Big Brother 20 Day 51 - Bayleigh is evicted; Haleigh wins HoH

August 9, 2018

11:00-12:00 PM: Tyler told Sam that if Bayleigh stays and uses her power to put him up, he wont go up. Tyler revealed that he has the second power app. Sam asked why Tyler didn’t tell her that. Tyler said he didn’t tell anyone. Sam said she told Tyler about hers. She said he didn’t trust her. Tyler said that’s not true at all, and she is the only person that he is ever going to tell. Tyler explained that Bayleigh will nominate someone that he is close to in his place, which he doesn’t want to happen. Sam asked Tyler what his power is. He said it’s the cloud, which allows him to keep himself safe at one nomination ceremony or one veto ceremony. Tyler said he has it for three more weeks. He told Sam that production messed up and put it on the screen last week. He said he almost lost his mind. After, Haleigh asked Tyler to talk. She said she doesn’t want them to leave the room until their personal relationship is fixed. Tyler said he didn’t think that it was ever damaged. Haleigh said Tyler scares her in the game. She said Kaitlyn told her about several his alliances and they don’t really talk. Tyler pointed out that Haleigh was the first person to say that Kaitlyn is a liar. Haleigh asked if Tyler has an alliance with Sam. Tyler said no. He said he has a friendship with Sam. Haleigh said she thought that Tyler would have come for her. Tyler said he had no reason to. Haleigh said Tyler went back to Kaitlyn and told her everything she was saying. Tyler denied it. He said he was voting Kaitlyn out the whole time but he had to make sure that other people were going to as well. Tyler explained that he couldn’t go around telling everyone that he didn’t trust Kaitlyn, or else it would get back to her. As for the house meeting, Haleigh said she is sorry since she didn’t know that Bayleigh was going to react like that. Tyler said he doesn’t hate Bayleigh and he was not being rude to her. Haleigh said she knows that he wasn’t being rude to her, but she thinks that Bayleigh was expecting people to come apologize to her. Tyler said he would have loved to apologize to her if she wasn’t screaming in his face. Haleigh said Bayleigh owed him an apology at that point too. Haleigh accused Tyler of being with Angela and Kaycee the whole time. Tyler said he wasn’t He claimed that he is good with Angela now that she used the veto on him. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that Tyler would ever work with her in this game, but she sees him working with everyone else. Tyler said those people come to him. Haleigh said she doesn’t know if she can do that with him. Haleigh said the only mutual thing that they have is that they both trust Scottie. Haleigh admitted to know about a plan to put Scottie and Tyler on the block next to each other. Haleigh said she was not a part of it but she did not try to stop it either. She added that she knew Angela would never do it.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after the HoH lockdown. Kaycee was talking to Sam about the votes. She explained that there will be five votes to evict Bayleigh if Sam votes with them, but one of their votes will be cancelled. Sam asked who is voting to evict Bayleigh. Kaycee said Brett, JC, Tyler and herself are. Kaycee explained that they will be screwed if Bayleigh stays in the game with her power app. She mentioned that the hacker is irrelevant but they still think that Bayleigh won it and nominated Tyler. Meanwhile, Haleigh told Scottie that she doesn’t trust anyone. Haleigh said Angela just called her upstairs to tell her that she was never mad at her. Haleigh thinks it’s odd that she says that when she is trying to turn Scottie against her. Haleigh said she thinks her talk with Tyler went okay. Haleigh said they need to figure out what they are doing. Haleigh mentioned seeing JC and Sam whispering during the lockdown. Haleigh told Scottie she doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of the vote. Scottie agreed. Angela checked in with Scottie to see if he is still on board with evicting Bayleigh. She got Scottie to pinky swear that he is. Sam was concerned that JC is telling the other side that he will vote with them. Kaycee said JC is for sure voting with them. Kaycee told Sam she knows that for a fact and that JC plans to tell Faysal just before the vote. Sam brought up that she is the deciding vote. Sam asked if Kaycee is voting to evict Bayleigh. Kaycee said she for sure is. Sam asked why. Kaycee said Bayleigh is coming after their side of the house. Sam asked if Bayleigh would come after Kaycee. Kaycee said she would. She told Sam about Bayleigh asking Scottie to swear on the bible that he would put certain people up, and she was included in that. At the end of the talk, Kaycee said she is not going to tell Sam what to do. Afterwards, Angela and Kaycee told each other about their conversations. Kaycee talked about it being frustrating to try to get Sam on board. Angela feels good about Scottie’s vote. Sam went to Faysal and asked what to do. She then cried while laying in the bed with him. JC came by to check on Sam. Sam said she knows what she is going to do but she isn’t going to tell anyone. Kaycee then told Tyler about her conversation with Sam. JC came by. Kaycee let him know that she told Sam he is voting to evict Bayleigh. She suggested that JC tell Sam which way he is voting. JC said she already knows.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Bayleigh was evicted by a vote of 6-1. Sam was the only one who voted to evict Rockstar. The HoH competition then took place. It was a knockout style competition. Haleigh won HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Tyler was telling Kaycee that he is over Sam. Kaycee said she is too since now it’s personal because Sam is putting their games at risk. They discussed that Bayleigh would have stayed had the other side not evicted Rockstar. Angela spoke to Sam about the vote. He said nobody is mad at her. She said Sam made everyone happy by not making it a unanimous vote. Sam said no one would tell her definitively how they were going to vote. Sam said the crazy thing is she is the only one other than Bayleigh who loves Rockstar. Angela said everyone has their own unique connections with everyone. Sam said that’s true. Sam thinks Haleigh will put her up since she put Haleigh up. Afterwards, Sam spoke to Faysal, JC and Rockstar. She said she didn’t want either nominee to go. Sam explained that she found out what was happening and she voted against the house because it wasn’t fair. Sam told Rockstar she refused to let Bayleigh leave feeling alone. Rockstar said she is glad that she voted for Bayleigh because she didn’t want her to be voted out unanimously. Rockstar said Bayleigh shouldn’t have even been on the block. Elsewhere, Kaycee told Angela that she and Tyler are over Sam. Angela said she thinks that Sam will be nominated next to someone on their side in hope of backdooring someone else. likely Tyler. Kaycee told Angela that Tyler said it’s okay to tell Haleigh that he will win the veto if he goes up. Kaycee doesn’t think that Tyler would be an initial nominee. Tyler came by. He told Angela and Kaycee to tell Haleigh straight up that he will win the veto if he is targeted. Haleigh asked Rockstar what they should do. Rockstar said she was going nominate Angela and Kaycee, backdooring Tyler. She said she wasn’t going to put Brett up, because Brett has already been nominated twice. Haleigh said she is not putting Brett up.

8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that he let Scottie know he was voting Bayleigh out. He said he told Scottie to keep his mouth shut but he went and told Faysal. JC said he plans to try to get Sam nominated this week. Angela said they need to win the hacker competition and then throw Rockstar up next tot Sam. Outside of the HoH room, Scottie told Brett about what went down prior to the vote. He said JC originally said he would keep Bayleigh. Scottie explained that Faysal and Haleigh then wanted him to let JC know which way he was voting, and JC instantly changed his mind about keeping Bayleigh once he heard that. Scottie said he had to make sure that everyone knew what was happening at that point. Scottie told Brett he is wondering if JC was trying to arrange the votes in such a way that he could blame people. He also added that he wonders if JC does that every week. Tyler spoke to Brett afterwards. He said he is cool with Brett pitching for him to be backdoored. Tyler asked Brett to trust him that the only way for all four of them to stay safe is if he is not nominated initially. Haleigh started her one on ones. Sam had a very brief talk with her. She pointed out that she put Haleigh on the block, so it’s fine if Haleigh puts her up. Sam let Haleigh know that she will not go against whatever she wants to have happen this week. Next up, Angela spoke to Haleigh. Haleigh said she has no idea what she is going to do, as there are several conversations that need to be had. Angela talked about how it’s likely that nominations will change due to the hacker twist, so what she did last week was nominate a pawn next to someone she was okay with going home. She discussed leaving another target off of the block.

9:00-10:00 PM: Angela told Haleigh not to let anyone make her do their dirty work. She said she had a couple of conversations like that last week. Angela brought up that Sam wants to go home, and it’s driving her nuts. Angela also said that Sam thinks they are bad people for actually playing the game. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that Sam realizes what she signed up for. JC brought Faysal along with him to talk to Haleigh. He suggested that Haleigh needs to play it safe due to the hacker competition. He said using Sam as a pawn would make sense since she put Haleigh up. JC didn’t want to mention any other names. Faysal said he has to in order for the conversation to go anywhere. JC used Brett and Tyler as an example, saying that putting them up would be good since both could end up safe, then she has two strong competitors coming after her. Haleigh said she will not be putting Tyler up. JC mentioned that Angela could be nominated next to Sam. He told Haleigh that she could talk to Angela in advance to say that she is the pawn. Once JC left, Faysal told Haleigh that her best bet would be to nominate Angela and Kaycee, backdooring Tyler. Haleigh said she thought about nominating Kaycee next to Sam, because she can justify nominating Sam. Haleigh said Angela is not coming after her. Faysal said that’s okay too. Faysal asked if Haleigh would backdoor Tyler. Haleigh said that’s the goal of the week. Haleigh questioned Faysal about whether or not he flipped to keep Brett over Winston. Faysal said he did not. He questioned why he would have flipped. Haleigh said she was told that Bayleigh told Faysal to flip. He asked who said that. Haleigh didn’t want to say. Faysal said it’s not true. Haleigh asked Faysal if he laughs about the girls alliance and how a girl goes home every week. Faysal admitted to saying it to Brett. Haleigh asked if Faysal said he wants all of the girls out. Faysal said he didn’t say it like that. Haleigh asked if he realizes that she is a girl. Haleigh said she cried last night because she found out that Bayleigh and Faysal were working together without her. She mentioned that they flipped votes together and were approaching people for Final 3 deals. Faysal said Haleigh will have to decide if she trusts him or the person who told her that. When a Final 3 with Bayleigh and Scottie was brought up, Faysal said Scottie is a liar. Haleigh claimed that she didn’t hear it from Scottie. Faysal also questioned why he would want Brett to stay when he is all over Haleigh. Faysal let Haleigh know he heard that she made a deal with Angela and Bayleigh. Haleigh wanted to know who said it. They made a deal to tell each other who said things about the other. Faysal said JC told him that. Haleigh then revealed that Scottie told her about Faysal working with Bayleigh. Faysal said Scottie is lying to her face. Haleigh said Brett told her that Bayleigh approached him and said she saved him by telling Faysal to flip. Faysal said that’s not true but it makes sense why Brett has been getting close to him if he believes that. Before wrapping things up, Faysal said he will be putting Scottie up if he wins HoH. Haleigh said he will absolutely not do that. Faysal said Scottie is trying to turn them against each other. Haleigh said he is being her friend. Haleigh said she will be pissed if Faysal nominates Scottie. She pointed out that JC could be the one lying.

10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh told Rockstar she is deciding between nominating Angela, Kaycee and Sam. Rockstar asked who the target is. Haleigh said it’s Tyler. If Tyler is safe, Rockstar asked who she would like to see go the most. Rockstar said it’s Angela for her, which Haleigh agreed with. Rockstar suggested that Sam only nominated Haleigh because there was a second chance. She said the speech was mainly directed towards Kaitlyn. Rockstar thinks that nominating Angela and Kaycee is best. She said she really doesn’t think that Sam would nominate Haleigh again. Rockstar said Haleigh could make a deal with Sam not to put her up. Haleigh worried that Faysal would go home if the hacker puts him up and he stays on the block next to Kaycee. Haleigh filled Rockstar in on her talk with Scottie last night in which she was told that Faysal flipped during the Rachel vote, and Bayleigh and Faysal flipped to keep Brett over Winston. Haleigh also said that Scottie told her about Faysal trying to make a three person alliance with Scottie and Tyler. She said each of those two told her the same story. Haleigh asked Rockstar why she is no longer pushing for Brett to go up. Rockstar said things shifted when she found out that Haleigh was the hacker, as she realized that she has to stop blaming Brett for everything. Haleigh brought up that JC was running his mouth about their side to the other side, and vice versa. Haleigh mentioned that she could nominate JC next to Angela if she wins the hacker competition, but that would have to stay between them if she does. Tyler would then go up next to JC, which Haleigh thinks would ensure Tyler’s eviction. Elsewhere, Faysal spoke to JC about what happened before Rachel’s eviction. Faysal said Bayleigh approached him 5 minutes before to say that Rachel needs to go, so he can see why Haleigh thinks he flipped because of that. Rockstar brought Sam back to talk to Haleigh. Haleigh asked if she will go up again if Sam wins HoH next week. Sam said no and then asked if that’s what Haleigh wanted to hear. Sam said she feels like a joke and she doesn’t want to be there. She did shake on it that she would not nominate Haleigh if she stays. Sam then spoke to Rockstar. Rockstar said Haleigh is her person and therefore Haleigh knows that Sam can be trusted. Sam asked Rockstar who is making fun of her. Rockstar said nobody has made fun of her, though people do say things to protect their own game. Sam said she wants to stay with Rockstar at all times. Rockstar said she is cool with that.

11:00-12:00 AM: Scottie let Haleigh know that Tyler said she rolled her eyes when he brought up that he doesn’t want her to play Scottie. Scottie said Tyler told him that the conversation then ended cause someone walked off. Haleigh said that she did roll he eyes but their talk actually ended well with a hug. Scottie told Haleigh that Tyler has been telling him for a long time that Haleigh is playing him. Haleigh said Tyler is pissing her off so bad. They discussed the options for nominations. Scottie said Tyler should go up initial if Haleigh thinks that he will win the veto, or else he can save someone. Haleigh said she doesn’t want Tyler to play in the veto competition. Sam came by to chat with Haleigh. She asked who is making fun of her. Haleigh said nobody is. Sam didn’t believe it. She eventually said it must all be in her head. Haleigh informed Sam that Angela did bring her up but it was only to say that she was annoyed with her about something, plus she reminded her that Sam put her up. Sam said she will let it go. Sam then cried talked about not wanting to be there. She said that she is going to snap at some point, but she told Bayleigh not to so she doesn’t want to do that either. Afterwards, she asked Angela if people are making fun of her. Angela said no. Rockstar said the same thing. When Rockstar was alone with Sam, Sam said that Tyler doesn’t talk to her anymore. She said she is over it since he is shady. Sam told Rockstar that she wants Angela and Tyler out of there.

12:00-1:00 AM: JC went to Faysal. He was worried that Sam found out that he threw her name out there. Faysal said JC is being paranoid. JC brought up Sam making a comment to him that she and the plants are the only real things in the house. They discussed Scottie. Faysal said Scottie is in Haleigh’s ear. JC went upstairs to ask Haleigh if she told Rockstar or Sam that he wanted Sam to go up. Haleigh said no. She clarified that Sam is freaking out because she thinks that people are making fun of her. Haleigh asked what JC thinks about Angela and Kaycee going up together. JC told Haleigh not to make the same mistake that Bayleigh did by nominating people who have never thrown her name out there. JC suggested nominating Sam next to Angela or Kaycee. Faysal then spoke to Haleigh. He told Haleigh that she is trusting Scottie too much. Faysal said Scottie is playing everyone. He wanted to call Scottie up there. Haleigh said no. She told him to look at his reaction and ask if it’s a normal one for someone who didn’t do anything. Faysal said it is. He believes that Scottie is trying to pin them against each other. Haleigh argued that Scottie is not a threat to either of them. Haleigh and Tyler then spoke. Haleigh made it clear that she is not playing Scottie. Haleigh then explained her move last week. She said she doesn’t want to come after Tyler but she thinks that he will come after her if she doesn’t. Throughout the conversation, Tyler attempted to find out if the plan was to put him up tomorrow or as a backdoor target, as he wanted to know when to use his power app. He told Haleigh that putting him up tomorrow would give him two chances to take himself down, so he understands if she backdoors him.

1:00-2:00 AM: Tyler told Haleigh that he will tell her if he wins the hacker competition if he doesn’t put him up tomorrow. He said he would do what she wants with that and win the veto. They pinky promised. Tyler again said he will understand if she backdoors him. Haleigh said it’s the worst pitch ever. Haleigh told Tyler that she doesn’t really want him out. When Tyler asked if he is going up, Haleigh said she cant say but she is thinking about not putting him up. Faysal popped in to get Tyler to confirm that Bayleigh called him into a room before the Rachel eviction to say that Rachel has to go. Tyler said yeah. Tyler then left. Haleigh said she doesn’t know what’s going on with Faysal but he has to get it together. Faysal said he doesn’t even care about the game right now, so put him on the block. He is frustrated that Haleigh doesn’t believe him. She said she does. Faysal said that means Scottie is lying then, which is an issue. Haleigh said she is not putting him up. Haleigh told Faysal to get over it if he didn’t flip. Haleigh said she had just got back on good terms with Tyler, then he came in there and put Tyler on the spot. Faysal said he is so pissed that he wants to call Scottie up there. Haleigh said she will not communicate with him again if he tries something like that. Rockstar came by. She told Faysal and Haleigh that Sam wants Angela and Tyler out. She is convinced that Sam is not playing her and that she actually feels that way. Haleigh asked if they are on board with Angela and Kaycee going up, and they said that they are.

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