Big Brother 20 Day 44 - Rachel is evicted; Angela wins HoH

August 2, 2018

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Rachel was evicted by a vote of 5-4. Rachel was blindsided, leaving the house without hugging anyone. The HoH competition took place. Angela is the new HoH. She defeated Rockstar in a tiebreaker question. At the end of the episode, Julie revealed that the next twist is the introduction of a “Hacker Competition”. Each week, the winner will get the ability to secretly hack the game.

7:00-8:00 PM: Once feeds returned, Tyler was telling Bayleigh that she cant be mad at Brett. Bayleigh said he just threw her under the bus in front of the whole house. Elsewhere, JC asked Faysal is Bayleigh has the power. Faysal said he doesn’t know. JC and Faysal discussed the votes. JC said he doesn’t know what to believe anymore. He mentioned that Scottie is super happy. As for Rockstar, he said she is going around the house crying. JC suggested that they could try to blame this on Rockstar in order to get Angela to come after her. In the bedroom, Angela said she has never seen the house so depressed after an HoH competition. Brett said he thinks everyone is depressed because he is still there. Angela said it’s ridiculous. Sam then spoke to Angela, saying she is going to stay away from her this week. Sam explained that she is close to snapping on Haleigh, and she knows that Haleigh will be up Angela’s butt now. Sam said she wants to stay away or else she will slap Haleigh. She added that she doesn’t want to do that, because Haleigh is a sweet girl. Sam asked Angela not to put her on the block. Angela said she wouldn’t do that. Sam said Angela can just let her know what she wants her to do. Angela told Sam that it will be a vacation week for her. In the geometry room, Tyler told JC and Kaycee he doesn’t think that Bayleigh will use her power now this week unless she is on the block. He said they can still backdoor Bayleigh in order to get rid of her power. JC said they should 100% do that. Tyler then spoke to Faysal and Rockstar. Tyler said he was worried about Angela winning. Rockstar said she has now voted wrong four times. Tyler said he voted to evict Rachel because he knows she was lying about him, she was the one flip vote last week, plus she told him that they have to go after Bayleigh since she has the power. Faysal asked how Rachel knows that Bayleigh has the power. Tyler said Bayleigh told her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Once Faysal and Tyler were alone, Tyler asked if Bayleigh has the power. Faysal said he doesn’t know since she didn’t tell him. They wondered why Bayleigh would tell Rachel. Faysal asked how Brett found out about it. Tyler said Rachel told him. Tyler mentioned talking to Bayleigh and Scottie right before the vote, filling them in on what Rachel was up to. Faysal wondered if Scottie voted to evict her. Tyler said he doesn’t know since he didn’t try to get him to. In the storage room, Scottie let JC know that he voted to evict Brett. Scottie said he isn’t mad about this since he wanted Rachel to go but everyone told him that they were voting Brett out. Scottie asked JC if he voted Rachel out. JC said he voted to evict Brett. After the conversation, Scottie looked to the camera and said if he wins, he is the worst Big Brother winner ever since he has no clue what’s going on. In the have-not room, Brett told Faysal he cannot believe that he is still there. Faysal said that’s twice now. During the conversation, Faysal acted as though he did not know about Bayleigh’s power. Faysal asked why Brett said that Rachel was the head of the girls alliance. Brett said it’s because she named it. Scottie promised Rockstar that he voted Brett out. He said the two of them and Haleigh kept Rachel. Rockstar said Faysal was the fourth vote. Scottie said JC just swore that he voted Brett out. Rockstar wondered if Haleigh flipped. Scottie said he is so lost. Faysal and JC discussed the vote. JC said he doesn’t think that Haleigh flipped, since she likes Faysal and she wouldn’t do that to him. Feeds went down. The houseguests were informed about the hacker competition. It will last for two weeks. The winner of the competition has the ability to change a nomination, choose someone to play in the veto competition, and prevent someone from voting. The winner will remain anonymous. Afterwards, Bayleigh and Sam discussed Bayleigh’s power. Bayleigh confirmed that she chose identity theft and that it gives the ability to choose the two nominees. Sam pointed out that the power is kind of irrelevant while the hacker competition is in play. In the bathroom, Angela told Kaycee she is thinking of letting her know that Rachel told her about the power. Angela mentioned that she may want to backdoor Scottie. She said she will tell Bayleigh that she is thinking of nominating Faysal and Rockstar, but she doesn’t want Faysal to go home. Kaycee said it would be stupid of Bayleigh to change nominations when she could be backdoored. Faysal, Haleigh, JC, Rockstar and Scottie discussed the vote. JC said one of them is flipping and it backfired really badly if one of them thought it would be funny to throw a vote the other way like someone did last week. Haleigh said the girls alliance was not a reason to flip, so someone went into this with the intention to flip. Later, Faysal and Scottie swore that they didn’t flip. Haleigh swore that it wasn’t her. Haleigh swore that it wasn’t her either. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that it was JC. JC came back. He said he saw Rockstar talking to Brett in the have-not room. Haleigh said nobody would ever suspect that Rockstar flipped. JC agreed. Faysal pointed out that Brett’s big pitch was that nobody would ever see it coming if they work together, so maybe Rockstar bought it. Scottie said he knows that Tyler is playing him since he told him that Sam was going to vote Brett out last night.

9:00-10:00 PM: Angela told Tyler she is thinking of nominating Faysal and Rockstar. She added that her plan is to backdoor Scottie. Tyler said he is down for that. Tyler mentioned that backdooring Bayleigh wouldn’t be the worst idea since she has the power. Angela said that wouldn’t be bad. Angela said she is most scared of Scottie. They discussed that Angela can probably talk Bayleigh out of using her power this week since she will want to save it for herself. Angela changed her plan for nominations. She talked about nominating Scottie next to Rockstar, giving her the ability to backdoor Bayleigh or Faysal. Brett then spoke to Angela. He told her that Bayleigh is saying Faysal is the only one she trusted to know about the power, yet Faysal was telling him that he had no idea she had it. Angela told Brett she is considering nominating Rockstar next to Scottie. Elsewhere, Bayleigh told Tyler that Rachel was the only one she told about her power. Tyler asked if Faysal and Scottie both didn’t know about it. Bayleigh admitted to telling Faysal the day that she got the power. Tyler asked if Bayleigh is going to use the power. Bayleigh said she doesn’t think so but she hasn’t spoken to Angela yet. Tyler asked if she gets to decide after she sees the nominations. Bayleigh explained that she has to decide ahead of time. Tyler suggested not using the power if people like Haleigh and Rockstar are nominated, cause it’s better to save it for herself. Bayleigh said she didn’t tell them the details of her power because she didn’t plan to use it on them. Tyler looked to get more information about the power. While Bayleigh didn’t want to reveal the expiration date at first, she eventually said that it lasts until there are only eight people remaining. JC spoke to Angela. He advised her to target people who are coming after her, not Brett. Angela let JC in on he plan. JC argued that Scottie would not come after her. Angela said she has heard from Brett and Tyler that Scottie was targeting her and Rachel. Angela said Rockstar can be a backup plan if something goes wrong this week. Bayleigh and Haleigh discussed the power. Haleigh said she is going to be sad if Bayleigh opened up to Rachel but not her. Bayleigh explained that she was mad at herself for telling Rachel. She said she didn’t trust her and it was more of a reaction to Rachel coming up to her room so often. The two then discussed who may have flipped tonight. Haleigh said the alliance is convinced that it was Rockstar. Haleigh isn’t so sure. Haleigh asked about the power. Bayleigh said it gives her the power to change nominations. Haleigh suggested that Bayleigh should wait to use it until after the hacker competition ends.

10:00-11:00 PM: Angela spoke to Kaycee about her plan. She said she hopes that Scottie wins the veto so that she can backdoor Bayleigh. Angela said she thinks that Bayleigh is the brains behind the other side, plus it will get rid of her power. Elsewhere, Bayleigh and Faysal discussed their options for the week. Faysal pushed for the power to be used. They talked about Brett and Rockstar being nominated with it, though Bayleigh wasn’t convinced that it’s best to use it. Faysal figured that nominating the two would lead to some answers coming out, since one of them is lying. Afterwards, JC checked in with Faysal to update him on nominations. JC said he thinks that the two of them are good. JC let Faysal know that Rockstar is likely going up next to Scottie. JC told Faysal it would be best not to change the nominations if they win the hacker competition. Sam called a house meeting. She suggested that everyone refuse to participate in the hacker competition, allowing her to win and keep nominations the same. Sam said she will then choose herself to play the veto competition, but she wont try. She added that she will cancel out her vote as well. JC said they will not be able to get people to agree to throw the competition is they have just been put on the block. Sam said this would allow them to take back control, giving them the ability to play the game as normal. Rockstar was not on board with the plan. The houseguests discussed putting it to vote, though they ultimately decided against it. Angela said it would be too tempting for the nominees to go back on their word.

11:00-12:00 AM: Once Sam’s house meeting ended, Faysal rolled on the floor of the geometry room in laughter. JC said Sam’s idea was really funny. Faysal said he needed the comic relief. Back in the bedroom, Bayleigh told Rockstar that she doesn’t need to be lied to. She let her know that everyone thinks she flipped. Rockstar told Bayleigh over and over again that she voted Brett out. Bayleigh said she saw Brett and Rockstar talking alone. Rockstar insisted that she did not have a conversation with him. Bayleigh said she is sick and tired of being played. Bayleigh said she is on the verge of doing something not good. Bayleigh eventually walked out. Rockstar ended up alone in tears. Rockstar told Kaycee and Sam that she is over it. She explained that her own friends are accusing her of keeping Brett and having a deal with him. Bayleigh and Rockstar later picked up their conversation again. Bayleigh said Rockstar is a good actress and she cries a lot. Bayleigh said she doesn’t want to see any more tears. Rockstar continued to stress that she voted Brett out. She asked Bayleigh to promise that they can be friends after she watches all of the episodes back and sees which way she voted.

12:00-1:00 AM: Angela asked Bayleigh about her power. Bayleigh said she would have to use it before nominations, as she cannot change things afterwards. Angela told Bayleigh she is not going to nominate her. She also said she will not be nominating Faysal. Bayleigh said she is good then. She said that both she and Faysal will leave nominations the same if they win the hacker competition. Meanwhile, JC told Tyler that Bayleigh has to go this week. Tyler said they have to get Bayleigh out before she has a chance to use her power. Haleigh was the next to speak to Angela. Haleigh was told to stay calm this week since the only way that she will be going on the block is if the hacker puts her up. Haleigh told Angela that she will not change the nominations if she wins the competition, because she would not want people changing anything if she wins HoH next week.

1:00-2:00 AM: Faysal told Angela that he is a man of his word and he will not go after her if he wins HoH next week. Faysal said he is someone who could compete for her if he sticks around. He also talked about being willing to leave the nominations the same if he wins the hacker competition. Angela spoke to Scottie, asking him if he would change the nominations if she doesn’t put him up. Scottie said he would only take himself down. He said he would nominate Rockstar if he wins the hacker competition. Angela let Scottie know that he will be going up as a pawn if she does decide to nominate him. Angela said she has faith that he will win one of the competitions, but she will ensure that Rockstar leaves if he doesn’t win one.

2:00-3:00 AM: Angela told Kaycee that Bayleigh said she has to decide before the nomination ceremony if she is going to use the power. Angela said Bayleigh isn’t going to use. Angela mentioned that the best plan is to get Bayleigh out this week. She said she doesn’t know if she trusts her. Angela let Kaycee know that she is going to nominate Rockstar and Scottie. The remaining four members of Level 6 then met up on the HoH room. Brett said he has a good conversation with Bayleigh. He said he likes her but thinks she will 100% do what Faysal says. Angela wondered if it’s the other way around. She said the plan for the week is to split them up. Angela said everyone has told here that they will let her know if they win the hacker competition, then she will have full control over everything. Angela told the group that people are pissed at Rockstar. Brett said Bayleigh even approached him to ask if he is working with Rockstar. Kaycee said Bayleigh thinks Rockstar flipped the vote. Tyler said Rockstar thinks it was Scottie, Scottie thinks it was Haleigh, and Haleigh thinks it was Faysal. Tyler said JC is sitting there chilling, and nobody cares about where Sam voted. Angela said this worked so well and they pinned everything on Rachel. Angela brought up that Bayleigh was saying her power can be used for another week. Tyler said Bayleigh told him that she can use it until there are eight people left. Kaycee said Bayleigh is lying in order to scare people. Tyler thinks Bayleigh told him because she trusts him now. Brett said that’s a lot of power to have. Tyler explained that Angela will plan to nominate someone and then Bayleigh’s nominations will pop up instead of hers if she uses the power. Tyler said they have to get Bayleigh out if they get the chance. Angela said the perfect plan would be one of them gets the hacker app and then they put her up anonymously. Brett thinks he will be going back up if anyone else wins it.

3:00-4:00 AM: Brett told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that he will be going up if Bayleigh or Faysal win the hacker competition. Angela said they still have the numbers since they can only change one nomination. Brett said he will try to work on Bayleigh this week, since he was previously only ever able to talk to her when he was not in a position of power. Kaycee said they need to win the veto in order to ensure that two people from the other side are on the block. Brett asked if anyone has any information about what he other app is. Angela said no. She said she thought it would have something to do with the veto since one affects nominations and the other affects the eviction. Brett said they have to survive these two weeks with the hacker competition in play. Brett brought up that Bayleigh said the only person she told about the power app was Faysal, then three minutes later Faysal came up to him and said Bayleigh didn’t tell him about the power app. Tyler said Rockstar and Scottie will be pissed at Bayleigh for not using the power on them. Angela said Bayleigh is 100% the brains of that side. Brett thinks he wants revenge for Swaggy and she will come after them. Angela agreed. Tyler said if they can’t get Bayleigh out, they get Scottie. If both are safe, he said they can get Faysal out. Brett asked if they would rather Scottie go or Bayleigh go. Angela said Bayleigh needs to go as long as they know that they have the numbers. Tyler said Bayleigh with her power is more dangerous than Scottie is.

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