Big Brother 20 Day 59 - Faysal nominates Brett and Scottie

August 17, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Faysal told Tyler he doesn’t know what he is going to do for sure, but he needs his word. Faysal said he will not be touching Tyler. Tyler said he has been saying the same thing to Faysal. Faysal explained that he would rather go to the top four together and then may the best man win. Faysal said if Tyler is worried about being backdoored, he will respect it if he goes out and wins the veto. Faysal asked that Tyler do what he wants if he wins the veto. Tyler said he can do that. If that happens, Faysal said that the two of them are going to be good the whole game. Angela joined them. Faysal let her know that he is not going to touch Tyler. He also said he is a man of his word, meaning that he will not put Angela up either. Faysal said it would be a cop out and an easy move to go after Angela and Tyler. He said he would like for this week to go smoothly, setting up for next week to go smoothly as well. Angela and Tyler said that they are down for that. Faysal pointed out that they have been on opposite sides, but he said it doesn’t mean that they are against each other. Faysal is more concerned about those who play the middle and try to be on both sides. Faysal told Tyler that he knows it’s the sixth anniversary of his father’s death, and he cannot do this to him. Tyler said he appreciates that. Kaycee headed upstairs to talk to Faysal next. She apologized for what happened last night. Faysal said it wasn’t her. She explained that Scottie pulled her into something totally unnecessary, which Faysal agreed with. Faysal told Kaycee that he doesn’t see her as an enemy even though they haven’t talked game. Faysal said the people trying to play both sides are the ones who piss him off. Kaycee said she sees that Faysal is a loyal player, just like she wanted to be when she entered the house. Faysal asked for Kaycee’s support if he doesn’t nominate her. Kaycee said that she will respect whatever decision he makes. Faysal asked Kaycee to go to bat for him next week as well, which Kaycee said that she would do. When Faysal asked if Kaycee thinks it makes sense that Brett kept Rockstar, Kaycee said it does since she has been close to Scottie since Day 1. Faysal asked if Kaycee thinks that Scottie is saying he evicted her just to cover himself. Kaycee said probably.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kaycee spoke to Haleigh to let her know that she understands where she was coming from in terms of the game moves that were made last week. She said there are no hard feelings. Haleigh asked if Kaycee is okay when it comes to what happened last night between her and Scottie. Kaycee said she is. She apologized to Haleigh. Haleigh said it was weird how Scottie dragged her in to it when she wasn’t even speaking to him. Haleigh made her way up to the HoH room. Faysal had spoken to Angela and Tyler while she was in the diary room, so he filled her in on what had happened. Haleigh asked what Faysal’s reasoning is for putting Brett up next to Scottie. Faysal said he doesn’t have a game relationship with Brett, so the best case scenario is that the two of them are sitting on the block come eviction night. When Haleigh pointed out that one of those two voted for Rockstar and could be on their side, Faysal said no. He told her that this is not the first time that this has happened, and those two are always in the middle of it, so he doesn’t give a damn. Haleigh said it seems like Faysal doesn’t trust Brett or Scottie. She asked if he trusts Tyler. Faysal said he doesn’t trust Tyler but he hasn’t screwed him over in the game, so he would rather have a known enemy than a friend who messes him up. Haleigh encouraged Faysal to look at the big picture. She mentioned that Angela, Kaycee and Tyler are all working together, meaning that they will come after them once Brett and Scottie are out. Haleigh said they are not going to make the Final 5. Faysal told Haleigh that she has got to have faith. He said it’s time to go to war no matter what. Haleigh asked Faysal who he believes out of Brett and Scottie. Faysal said Kaycee brought up a good point when she said that she is not close to Brett. Haleigh asked who will go up if Brett or Scottie win the veto. Faysal said Tyler. Downstairs, Tyler told Level 6 that Faysal said he is not going up. Brett took that to meant that he will be on the block. Brett said he would prefer that since Faysal has been wanting to backdoor him. Tyler thinks that Kaycee is going up next to Brett, but Kaycee said that Faysal told her she would not be going on the block.

12:00-1:00 PM: When Angela and Tyler were alone, Tyler said Faysal is not going to want them to use the veto if Brett and Kaycee are nominated. He suggested that if Angela uses the veto, he will go up, and vice versa. Angela said she thinks that Scottie will be the one going up. Angela told Tyler she is surprised that Faysal said he is safe. Angela thinks it comes down to Haleigh. Tyler noted that Brett is always flirting with Haleigh. Angela said Scottie is always with Haleigh as well, and Faysal wants Haleigh all to himself. She said Faysal’s whole game is about showmances and girls. Elsewhere, Faysal gave JC a heads up that he is going to nominate Brett and Scottie. JC questioned why Faysal would do that. JC thought that backdooring Scottie would be the better move. Faysal said he is going with his gut on this one. JC said okay. He told Faysal that this is his chance to build his relationship with Haleigh, seeing as Scottie wants him out, and Haleigh is supporting the move right now. JC said to go ahead and do it. Scottie made his way up to the HoH room. He told Haleigh that Sam hates her. He explained that she Sam asked him why he doesn’t go hang out with his good friend Haleigh cause she makes boys feel good. He said she then told him that Haleigh is going to make Faysal feel really special since she is drunk and up there with him, referring to last night.

1:00-2:00 PM: Scottie told Faysal and Haleigh about how he was the only one sleeping in the pink room last night. He said people were doubled up in the blue room beds, and Brett slept in the have-not room. Scottie said he was confused by something that happened last night. He said Kaycee asked him to switch beds prior to the confrontation in the HoH room. He said he told her that she would be stuck with Brett then, which Kaycee said is fine. Elsewhere, JC told Tyler that Faysal’s new plan is to nominate Brett next to Scottie. JC is concerned that Scottie will win the veto. JC asked if he should convince Faysal to backdoor Scottie. Tyler said it’s okay since Scottie wont win the veto. Tyler said he might go up if JC convinces Faysal not to nominate Scottie. JC went up to the HoH room. He said he is concerned with the plan since Scottie could win the veto and then come after the two o them next week. Faysal said he will bank on Scottie not winning HoH next week, and then everyone will put him up. Faysal said he still plans to nominate Brett and Scottie. He mentioned that he might let Brett know that he is not the target. Haleigh brought up the comment that Scottie said Sam had made about her. She said she is so pissed at Sam. She wondered if Scottie made it up. Faysal said it seems like something that Sam would say. Haleigh wasn’t so sure. JC suggested that Scottie is trying to turn Haleigh and Sam against each other. Haleigh asked JC to try to talk to Sam in order to find out if she said that.

2:00-3:00 PM: Brett and Sam discussed what might be about to happen at nominations. Brett said he guarantees that he will go on the block. Afterwards, Sam mentioned that Rockstar was her soundboard and she was going to be her teacher in the game. Sam offered to give Brett any insights that she may have in exchange for him taking Rockstar’s place. Sam called Rockstar her Plan B. She said Brett is now that for her. Sam talked about her eviction being inevitable, since no one will let her get to the end because she would win over anyone due to being well liked. Sam brought up Enzo, referencing a story that Rockstar had told her about him. Sam later brought up that Rockstar seemed to be suggesting to her that Brett is secretly in love with her and that she is his dream girl. Sam asked if that was all made up in her head, and he is not secretly in love with her. Brett confirmed that he is not secretly in love with Sam. Sam said she feels embarrassed because she had talked about it in the diary room. She asked that Brett pretend to love her for the time being. They then discussed playing the game together moving forward. Brett said Sam is now stuck with him and he will follow her around like Rockstar did. Sam asked Brett if there is something going on between him and Haleigh, implying that there is a romantic connection. Brett said he is about 95% sure that Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance. Sam asked if that is just a cover up for Brett and Haleigh. Brett said no. She then asked if she is going to be a cover up for Angela and Brett. Brett once again said no. JC joined them. Sam, in front of Brett, let JC know that she has picked Brett. She clarified that she would not pick Brett over JC. Once JC left, Sam said she would like to go to jury sooner rather than later. She said she is not necessarily there to win, but she can be there for Brett to win. She told him that if things get bleak, she will go instead of him. Brett said he would never ask Sam to do that, though she said she would be happy to do so.

4:00-5:00 PM: Haleigh asked Scottie if he has talked to Faysal. When Scottie said that he hasn’t, Haleigh suggested speaking to him. Scottie had just explained that he thinks Brett and Kaycee were working together based on what happened last night. Haleigh told Scottie to go explain that to Faysal. Scottie asked if there is a chance that Faysal would put him up. Haleigh said she doesn’t think so but he needs to go talk to him. Scottie then went upstairs. He explained that Kaycee chimed in every time that he trie to say something to Brett. Scottie said he thinks that Brett and Kaycee are working together and are trying to make it seem like Brett is a lone wolf who voted to evict Kaycee. Scottie said Kaycee snapped when he said “this is real cute” when she was saying that Brett voted her out. Scottie pointed out that Brett slept in the have-not room in order to make it seem like he is isolated. Faysal said he doesn’t get why Brett was so hesitant to speak up when he asked who the one vote was. Scottie said Brett had probably planned to claim it was him in private talks, but he didn’t know that Faysal was going to ask in front of everyone. Faysal mentioned that Brett and Sam haven’t come up to his room. Scottie thinks that Brett is trying to isolate himself because it worked when he did that after Winston left. Faysal questioned how Brett is still there when he hasn’t won anything and has been on the block twice. Scottie said that show that he is not a lone wolf.

5:00-6:00 PM: Faysal asked what’s up with Tyler. Scottie said he is sketched out with him since he had told Tyler that he was the one vote, and Tyler acted like he didn’t know what happened when questioned about it. Faysal said he thought that Scottie and Tyler were tight. Scottie explained that Tyler has distanced himself ever since he got tight with Haleigh. Faysal wondered who flipped during Scottie’s HoH week. Scottie said he thinks that it was Kaitlyn and Tyler. Not long after, Faysal was called to the diary room. Feeds went down at 5:15 for the nomination ceremony.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:21 following the nomination ceremony. Faysal nominated Brett and Scottie for eviction. Faysal explained to Scottie that he needed some truth and that was the only way to do it. Faysal said he doesn’t have a target right now, but two people raised their hand and one of them is lying. Faysal said some people think Brett was the one vote and others think that Scottie was the one vote. Faysal mentioned that Scottie is always cautious in his talks with him. Scottie said he is that way with everyone after he was honest prior to the Steve vote and got screwed. Scottie pointed out that he confronted this situation head on as opposed to Brett who ran off. Scottie said he is going to leave if nominations stay the same, seeing as Brett has a deal with a bunch of people. Faysal told Scottie to go out there and win the veto.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sam spoke to Brett about the nominations. She thinks that this is all part of plan to backdoor Angela or Tyler. Brett said he doesn’t know about that. Sam was also skeptical about Faysal and Scottie “fighting" in front of the whole house immediately following the nomination ceremony. Sam told Brett that he will have her vote. She called Brett her fake husband. Scottie then spoke to Sam. She asked why he is fighting with Faysal. Scottie said that Faysal apparently doesn’t believe that he voted to keep Rockstar. Scottie said he will be going home unless he wins the veto.

9:00-10:00 PM: Haleigh asked Faysal about his conversation with Scottie before nominations. Faysal said he felt good with Scottie for a second but that doesn’t change everything that happened over 59 days. Faysal said he doesn’t think that Brett and Kaycee are working together like Scottie is suggesting. Faysal thinks they can pitch to Angela and Tyler that they have had their differences but there are people skating on by. Haleigh said JC falls under that category. Faysal mentioned Brett, Sam and Scottie as well. Haleigh said she likes that idea. She asked if Faysal will nominate Sam or Tyler if the veto is used. Faysal said they would have to talk to Angela and Tyler if he is going to nominate Sam, saying that they cannot go after each other if he makes that move. In the have-not room, Brett and Tyler discussed that things worked out perfectly. Brett asked who he should pick if he gets houseguest’s choice. Tyler said he thinks that he convinced Scottie to pick him. Tyler said that Brett can pick him if he wants. He mentioned Faysal asking him to do what he wants with the veto. Tyler said Brett will have the votes even if the nominations stay the same. Brett mentioned that he could pick Sam or JC. The guys discussed that this is likely a plan to backdoor Tyler. Brett said he will probably pick Tyler to compete but he might pick Sam.

10:00-11:00 PM: JC let Tyler know that Sam asked him and Brett if they wanted to work together in an alliance, so he said okay. JC then went to speak to Brett. Brett asked what he should do if he gets houseguest’s choice. JC suggested picking Tyler. He told Brett not to pick Haleigh or Sam. Brett said he can’t pick Kaycee, cause then it would be too obvious. JC said Brett can pick him if Tyler has already been chosen. JC then checked in with Faysal. He said that they will be going home next week if Scottie wins the veto. JC told Faysal to pick Tyler if he gets houseguest’s choice. Faysal asked if JC has spoken to Tyler. JC said he did and Tyler knows to keep nominations the same.

11:00-12:00 AM: Scottie brought up to Haleigh that Faysal’s plan was to ask about the vote and have him put his hand up, yet he used that against him in order to nominate him. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that Faysal expected anyone else to say anything. Scottie said he will be gone unless he or Haleigh win the veto tomorrow. Haleigh asked what would happen if Tyler wins. Scottie said Tyler spoke to him a little bit, saying he has his back, but he would not tell him anything definitive. Scottie thinks that Tyler will want to win the veto if he plays, seeing as he is scared of being backdoored. However, Scottie doesn’t think that Tyler would use the veto if one of his allies are just going to go up anyway. Scottie said he wouldn’t have even considered nominating Faysal had he won. Scottie later told Haleigh that Faysal brought up how close the two of them are, and it came off as though he didn’t like it.

12:00-1:00 AM: While in bed together, Haleigh told Faysal that Scottie has no one in this game except for them. She said he asked her to play in the veto competition for him because he has no one. She also said he was in tears because he would never have put Faysal up. Faysal told Haleigh to go downstairs if this is what she came to do. Haleigh said she will always support Faysal but she thinks that this was wrong. Haleigh told Faysal she thinks that Scottie was with them. Faysal pointed out that Scottie was with her but not him, or else he would be talking game with him too. Faysal said he has to do what’s best for the both of them, so this is what he has to do if he wants them to both get closer to Angela and Tyler. Faysal said he likes Scottie too, but when you hang out with someone for hours and hours you are going to believe them. Faysal said he isn’t going to play it safe by nominating Angela and Kaycee. Haleigh said they are coming after her and are in a three person alliance. Faysal said they can’t do this if she is going to be questioning what he thinks. Haleigh said she isn’t. Faysal told Haleigh she is even though he told her beforehand why he was doing it. Faysal said Haleigh just had a two hour conversation with Scottie, so of course she is going to feel like that. Haleigh said she doesn’t want this to be a move that he did for the other side, and then they come after them next week. Faysal said so many things were adding up so a couple of them had to be true. Faysal added that Scottie was getting closer with Brett than he was with him, even though he had put Brett on the block. Faysal said that is a red flag.

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