Big Brother 20 Day 47

August 5, 2018

12:00-1:00 PM: Angela spoke to Kaycee, Scottie and Tyler about what transpired last night. She said the girls are pushing for an all girl alliance once again, now that they don’t feel safe. Scottie said that’s dumb. Angela said in Rockstar’s defense, she was the one not saying to throw Scottie up there but rather to go with the girls alliance. Scottie brought up that he has been offered alliances by that side, including “The Hive” alliance. Kaycee asked when that was. Scottie said the five of them have been working together for a while now but it was named more recently. He said they made him come up with the name. Scottie mentioned that they weren’t happy to hear him say that he would use the veto on Tyler if he had won it. Scottie let Angela know that Bayleigh was telling him last week that she wants him to go after Angela, Kaycee and Rachel. Angela told Scottie and Tyler that Bayleigh and Haleigh both told her that the two of them are in a three person alliance with Sam. Tyler said it’s just because Sam tries to protect them. Angela added that Haleigh’s pitch was that she would go down as a Big Brother legend if she were to nominate Scottie next to Tyler.

1:00-2:00 PM: Haleigh told Bayleigh that Scottie is not with them. Bayleigh said she has been telling them that. Haleigh mentioned that her conversation with Angela last night went really well. Haleigh thinks that the two of them will be fine even if Angela doesn’t nominate Scottie, but it’s just a matter of whether or not Faysal is fine too. Bayleigh brought up that people are so shady in the house, so she is trying to stay away before she says anything crazy. Bayleigh talked about how she is good at popping back at someone when they say or do something to her in real life, but she is trying to hold back in the house. They discussed that some people in the house can dish it but they can’t take it. Rockstar and Sam’s names were brought up during the conversation.

2:00-3:00 PM: Faysal spoke to Angela. He pitched to her that she has the opportunity to make the biggest move in Big Brother history by putting Scottie up after pinky swearing to keep Scottie and Tyler safe, and having them pass up on the veto. Faysal said Angela would go down as the most iconic Big Brother player ever. Angela said the thing is that she has done so well with keeping her word, so this will be the first promise that she has to break. Angela said Bayleigh made a good point when she asked how many times Scottie and Tyler have lied to her face. Faysal said Angela will be able to set herself up for weeks to come, as the whole house will be backing her if she makes the move. Angela said she is trying to weigh whether she wants to make a big move or play it safe. Faysal reiterated that the whole house, with the except of whichever nominee stays, will have Angela’s back if she makes the move. Angela said she hopes so but she saw how quickly people forgot about Swaggy being backdoored.

3:00-4:00 PM: Bayleigh checked in with JC to see if everything is okay. JC said he thinks so but his biggest fear in all of this is that Angela might backdoor Faysal. Bayleigh said she was thinking that too but she had a conversation with Angela in which she said she really trusts him. JC said the other scenario could be that Angela is really targeting Rockstar and she will choose to nominate a pawn to get her out. Bayleigh asked who that would be. JC said it’s hopefully not him. He suggested that it could be Haleigh. Up in the HoH room, Angela asked Tyler if Scottie is still solid with them. Tyler explained that he told Scottie they are the only three who know about the plan, and Scottie reassured him that he will not say anything. Angela said Bayleigh is oblivious to what’s going on. Tyler said it would be silly to leave Bayleigh in the game even if she wasn’t the hacker, because she has a power app that allows her to change nominations. Tyler asked if Angela knows what she is going to say at the veto ceremony. Angela said she has thought about it. She mentioned that she may say she has been one step ahead of Bayleigh, knowing that every conversation they have had has been a string of lies in attempt for Bayleigh to feel her out to make the best decision for the hacker’s game. Angela said she also wants to have Scottie’s back, saying she is sick and tired of everyone pinning everything on him. She also wants to tell Bayleigh that it is dirty, wrong, and bullying to have Scottie put his hand on the bible and swear to God.

5:00-6:00 PM: Angela told Kaycee about the pitch that Faysal was making to her, trying to tell her how epic would be if she were to go back on her pinky swear in order to nominate Scottie next to Tyler. Angela said he told her that it would be the biggest move in Big Brother history, but she was just thinking “you know what’s a bigger move than that?”. Bayleigh and Sam had a quick talk in the backyard. Bayleigh felt that Sam had been snappy with her of late. Sam assured her that nothing is wrong and that everything she says is at face value. Bayleigh eventually left even though Sam had asked her to stick around. Bayleigh headed to the have-not room to tell Faysal that Sam is being really snappy, and she doesn’t know what she did to her. They then talked about the plan for the week. Bayleigh said Angela told her that she probably wont tell anyone what she is doing, and she may not know what she will do until the veto ceremony. Bayleigh is concerned that Scottie might be throwing them all under the bus, seeing as he snapped at her earlier and he hasn’t been talking to them. Faysal said that would only look bad on Scottie’s part to be throwing them under the bus when he is potentially in danger. Bayleigh said she is annoyed because they are all screwed if Scottie and Tyler both stay in the game. While they aren’t certain that Angela will nominate Scottie, both Bayleigh and Faysal think that it will happen. Faysal questioned what the alternative would be. Bayleigh said Angela could make the safe move, nominating JC. Faysal thinks that would be stupid. Bayleigh mentioned that she isn’t willing to promise to use her power on Angela no matter who wins HoH. She said she only offered to use it if whoever remains out of Scottie and Tyler wins. Faysal thinks she should just say that she will use it no matter what.

7:00-8:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Bayleigh told Angela she promises to use her power on her if she makes the biggest move tomorrow. Bayleigh said it’s the two of them ride or die. The two then did a dance and Bayleigh said “Amazon alliance forever”. Bayleigh then left the room. Angela said someone might be backdoored tomorrow.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds were down off and on throughout the day while Brett’s punishment from the veto competition was taking place. They returned in the middle of a conversation. Angela told Brett and Kaycee that Bayleigh had just said she would use the power app to save Angela if Angela nominates Scottie next tot Tyler. JC and Tyler joined them. Angela said the other side is freaking out since she hasn’t told a single one of them that they are safe. Meanwhile, Brett spoke to Sam to let her know that everything is fine. He said it’s all part of the big plan, but he wanted to keep her up to date and reassure her that nothing is wrong between Angela, Tyler and himself. Outside, JC told Faysal the worst case scenario would be that he goes on the block next to Rockstar, but he doesn’t think that Angela is going to nominate Faysal. JC suggested that the target is likely Rockstar. Later, Bayleigh told Haleigh she thinks that they should vote Scottie out over Tyler if Angela nominates Scottie. Bayleigh said they can nominate Sam and Tyler next to each other next week. Haleigh said she 100% agrees even though she at first believed that Tyler would have to go. Haleigh said Tyler is very malleable. Haleigh said she is willing to put money on it that Scottie is the hacker. Bayleigh said that even if Tyler wins, he wont be able to pull Sam off of the block if he is up next to her. Haleigh doesn’t know what else Angela could possibly want besides the two of them, Faysal and Rockstar pledging their loyalty to her.

9:00-10:00 PM: Angela finished her conversation with Kaycee, Scottie and Tyler from earlier in the day. She said the other side has been telling her that putting Scottie back up, or not using the veto on Tyler, would be an epic move and make her a Big Brother legend. Angela revealed that Bayleigh said she would use her power on her next week, even though she initially said she couldn’t promise that. Tyler said Bayleigh would only ever use it on herself. Kaycee said this is going to be so hard tomorrow because she does care about Bayleigh. Tyler said she is a good person but she didn’t have to do all of the things that she did. Kaycee agreed. Scottie said he was nothing but loyal to those people, yet they pull all of this. Tyler said they tried to use Scottie and would always blame him first whenever anything would happen. Scottie said the hardest part about tomorrow will be having to act like he has no idea what’s going on. Tyler asked Kaycee if she will tell Bayleigh that she is going to vote for her. Kaycee said she might tell her that she is voting with the house. Scottie said he should tell them that he is torn since it’s two members of The Hive on the block.

10:00-11:00 PM: JC let Angela know that Bayleigh asked him to talk to her. They discussed that Bayleigh is freaking out. Angela told JC that Bayleigh promised to use her power to save her if she makes a big move this week. Angela thinks she has made Bayleigh feel so comfortable. They talked about having to stick to the plan and trust that nothing that comes out between now and Thursday is true. JC asked if it’s beneficial for them to have Faysal vote Bayleigh out, because he believes that he has enough information to get him to do that. Angela said they need Faysal, Haleigh and Rockstar to turn on each other, which JC agreed with. Kaycee joined them. She asked if JC is going to tell Faysal which way the vote is going. JC said he will not since they already have a big group and they need some people to go after. Kaycee wants Faysal and Haleigh to be on the wrong side of the vote.

11:00-12:00 AM: While playing pool, Sam told Kaycee that she is like her mother and Tyler is like her brother. She talked about how having the two of them around makes her feel more comfortable. Sam brought up being told a story about Enzo. She said she heard that everyone loved him and therefore they did not want him to get to the Final 2. Sam said she will end up being the third for Kaycee and Tyler. Kaycee told her to stop saying that. Sam said she would be honoured to lose to either one of them, and she would be happy if she can be the reason that they get to the end. Kaycee said they are going to get there but they have a long time until then. Sam said she would go to the jury house and let them know how good of a job Kaycee and Tyler did. She said she is very thankful for their little trio. Bayleigh, Haleigh and Rockstar discussed that Scottie and Tyler seem comfortable. They wondered if there is a backdoor plan in place. Bayleigh pointed out that they haven’t done anything wrong to Angela. Haleigh said that’s a good point since she doesn’t have a reason to put them up. They talked about having offered Angela safety. Bayleigh said she would also gain the girls alliance by not coming after them. Haleigh said she wants to know where Angela’s head is at but she doesn’t want to keep pushing her. Bayleigh relayed the message that Angela doesn’t plan on telling anyone until the veto ceremony, though she was told “I doubt you will be surprised”. Bayleigh thinks that things are promising based on that comment. Not long after, Bayleigh said she is going to be pissed if this is a backdoor plan for her.

12:00-1:00 AM: Tyler got Sam caught up on the plan for the week. He said Bayleigh tried to frame Scottie by nominating him in Scottie’s place. He told Sam that Bayleigh has to go since she has a power. Sam said she doesn’t think that Bayleigh is the hacker. Tyler asked who it is then. Sam said it’s either Brett or Haleigh. Tyler said Haleigh is not smart enough, but it’s okay even if it was her. He explained that Bayleigh still has to go due to her power app. Tyler said Haleigh is not a good player and she is someone who they can use to put again. Sam brought up Haleigh’s name numerous times throughout the remainder of the conversation, including once more to say that she is the hacker. Tyler used Sam’s words from her nomination speech about Haleigh. He said he is going to use them when he wins HoH and nominates her. Tyler said Haleigh is always flirting with Scottie yet she was the first one to tell Angela to backdoor him.

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