Big Brother 20 Day 39 - Tyler wins the Power of Veto

July 28, 2018

8:00-9:00 AM: Rachel spoke to Bayleigh about JC saying he has a power that lasts until jury. Bayleigh said JC has told her multiple times that he does not have a power. Rachel said she thinks JC or Scottie has a power, and she could be going home if she is nominated next to someone who has it. Rachel said she would have argued with Bayleigh so differently about going up if she had thought about who was going to go up next to her. Rachel brought up Scottie being really excited after the App Store was opened, suggesting that he could have the power. Bayleigh said the problem is that both JC and Scottie will lie about whether or not they have the power. Bayleigh advised Rachel to not even think about Brett’s game right now, since he is a big boy and he can worry about himself. Bayleigh told Rachel not to go into the competition already feeling defeated or thinking about anyone but herself. Bayleigh and Rachel discussed Bayleigh’s power. Bayleigh said she will use it to protect Faysal and Rachel. Bayleigh talked about how she would probably have to use it if Scottie wins HoH. Rachel asked if she could talk to Bayleigh if someone nominates someone that she is close with. She mentioned wanting two guys on the block instead. Bayleigh said she doesn’t want to play what ifs right now, because her job in this game is not to protect everybody. She said she will follow through on her word to people, though she cannot look out for friends of friends as well. Rachel apologized for bringing it up. Rachel said she is just freaking out. Bayleigh said she wouldn’t have nominated her if she knew she would be freaking out. Bayleigh said she feels terrible that Rachel is freaking out. Bayleigh said a few people are questioning if she is sure that she wants to keep Rachel over Brett. Bayleigh said she tells them she is sure but she can’t have Rachel coming in there worrying about Brett’s game. Rachel said she is sorry. She explained that she felt a personal guilt. Bayleigh said she shouldn’t since she is the one who put Brett on the block.

9:00-10:00 AM: Bayleigh told Rachel she didn’t know she was going to go into a downward spiral over every possible negative thing that could happen. Rachel said it’s only because of the power. Bayleigh said they have no idea what the power is and Rachel has no idea if she will even still be on the block. Bayleigh brought up that she shouldn’t have said anything about her power. She explained that people are going to figure out it’s her who has it once she nominates two people, then she will be screwed all because she is trying to make sure people are okay when nobody was making sure that she was okay. Rachel said they wont know who it was if it’s anonymous. Bayleigh said three people have had a crap app, one has had a power app, and then it will get narrowed down even further since certain people haven’t done anything to have earned a power app. Bayleigh said she just handed Rachel her game on a platter, yet Rachel is only thinking about herself. Bayleigh said it’s frustrating since it was a waste to tell her anything if she is going to panic this hard anyway. Rachel said she is only panicking about the second power. Bayleigh said Rachel is panicked. Rachel told Bayleigh she is thinking about her game too when she is suggesting that Bayleigh is risking an ally on the block. Bayleigh said everybody was her ally coming into this HoH week. Bayleigh ultimately told Rachel that she should stop focusing on all of the negative, as there are plenty of things that could still work out in her favour this week. Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Bayleigh, Brett, Rachel, JC, Sam and Tyler. Rockstar will be the host. JC told Rockstar this is the one veto competition he didn’t want to be picked for. Rockstar said she wanted to be picked so that she could keep nominations the same. JC said that’s what he plans to do. Rockstar then spoke to Tyler, telling him that Brett and Sam cannot win. She is concerned that those two are working together.

10:00-11:00 AM: Kaycee told Tyler she thinks that Sam would leave nominations the same since Bayleigh wants them to stay the same. Tyler said Bayleigh is apparently telling people that she wants the veto used on Rachel. Kaycee said that’s what Rachel thinks. Tyler mentioned that Angela or Sam will probably go up if the veto is used, because Bayleigh is saying that she sees those two, Brett and Rachel as a four. Kaycee asked if Tyler is going to try to win it. Tyler said if he does win, he plans to play up that Scottie is his best friend so that Bayleigh might get mad at put his best friend up if he uses the veto. However, Tyler said he doesn’t know if he should win the veto. Tyler said they are going to have to make a decision if nominations stay the same. While Kaycee said she is thinking that they should evict Brett, Tyler said he was thinking the opposite. Elsewhere, Sam told Angela that she would leave the nominations the same if she wins. She said that will be less blood on her hands after having had to make decisions last week. Angela suggested that Sam throw the competition. Angela then let Rachel know that Sam is planning to leave nominations the same if she wins. Rachel said this whole thing is throwing her game off and it’s pissing her off. Rachel told Angela that Bayleigh thinks she needs to be okay with all of this since she told her about her power. Meanwhile, Bayleigh told Kaycee that Rachel is getting on her last nerve. She brought up that Rachel has been in her room six times now. Bayleigh said she almost snapped on Rachel this morning, and it’s getting to the point where Rachel is going to make her want to send her home. Kaycee said she understands Bayleigh’s frustrations. Bayleigh said Rachel shouldn’t be acting like this when they talked about it for hours before nominations, plus Rachel said she thinks that she should go on the block.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bayleigh told Angela that Rachel needs to chill. Bayleigh said she doesn’t want her digging her own grave. Bayleigh said Rachel is doing exactly what she told her not to do, so it’s kind of showing her that she cannot work with her down the line. Bayleigh thinks Rachel is showing that she doesn’t trust her or the people she is working with. Angela said that’s scary. Bayleigh said Rachel even asked if she would throw the veto to her. Bayleigh thinks that Rachel is only thinking about herself, as that would put her in a terrible position if she had to nominate someone else. Angela said Rachel is safe if she is sitting next to Brett, which is what she isn’t thinking about right now. Bayleigh agreed. Angela said Rachel wants Brett to stay too, as does she, but she wants Rachel to stay more. Bayleigh said she doesn’t even know what she wants now that Rachel is acting like this. Bayleigh followed that up by saying she would obviously want a girl to stay over a boy. Downstairs, Sam told Tyler that some people are telling her to throw the competition but she is thinking that she needs to go for it. Sam asked if that is going to make her look scary. Tyler said no. He said he has already got people looking at him as the competition beast. Sam said she doesn’t plan on using the veto if she wins it. Tyler talked about it being good that Bayleigh is looking at him as a free agent now that Kaitlyn is out of the picture. Tyler said he wants Bayleigh to think that Scottie is his best friend. Tyler asked who Sam would want to stay out of Brett and Rachel. Sam said she isn’t saying but she also doesn’t know.

12:00-1:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee discussed that Rachel went and threw their names out as people who could go up instead of her. Kaycee said Rachel needs to calm down. Angela compared it to Kaitlyn who was safe until she started talking too much. Angela said Bayleigh talked to Rachel about working with the three of them, but now Bayleigh is saying she doesn’t know about Rachel anymore. Feeds went down at 12:39 for the veto competition.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:22 following the veto competition. Tyler won the Power of Veto. Up in the HoH room, Haleigh told Bayleigh that the competition went well. Bayleigh said Tyler will hopefully stick to his word. Haleigh thinks that he will. In the have-not room, Rachel told Brett they have an alliance for a reason and she would hope that Tyler would use the veto. Brett said he will definitely use it. Brett thinks it makes more sense to use it on him since he picked Tyler to play in the veto competition. Tyler joined them. Brett said this is the best case scenario. Tyler said he thinks that he was going to be backdoored if he didn’t win. He said everything Bayleigh was telling him was lining up to that. Tyler said he plans to make sure that Bayleigh knows Scottie is his best friend and Scottie told him that he was going to be backdoored. Tyler then went to JC. He told him that he was going to be backdoored if he didn’t win. JC asked if Tyler is crazy. He said Bayleigh wanted Brett to go. Bayleigh and Tyler chatted up in the HoH room. Tyler said he really didn’t want to go home. Bayleigh pointed out that she told him he wasn’t going home. Tyler asked what Bayleigh wants him to do. She said she wants the nominations to be left the same. Bayleigh guessed that Brett will pitch a deal to Tyler. She said they could have been a good combination but she doesn’t want to nominate anyone else. Bayleigh said she is not Brett but she thinks that she can be helpful to Tyler. Tyler said he feels like Scottie is his only friend. He added that Scottie has recently been telling him everything that is going on. Bayleigh said that’s good.

7:00-8:00 PM: Bayleigh told Tyler she hopes that he doesn’t use the veto. She said she will pass out on the floor if he surprises her. Tyler asked her to let him know if she wants him to use it. Bayleigh said she does not want him to. Bayleigh talked about being attached to Tyler soon, saying that they are going to need each other. She mentioned that Faysal has a crush on Haleigh, so he will not pick her over Haleigh. She said Haleigh and Rockstar are best friends as well, and Faysal and JC have some type of bromance. Bayleigh let Tyler know that he just saved her life. Tyler said people were freaking him out. Bayleigh asked why, since she would never kick someone while they are down. Bayleigh told Tyler she is proud of him for not being corrupted this week. Tyler said his boy Scottie really gets him. Bayleigh brought up that this week will change everything since that “chunk of people” will officially lose a number. Tyler asked Bayleigh if she has thought about the possibility of a power app being used. She said Rachel got a crap app and Brett didn’t use a power the first time he was on the block. She doesn’t think that anyone would use a power on Brett. Tyler asked if Angela will go up if somebody uses a power on Brett. Bayleigh said yeah. Tyler asked who Bayleigh wants to leave. Bayleigh said she doesn’t care, cause she just wants a number gone. Bayleigh asked who Tyler would prefer to see leave. Tyler said he really feels like Rachel was the one who voted to evict Rockstar, but he thinks he would go home next to either of them on the block. In the bathroom, Scottie asked Rockstar if she knows what she would do if she wins HoH next week. Rockstar said she would likely nominate Angela and Tyler, but Tyler might need to be backdoored. Scottie said he would nominate Angela and Rachel. He agreed that backdooring Tyler is probably the way to go if she wants to target Tyler.

8:00-9:00 PM: Bayleigh spoke to Scottie. She told him that Tyler said he trusts Scottie completely and feels that he is the only one who has been real with him. Scottie said Rockstar is talking about backdooring Tyler. Bayleigh asked how Scottie feels about that. Scottie said he obviously wants Tyler to stay around as long as possible but the five of them take priority. Scottie thinks Tyler will get closer to him if Brett leaves. Bayleigh said that would be great. Bayleigh let Scottie know that Rachel asked her if she can put him up if she wins the veto. The two then discussed their fellow houseguests. Scottie called Angela the sneakiest person there. Bayleigh agreed, adding that Angela has been laying low the whole time. Bayleigh said she thinks that she is okay with Tyler. She doesn’t think that he would nominate them. Both agreed that JC is a wildcard. Scottie thinks that Rachel would nominate Faysal and Scottie if she wins HoH. Bayleigh agreed. Downstairs, Rachel told Kaycee she is worried that Bayleigh will now want to target her. She thinks that Angela or Kaycee might go up in hope of securing her eviction. Rachel thinks that she keeps saying the wrong things, so her eviction would be tough to accept if it happens this week. Up in the HoH room, Bayleigh told Angela and Haleigh that she has not even thought of who she would nominate if the veto is used. She doesn’t think that Tyler will use it. Angela said Scottie and Tyler scare her since they are very good athletes and they are smart. Bayleigh said Scotties and Tylers win this show, but they can see it a mile away.

9:00-10:00 PM: Rachel asked Bayleigh if Tyler is using the veto. Bayleigh said she doesn’t think that he will risk putting himself back in a bad spot after just getting out of an ugly situation. Bayleigh lied and said Tyler told her he would only use the veto if Angela would be the replacement nominee. Rachel asked why he would say that. Bayleigh mentioned that he wants someone on that side out. Rachel said she is nervous now since it sounds like Tyler wants a girl out. She said she can see Tyler using the veto. Bayleigh disagreed. Bayleigh told Rachel that Tyler doesn’t know it but she is going to nominate a guy if he uses the veto, so he wont get his way regardless. Rachel asked if Bayleigh would nominate JC or Scottie. Bayleigh said she would want to say Scottie but she also wouldn’t mind nominating JC. Bayleigh said the boys would probably keep Scottie but it’s a 5-4 vote since they have five girls voting. Afterwards, Rachel headed down to the have-not room. She paced around the room and said “wow” about what she heard Tyler had said. She eventually said he had better not use the veto. Tyler told Angela that Bayleigh said she will go up if he uses the veto. Tyler said the only way he can use it is if he is 100% confident that Scottie will go up.

10:00-11:00 PM: Tyler told Brett that he is going to “accidentally” let it leak to Bayleigh that he has a trio with Brett and Scottie, hoping that Scottie will go up if he uses the veto on Brett. Afterwards, Angela told Rachel that Tyler said Bayleigh is saying she would nominate her if the veto is used. Rachel said he is lying. She believes Bayleigh since Bayleigh trusted her enough to tell her about her power. Rachel let Angela know that Bayleigh is saying Tyler told her he would only use the veto if she nominates Angela. Angela then filled Kaycee in on what she heard. Kaycee said she doesn’t see Tyler having said that. Angela agreed. Kaycee thinks it makes more sense that Bayleigh threatened to nominate Angela if the veto is used. Angela worried that their alliance is no longer solid. She thinks Tyler might be worried that he is going to be the only guy left in the alliance, so he will try to get a girl out instead of Brett. Rachel joined them. She said she doesn’t think that Tyler is with them anymore. In the storage room, Tyler told Kaycee that Bayleigh doesn’t want him to use the veto. Tyler said he asked if Angela would go up if somebody has a power, and Bayleigh said yes. Tyler told Kaycee her plan to make it appear as though he is part of a trio with Brett and Scottie. Kaycee went back to speak to Angela and Rachel. Kaycee suggested that Bayleigh is saying she would nominate Angela in order to scare Tyler. Rachel said that might be the case. Kaycee told Angela she doesn’t think that Tyler threw her name out there. Angela said something doesn’t add up to her. She thinks either Bayleigh or Tyler are lying. JC spoke to Angela. He told her that one of them will go up if Tyler uses the veto. Angela asked how he knows that. JC said from Faysal.

11:00-12:00 AM: Rachel spoke to Kaycee about Tyler throwing Angela’s name out. Kaycee said she doesn’t find that to be true. Rachel said it’s going to be really telling what Tyler does with the veto, because Scottie will go up if it is used. Kaycee mentioned that they should bring that up since Tyler might not know that. Rachel said she doesn’t want the veto to be used because she no longer trusts Tyler to vote Scottie out over her. Kaycee asked why Tyler would keep Scottie there. Rachel said he is probably working with Scottie. Kaycee disagreed. Angela later joined them. She looked for clarification that Rachel said Tyler told Bayleigh he would only use the veto if Angela goes up. Rachel said yes. Angela told Rachel that makes absolutely no sense. Tyler came by. He swore on his life that Bayleigh said she would nominate Angela. When Tyler left, Rachel asked how what she is saying doesn’t add up. Angela said it doesn’t make sense. She pointed out that Bayleigh does not want the veto used, so if Tyler said he will only use it if she nominates her, all Bayleigh would have to do is say that she is not nominating her in order to get what she wants. Rachel said this cannot blow up because she might go home because of it. Kaycee spoke to Tyler. She let him know that Angela and Rachel think he went upstairs to say Angela has to go up if he uses the veto. Tyler denied that. He said Angela didn’t listen to anything he said. Tyler revealed that he is probably not going to use the veto, but he needs everyone to think that he is trying. Tyler said Angela needs to calm down and Rachel needs to shut up. Tyler talked about wanting to speak to Angela without Rachel being around. Kaycee said she doesn’t think that Bayleigh would nominate a girl if he uses the veto. Tyler said he is not going to use the veto unless he is 100% sure that Scottie would go up. Tyler spoke to Angela. He asked her if she is freaking out. Angela said she is freaking out because she thinks that Rachel is lying. They discussed that Rachel threw everyone’s names out to Bayleigh when she found out that she would be going up. Angela told Tyler that Rachel said he would only use the veto if she goes up, but she knows that doesn’t make any sense. Angela said she has reached a point where she doesn’t want Rachel to stay if she is going to act like this. Angela said she would rather have Brett. Tyler agreed. He let Angela know that he isn’t going to use the veto as of now, but he needs Brett and Rachel to think that there is a plan. Tyler said he really thinks that they need to keep Brett. Tyler said he would never want to risk Angela going up. Angela said her allegiance is with Tyler over Rachel, because he doesn’t trust her and she annoys her. Tyler said the two of the, Brett, Kaycee and Sam are going to need each other moving forward. Angela said the girls are going to vote Brett out. She wondered if they could get the votes to send Rachel out. Tyler said he thinks that they can.

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