Big Brother 20 Day 58 - Rockstar is evicted; Faysal wins HoH

August 16, 2018

1:00-2:00 PM: Sam asked Rockstar if nobody knows who the hacker is. Rockstar said the assumption is that it’s Angela and that she made a risky move so that Tyler could save her with the veto. Rockstar said Faysal’s vote is likely going to be cancelled. Rockstar let Sam know that people don’t think she will vote for her since she put her up and voted for Bayleigh to stay. Rockstar suggested that it’s a good thing that people think she is keeping Kaycee. Sam said she cannot break the promises and trust that she has built up. When Rockstar asked what that means, Sam said she is not going to say anything since she would then have to do it. Sam told Rockstar she wishes that Brett would tell her what he is going to do. Rockstar advised Sam to speak to him and let him know what she is doing, then he will open up to her. Sam said Brett already told her that he hasn’t made up his mind. Sam mentioned that she will be completely alone if Rockstar leaves. Rockstar told her to do what she can to keep her there then.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaycee asked Tyler if Scottie has said anything to him. Tyler said nothing but he wants his vote to be cancelled. Kaycee asked if they are cancelling Faysal’s vote. Tyler said yeah. Kaycee then asked about Tyler’s conversation with Sam last night. Tyler said Sam told her that he was the one who picked Kaycee, even though she is the one who brought up working together. Tyler added that Sam wanted to do what he wants, so he said he would like for Kaycee to stay. Kaycee asked if Sam was really thinking about keeping Rockstar. Tyler confirmed that she was and told Kaycee to just remember that.

3:00-4:00 PM: JC and Sam discussed the vote. JC said Kaycee will straight with you. Sam pointed out that Rockstar is more fun. JC questioned if Rockstar has their backs. Sam said she knows that Rockstar is with her. Sam said she has to vote for Kaycee but she hates it because Rockstar was her person, so now she will be alone. Sam asked JC if he will be her person. JC said he will walk away when she is smoking. Sam said everyone will. She went on to say that she is an easy target and a pawn who will go home next. JC argued that nobody will get rid of Sam since it would be pointless. Sam asked what JC wants her to do. He said he thinks that he is going to evict Rockstar. Sam asked why Brett is suddenly talking to Rockstar. JC said he heard a rumour that they have been working together since week two, and the fight was fake. He also said that there is always a flipping vote to keep those two when they are on the block. Sam said she can’t help it that she likes Rockstar more than Kaycee. She also thinks that Rockstar is better at the game. JC reassured Sam that there are no sides, which was a concern of hers. He told her that if Brett and Rockstar are together, Brett will get closer to Sam if Rockstar leaves. JC said the vote is probably going to be 5-1. Sam said she hates that for Rockstar but she wont tell her. JC told Sam not to cast an emotional vote like she did last week. Sam said she wont. She then pinky swore that she will vote to keep Kaycee. She also asked JC to pinky swear that the two of them will be a thing. JC did.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Rockstar was evicted by a vote of 5-1. Scottie was the only one who voted to evict Kaycee. The HoH competition then got underway at 6:52.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Faysal was in the lead in the HoH competition. Scottie was in second place. Approximately 26 minutes after the competition started, Faysal won HoH. Feeds were down for a bit following the competition. When they returned, Haleigh talked to Scottie about how Sam lied to Rockstar the entire week and then she hugged Kaycee to say she told her that she would keep her word. Haleigh clarified that Sam isn’t a target. She said she is pissed that Bayleigh will have to see Rockstar walk in to the jury house.

8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal told Tyler that he doesn’t even know if he wants to listen to what everyone has to say, because it’s all going to be BS. Faysal said he respects that he knows what Tyler has been doing even though they have been opposite sides, cause he is not doing shady stuff. Faysal spoke to Haleigh. He asked if she is sure that Scottie was the one vote. Haleigh said yeah. Faysal said he doesn’t think that he is going to nominate Angela or Kaycee, seeing as they are not going to win anything. Faysal said he doesn’t want to hear any BS tonight, so he is going to tell people that they can talk to him in the morning if they wish. Faysal said he would like to get one of the boys out. He said he doesn’t want to put Tyler up only to have Scottie use the veto on him. Haleigh insisted that Scottie would not do that and that Scottie had planned to nominate Tyler if he had won HoH. Faysal said he doesn’t have any loyalty towards Scottie. As for Brett, Faysal said he was up Haleigh’s butt all week and then he didn’t even vote the way that she wanted him to. Faysal said he was thinking of nominate Scottie next to Tyler. Haleigh said Scottie voted with them and he will go home if he is up next to Tyler on eviction night. Faysal told Haleigh it’s on her if Scottie comes after him next week. Haleigh said to put him up then. Faysal said he wont touch Scottie, then they will know that they cant trust him if he uses the veto on Tyler. Haleigh eventually said to nominate Sam next to Tyler, and then put Brett or Scottie up if needed. Faysal said he doesn’t care who goes if Brett and Tyler are next to each other. Haleigh asked who would go up if the veto is used. Faysal said he is not wasting this HoH, so he will be making his move. Faysal would not go into further detail. Faysal let Haleigh know that he is doing this for her since Tyler is not coming after him. Haleigh said she doesn’t care who goes out of Brett and Tyler, so he can put Brett next to someone else if he wants. Faysal said he could nominate Brett next to Sam, and then backdoor Tyler. Haleigh said he doesn’t have to go after Tyler if he doesn’t want to. Faysal said he doesn’t care what happens as long as one of the four boys go. He said during other parts of the conversation that he is not going to go after JC since JC is not coming after him. Afterwards, Faysal told Scottie that he wants to ask everyone at once about who voted to evict Kaycee, just to see who will put their hand up. Scottie said to do it.

9:00-10:00 PM: Brett asked JC if they are sticking to saying that he voted to evict Kaycee. JC said yeah. Brett worried that Faysal will believe Scottie over him. JC suggested that he might not if they all stick to the same story. Just after, Sam told Brett she knows that he was the one vote. She said she would never tell anybody. JC spoke to Faysal in the storage room. He said he doesn’t think that Scottie was the one vote. Faysal asked who it was then. JC said Sam told him that it was Brett. Faysal said Brett is smarter than that and he would vote Rockstar out if he knows that she is leaving. Faysal told JC that he has something planned. Faysal said he doesn’t know what he is going to do yet but the two people that he trusts the most are Haleigh and JC. He assured JC that they will both be safe this week. Faysal said that whatever he does, he is doing it for himself. JC then went to Brett. He told him that he let Faysal know that he thinks Brett was the one vote. Brett then told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that he plans to say he was the one who voted to evict Kaycee. Brett predicted Faysal will then put him on the block next to Scottie since he wont know who the vote truly was. Upstairs, Haleigh told Scottie that Brett and Tyler might go on the block. Haleigh revealed that Faysal is worried about Scottie using the veto on Tyler. Scottie said he will do whatever Haleigh wants him to do. Haleigh said that if there is a six person alliance, it’s Brett, JC, Angela, Kaycee, Tyler and Sam. Haleigh thinks that they wrote “6” in their hats because they thought that the vote was going to be 6-0. Haleigh said JC knew what was going to happen the whole time. Haleigh said she will vote to evict Tyler if he is nominated next to Brett, because Brett is not coming after her.

10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh told Scottie that the other side has obviously had a solid group this entire time. Haleigh said her next shot will be at JC, seeing as he is sitting down there and laughing with the others while talking about the vote. She talked about nominating JC next to Sam. Haleigh said they might be able to convince Faysal to put JC up if Brett or Tyler win the veto. Scottie wasn’t sure that it would be worth it when Faysal would make Brett and Tyler mad just to later take a shot at JC. Meanwhile, JC told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that he needs to convince Faysal that Scottie wants him out. Tyler told JC to let Faysal know that he will have to backdoor him (Tyler) if he wants him out. Faysal got his HoH room. He let everyone know that he doesn’t think that he will have one on ones tonight. He said people can talk to him tomorrow if they want to. Faysal said he has been left in the dark many of the weeks, so he is going to do what’s best for his game. Faysal asked who the one person was who voted to evict Kaycee. Scottie said it was him. No one else spoke up initially, but Brett then said “f*ck it. It was me”. Brett said he voted to keep Rockstar. He said he feels as though Kaycee felt that way already. He apologized to Kaycee. Kaycee said she did feel that. Brett said he didn’t want to say it in front of everyone but he thinks that they are against him anyway. Scottie said this is cute. He said Kaycee is a BS actor. Kaycee asked what Scottie is talking about. She said that she has never been close to Brett. Kaycee said everyone has been acting weird towards her. When Scottie asked how he acted weird towards her, and Kaycee wouldn’t give much of a response, Scottie said that Kaycee is struggling to give specifics. When everyone cleared out of the HoH room, Faysal laughed in there by himself. Downstairs, Kaycee told Scottie she genuinely thought that he kept her. Scottie said he did not. JC spoke to Haleigh. He talked about how weird Scottie was acting when the vote was taking place. JC said that Scottie has apparently has been flipping votes since early on. The two attempted to clear the air between them. Haleigh said she thinks that JC feels the same way about her as he does about everyone else. JC said that’s not the case. He explained why he hasn’t been able to trust her completely. They talked through a few things that have happened in the past. JC later brought up that he thinks Scottie really likes Haleigh and he probably wants to get Faysal out because of it. Haleigh said that Scottie needs to go then.

11:00-12:00 AM: JC explained to Haleigh that he had planned to evict Kaycee. He said he changed his mind when the hacker cancelled Faysal’s vote, cause he could see that Scottie was acting weird and he would not keep Rockstar. Haleigh said Scottie is acting weird right now. Haleigh said she doesn’t trust Scottie that much but he and Faysal are the only ones who talk game with her. Haleigh said she thinks that Scottie was claiming to have kept Rockstar in order to gain her and Faysal’s trust. JC said Scottie has been trying to keep the other side strong so that they can take Faysal out for him, then he can get closer to Haleigh. JC said that Faysal needs to be smart about his nominations. Haleigh revealed that he is thinking of nominating Brett and Tyler, but that was before Faysal asked who the one vote was. JC suggested that it would be a bad move since they are both big competitors, and Scottie is after Faysal as well. Haleigh and JC decided to go talk to Faysal. He told them that they need to get on the same page. Haleigh said that they just did. The two split Faysal’s bottle of wine. Faysal asked who they think flipped the vote. Haleigh said she think that Brett was the one who kept Rockstar. Faysal pointed out that Brett didn’t seem confident when he said that it was him. JC explained to Faysal that Scottie is an emotional player and he likes Haleigh, so he will want Faysal out in order to be Haleigh’s new Faysal. JC said Scottie didn’t ever think that Brett would have told people about this vote. Haleigh added that Scottie thought Brett would keep quiet in order to remain good with everyone. Haleigh thinks that Scottie was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do when Brett spoke up. JC told Faysal that Brett and Tyler are two good competitors. While he acknowledged that one of them would go if they are nominated together, he said the other will stay and will be going after Faysal just like Scottie will be. JC said he can talk to Tyler and attempt to get him completely on his side this week, making him believe that he convinced Faysal not to come after him. Faysal asked who he should nominate Scottie next to. JC said that Scottie cannot go on the block, or else he will win the veto. JC stressed that Scottie needs to be backdoored. JC suggested nominating Brett and Kaycee. He said that nominating Brett will make Scottie think that they believe him. JC suggested telling Brett ahead of time that the plan is to backdoor Scottie, and then they can use the veto on Brett if they win it. If Scottie wins the veto, JC said that Brett can go.

12:00-1:00 AM: Faysal said he would probably still go on the block next week if Scottie wins HoH, even if he doesn’t put Scottie up this week. He considered nominating Scottie initially. JC was against the plan. Haleigh mentioned that she and Tyler could make a secret alliance that nobody would see coming. JC said he is fine with that if it will help in the event that Faysal is on the block. Scottie briefly came up to the HoH room. When he went to leave, Scottie said “love you” to Haleigh. He then asked if she is coming down. Haleigh said she will be there shortly in a few hours. Faysal immediately called JC out of the bathroom so that he and Haleigh could fill him in on what Scottie said. JC said Scottie is in love with Haleigh. Faysal and Haleigh eventually spoke alone. Haleigh said she doesn’t know if nominating Brett and Kaycee is a smart idea. Faysal said that Scottie is out of control and he will take the shot at him whether he goes up or not. Faysal feels the same way about Brett. Haleigh asked if he is going to nominate Brett next to Scottie then. Faysal said he can do that and see who wins the veto, though he is worried that Tyler might use the veto on Scottie. For that reason, Faysal said that he is considering nominating Scottie next to Tyler. Haleigh said Tyler is already after her so she doesn’t want him after Faysal too. Faysal said the only benefit to not nominating Tyler is that they will be on good terms moving forward. Haleigh asked if Faysal will make a deal with Tyler for her. Faysal said that he would. Faysal asked if Haleigh thinks that Tyler would use the veto on Scottie. Haleigh doesn’t think so. Faysal said he can nominate Brett and Scottie next to each other then, and make a deal with Tyler.

1:00-2:00 AM: Haleigh told Faysal that he needs to let JC know the plan. Faysal said he will talk to him tomorrow. Faysal asked Haleigh if she supports the plan to nominate Brett and Scottie. Haleigh said that she will support whatever he wants to do. Haleigh doesn’t think that Scottie is coming after her. Faysal said he doesn’t have their collective best interest in mind. Haleigh agreed but said that Scottie going hurts her since he is the only person that she trusts other than Faysal and JC. Faysal argued that nobody has many people at this point in the game. He mentioned that he might talk to Tyler ahead of time to let him know that even though Haleigh was after him, Scottie was putting it in her ear. Haleigh thinks that that would be a good idea. They also talked about making Tyler think that Angela will go up in the event that Tyler wins the veto and uses it on Scottie. Meanwhile, JC told Tyler that Faysal will not nominate or backdoor him. He explained that the initial plan was to nominate Tyler next to Brett, but he spoke to Haleigh and got her to trust him. JC said he convinced them that Scottie voted Rockstar out and he is wanting Faysal out of the way to have Haleigh to himself. JC said the plan is to nominate Brett next to Kaycee, then backdoor Scottie. Next up, JC went to Brett. He let him know that the plan seems to be to backdoor Scottie, but Brett will likely go up initially.

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