.

3:00-4:00 PM: Faysal told Kaycee that he needs to talk to her, Angela and Tyler since he needs somebody to go up in order to ensure that Scottie leaves. He assured Kaycee that whichever of them goes up, they would have the votes to stay 100%. Faysal said the two who are not nominated would keep that person, as would JC and Haleigh. Kaycee wasn’t so sure that Haleigh would vote Scottie out, but Faysal said she will after he lets her know that Scottie was throwing her under the bus. Kaycee let Faysal know that Scottie is saying that he is going to have a crazy speech tomorrow. Faysal expects Scottie to come at either him or Haleigh in the speech. Faysal said the only way that Scottie would stay is if he nominates Haleigh. Kaycee began to mention that Sam could go up since Faysal is concerned about her vote. Faysal stopped her and said that Sam might go crazy if she is up there. He said Kaycee handled the block smoothly, which is something that Sam would not do. Next up, Faysal let Haleigh know that Scottie is throwing her under the bus. He said Scottie called her Kaitlyn 2.0 to him, saying that she is playing the two of them just like Kaitlyn played Faysal and Tyler. Faysal said Scottie wants him to nominate Haleigh as the replacement nominee because that is his only chance of staying. Faysal asked that Haleigh not mention this to Scottie. Haleigh said she wouldn’t. Haleigh then headed downstairs and cried. She told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that Faysal just let her know what Scottie said about her. Tyler said Scottie is doing whatever he can to save himself. Angela said he will throw anyone under the bus to do it. Haleigh said she is the only one who was still in his corner. Haleigh brought up that she was being called Kaitlyn 2.0. Haleigh claimed that she had nothing to do with this and she argued with Faysal over it. In the have-not room, Kaycee questioned why JC isn’t going up when he has never been on the block and everyone loves him. Brett said the only person who can change Faysal’s mind to nominate someone like Sam would be JC. Angela said Sam is trying to get Haleigh on the block. Brett said they need to push for Sam to do that since it might lead to Faysal nominating Sam. Out in the yard, Haleigh questioned Sam about Scottie saying that she hates her. Haleigh said she was told that Sam said she is will make Faysal feel really special the night that she was drinking. Sam denied having said it. She told Haleigh that it would be a low blow and it doesn’t even sound like something that she would say.

4:00-5:00 PM: Angela, Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh spoke in the HoH room. Faysal said he is leaning towards nominating Kaycee because she was so smooth on the block last week. Angela, Haleigh and Tyler all confirmed that they will vote Scottie out no matter who is on the block next to him. Angela said Scottie is making her question his character even more when by throwing Haleigh under the bus when she is the only one who had his back. Haleigh wondered if Sam and Scottie came up with the plan together, because they were up all night last night. When Sam’s name was brought up as a potential replacement nominee, Faysal said he thinks that things would go smoother with Kaycee on the block. Faysal suggested that the four of them should work together and then battle it out at the end. Haleigh said that everyone is expecting them to take each other out. They discussed that they have won a lot of competitions as well. Haleigh told Angela that never once in this game has she ever said that she wants to come after her. She said she thought that Angela was for sure coming after her. Angela said she never was.

5:00-6:00 PM: Faysal let Angela, Haleigh and Tyler know that Sam approached him this morning. He said she pitched that he should put Haleigh up as the replacement nominee. Faysal said Sam vowed to quit smoking if he puts Haleigh up, and told him to make his parents proud by helping her quit. Angela said that doesn’t make sense on any level, since the game does not revolve around Sam’s habits. They discussed that Sam has told multiple people that she is now ready to play the game with them. Haleigh said Rockstar told her that Sam likes Brett and she gets pissed whenever she and Brett are in the hammock together, so she has been trying to avoid Brett. Tyler said Sam has distanced herself from him ever since he and Angela used the vetoes on each other, and she comments on how they would be perfect for each other. Haleigh headed downstairs to speak to Scottie. She asked him what he had wanted to talk to her about earlier. Scottie told her to disassociate from him because he is going home. Scottie explained that people are leaving in pairs, so it’s the best thing for her to do. Haleigh disagreed. Scottie said she is going to hate him for this, but he has already put the plan in motion. Scottie said he is letting people believe that he thinks that she is playing him. Scottie added that it’s not a good look for Haleigh to be with him when he is being taken out by his own teammate. Haleigh said everyone knows that Scottie is her friend. Scottie said they now think that they are enemies because that is what he has told them. Scottie let Haleigh know that he spread some BS that she would be his target, hoping to disassociate the two of them.

6:00-7:00 PM: Scottie told Haleigh that he has played this game with his heart and it is being ripped up in every direction. Haleigh asked if Scottie believes that she is playing him. Scottie said he doesn’t believe it but he is so sick of hearing it. Scottie said he has decided to let her go and let her play the game. Haleigh said Scottie doesn’t even know if he is leaving. Scottie said he won’t beat anyone in a vote. Haleigh pointed out that Sam apparently thinks that he would beat her. Scottie said Sam pitched that to Faysal. He said Sam told him to do the same thing, so he went to Faysal to tell him what he was supposed to tell him. Haleigh asked what that was. Scottie said he called her Kaitlyn 2.0 and said that she is playing them. Haleigh reassured Scottie that she would never play him. She said that she has defended Scottie this entire time. Scottie said that’s why she has to let him go, because she needs to build bridges with other people or else she will be leaving soon. Haleigh said Brett and Sam are obviously coming after her if they told Scottie to do this. She asked what Scottie has planned for his speech. Scottie told Haleigh his original plan but said that he is simply going to say that he has nothing to say. Scottie said he can use his speech to apologize to Haleigh if she doesn’t like the plan. Haleigh said he doesn’t have to apologize to her. Scottie went on to say that Haleigh is beyond wonderful to him. Haleigh said it’s because he is her friend and they have good conversations including things that are not game related. Scottie said those are his favourite moments in the house.

7:00-8:00 PM: Tyler told Kaycee he doesn’t understand why Faysal doesn’t want to put Sam up. Kaycee said Faysal is good with her and wants to play it as safe as possible. Tyler said it’s stupid of Faysal to openly talk about Sam only to not do what she wants, because Sam is going to end up seeing what is going on and possibly target both Faysal and Haleigh. Kaycee asked if Faysal said her name. Tyler confirmed that he did. Tyler said Faysal pointed out that she handled the block the best and he knows that she will have his vote and Angela’s vote. Tyler suggested that Kaycee try to solidify something for next week if she has to go on the block this week. Later, Kaycee asked Haleigh if she knows who the replacement nominee might be. Kaycee said she has a feeling that it will be her. Haleigh assured Kaycee that she will have her vote if that’s the case. Haleigh said she let Rockstar run her HoH last week, and there were some clear choices that she should have made. She apologized for having let people get in her head. Haleigh told Kaycee that she will not put her up again if she wins HoH for a second time.

8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Angela he thinks that she will be fine tomorrow. Angela said she thinks that Kaycee will be the one going on the block. JC let Angela know that Scottie told Haleigh he is trying to get everyone to go against him in order to take the target off of her back. JC said they have to stick together and get Scottie out no matter who goes on the block tomorrow. Angela agreed. Elsewhere, Faysal asked Haleigh how her talk with Haleigh went. She said it went as well as it could have. Haleigh said Scottie is telling her that he wanted to disassociate from her because he knows that he is leaving no matter what, and he wants her to be able to build relationships with others in the house. Faysal said that’s BS. Faysal thinks Scottie knows that Haleigh going on the block is the only way that he can stay.

9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal told Haleigh that she cannot vote to keep Scottie. Haleigh said she isn’t going to but don’t tell her what she can and cannot do. Faysal asked if Haleigh believes that Scottie only threw her name out there because he wants people to think that they are fighting. Haleigh said it doesn’t matter what she thinks, cause he is going home anyway, but she wants to believe it. Later, Scottie spoke to Faysal. Contrary to what he said earlier, he told Faysal that he will be pissed if he puts Haleigh up. Scottie said he would love for Sam to go up because she is the one who is playing everybody and she cannot be beat in a jury vote. Faysal said he has thought about doing that. Scottie said she is playing hard even though she claims not to be playing at all. Scottie suggested that he could then get Haleigh’s vote, Tyler’s vote, and hopefully convince Tyler to get someone else to keep him. Scottie said he is considering saying nothing in his speech tomorrow, or going off on Sam if he chooses to say something. Scottie said he has never had feelings for anyone before, yet he kind of has that with Haleigh. Scottie admitted that it has been messing him up and people have been taking advantage of it. Faysal let Scottie know that Haleigh is always sticking up for him, so it would be stupid to go after her. Scottie said he knows that and she even cried when he suggested disassociating. Scottie told Faysal that he will be going after Brett, trying to finish what he started, if Sam leaves this week. Faysal asked if Scottie was the one who kept Rockstar. Scottie said 100%.

10:00-11:00 PM: Faysal told Scottie that he only has a chance to stay if he is nominated next to Haleigh or Sam. Scottie said he is going to end Faysal if he puts Haleigh up. Faysal said he could put Sam up but he would look like an idiot if Sam leaves and then Scottie comes after him. Scottie reassured Faysal that that’s not going to happen. Scottie said he is going to go after anyone who has ever told him that Haleigh was playing him. Faysal said that is good for his game if he can wrap his head around believing that. Faysal explained that he believes Scottie when they have talks like this, but they do not have talks like this. Faysal said he felt cool with Scottie for the first half of the game. Scottie admitted to getting lazy once he started spending so much time with Haleigh. Scottie said he previously didn’t want to admit to himself just how much he likes her. Faysal said it’s not a problem that he likes Haleigh, cause that should be good for his game. Scottie said he does whatever Haleigh tells him to do. Scottie pointed out that Haleigh wants Sam out, so he can do this for her. Faysal said that’s true. He told Scottie to go get Haleigh. Scottie told Haleigh to go upstairs. By the time she got there, Kaycee was talking to Faysal. Faysal told Kaycee a bit about Scottie’s pitch. He asked if she would prefer to see Sam or Scottie leave this week. Kaycee said she wants Scottie to go. Faysal mentioned that one of them would have to go up as a pawn then. Kaycee said she will go up if he absolutely needs to make that move, though she would ask that he has her back if he wins HoH again. Faysal said he would owe Kaycee one after this. Faysal said he wants Scottie to go even though he felt comfortable with him during their conversation just now. He thinks that that’s scary. They briefly discussed the possibility of nominating Sam. Faysal wasn’t convinced that Sam would be 100% safe. Kaycee said she knows for a fact that Scottie would leave over Sam. When Faysal continued to resist the idea, Kaycee said to put her up. Faysal said it will be a smooth week with Kaycee on the block. Kaycee said she is willing to take one for the team.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kaycee told Haleigh that she and Faysal went back and forth for a bit before she decided that she will take one for the team since Faysal wants to make sure that Scottie leaves. Haleigh briefly told Kaycee about her talk with Scottie earlier in the evening. Kaycee then wen to Tyler to fill him in on the plan to nominate her. She told Tyler that Faysal even said he was almost convinced by Scottie that he can work with him. Tyler said he is going to keep Scottie thinking that he has his vote, because he doesn’t want Scottie to try anything crazy. JC and Tyler then spoke. JC let Tyler know that Faysal and Haleigh are pitching that he is in a relationship with Angela. Tyler said that’s why they pitched an alliance between the four of them. JC asked if it was a top four. Tyler confirmed that it was. They then ran through scenarios of who each person would target in the event of a double eviction. Getting to the Final 4 with Angela and Kaycee was discussed. JC said that would be smart to go with them as opposed to Brett. JC wants Brett to go after Faysal. Tyler said that he would, but then he will be the next one who Brett targets. JC warned Tyler to be careful with Angela, because it will be hard to get him the votes later in the game when he is such a good competitor. Tyler said it’s better if he goes up next to Angela than if he goes up next to JC. He assured JC that he would never pick Angela over him.

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