Big Brother 20 Day 56

August 14, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Angela told Brett the things that Rockstar said about her yesterday were hilarious. She said she was called pretentious, entitled, spoiled and princess. Out in the yard, Rockstar told Sam that their group’s goal is to have the two of them, Faysal, Haleigh, JC and Scottie in the Final 6. Sam asked if that is still the plan, cause she feels like Haleigh hates her. Rockstar said Haleigh doesn’t hate her, and she thinks that they had a great conversation last night. Sam said they did but there was no game talk. Rockstar mentioned that they would probably like to keep Brett around until Final 7, but they have to knock people out to get to the end. Rockstar said Brett doesn’t know about their plan for six. Rockstar said that Scottie is really excited about the group. Rockstar said three people need to go to get them down to six. She clarified that they have the numbers to keep her, so she is including herself in the nine. Rockstar told Sam that she would like for Sam to continue to work with the people in the group of six that she just named if she somehow leaves this week. Sam said okay. Rockstar then spoke to Tyler. He explained to her that this was nothing personal against her, but she knows that he was going to be on the block in place of her if Haleigh had it her way. Tyler said he knows that Rockstar is an amazing person and an amazing mother, and he told her exactly how it was. Rockstar said she created a crazy net of safety for Tyler, but it doesn’t matter now. Tyler said he considered it and he is sorry that it worked out this way. Tyler added that he could not possible do a favour for Haleigh after what she has done to him in the past week. Rockstar said Tyler could have put Haleigh on the block next week. Tyler said it wouldn’t have helped his game not to do things the way that he did them. Rockstar said she just wanted to talk to Tyler because she does not want to be angry at him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Rockstar told Haleigh that Scottie was really excited about their six person thing, so she thinks that he knows what’s up. She said she needs to talk to Brett again. Rockstar then filled Haleigh in on her conversation with Tyler. She said it was more so for her than for Tyler. Outside, Angela told Kaycee that Brett is really in on the other side, and it’s amazing to her that he can go from having pots and pans banged at him to having talks with Rockstar about a secret alliance. Angela told Kaycee the things that Rockstar has been saying about her, including that she will be the only Angela here soon. She mentioned that Rockstar thinks Tyler follows her around like a puppy dog too. Angela told Kaycee that Rockstar is making it personal by calling her entitled, pretentious, spoiled and so on. Kaycee said it’s making Rockstar look dumb. Angela said the thing that she doesn’t understand is how last week Rockstar was wanting to evict herself to keep Bayleigh, yet she now wants to play. Angela thinks it all goes back to them wanting to avenge Swaggy. Angela mentioned Haleigh putting a Swaggy shirt on. Kaycee called them followers and sheeple. Up in the HoH room, Scottie mentioned to Haleigh that they can put Angela and Tyler on the block next week. He thinks that they have to take the shot at Tyler if nominations stay the same, cause he is the stronger of the two. Haleigh said that’s true. Scottie said it would be crazy if they can send both Angela and Tyler out in a double eviction. Haleigh said they have to think about who is more beneficial to their game between Brett and Sam. Scottie said Brett is. Haleigh agreed. Haleigh said the good thing is that JC is on the same page as them according to what he is telling Rockstar. Haleigh said she had a good conversation with Sam as well, and she was asking if they can keep Rockstar. Scottie wondered who they should use as a pawn if Tyler wins the veto while nominated next to Angela. Scottie said you either have to nominate one of the two who have not been on the block, or nominate Sam because she is new to the team. Haleigh said she likes that argument but she would not want Faysal to go on the block. They agreed that they would rather have JC and Sam leave over Brett. Scottie asked what the move is if they make it to Final 7 with Brett and they win HoH. Haleigh said nominate JC and Sam.

12:00-1:00 PM: Haleigh told Scottie that they need to let Brett know that there is a group so he knows that he is accepted. Haleigh asked how JC worked himself into it. Scottie said it is because of Faysal and Rockstar. Scottie said his Final 3 would be the two of them and Brett. Haleigh asked if she is Victoria. Scottie said she won an HoH. Scottie said Brett is Victoria since he has no competition wins. Rockstar came by to go over the speech that she is going to give on Thursday. She wants to say that Kaycee has spoken game with no one except for Angela and Tyler, so keeping her will only make a two a three. Rockstar added that the good thing about not winning the veto is that they were able to expose a Final 2 between Angela and Tyler. Scottie said he likes the speech. Haleigh said she likes it as long as they can secure the votes. Rockstar said she can mention that none of them have alliances, but Angela is sitting pretty with two Final 2 deals. Rockstar said Angela, Kaycee and Tyler are clearly a Final 3, and Angela and Tyler are willing to sacrifice their third. Scottie said that’s what happened this week. Haleigh mentioned that Tyler knew Kaycee was going to go up but he sacrificed her by using the veto on Angela anyway. Haleigh observed that Angela and Kaycee were being chummy with Sam last night. Rockstar said they think that they have Brett too, but they don’t. Haleigh said they need to be sure of that. After Scottie left, Rockstar told Haleigh that she spoke to Brett, and they further discussed having a secret alliance. Haleigh said to go along with it. Haleigh said she can make a secret alliance with Scottie too. Brett joined them. Rockstar went over her plan for her speech. Brett said she has a lot of content but she needs a closing statement to explain why it all matters. Brett suggested trimming it because some stuff goes right over people’s heads. Haleigh said they don’t have anything concrete like Brett had. Rockstar said they kind of do because Tyler is following Angela around like a puppy. Brett suggested mentioning the veto competition in which Tyler let Angela have the veto. Brett asked who she is trying to target, or what she is trying to break up. Rockstar said it’s pretty much just Angela, so she wants to stay to help everyone take her out. Brett suggested framing it as getting Angela out is the issue. Rockstar said Tyler will be a lost puppy without her. Haleigh said Tyler is very malleable and will want someone to pick him up. Brett said you might not want to say that in the speech. Brett suggested saying “do you want to empower her (Angela) or do you want to empower yourself?”. Rockstar liked that line.

2:00-3:00 PM: Rockstar told Scottie that she talked to Tyler a little bit. She said he is so stupid. She then began to take it back, but Scottie cut her off and said the only thing that he can think of is that they have so much faith in Brett and JC voting the other way to evict Rockstar. Scottie said he doesn’t understand why they would feel that way. Rockstar said she thinks that they are wrong about that. Inside, JC told Brett that Rockstar started talking game with him as soon as Brett left them alone last night. He said Rockstar claims to already have four votes. JC feels as though they stopped pitching to Tyler and now they are coming for his vote, and he does is trying to avoid it since he doesn’t do well with ass kissing.

3:00-4:00 PM: Tyler told Brett that Rockstar cornered him this morning to say that she wasn’t the one who did all of this to him. Tyler said she is guilty by association, and she knows for a fact that he would have been on the block had he not won the veto. Brett then told Angela and Tyler that Rockstar asked him to help with her speech. He said Rockstars plans to say that Angela has two shields in front of her. Angela asked since when are friends shields. Brett said he told Rockstar to say that rather than empower Angela by keeping Kaycee, they should empower themselves by keeping Rockstar, and Rockstar thought that it was brilliant. Brett said if they think of anything that they would like for him to try to get into Rockstar’s eviction speech, let him know. Tyler joked about saying that he and Angela are related. Angela said it’s hidden in plain sight. Brett said it’s just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which his what Brett and Rockstar have discussed being. Angela asked if she can bring Mr. and Mrs. Smith up in her goodbye message. Brett said for sure. The three discussed that they don’t have Rockstar’s jury vote anyway.

4:00-5:00 PM: JC told Faysal that Rockstar was talking to him super confidently, saying that she has four votes to stay. He said Rockstar told him that she would nominate Angela and Tyler, then she would put Scottie up if Tyler wins the veto. JC questioned how she can be throwing Scottie’s name around as a nominee when Scottie said that he is keeping her this week. Faysal asked JC who he wants to stay. JC said he is undecided. He said he doesn’t know if Faysal is the hacker and he will cancel his vote. Faysal said they cannot work together if he is going to think like that. JC said he is joking but don’t ask him questions when he doesn’t have the answer. Faysal said people are under the impression that he is keeping Kaycee due to the LGBT factor. JC said that’s his personal problem. He said he would never do anything to mess up Faysal’s game, but he doesn’t feel attached to anyone else. JC assured Faysal that he would never nominate him no matter what people tell him. JC asked how he can expect him to work with Rockstar when she is saying that she will put Scottie up. Faysal said that’s her own game, and he didn’t say to work with her. JC said Kaycee is doing an amazing job, while Rockstar is running around talking game and annoying people. JC said he doesn’t want to talk game this week. JC told Faysal that if people think for a second that he does not know what is going on, they are wrong.

5:00-6:00 PM: JC told Faysal that he tried to play for the team. JC said their is no teamwork between their group. He pointed out that Haleigh was the hacker and did whatever she wanted to do, Scottie votes whichever way he wants to, Bayleigh told Rachel about her power app, and so on. JC said it’s a mess. JC explained that it’s good for his game to keep the target off of Faysal and himself, and he told Haleigh to put Sam up to avoid getting blood on her hands, but she didn’t listen. JC said Angela and Kaycee are now gunning for Haleigh. JC also didn’t like being called the sketchy one when Haleigh was the hacker and did whatever she wanted.

8:00-9:00 PM: Sam asked JC what he wants to do this week. JC said he already told her what he was thinking. Sam asked if that means keeping Kaycee. JC confirmed that that’s what he is thinking. JC said he is not going to tell anyone. Sam said that she isn’t either. JC told Sam not to do what she did last week in terms of saying which way she voted. JC said they are at the point in the game where the less you say, the better. Sam said she already knows what she is going to do if she wins HoH, and she will tell everyone that right away if she wins. She said she will not hold one on ones since they will not change her decision anyway. Before the talk ended, JC told Sam that he will let her know which way he is voting just before the vote. Sam said she would like that.

10:00-11:00 PM: Out in the yard, Faysal, Haleigh and Scottie discussed the votes. Haleigh asked if Faysal has spoken to JC. Faysal said he has but he is not getting anywhere. Scottie said JC wants to wait until they get closer to Thursday. Faysal explained that JC doesn’t want his vote to be cancelled. Haleigh said it shouldn’t matter when they have four votes. Haleigh mentioned that Brett said he wants to keep Rockstar. Faysal asked if she believes it. Haleigh said she believes it as much as she can. Faysal then asked if she is confident in Sam. Haleigh once again said as confident as she can be. Rockstar joined them. Faysal said that hovering JC will not get his vote. Rockstar said she is not doing that. Faysal said he knows but he is just saying, and JC will be the fifth vote if she gets four. Rockstar said she thinks the other side feels very secure that they have Brett. Haleigh agreed that they feel that way. Rockstar said it’s good. She also think that they might believe that they have Sam. Haleigh once again agreed. Scottie said they wont know who has her until the vote. Rockstar said she knows, as she believes that Sam is with them.

11:00-12:00 AM: Haleigh told Faysal that she will be completely done working with JC for the rest of the summer if he tries to pull the same thing that he did last Thursday when it comes to the vote. Haleigh said she will then go after him if she gets the opportunity to do so. Haleigh told Faysal that JC is the reason why Bayleigh is no longer there. Faysal said they would have had the votes if Brett and Scottie were on board, but Haleigh still thinks that JC is to blame since those two found out that JC was not going to keep Bayleigh. Faysal said JC is not going to go after either of them. Haleigh said it’s not okay that he is acting the way that he has been, because they would be in a much better spot if Bayleigh was still in the game.

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