Big Brother 20 Day 57

August 15, 2018

11:00-12:00 PM: Rockstar told Sam that she is not jealous of Angela. She said she just think it’s possible to be pretty and cool. She added that she knows prettier girls than Angela who are real and cool. Sam said maybe she doesn’t know the difference. Rockstar suggested that Sam has had a different interaction with Angela since she has been in power. Sam told Rockstar that Angela was her friends before she was the HoH. Rockstar said she wants to win so bad. She said the spoiled rich girl, Angela, has $3,500 apartment, bought a Range Rover, and probably has a trust fund. She mentioned that Angela’s dad wants to buy an entire marina. Sam said she thought that was Brett who Rockstar said the marina stuff about. Rockstar said she doesn’t know which one it was, but they have a lot of money between the two of them. Rockstar said you don’t get a $3,500 apartment by yourself. Sam said Angela has because she works and models. Rockstar said models don’t make that much money. Sam said Angela isn’t as villainous as Rockstar imagines. Rockstar said Angela is a b*tch who has not been nice to her and has refused to work with her on multiple occasions. Sam told Rockstar to stop. She said she doesn’t need to convince her of one thing or another. Rockstar said Angela has Tyler and Kaycee’s undying loyalty, as Tyler turned down safety from four people until Final 6 in order to follow Angela around like a lost puppy. In the have-not room, Brett told Kaycee he is pretty sure that Faysal came down from Haleigh’s room this morning. Kaycee said not this morning, cause she heard him snoring overnight. The night that Faysal did sleep upstairs, Kaycee said she made a point of it to let Scottie know that Faysal slept upstairs. Kaycee asked Brett if he has talked about it with Scottie. Brett said Scottie thinks that there isn’t really anything going on, and Haleigh is saying that she is closer with him than Faysal anyway. Brett said the only reason that Scottie wants to keep Rockstar is because he doesn’t want to break Haleigh’s trust. Brett said that might change if he can convince Scottie that Haleigh has a Final 2 with Faysal and she is loyal to him first. Brett said the best way to pitch it would be to ask Scottie where he thinks he will fall at the end of this.

12:00-1:00 PM: Brett told Kaycee that she has to make Scottie willing to break off from Haleigh by convincing him that Haleigh’s loyalty is to Faysal over him. Brett told Kaycee that Rockstar asked him for help on her speech. Brett told Kaycee that Sam has never come to him with game before, yet she has now been coming to him to ask what he wants her to do. Brett said he has told her to do whatever she wants to do, because he isn’t sure if the other side is using Sam as an informant to find out which way he is voting. Kaycee said she is pretty confident that Sam will keep her. Brett said he feels that way too. Brett said it would be unbelievable if it’s a 5-1 vote. Kaycee said she has a very good feeling that it will be. Kaycee asked Brett what he is going to say when he votes to evict Rockstar. Brett said he will say he heard Rockstar told Tyler that she is still gunning for him. Brett mentioned that Faysal has been gunning for him since Day 1. Kaycee said she cannot wait to get him out. Kaycee said Faysal or Scottie have to go next week. Brett said Scottie wants Faysal to go, but Kaycee doesn’t think that Scottie would do it while Haleigh is still around. Kaycee said she is thinking of putting Faysal and Haleigh on the block. She added that Scottie could be the replacement nominee if one of them wins the veto. Brett said he might work with Scottie, telling him that he would be a pawn since he put him up. He talked about potentially putting Sam up next to Scottie, then winning the veto and backdooring Faysal. Both agreed that they would prefer to have Faysal leave before Scottie. Kaycee told Brett that JC was saying Faysal was trying to get Haleigh to nominate Brett as the replacement nominee. Kaycee told Brett that JC said Faysal thinks he is kingpin of the house. Brett said he thinks he has been running things even though he has been on the wrong side of the vote every single week. Brett said he might even nominate Faysal and Scottie next to each other.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kaycee told Scottie that they have had a unique bond since the beginning, being the middle kids of the house. Kaycee said she trusts Scottie. She said she wasn’t expecting to be in this spot, since Haleigh said she was not her target. Kaycee told Scottie that there isn’t a whole lot that she can say, but she will respect whatever he does. Scottie said he would guess that Kaycee was the #3 or 4 target on Haleigh’s list, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is in this position. Kaycee said she really wants to be there and she does feel like she has a lot of fight in her, but she is not going to talk poorly about Rockstar. She reiterated that she will have Scottie’s back. Kaycee thanked Scottie for talking to her. Afterwards, Kaycee told Tyler that she had a super vague talk with Scottie, just mentioning that they have had a bond from the beginning and she trusts him. Kaycee said Scottie told her that it’s a difficult situation. Kaycee said she isn’t trying to get Scottie’s vote but she wants to be good with him for next week. Tyler said he will talk to Sam again but she wont make it about the vote. Kaycee thinks that Sam might be getting annoyed with Rockstar. Tyler said she is always asking Sam what she is doing. Kaycee said Sam is apparently telling the other side that she is keeping Rockstar, but she doesn’t think that she will do that. Tyler said they will be okay with or without her, but he isn’t sure that Sam would do that.

3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh asked Faysal if he has talked to JC. Faysal said he talked to him for a little bit yesterday but JC did not tell him which way he is going to vote. Faysal said JC only tells him that he doesn’t have loyalty to anyone but he would never put him up. Haleigh said that’s his pitch to everyone. Rockstar wondered if that means that they should not have loyalty towards JC then. Faysal said all that he is saying is JC doesn’t need to be their #1 target. Haleigh said she doesn’t like how vague JC is Faysal, since she thought the whole point was that JC isn’t dangerous since he talks to Faysal. Faysal said he will tell JC that he needs to get on the train or get run over. Haleigh told him not to say that. Later, Scottie told Haleigh that Brett said he would put money on it that Sam will keep Kaycee. Scottie said there has to be a way to convince Brett that Sam is keeping Rockstar.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kaycee checked in with JC. She said the other side thinks that they have Sam. JC said Sam asked him to tell her which way he is voting right before the live show. Kaycee said said she should be fine as long as she has his vote. JC told Kaycee that she has his vote. Kaycee said Rockstar feels really comfortable. JC brought up that nobody suspects he hasn’t voted with the other side even once. Kaycee said that is how delusional and comfortable that side is. JC said they are destroying the other side even though they are not winning HoHs. JC said Scottie is the one who he is most worried about. Kaycee said she feels the same way since Scottie is the reason that she and Angela went on the block. JC agreed and said that Scottie is trying to survive week by week without having loyalty to anyone. Kaycee said she thinks that it will be a 5-1 vote to evict Rockstar, with Scottie being the only one to evict her. JC said he is thinking that they shouldn’t tell Scottie which way they are voting, then they can get Brett to take credit for that one vote so that Faysal and Haleigh lose trust in Scottie. After finishing her talk with JC, Kaycee told Angela that JC is super solid. She said he came up with a good idea to make it seem like Scottie was not loyal to Faysal and Haleigh. The girls agreed that they would nominate Faysal and Haleigh if they win HoH, and then potentially backdoor Scottie. Elsewhere, JC told Tyler his plan to turn Faysal and Haleigh against Scottie. Tyler said to run it by Brett. Rockstar spoke to Brett to tell him that she thinks she can stay this week. If she does, she suggested that they call themselves “The Survivors” since they have survived the block more than anyone. Brett wanted to stick with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Rockstar said they could do that. Brett went straight to Angela and Kaycee to let them know about Rockstar’s pitch.

7:00-8:00 PM: Rockstar let Sam know that Tyler has been campaigning for Kaycee to stay. Rockstar told Sam she still thinks that she has the votes, so she is hoping for the best cause that’s all that she can do. Rockstar said Bayleigh would be disappointed if she were to join her in the jury house. Rockstar was nervous because Scottie was wearing Angela’s hoodie and hat. Sam asked who cares. Rockstar said she knows that she needs to calm down. Haleigh reassured Rockstar that everything is fine. Sam asked if it was in her imagination that Angela and Haleigh were cool. Haleigh said they are cool personally but Angela is coming for her in the game. Haleigh told Sam that Angela’s pitch consisted of telling her why Sam should go on the block. When Haleigh left the room, Sam asked Rockstar what would happen if she is nominated next to Haleigh. Rockstar hesitated before asking why that would happen. Haleigh then entered the room before Rockstar could respond.

8:00-9:00 PM: Haleigh asked Scottie what the mood is like downstairs. He said it was weird in the kitchen since the assumption was that Kaycee is going to be competing tomorrow. Haleigh asked who was involved in the conversation. Scottie said it was him along with Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. Rockstar said it would be interesting to see their faces if they lose somebody unexpectedly. Haleigh asked Scottie if she still has him. Scottie said she will always have him. Later, Haleigh asked Faysal what’s wrong. She said that he is acting weird. Faysal said nothing is wrong. Haleigh continued to ask the same question. Haleigh asked if Faysal talked to JC. Faysal said he hasn’t done that yet. Haleigh then asked what’s wrong again. Faysal said the game messes with your head. Haleigh said he is being very strange and she needs him to not be that way. Faysal said he doesn’t know what he believes and what he doesn’t believe anymore. He added that he doesn’t know what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Haleigh asked if he is talking about other people or the two of them. Faysal said he is talking about everything. Haleigh took that to mean that she is included in that as well. Haleigh said there is no way for her to fix that. Haleigh left the room after telling Faysal that she is going to try to get Rockstar the votes that she needs to stay.

9:00-10:00 PM: Scottie told Rockstar that Brett is not convinced that Sam will vote to keep Rockstar, and he doesn’t want to be in a position where he and Scottie end up being the only two who keep Rockstar if Faysal’s vote is cancelled. Haleigh said that’s why they need to talk to JC. Scottie said he will handle Brett if they work on JC. Looking ahead, Rockstar said she would like them to nominate Angela and Tyler, then evict Angela if she leaves this week. The four talked about potentially getting the other people who they need to keep Rockstar in a room to discuss the votes. Scottie pointed out that JC was against doing that last week. Rockstar doesn’t think that Sam will do it either, though she is confident that Sam will keep her. Haleigh believes that JC will keep Rockstar if enough people tell him that that’s what they are doing.

10:00-11:00 PM: Faysal told JC that Sam will vote to keep Rockstar. He explained that Angela threw Sam under the bus to Haleigh, so Sam doesn’t like Angela anymore. JC said he doesn’t want to say which way he his voting. He told Faysal that he does not want his vote to be cancelled. Faysal said he is not the hacker, so JC is going to tell him. JC said he is going to get pissed if Faysal tell him that he has to tell him. He added that Faysal just gave him new information that he did not know about, so he needs some time to think about it. Faysal then told Brett that he thinks Sam is keeping Rockstar. Brett said Sam is hard to read. Faysal said he doesn’t think that Sam is cool with Angela anymore, but Brett pointed out that Kaycee is the one on the block. Faysal spoke to JC again. He said he would bet his left nut that Sam is keeping Rockstar. Faysal also told JC that Brett is keeping Rockstar. As for Scottie, Faysal said that he will do whatever Haleigh wants. JC said Scottie has been doing that or six weeks but he still flipped votes. Elsewhere, Sam asked Tyler what she is supposed to do tomorrow. Tyler asked what she wants to do. Sam said her loyalty is to Tyler, and then he is the one who picked Kaycee. Tyler said to do what is best for her. Sam said that what’s best for her is him. Tyler explained that he picked Kaycee early on because he felt that she is a trustworthy person. Sam said Tyler is the only one who she told which way she his voting. Sam asked if he wants her to stick with that plan to keep Kaycee. Tyler said he would much rather she keep Kaycee since Rockstar is coming after him. Tyler brought up that the other side started talking to Sam all of the time since their numbers were dwindling. While Sam said Rockstar is doing that, she believes that they see her potential as well. Sam asked what the majority of the house is doing. Tyler said he thinks that Kaycee will stay no matter which way Sam votes. Sam said she will keep Kaycee then. Tyler mentioned that the other side is saying they have Sam’s vote. Sam insisted that she did not tell anyone but Tyler which way she is voting, so they are lying. Sam said she loves Rockstar on a personal level but she will be voting to keep Kaycee. Sam said she gave her word to Kaycee first, but her only loyalty is to Tyler. Sam brought up that she doesn’t want to be replaced by Angela. Tyler assured Sam that she is his closest ally. He said it’s good if people think that it’s Angela, since they will nominate him next to Angela instead of next to Sam.

11:00-12:00 AM: Faysal continued to work on JC. He made many of the same points that he had earlier in the evening. He added that Rockstar is a shield for the. JC told Faysal not to be naive. He said Brett and Rockstar could be working together. Faysal said they have time to deal with that since there are still 10 people in the house. JC said Haleigh is not being blamed for this move even if Kaycee ends up winning HoH. He told Faysal that people think Scottie is in Haleigh’s ear. JC said the reason that Angela, Kaycee and Tyler got so close is because Haleigh threw them all on the block and forced them to work together. He told Faysal that it didn’t make sense to put Tyler up before the veto competition, plus he told her not to make the move against Angela and Kaycee. JC claimed that Tyler had never once said a bad thing about Haleigh. Faysal said what worries him is that the two of them will be on the block if Kaycee stays and wins HoH. JC said Kaycee is not going after Faysal. Rockstar then came down and broke up the conversation. Afterwards, Faysal went to the HoH room to speak to Haleigh, Rockstar and Scottie. They asked about his conversation with JC. Faysal said JC is concerned that they do not operate as a team. Faysal agreed with JC. Rockstar agreed with that since none of them have come out and said that they flipped any votes. Haleigh thinks that they need to establish a solid four and add one more to the group if Rockstar survives the week. She said successful alliances are comfortable talking to each other and they know what’s going on. Rockstar asked if they have JC. Faysal said it’s not 100%.

12:00-1:00 AM: Faysal told JC that Haleigh has his back over anybody’s. He said she likes him. JC said you can like someone without trusting the person. JC suggested that Haleigh doesn’t completely trust Faysal, otherwise she wouldn’t always be taking advice from Scottie. JC said Scottie is playing a crazy game, voting whichever way he wants and talking to everyone. Faysal said he is playing too good of a game but everyone is catching on and is targeting him. JC said he is going to become a target if Kaycee leaves. Faysal argued that it’s good for Kaycee to go since Rockstar and her allies will be going after Angela and Tyler, and vice versa. Faysal said he will make the biggest move of the season if he wins HoH tomorrow. He said he will put an end to the shady stuff that’s going on. JC said Faysal would need to have votes, and he doesn’t know if Rockstar and Scottie are really supporting him. JC said Brett and Rockstar are now BFFs even though Rockstar previously hated him, meaning that she will work with whoever is beneficial for her game. JC then said that he sees Scottie going after Faysal more than he sees anyone else going after Faysal. He pointed out that Scottie likes Haleigh and knows that Haleigh likes Faysal. JC said he can pitch the LGBT stuff to Kaycee, then tell her he is keeping her and he is close to Faysal, making sure that people would not target him. Faysal said the scary part is that Kaycee doesn’t talk to him. JC said he can put in a good word with her.

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