Big Brother 20 Day 33

July 22, 2018

11:00-12:00 PM: Tyler told Angela he doesn’t think that Sam is going to nominate Rockstar. He mentioned that they had a conversation last night, Rockstar was crying, and Sam was hugging her. Not long after, Sam asked Angela who she would nominate as the replacement nominee. Angela said she would nominate the one person who she has seen bullying, since she will not stand for bullying. Angela then named Rockstar. Angela went on to say some of the things that Rockstar has said to Brett are downright awful. While Angela said she would still like Kaitlyn to go home, she said Rockstar needs to be punished as the replacement nominee. Angela added that it’s unfair to Rockstar’s family to have her go sit in jury for the summer if she isn’t going to win the $500,000 or the $50,000. Sam said she hadn’t thought of that.

12:00-1:00 PM: Rachel asked if Kaitlyn thinks that she is putting a lot of pressure on Faysal. Kaitlyn said not anymore. She explained that there is only so much she can do, and she told him how she feels yesterday. Rachel suggested putting it out there to Faysal that she is okay. Kaitlyn said the second she does that, Faysal will take that as her way of allowing him to not use it on her. Rachel asked if Kaitlyn thinks she would stay. Kaitlyn doesn’t think so. She believes the only way to save both her and Haleigh would be to use the veto on her. Kaitlyn then told Tyler that she has decided she doesn’t need a man to save her, meaning that she will not push Faysal to use the veto. She said she doesn’t want to keep pressuring him to do something that he might not want to do. Kaitlyn told Tyler to tell Faysal that people don’t like her and therefore she will not have the votes. Tyler said he will have that conversation but h will not push it if Faysal is not receptive.

1:00-2:00 PM: While Bayleigh was up in the HoH room, Sam let her know that she doesn’t need to stress about being the replacement nominee. Sam said she can say for sure that she will not be nominated if the veto is used. The have-nots for the week were selected. Once again, there were volunteers for all four spots. Bayleigh, Kaycee, Rachel and Scottie will be the have-nots for the week.

2:00-3:00 PM: Rockstar spoke to Sam to let her know that even though she is in a calm place when it comes to going home, she would prefer to stay if the veto gets used. Sam said she knows that. Rockstar then asked if Sam is not a fan of the girls alliance idea. Sam said she digs it and it would be amazing. She mentioned that if any season could do it, this one could. Sam said the one thing that could be an issue is JC. Sam said she proud to be on the season with unique and in between people. She talked about Brett being the only macho type left in the house, cause the rest of the guys have a softer side to them. She wanted to know if JC can be included if they move forward with it, because she could not imagine the house without him. Rockstar said of course. She talked about envisioning the girls battling it out with JC. In the bathroom, Bayleigh told Faysal she doesn’t think that the vote would be clear cut. She brought up that the nominees will be mad if he doesn’t use the veto, but the house might be mad if he does use it. Bayleigh revealed that Sam said she will not be the replacement nominee. She also gave Faysal a heads up that if the veto is used and the other nominee stays, that person might be mad at him. Faysal said he knows that and he needs to work on it.

3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh let Faysal know that she meant what she said about him not having to use the veto if he doesn’t want to. Faysal implied that he is going to. He said he is trying to think of something dramatic to say at the veto ceremony, ideally to get people to want to keep Kaitlyn. He is considering calling her out so that people think that they are no longer cool. Faysal asked if he should tell Kaitlyn beforehand. Haleigh said no since Kaitlyn will lose it if she finds out that he is saying that and using the veto on her instead. Haleigh said her biggest fear is having Rockstar go up in her place, cause she believes she is less likely to go home than Rockstar is. Later, JC told Haleigh there is a theory going around that Kaitlyn doesn’t have a boyfriend like she says she does. Haleigh said Kaitlyn told Faysal that she had feelings for him the second week in the house. JC speculated that the picture Kaitlyn got in her HoH room was actually of her brother. Both agreed that Kaitlyn has got to go this week. JC said he will not be able to talk game with Faysal anymore if he uses the veto. Haleigh said she thinks that she would be okay but it’s terrifying to be on the block come eviction night. JC reassured Haleigh that she has the votes.

4:00-5:00 PM: In the have-not room, JC told Faysal he cannot use the veto. He said he will not talk game with him anymore if he does that, because he will be making himself a target by going against what the house is expecting. Faysal said nobody in the house has come and talked to him. JC said Haleigh is feeling like crap because she is counting on Faysal not to use the veto. While JC said he figured out where Sam’s head was at last time, he said he doesn’t know what she is thinking at this point. JC mentioned that Rockstar going on the block is seeming less likely than before, so Haleigh may end up going home depending on who the replacement nominee is. Faysal said JC calls him game weak but he doesn’t want to simply do what the house wants. Faysal said he would like for his team to go head to head with the other team. Faysal said they will be safe next week if either of them, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Rockstar or Scottie win HoH.

6:00-7:00 PM: Haleigh told Brett that everyone is pushing for the veto not to be used, and Faysal is avoiding her, so she is assuming that he isn’t going to use it. Brett said Faysal would use it if he is smart, considering he has a relationship with each of the nominees. If nominations stay the same, Brett assured Haleigh that she will stay over Kaitlyn. Brett let Haleigh know that she would have his vote in that scenario. Brett also said he thinks that Haleigh has a relationship with Angela and Rachel that Kaitlyn does not. Haleigh said that’s because Kaitlyn has no interest in female relationships. Haleigh asked Brett if he wants Kaitlyn to stay. Brett explained that he is her target and their relationship is irreparable. In the HoH room, JC told Tyler that Kaitlyn told Faysal something that he doesn’t want to say because it would mess up her life outside of the game. JC said he was curious what it was, then he later heard that Kaitlyn said she has feelings for Faysal. JC thinks her strategy is to tell the guys that so they will feel close to her. Tyler said she told him the same thing.

7:00-8:00 PM: JC told Tyler he is pissed that Tyler didn’t tell him about Kaitlyn saying she has feelings for him. Tyler said he didn’t tell cause he wanted to protect Kaitlyn. JC said that’s Kaitlyn’s problem, not his. JC questioned who has feelings for someone two weeks after meeting them. Tyler revealed that Kaitlyn told him Faysal was the one who confessed his love for her. Tyler asked that JC not tell Faysal. JC mentioned needing to talk to Faysal before the veto ceremony. Tyler advised JC to stop pushing so hard for it not to be used. That led JC to believe that Tyler wants Kaitlyn to stay. Tyler said it wouldn’t be the worst thing since she can be easily manipulated, but he doesn’t want her to stay. JC is concerned that Kaitlyn would nominate him. Tyler said she is after Bayleigh and Rockstar right now. Both agreed that they don’t want Kaitlyn in jury. Tyler doesn’t think that he would get her vote once everyone tells her how much he was against her. When JC continued to say he is going to talk to Faysal about the veto, Tyler told him that he needs to chill. Tyler said something is going to happen. When JC asked what is going to happen, Tyler asked “what if they both stay?”. Tyler explained that Kaitlyn’s old side will immediately let Kaitlyn know that JC wanted her out if she stays. Tyler told JC to chill out until the veto ceremony, because both nominees might stay due to something that will be known to everybody after the veto ceremony. Tyler eventually said that Sam is being vague about her power but has made it seem that both nominees might stay.

8:00-9:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Angela about the plan for the veto ceremony. She said people are claiming she is the only one who Kaitlyn will for sure go home against. Angela still thinks that Faysal is messing up two relationships if he doesn’t use the veto, which would seem to be the cowardly move. Angela did say Haleigh will be safe either way. The part that Haleigh will be bothered by if she doesn’t come off of the block is that Faysal asked her to pick him to compete. Haleigh thinks Rockstar is the only one who would have to worry about being on the block next to Kaitlyn. In the event that both nominees stay, Angela said that sets up an easy week next week with Kaitlyn as the target.

9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal asked Haleigh how she is feeling. Haleigh said she is nervous since she doesn’t want him to change his mind at the last minute. Faysal told Haleigh not to worry if she trusts him. Haleigh brought up JC saying that he wont talk to Faysal if he uses the veto. Faysal said JC will get over it. Faysal let Haleigh know that he doesn’t want to risk her going home even if it should be a 10-0 vote.

2:00-3:00 AM: Haleigh told Faysal she is stressing because she doesn’t want Rockstar to go up. Faysal said Rockstar is real since she told him he should use the veto on Haleigh even though she knows that she is a possibility to go up as the replacement nominee. Haleigh said she cannot lose Rockstar. Faysal thinks that it will come down to his vote if Rockstar goes up, because Sam will break the tie to evict Kaitlyn. Faysal said it would just suck having to vote Kaitlyn out.

3:00-4:00 AM: Haleigh once again said she does not want to risk Rockstar’s game. Faysal told Haleigh to let him know what she wants him to do then. Haleigh said she doesn’t know what to tell him. They counted the votes that Rockstar would have. Haleigh listed off her, Bayleigh, Faysal, JC and Scottie. Faysal said that’s all she would need, but Haleigh wasn’t so sure that Sam would break the tie in her favour. Faysal said she would. Haleigh said she had a talk with Angela today, and she wants Kaitlyn gone. Haleigh said the whole other side does too. Faysal argued that a benefit of using the veto is that Sam has to piss somebody else off. Haleigh said it shouldn’t matter who goes up, but then how can she sit there and say she wants the veto used on her. Faysal asked if Haleigh wants to sit on the block. Haleigh said no, so Faysal said he will use the veto on her. Faysal said he knows that Kaitlyn will ride for him, so he needs Haleigh to ride with him, no questions asked, if he sticks his neck out for her. Haleigh asked what it is that she isn’t doing. Faysal said expressing her feelings. Haleigh questioned if he wants her to express her feelings in order to get taken off of the block. Faysal said no. He said he wants her to be his ride or die. Haleigh said she has already told him she would do that but he has said it to other people too. Haleigh continuously went back and forth on what to do. Faysal reiterated that he wants Haleigh to be his ride or die if he does this for her. Haleigh said she wants to know the requirements. Faysal said no more playing with dude’s hair. Haleigh responded with “wow”. She asked if he is seriously using the veto as a tool to get her to stop associating with the other males in the house. Faysal said no. She said she is not playing with their hair because she wants to be with them, but rather cause they are sitting in her lap. Faysal said he will look like an idiot if he uses the veto on her and then she is playing with some other dude’s hair. Haleigh said what she’s hearing is that if he uses the veto on her, they need to be an exclusive showmance. Faysal replied “y’all females are crazy”. Faysal said she is doing this with the guys to avoid ending up on the block, yet that’s what got her put on the block. Haleigh said Sam winning HoH was the worst case scenario for that, because she would have been fine with anyone else. Faysal said it’s tough since Kaitlyn is his best friend too. Haleigh said she too plays with other boys’ hair, yet it’s apparently different since she says she has a boyfriend. Faysal said it’s different since he doesn’t like Kaitlyn that way. Haleigh said Brett and Tyler will come lay in her lap. Faysal said he is talking about the times in which she instigates it. Haleigh said she is not going to stop getting massages elsewhere if Faysal wont give them to her. She then said she was joking, but she doesn’t like being told what to do. Faysal explained that he will look dumb if he is saving Haleigh who he likes over Kaitlyn who will ride with him, and then they will show clips of her in some other guy’s lap right after, which can make him look dumb. Haleigh said she sees his point. Haleigh told Faysal she doesn’t want him to use the veto and feel like he has full control over her though. Faysal said he can see why it sounds like that but that’s not what he is saying. Faysal apologized.

4:00-5:00 AM: Haleigh told Faysal she would understand if he doesn’t want to use the veto but she would just want him to talk to her about it. Faysal said he likes that about her but he is going to use it on her every time.

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