Big Brother 20 Day 31 - Sam nominates Haleigh and Kaitlyn for eviction

July 20, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Sam asked Rockstar if she got some sleep. Rockstar said she did but it was a rough day for her. Sam said it’s okay since everyone has bad days. Rockstar pointed out that not everybody is personally attacked by someone for no reason. Rockstar said she will calm down because maybe Brett is Sam’s friend. Sam said she likes Brett as she likes everybody, and it’s just the game. Rockstar questioned if the game is to personally attack people who you have never talked to. Rockstar said she guesses that Brett’s game is the way he gets by in life, by being a rich dickhead. Sam said you can only control yourself, so it’s about how you respond. She clarified that she is not knocking Rockstar for how she responded. Sam said she is not going to tell anyone who she is going to nominate, but she will say that it’s not Rockstar.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kaitlyn told Faysal and Rockstar she thinks that everyone is forgetting how everything that was said was about her. She questioned why everyone tries to make people not trust her, or why they throw her under the bus. Rockstar asked why she keeps hanging out with Brett after he called her out last week. Kaitlyn said she wanted to know what he had to say as a follow up to his two second speech. Rockstar still felt that she would not talk to someone if they did what Brett did to Kaitlyn. She said she is hanging out with someone who is clearly not out for the higher good. Kaitlyn asked that Rockstar try to be sensitive for a second that she is really upset about it, since the fact that she is being brought up is really hurtful. Rockstar later mentioned that her strategy of being loyal to five people hasn’t worked, so maybe Brett is on the right track with his team white privilege and team my dad is a lawyer. In the have-not room, Sam let Brett and others know that she will not reveal her nominations until the ceremony but she will say that Rockstar is not going on the block. Sam asked why she would waste a nomination on something that will inevitably happen next week. Brett said that’s fine. Sam told Brett that if he really wants her on the block that bad, win the veto so she has to come up with a new plan.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:16 for the nomination ceremony.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:13 following the nomination ceremony. Sam nominated Haleigh and Kaitlyn for eviction. While both nominees said they aren’t upset with being on the block, they took issue with Sam’s speech. Based on the retells, Sam said that Haleigh and Kaitlyn disrespect the men in the house. Kaitlyn cried to Faysal. She mentioned that she always thought he would be the one to save her, but she knows that he wont want to in this scenario. Kaitlyn said she knows that she will not have the votes if the nominations stay the same. Kaitlyn told Faysal that he had better win the game. Kaycee and Tyler came to check on Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn said things always happen for the highest good but she doesn’t like that Sam questioned her female empowerment or said that she disrespected men. Kaitlyn brought up that she doesn’t have the votes. Both Kaycee and Tyler said she doesn’t know that. Kaitlyn talked about how someone on the outside might need her, which is the only thing giving her purpose right now. Kaitlyn said it’s gross that Sam spoke on behalf of an entire gender. She did say she is going to win the veto. Kaitlyn asked Tyler if she should pick him if she gets houseguest’s choice. She said she would love for him to save her but she doesn’t know if he would based on his own game. Tyler said of course. Brett and Haleigh joined them. Haleigh said that she too is bothered by the comment that Sam made. She said her father is going to see that. Haleigh told Brett and Tyler that she is sorry if she has done anything to disrespect either of them. Haleigh and Rockstar spoke one on one. Haleigh brought up Rockstar saying she potentially had flipped yesterday. Rockstar said it messed her up seeing Haleigh hug Brett. She talked about considering that the two of them could have entered the house as a couple. Rockstar didn’t want Haleigh to worry about Sam’s speech. She reminded Haleigh that she is a 21 year old single girl. Haleigh cried and said she needs a minute. Rockstar later sought her out to assure her that she does trust her.

3:00-4:00 PM: Sam spoke to Rachel about her decision and her speech. She said Haleigh and Kaitlyn are a duo, they don’t clean, they are messy, and what they do is the opposite of what she considers female empowerment. Sam commented on them walking around with their clothes half off, always looking like they just rolled out of bed. Rachel asked who Sam wants to leave this week. She said the two nominees are interchangeable for her just like Brett and Winston were. Sam talked about the girls being all over the guys. As for Haleigh sleeping in the same bed with Scottie, Sam said it could scar Scottie for life when it’s all fake. Given that Kaitlyn came into the house in a relationship, Sam said she would want to wring her neck if she were Kaitlyn’s boyfriend. While Sam acknowledged that this is likely part of their strategies, she said she personally doesn’t think that it is fair or right. Meanwhile, Haleigh told Rockstar and Scottie she is fine with being on the block but Sam’s speech was personal. She said she can’t have people attack her for reasons that aren’t known to her. Haleigh thinks she will leave if she is nominated next to Kaitlyn, because she will not be able to campaign like Kaitlyn is going to.

4:00-5:00 PM: Rockstar spoke to Sam about her decision. She pointed out that Sam said the thing she hates most is a bully, so she would like some help seeing the biggest bully, Brett, in a different light. Sam said Brett did bully Kaitlyn and he did bully Rockstar if he was lying about what she said. Rockstar said he totally lied, plus he has always walked out of rooms whenever she enters them. Sam said she thinks that Brett chose her as an easy target. When Rockstar asked how Brett can have so many friends in the house, Sam said he hasn’t done anything to them. Sam said Brett respects her since she commands respect. She suggested that Rockstar doesn’t talk to Brett the same way that she talks to her. Rockstar argued that Brett will not talk to her even when she tries. Rockstar said the only way that she is able to calm down is by knowing that America saw which way she voted. As for her nominations, Sam talked about seeing Haleigh and Kaitlyn pandering to what she said is the male part of the brain that it’s unfair they drive off of.

5:00-6:00 PM: Rockstar told Haleigh and Kaitlyn she thinks that Sam views the flirting game as taking advantage of the guys. Kaitlyn said that makes her want to throw up since she is the most affectionate person even outside of the house. Kaitlyn asked what that has to do with Sam’s game. Haleigh said Sam admitted that this was not game related. Rockstar told Haleigh that Sam is very protective over Scottie and feels as though he could be manipulated. Haleigh insisted that her friendship with Scottie is genuine. Meanwhile, Angela and Rachel spoke in the have-not room. They talked about needing to continue to distance themselves in order to not appear as close as they are. They also discussed what Brett said about Rockstar. Angela believed that Rockstar actually approached Brett, because she asked him and told him not to lie to her, and Brett said it was the truth. Rachel said there is no way that Rockstar actually said it. She thinks Brett is continuing to tell them that in order to make them believe it. They discussed JC asking Sam to pick him if she gets houseguest’s choice. Angela said JC needs to know that Rockstar will be the replacement nominee, in order to get him to fight for the veto.

6:00-7:00 PM: Faysal and Kaitlyn discussed what Faysal would do if he had to play in the veto competition. Kaitlyn was concerned about picking him to play in case he either would use it on Haleigh or would want to throw the competition in order to avoid having to make a choice between the two of them. Faysal said he would fight for the veto so that he can save one of the nominees. He also let Kaitlyn know that he expects to be the replacement nominee, giving him even more reason to fight for the veto. When Kaitlyn questioned who Faysal would pick, he wondered if she would pick him over Tyler. Kaitlyn said she would pick Faysal over Tyler any day of the week. Kaitlyn said if Faysal feels closer to Haleigh, use the veto on her. Faysal said he doesn’t feel that way. Haleigh let Sam know that she feels insulted by her thinking that she doesn’t respect herself. Haleigh said she has not done a single thing that they could show on TV that she would be embarrassed by. Haleigh asked what Sam has seen her do. Sam said none of what she said was a personal attack. She did say she thinks that they as females sometimes have an unfair advantage since they are beautiful, charming and can ruin a guy. She said it’s about whether or not you use that power for good or for evil. Elsewhere, JC checked in with Faysal. He attempted to calm him down. He said Rockstar will be the replacement nominee if one is needed. In the HoH room, Kaitlyn spoke to Sam. She, like Haleigh, said she was upset by the things that were said, not by the fact that she is on the block. Kaitlyn said she has made it clear that she is stick with the females this season. She added that the way she acts around guys in the house is the same way that she does in the outside world. After some more discussions about how they may possibly have misunderstood each other, Kaitlyn told Sam that she doesn’t even care what has been said since if she goes home, that means it was for the highest good.

7:00-8:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Sam to clear the air about her speech. Haleigh wanted to put things into perspective with regards to her sleeping in the same bed as Scottie. Haleigh said she had been doing that downstairs when they didn’t have enough beds, then she slept up in the HoH room as well. Sam said she doesn’t think that Haleigh’s intentions are bad or that she is messing around with any of the guys, so that is not what she is saying. Sam said she will be leaving the nominations the same if she wins the veto, which is what she told Kaitlyn as well. Sam clarified that she isn’t hoping for Haleigh to go home at all, but she had to nominate two people. In the bathroom, Kaitlyn asked Tyler if he thinks that people will remember what she did during her HoH week if nominations stay the same. Tyler said yeah. Tyler headed upstairs to talk to Sam. He said he and Faysal are probably both in the same spot in terms of not wanting to win the veto this week. Sam said she is going to tell whoever wins the veto to do whatever they think is best.

8:00-9:00 PM: Sam told Tyler she plans to reveal that whoever gets evicted will have a chance to come back, but she is going to wait until nominations are locked in at the veto ceremony. She thinks it will be fascinating to see how the campaigning will change once the nominees know that they may return. Sam said it was really hard for her not to save Winston. Sam mentioned her plan to explain that she didn’t use her power since it was an unfair advantage, and now it will automatically given to the evictee this week, so she hopes that they don’t forget that if they return and she is still there. JC joined Sam and Tyler. Sam asked JC what he would do if he wins the veto. He said he would leave the nominations the same. Sam said she would pick him to play then. Elsewhere, Bayleigh and Rachel told each other that they would not use the veto either.

9:00-10:00 PM: Rachel told Kaycee that they have to keep their distance from others in their alliance if it’s going to work. Rachel asked Kaycee if she thinks that anything is going on between Angela and Brett. Kaycee said they might be getting closer but Angela has said she views him as a brother. Rachel brought up JC saying to her a week ago that Angela and Brett will be viewed as a couple once Winston goes, which puzzled her. They discussed that those two may now get closer since Winston is gone, because they are the type that don’t care if they are only hanging out with one person. Rachel said she cannot do that. Kaycee pointed out that pairs are being targeted, so it’s not good for Angela and Brett to get too close. They wondered why Angela has stopped trying to build relationships around the house. Rachel said it doesn’t matter if she is seen as a pair with Angela since she would have the votes, but Angela should be out there making relationships and hanging out with other people.

10:00-11:00 PM: Faysal spoke to Sam about not knowing what to do this week. Sam said she is sorry that he has to make another tough decision. Sam encouraged Faysal to win the veto and do whatever he wants with it. Sam said whatever feels right and is his first though is the right decision for him. In the have-not room, Rachel told Angela she is going to be trying to win HoH next week in order to get a guy out. She doesn’t want Brett or Winston winning to take Rockstar out. She prefers that they target Faysal or Scottie. Rachel’s number one target is Scottie. Angela still prefers to see Rockstar go this week. Tyler joined them. He said he will have to use the veto on Kaitlyn if she picks him. Angela asked if they are sure that Sam will nominate Rockstar. Both Rachel and Tyler said that Sam has told them Rockstar would go up. Angela said they need to throw it to Haleigh or Kaitlyn so that they can get Rockstar on the block.

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