Big Brother 20 Day 48 - Angela nominates Bayleigh in Tyler's place

August 6, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Kaycee told Brett that Bayleigh is going to be pissed when she goes on the block. Brett said he could see one of two things happening. He figures that Bayleigh will either freak out or shut down. He mentioned that Bayleigh is a smart girl and she hasn’t freaked out whenever he has thought that she would. Kaycee said she let Angela know that she will have her back 100%, but she should not let Bayleigh yell at her if she does. Brett thinks Bayleigh might expect that she has the numbers. He expects her to pitch to him hard. Kaycee thinks Bayleigh will do the same with her. Brett suggested telling Bayleigh that she is going to keep her, but Kaycee was concerned about the jury vote.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:15 for the veto ceremony.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned after 12:12 following the veto ceremony. Angela used the Power of Veto on Tyler. Angela nominated Bayleigh as the replacement nominee. Tyler told Rockstar that he will do everything he can to make sure that she doesn’t leave this week. Rockstar said she appreciates that. Rockstar mentioned that she doesn’t think Bayleigh is the hacker. JC told her she shouldn’t be saying that since she needs to get votes to stay. Bayleigh went up to the HoH room to ring the doorbell. Angela told Bayleigh that she doesn’t want to talk right now. Bayleigh then went to the bedroom. Haleigh asked her if she is okay. Bayleigh said this is what she gets for sticking her neck out for Rockstar. Bayleigh said people are giving her way too much credit, and it makes no sense that Tyler is treating her like trash when she was never planning on backdooring him. Haleigh said it’s too bad that Bayleigh’s power cannot be used right now. Bayleigh said it’s too bad she didn’t use it this week, but she didn’t out of respect for Angela. Haleigh started talking about Bayleigh staying this week. Bayleigh said she doesn’t want to stay with “you crazy ass white people”. She said she is done. Bayleigh pointed out that Sam will do whatever she is told to do, plus Brett will vote her out for putting him on the block. Haleigh told Bayleigh she cannot give up. Bayleigh said she wont but she isn’t going to lie, cheat or manipulate. They discussed that Angela paused in her speech as though she was going to say Scottie. Afterwards, Bayleigh spoke to Scottie. She asked if he knew it was the plan to throw her off by saying his name. Scottie said no. Bayleigh said it seems like a plan to set her up to look dumb. Bayleigh insisted that she is not the hacker. She said she hopes that they are enjoying seeing her suffer for no reason. Rockstar told Haleigh and Scottie she doesn’t care if it messes up her votes, but she trusts Bayleigh and she doesn’t think that Bayleigh is the hacker. Haleigh said she does too. Kaycee was sniffling in the kitchen while Bayleigh was in there. Kaycee headed to the geometry room. Bayleigh followed a few minutes later. She said she doesn’t get why she can’t react. She didn’t understand why Kaycee was treating her the way she is. Kaycee said she had to walk away because she is hurt that Bayleigh is nominated. Kaycee added that she cares about Bayleigh and it hurts to see her like this. Kaycee asked if Bayleigh is the hacker. Bayleigh said no. She told Kaycee that she got zero questions right. Bayleigh said she thinks that Scottie is the hacker. After talking to Kaycee, Bayleigh went to Tyler to swear that she is not the hacker and her plan was not to backdoor him. She promised to God that that was not her plan.

1:00-2:00 PM: Bayleigh told Sam she has never had somebody look her in the face and laugh at her when she is crying before, but that’s what Sam’s best friend Tyler did. Bayleigh said that hurts her and she knows that Sam will do whatever Tyler tells her to do. While Sam denied that Tyler is her best friend, Bayleigh said both Kaitlyn and Tyler told her that Sam and Tyler have a Final 2 deal. Bayleigh explained that she is not the hacker. She questioned why she would ever take Scottie down instead of Rockstar. Bayleigh said the hacker is getting away with this and is laughing at her. Bayleigh told Sam she is crying because she is furious, not because she is upset. Sam encouraged Bayleigh to continue being who she is. She said crying does not make her a weak person. Meanwhile, Kaycee told Tyler it’s tough when you see someone hurt. Tyler said Bayleigh is a good person. Kaycee said her relationship with Bayleigh is better than her relationship with anyone else on that side of the house. Kaycee said Bayleigh denied being the hacker, but she still thinks that it is her. Kaycee said it’s either her or Scottie. Tyler said he has a couple of other suspicions if it’s not them, but he didn’t want to name any names right now. They agreed that the hacker part of it is irrelevant since Bayleigh’s power app is what they have to be concerned about. Kaycee asked Tyler who his next target is. Tyler said he would nominate Haleigh and Rockstar, then attempt to backdoor Faysal. Kaycee said she would do the same. Tyler then spoke to Rockstar. He told her that he is not going to vote her out this week. Tyler said he will do what he can do make sure that Rockstar stays. Upstairs, Kaycee told Angela she still thinks that Bayleigh is the hacker. Angela said even if she is not the hacker, she was always her target. Angela said she blamed Bayleigh for something and it gave her a reason to backdoor her. Kaycee said Bayleigh cannot be trusted in the house with her app, seeing as she already nominated two of their allies last week. Angela said she is not going to talk to Bayleigh until tomorrow, and she wants someone else present at the time of their conversation. Angela said she doesn’t want Bayleigh to have the chance to lie about what was said.

2:00-3:00 PM: JC headed to the HoH room. He told Angela and Kaycee that Rockstar’s game is so weak. He explained that right after the veto ceremony, Rockstar was saying that she doesn’t think Bayleigh is the hacker. JC thinks she should keep quiet about that even if she believes it to be true. Angela and Kaycee discussed that Bayleigh’s power getting out screwed her and made her a target. JC said she ruined her own game. JC counted off the votes to evict Bayleigh. He said they have the two of them, Brett and Tyler. Angela added that Sam has told her that she will vote whichever way she wants her to. Kaycee asked if JC is going to keep Faysal and Haleigh out of the loop. JC said he will but he is going to have to let Faysal know which way he is voting right before the eviction, as there is no one to blame his vote on at this point. Out by the pool, Bayleigh told Haleigh that the hacker might cancel her vote. Bayleigh said she plans to target Angela and Tyler if she stays, but she cannot say that.

3:00-4:00 PM: Rockstar told Sam that this week is a loss for her either way since Bayleigh is someone on her side. Rockstar thinks it would be easy to keep putting her on the block if she stays, seeing as she wouldn’t have many people backing her at that point. Rockstar said she trusts Bayleigh. Rockstar brought up that Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler have kept their numbers throughout the game. Sam said she doesn’t think that there are any large groups. She suggested that the sides are breaking down and it will soon be everyone for themselves. Elsewhere, Faysal asked Haleigh what Bayleigh had to say. Haleigh said Bayleigh is hurt and she feels attacked. Haleigh told Faysal that Bayleigh is saying she is not the hacker. Faysal asked who else it could be. Haleigh threw Scottie’s name out there. Faysal noted that this will be a tough decision for him, and even more so for Haleigh, because they are close to both Bayleigh and Rockstar. Haleigh said they will have to wait and see how the week goes. She added that it’s a good thing that neither of them are on the block. Upstairs, Brett told Angela there is no way that Bayleigh is not the hacker. Angela thinks Bayleigh would have been more outspoken about her denial if it wasn’t her. Brett thinks Bayleigh will be gone no matter whose vote she cancels. Angela and Brett agreed that they would like to get Faysal, Haleigh and Rockstar out in that order moving forward. Outside, Rockstar told Haleigh she doesn’t get how the other side keeps winning. She brought up that Kaitlyn screwed them in week two. Haleigh said Tyler was just as big of a part of that. Rockstar pointed out that their numbers are so small at this point. She asked what the best plan is if she stays. Haleigh said winning an HoH would be a good start.

4:00-5:00 PM: Bayleigh told Rockstar she isn’t upset about being on the block. What she took issue with are the things that were said about her. Bayleigh let Rockstar know that she will not be going around tearing her down after she was just giving her advice on how to stay. Rockstar said they are in this position because of a lie, referring to Bayleigh not being the hacker. Bayleigh said she would have no reason to have put Tyler on the block.

5:00-6:00 PM: Rockstar asked Scottie if he is really not working with the other side. Scottie said he isn’t. He claimed to have no clue what is going on. Rockstar said she feels like Tyler is, to which Scottie replied that he would not be surprised. Rockstar and Scottie agreed that they don’t think Bayleigh was the hacker. Rockstar thinks Bayleigh would have picked Faysal to play in the veto competition. She mentioned that they as a group had agreed to take her off and put Brett on the block. Rockstar said Angela, Brett and Kaycee work together pretty solidly, and she thinks that they have Tyler as well. Rockstar suggested that Angela did what she did in order to secure Scottie’s trust and protection, which Rockstar hopes that Scottie is not going to give her.

6:00-7:00 PM: Rockstar asked Scottie about his relationship with Tyler. Scottie said it’s a weird dynamic since they argue about everything and nothing ever gets solved. Rockstar made it clear that she wants to ensure that their team comes out on top regardless of who leaves this week. Rockstar wondered if Tyler telling Bayleigh that Scottie is the only one he trusts was all a plan so that he could do this. Scottie said it would be quite the move if that were the case. Rockstar began talking about needing to take down the brains of the operation. Rockstar said Brett is the obvious choice since he is a good talker, really smart, and he keeps on staying. Rockstar then said that something about Sam makes her believe that she too could easily be the mastermind. Scottie agreed. Rockstar wondered if Sam put the group together while they were all worrying about trying to keep Steve. Rockstar suggested that the best move would be to nominate Brett next to Sam. Scottie said that move would show some stuff. Rockstar said she thinks that Brett was the hacker, seeing as Brett did not look comfortable during Angela’s speech. Rockstar thinks that the other will be able to be picked off once Brett is gone. Rockstar then went to talk to Bayleigh. She explained her theory that Brett is the hacker and that the best move would be to nominate him next to Sam. Bayleigh asked why Rockstar doesn’t think that it was Scottie. Rockstar said Scottie is thinking too much to have been involved, plus he is not giving off comfortable energy. Rockstar thinks that Scottie can still be used as a number moving forward. When Rockstar asked Bayleigh if she thinks that this was the plan all along, Bayleigh said she thinks that someone told Angela earlier on that she was the hacker, and then it became the plan. She thinks that Angela played along with everything for fun and to have something to use against them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Bayleigh told Haleigh and Rockstar that Angela passed up the chance to make the biggest move in Big Brother history, opting to fall into a trap instead. Bayleigh brought up Tyler saying that he wanted to move forward with her and with Scottie last week, only to join up with Angela this week. Haleigh said Tyler is weak minded. Bayleigh said it’s sad. Haleigh discussed her plan for if she wins HoH and the hacker competition. She said she would nominate Sam and Tyler, then put Angela up in Sam’s place with the hacker nominee. If one of the nominees win the veto, she said she would put Sam back on the block. Bayleigh mentioned that Tyler is following Angela around the house. Haleigh said Tyler has a new Kaitlyn. A bit later, Rockstar told Faysal and Haleigh she thinks that Brett is the hacker and that’s why he and Angela haven’t been talking. Faysal said it doesn’t make sense for Brett to feel so threatened by Tyler like that. Rockstar said they should all feel threatened by Tyler. Haleigh agreed. Rockstar said Scottie and Tyler can get all the way to the end. Faysal told Rockstar to calm down. She said she is calm but it’s a fact. Rockstar mentioned that the only way to get Angela or Brett out would be by nominating them next to Sam. She then said that Tyler would have to be backdoored. Faysal said he would put Scottie and Tyler up and then beat them both in the veto competition.

9:00-10:00 PM: Haleigh told Faysal that at least they have Scottie. Faysal said he doesn’t know if Scottie is still cool with him. Haleigh asked why he wouldn’t be. Faysal said the only reason would be what they told Angela about the big move, but Haleigh doesn’t think that Angela shared that. Faysal said Scottie would nominate some combination of Brett, JC and Kaycee then. Haleigh thinks Scottie could nominate Angela as well. Faysal called Kaycee the ultimate floater. Haleigh and JC and Tyler are floating as well. Haleigh asked Faysal to name one person that would touch Tyler. Faysal said he would. Haleigh said nobody is touching JC either. Faysal told her to calm down since everyone’s time will come. Faysal said he and Brett have a really good relationship right now, but he doesn’t know if Brett is bluffing. Faysal thinks it would be smart of Brett to work with him since Scottie and Tyler are close, and he doesn’t really have anyone.

10:00-11:00 PM: The remaining Level 6 members met up in the HoH room. Brett said Faysal is freaking out. Brett said Faysal for sure thought that he was going to be backdoored. As for Scottie, Brett said Scottie believes that he is totally by himself, and he advised him to talk to Angela. Brett said he is shocked that Bayleigh hasn’t tried to pitch to him yet. He figures that Bayleigh has noticed that whoever panics goes home. Angela suggested that Bayleigh may have given up. Tyler said he already told Bayleigh that he wont be voting of her, so she might not cancel his vote just because she doesn’t want it to look like she is the hacker. Kaycee told the group that they have to keep Faysal and Haleigh out of the loop when it comes to the vote. The others agreed.

11:00-12:00 AM: Brett said he thinks that Scottie is targeting Faysal. Tyler said he is after Faysal and Haleigh, but Brett believes that Scottie still has a bit of a soft spot for Haleigh. Brett told Level 6 that he is almost positive that Faysal and Haleigh are in a full blown showmance. He said Haleigh vented to him until 5 AM on the hammock one night, and it seemed like a couples vent. Brett also notice that Faysal continually walked by the door, watching them while they were out on the hammock. Brett compared Faysal to Caleb, though he said Haleigh is about it but knows that it is not good for her game to be in a showmance. Brett said Haleigh’s game is flirting with the guys. Tyler agreed. Kaycee said she probably had a talk with Faysal to explain that she is still going to flirt with the other guys. Brett said it still pisses Faysal off when it happens.

12:00-1:00 AM: Faysal asked JC who he thinks is going to stay this week. JC said he doesn’t know. He told Faysal that he doesn’t want to talk about his vote, cause it could get back to the hacker and then they might cancel his vote. JC said the best thing they could do this week is remain quiet, think about what is beneficial to their games, and then go vote. Faysal said he is so surprised that he didn’t end up on the block this week. Haleigh asked Faysal what JC was saying. Faysal said he told him to sit back and he doesn’t want to discuss his vote because of the hacker. Faysal said JC was telling him to be thankful that they didn’t end up nominated. Faysal thinks it’s cute that JC thinks he and Faysal are a duo. Haleigh asked Faysal which way they are going to vote. Faysal said it’s up to Haleigh, but she didn’t know what to do. Faysal suggested waiting until Wednesday to see if anything comes to light with regards to the hacker. Faysal then asked if Haleigh would tell him if she is the hacker. Haleigh said yes. She then questioned if that is even an option still, and asked why he would ask that. Faysal said he is just saying that he wouldn’t be mad even if it was Bayleigh or Haleigh. Haleigh said she didn’t understand why he made the comment about the hacker. Faysal explained that they wouldn’t have to worry about their votes being cancelled if the hacker is Bayleigh or Haleigh. Haleigh said it’s annoying that Faysal would even ask her if she is the hacker. Faysal asked if Haleigh wants to keep Bayleigh. She said she kind of does. Faysal said they will keep Bayleigh then. He pointed out that they need to get two more votes. Haleigh said JC and Scottie would be all that they need. Faysal thinks that JC will vote with them.

1:00-2:00 AM: Haleigh told Faysal she is good with everyone except for Kaycee and Sam. She said Brett, JC, Scottie and whoever stays will not put her up. She said Tyler also swore not to, but he might. Haleigh told Faysal that Brett wouldn’t put him up either, but Faysal isn’t so sure. He said he has had good conversations with Brett but he doesn’t know if Brett is bluffing. Haleigh said she would nominate Angela and Kaycee with a plan to backdoor Sam or possibly Tyler. Faysal said the thing about Tyler is that he is weak minded and he plays week to week, so she could cut a deal with him and then he would protect them the following week. Haleigh said she would backdoor Sam then. Faysal brought up that Scottie and Tyler are going to have to be nominated together at some point. He questioned if Scottie is really working with them or just using their group as a safety net for protection. Haleigh said Scottie has sway over Tyler, meaning that you are good with Tyler to some extent if you are good with Scottie, but she did agree that they have to go up together eventually.

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