Big Brother 20 Day 60 - Brett wins the Power of Veto

August 18, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Faysal, Brett, Scottie, Angela, Haleigh and Tyler. Faysal told JC that Scottie picked Haleigh thinking that Haleigh would use the veto on him if she were to win it. JC said Haleigh should not be doubting Faysal anymore. Faysal said Haleigh was down last night after having talked to Scottie for a couple of hours. Faysal added that Haleigh said Scottie cried and told her that he never would have nominated Faysal. JC said he thinks that he would have been on the block next to Faysal if Scottie had won, because Scottie is playing an emotional game due to liking Haleigh. Tyler then spoke to Faysal who asked him if he is going to try to win the veto. Tyler said he doesn’t throw things. Faysal asked Tyler who he thinks the one vote was. Tyler said Scottie told him that it was him, but Brett said the same thing. Faysal suggested that they can remove a question mark this week if nominations stay the same, and then someone can do the same thing next week as well. Faysal said he wants to talk to Angela, Haleigh and Tyler about how they are the only ones who have made moves, so others are wanting them to go after each other, which is why they should team up rather than take each other out. They discussed that Scottie picked Haleigh to compete. Faysal said he will have to talk to Haleigh, because they will have problems if she uses the veto on Scottie. Tyler said Scottie would then come for Faysal for putting him up. Tyler said he made a promise to do what Faysal wants with the veto. Faysal said he trusts Tyler and feels comfortable talking to him. When the conversation circled back to Thursday night’s vote, Tyler said Brett told him that he was scared to admit it since Kaycee was right there. Faysal said that makes sense to him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:46 for the veto competition.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:56 following the veto competition. It was the Hide and Go Veto competition. Brett won the Power of Veto.

6:00-7:00 PM: Brett told Angela that he is so proud of himself. Angela said that was awesome. Brett said his heart was pounding. Angela said the week is going to go down perfectly now. Upstairs, JC told Faysal that Brett winning is better than Scottie winning, since Scottie would have nominated the two of them if he had stayed. Faysal thinks that Brett might do the same thing. Faysal said they have to be careful to make sure that the replacement nominee doesn’t go home. JC told Faysal not to do anything crazy. Faysal asked who would for sure stay. JC said whoever Faysal picks, Scottie will leave. He said Kaycee, Tyler and himself would all keep Angela over Scottie. As for Kaycee, JC said Angela, Brett, Sam, Tyler and himself would all keep her. Sam’s name was briefly mentioned as well. JC told Faysal that he will have to pick between Angela and Kaycee. JC said that nominating Tyler would be the dumbest thing that he could do, because he would then have to do damage control with both Brett and Tyler. During the conversation, Faysal mentioned that he found Haleigh’s veto card. JC said Haleigh was the one who found Scottie’s.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kaycee asked Brett and JC who they think is going to be nominated. JC said he has no idea. Brett and Kaycee then agreed that it doesn’t even matter since Scottie is going home no matter what. Meanwhile, Faysal told Tyler that he will talk to him and Angela together tomorrow. He said he only has four options for replacement nominees, so he has to consider if people will keep their word to him if he keeps his word to them. He pointed out that Angela and Tyler trust each other like he and Haleigh do, but there have been trust issues between Angela and Tyler with Haleigh. Faysal said the simple thing would be to nominate Angela or Tyler, but he is cool with Tyler. Tyler said the smart thing would be for him to squash things with Haleigh because he needs Faysal. Faysal told Tyler to run it by Angela that he wants to keep his word but they need to squash some things if he is going to do that. Tyler said he is sure that Angela will be cool with that. Tyler said he is willing to vote out whoever Faysal wants him to. Faysal said he doesn’t know if he should try to rekindle things with Scottie, or throw in the towel because he is likely to come after him either way.

8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal filled Haleigh in on his conversation with Tyler. He isn’t sure how Angela will feel about Kaycee going up, but he acknowledged that Kaycee would have the votes to stay anyway. Haleigh questioned why Faysal wouldn’t nominate Sam. Faysal didn’t think it would be a good move when Sam is such a wildcard, she is already have a hard time, and she is likely to be targeted by someone else in the very near future. If they cut a deal with Angela and Tyler, Faysal said Haleigh would have to vote Scottie out. Haleigh said she knows that. Haleigh said she will have to talk to Angela since she doesn’t know if Angela will be on board with working together. Faysal said they will sit them down before the veto ceremony to ensure that they see that they are an option and he is doing them a favour by not putting them up. Haleigh said she has a gut feeling that this is not going to work out. Faysal said the alternative is to nominate Angela or Tyler, then definitely have them coming after them, so they might as well make the deal. Faysal said he can gain Tyler’s trust for the both of them by doing this. Haleigh said Tyler is never going to trust her after she nominated him and told the whole house why he should be on the block. Haleigh said she will nominate Brett and Sam if she wins on Thursday, then put JC or Kaycee up if a replacement nominee is needed. Faysal told Haleigh that he is going to plant seeds in Sam’s head that people wanted her to be the replacement nominee, so that she will gain trust in him when he doesn’t put her up. Haleigh thinks that Sam would assume she was the one saying those things.

9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal told Sam he has a feeling that people are going to pitch for her to be the replacement nominee. Sam expects the same thing. Faysal told Sam not to freak out. He assured her that he is not going to touch her. Sam told Faysal that she will not nominate him if she wins HoH. Faysal said it will be tough for Sam since the numbers are going down and somebody has to go up. Sam said she will be fine. She let Faysal know that she is fine with going on the block but she wants it to be when she has a chance to play for the veto. Later, Tyler let Angela know that Faysal has pitched to him that the three of them and Haleigh look out for each other. Tyler said they should have the conversation and tell Faysal and Haleigh what they want to hear in order to stay off of the block this week. Tyler mentioned that it also might keep Haleigh from targeting them in the event of a double eviction this week. Angela thinks that the deal only benefits Faysal and Haleigh. Tyler agreed but said they can go along with it to keep themselves off of the block this week. Tyler said he doesn’t care about saying one thing and doing another when it comes to those two. Angela thinks that Haleigh is just nervous because she knows that she is the biggest target now. Angela, Kaycee and Tyler then discussed that Sam might end up being the replacement nominee. Afterwards, JC told Tyler that Faysal is going to nominate Angela or Kaycee. Tyler said Faysal told him that he is not going to nominate Angela. JC made it clear that he does not want Sam to go on the block.

10:00-11:00 PM: Tyler let JC know that Faysal is pitching that Angela, Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh should look out for each other. Tyler said he is going to agree to it just so that he doesn’t go on the block. JC brought up that he doesn’t want to be in the Final 5 with their side alliance of Angela, Brett and Kaycee. He is worried that everyone will be coming after him at that point, so he thinks that it would be beneficial if Faysal or Haleigh take one of them out before they go. JC pointed out that Angela and Kaycee would pick Tyler over him, and Angela and Kaycee would pick each other over both of them. Tyler told JC that he will not let them come after him. He stressed the importance of keeping him around to win those competitions. Tyler said Brett is probably going to be the first to go when it comes down to it. He told JC to never repeat that as he has thought it for weeks but has never come out and said it. Later, Sam told Tyler she feels like the thing between Angela, Kaycee and Tyler is real, and she is not included. Tyler said that’s not true. Tyler brought up that Sam was the one who included Kaycee in their trio. Sam said she always thought that Kaycee and Tyler had a thing. She said they don’t have to stick to that anymore if he doesn’t want it. Tyler said that he still does want it. Sam asked Tyler to promise that he hasn’t told anyone about their Final 2. Tyler said he didn’t. He asked Sam the same thing. Sam said she hasn’t told anyone that it’s Tyler, but she did say that she had a final deal with someone. Sam suggested that she would be a terrible Final 2 since everyone likes her. She asked why Tyler would want that. Tyler said he made that promise from the beginning and therefore he will have to stick to it. He said he doesn’t care if he gets second. Sam said that is her role. She also mentioned that she will be gone by that point. Sam let Tyler know that she thinks Angela doesn’t like her and wants her out. Tyler reassured her that Angela does not feel that way and hasn’t said anything bad about her.

11:00-12:00 AM: Faysal told Haleigh about his talk with Sam. Haleigh was irritated that Sam came in and asked not to go up, and Faysal just agreed to it. Haleigh said she wants Sam gone. Faysal said he already made the move against Scottie, and he doesn’t know what would happen if Sam ends up on the block. Haleigh thinks that Sam would leave if she is nominated. Faysal agreed. He said Scottie would then gun for him. As for Kaycee, Faysal doesn’t think that there is any way that she would leave over Scottie. Haleigh brought up that she saw JC and Tyler talking for about 35 minutes. Faysal said that’s good. Haleigh questioned if it really is. Faysal said they will have to deal with that problem later, but they can use it to their benefit for now. Earlier in the night, Haleigh said she would like if Angela and Tyler were in a showmance because then she would not be bothered by Angela speaking to Faysal. Faysal brought that comment up. Haleigh said she is a very jealous person and Angela has talked to her about Faysal way too many times. Faysal said he hopes that Tyler respecting him, and him keeping his word with Angela, will be enough to keep Haleigh off of their radar next week. Faysal hopes that Angela and Tyler would nominate Sam next to Brett or JC. Out in the yard, Scottie told Sam that he still cannot believe Faysal put him on the block. Scottie said he was legitimately on Faysal’s team. Sam brought up that it would be cool if Brett used the veto on Scottie instead of himself. Scottie said he would owe Brett so ridiculously big if that were to happen, even though Brett is the reason that he is on the block in the first place. Sam suggested pitching that to Brett. Sam said she thought this week was originally a plan to get Tyler out via the backdoor. Scottie said Tyler could still go up but he would not be able to get the votes to stay over Tyler. Sam talked about being alone in the game since Rockstar left. She talked about Rockstar going over how the jury process works with her. Scottie said some people will admire when someone gets away with a lie, while others will hate that someone lied. Sam said that she would be the latter of the two. Scottie said he is not pro-lying. Scottie went back to talking about being betrayed this week. Scottie said he cried after hearing that members of The Hive were trying to get him backdoored the week that Angela was HoH. He admitted that he started to think that they weren’t messing with him once he was led to believe that Haleigh saved him as the hacker. Seeing as Sam doesn’t believe that Haleigh was the hacker, Scottie said that Haleigh might have been feeding him a bunch of BS that he ultimately bought. Scottie said he can’t help but wonder if he should have taken the warnings that he was being played by Haleigh. Scottie let Sam know that he will be going after Faysal if he stays.

12:00-1:00 AM: Sam asked Scottie if he is going to take the high road or the low road when it comes to his speech. Scottie said he still hasn’t figured that out yet. Sam said she already has her self eviction speech planned. Brett was in the hot tub while Sam and Scottie were chatting. Sam asked if he is going to use the veto on himself. Brett confirmed that he is going to do that. Sam asked why he doesn’t take Scottie down. She said that has only happened one other time in history. Brett told Sam that the person who did that ending up being evicted. Sam asked if Brett is scared. When he said that he is, Sam said “I would do it, you big sissy”. Up in the HoH room, Haleigh said she really likes Kaycee. Faysal said he now has to put her up. Haleigh said she already told him that he can put Sam up. Faysal said he wants it to be a smooth week. He said Sam can go next week. Haleigh said Sam will stay in the house and ruin her life. Haleigh said Sam is the next best option to target if he will not go after Angela or Tyler. Faysal stuck to staying that Scottie has to go. Back outside, Scottie spoke to Brett about how he now realizes that Haleigh and Faysal have been playing him. He said Haleigh had to have known that he was going up, yet she told him that she didn’t know. Sam came by. She suggested that they should try to get Faysal to nominate Haleigh. She said they can point out that Haleigh sends her best friends home. Sam explained that Bayleigh and Rockstar left because her, and now Faysal is going to be next. She added that she can tell Faysal that Haleigh said she was going to get rid of him and Scottie. Both Brett and Scottie told Sam that they cannot see Faysal nominating Haleigh. Sam said Haleigh was bossing Faysal around and treating him like a dog a couple of weeks ago.

1:00-2:00 AM: Sam told Brett and Scottie that she would be Haleigh’s obvious target moving forward. Scottie confirmed that Haleigh does not like Sam. Sam said she still thinks what she said before is true, that Haleigh takes the most and contributes the least. Sam said there would be no blood on Faysal’s hands if he were to get rid of Haleigh. Scottie said Faysal thinks that Haleigh is the one person who would stick with him no matter what. Sam said she thinks that Faysal trusts her more than Haleigh. Sam said she can go have a conversation with Faysal tomorrow. Brett said there is no chance that it will work. He told Sam that he will chain smoke a whole pack of cigarettes if she can pull it off. Sam said she already has several bullet points in her head, but Scottie would lose in the votes to Haleigh. Scottie said Haleigh is the one person he thinks that he can beat. Scottie said he owes Angela, Kaycee and Tyler an apology for not believing them when they tried to warn him that he was being played. Scottie said he will have to let Faysal know about his Final 2 deal with Haleigh. Sam asked if Scottie is willing to let go of Haleigh. Scottie said that he is. Scottie plans to save it for his speech at the veto ceremony, though he said he might blow up beforehand. Brett said it will help Scottie as long as he does it out in the open in front of everyone. Scottie said he will need to garner the support of Angela, Kaycee and Tyler, and then he obviously wants Brett and Sam there, so it would only leave JC, Faysal and Haleigh for him to target. Given that Haleigh would be leaving this week under the plan, he said only two would remain. Scottie stressed the importance of getting Angela, Kaycee and Tyler to realize that he would not be touching them.

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