Big Brother 20 Day 23 - Swaggy is evicted; Scottie wins HoH

July 12, 2018

6:00-7:00 PM: During the live eviction episode, Swaggy was evicted by a vote of 8-4. The four votes to evict Winston were from Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh and Rockstar. The HoH competition then took place. It came down to a tie breaking question between Rachel and Scottie. Scottie won HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, the main topic of discussion was about the vote. Kaitlyn told JC and Tyler she thinks that Scottie voted to evict Swaggy. Haleigh and Rockstar discussed the same thing. Haleigh said Scottie wore the Swaggy C shirt while doing it, making her wonder if he was trying to frame her for that vote. Haleigh was concerned that it’s hard to prove that she didn’t flip. Rockstar said it was a genius move by Scottie to wear Swaggy’s shirt while voting him out. Faysal and Rockstar then checked in with each other. Both asked the other if they flipped. Both said no. Rockstar said Haleigh is swearing that she voted to evict Winston. Rockstar said she believes her. Faysal said that would leave Scottie as the other option. Rockstar then explained that Scottie may also have flipped on Steve last week. Faysal insisted that he knows 100% that Scottie kept Steve. Faysal also had his doubts that Scottie would vote Swaggy out while wearing a Swaggy shirt. He asked how that would benefit Scottie’s game. Rockstar said it would cause them to blame someone from their own side. Faysal still suspected that Haleigh flipped since she told him that she would do what is best for her game if Swaggy didn’t have the votes. Haleigh was eventually brought into the room. She said Kaitlyn told her that Scottie voted to evict Swaggy. Faysal wanted Haleigh to swear that she evicted Winston. Haleigh swore. Faysal then went to Kaitlyn to ask about the vote. She denied having said that Scottie flipped. Faysal questioned Kaitlyn about her conversation with Haleigh. Kaitlyn said they didn’t talk about anything.

8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal talked to Haleigh again, asking if she flipped. Haleigh swore that she didn’t. Faysal was still doubting things. He pointed out that Haleigh didn’t even say bye to Swaggy. Haleigh explained that she tried to but Swaggy definitely thought that she flipped. Faysal also wondered why Kaitlyn told Haleigh one thing and told him another. Haleigh said Kaitlyn wants him to be mad at her. She also said she doesn’t understand why it’s so shocking that Kaitlyn lied when it’s not the first time she did it. Kaitlyn entered the room. She told everyone to calm down. She asked who Haleigh voted to evict. Haleigh asked who Kaitlyn thinks she evicted. Kaitlyn said she is not playing that game. Haleigh eventually said she voted to evict Winston. Kaitlyn mentioned that it’s sketchy. Haleigh said she told her that she was going back and forth the whole time. Kaitlyn said Haleigh made it seem like she would vote Swaggy out. Haleigh said she felt bad after hearing Swaggy’s speech. Kaitlyn said she is allowed to feel that way but she should have told her sooner. Haleigh told Faysal that now everyone will know which way she voted since Kaitlyn will go tell Brett immediately. Up to that point, Haleigh had talked about letting the majority believe she voted to evict Swaggy. Not long after. Haleigh told Tyler she couldn’t vote Swaggy out. Tyler said it’s not that big of a deal. They discussed that they knew Swaggy didn’t have the numbers. Elsewhere, Winston told Brett that they need to get their alliance to back them up by saying that they voted to keep Steve. Brett and Winston told Scottie that they had done that. Winston said they would have to let Sam know that she might hear some lies about the vote. Winston talked about letting people suck up to Scottie, since he will see through it and he does not like that. Scottie quickly spoke to Tyler. He said the plan is for Tyler to keep tabs on his side, while Scottie keeps tabs on the other side. Scottie said the vote was 8-4, and he would like to even that out a bit.

9:00-10:00 PM: Tyler told JC that Scottie wants to make numbers out on the other side since the vote was 8-4, and he would like to even things up. JC said he doesn’t know how he is with Scottie. Tyler said he thinks that he can sway Scottie. He talked about feeding Scottie some info about Rockstar. Tyler suggested that they both go to Scottie with the same story about her. Tyler mentioned that they could say Rockstar was the swing vote to get Steve out since Scottie already kind of thinks that. In the have-not room, Rockstar told Bayleigh that Haleigh voted to evict Winston. She said Kaitlyn told Faysal and Haleigh that Scottie flipped. Rockstar called Scottie a genius who is playing his own evil genius game. Bayleigh let Rockstar know that Swaggy had an alliance with Scottie and Tyler called The Core. Bayleigh said it makes sense that Tyler would get Kaitlyn to do his dirty work by taking an alliance member out. Rockstar said she thought Scottie and Tyler must have been aligned, because something she said to Scottie got back to Tyler. Rockstar said she assumed Kaitlyn was lying when she swore that she didn’t tell. Rockstar thought they might need to start telling Kaitlyn more.

10:00-11:00 PM: Scottie told Faysal he is safe this week. He said Bayleigh, Haleigh and Rockstar are also safe. Scottie said he is not touching Sam either. Rockstar told Kaitlyn that she is piecing things together. She revealed that Scottie, Swaggy and Tyler had an alliance called The Core. Kaitlyn asked if she thinks that Scottie and Tyler have a Final 2. Rockstar said yes. The girls discussed sticking together with the other females. Specifically, Rockstar said the two of them need to work with Bayleigh. Kaitlyn said it would be amazing if no girls leave before jury. Later, Kaitlyn went to Tyler to ask him to tell her about The Core. Tyler asked who told her. While Kaitlyn didn’t give a name at first, she eventually said that Swaggy told Bayleigh, Bayleigh told Rockstar, and Rockstar told her. Tyler suggested telling Scottie that Rockstar thinks he is the one who flipped. Kaitlyn said she cant do that since Rockstar only told her about it. Tyler said he would back her up. When Kaitlyn said no, Tyler said he would tell him then. Elsewhere, Rockstar filled Haleigh in about The Core alliance. Rockstar said it makes so much sense. Haleigh said they have got to go.

12:00-1:00 AM: After Scottie got his HoH room, the talks began. First up was a conversation with Angela and Kaycee. They said Rockstar is accusing Scottie of flipping. Kaycee clarified that they haven’t heard it directly from her. Scottie asked if there is anyone they see as being shady. Angela said she would target Rockstar. Kaycee said Rockstar is difficult to read. Sam spoke to Scottie next. She said she will trust Scottie no matter what he does, but she wants him to know not to let anyone walk all over him. Sam explained that she had to do what was right for the game by voting to keep Winston since he voted to keep her, otherwise she would have kept Swaggy. Scottie asked if Sam knows for a fact that Brett and Winston kept her. Sam said she knows for a fact that Winston ddi. Scottie said Winston looked him in the eyes today to say that he voted to evict Sam. Sam said he is lying to one of them. Scottie let Sam know that she is one of his top three people and she has nothing to worry about this week. Rockstar then spoke to Scottie. Scottie said he would like to nominate whoever is making people like JC and Kaycee feel that they have to vote with the other side. Rockstar said Brett seems very smart even though he plays dumb. Scottie brought up Winston saying that he voted to keep Steve. Both agreed that it’s BS. Scottie said his objective is to get rid of the lying filth, which Rockstar said she thinks is the bros. Rockstar said she heard that Sam had the power in week one and had the ability to nominate anyone who voted against her. Both Rockstar and Scottie questioned if that power is legit. Rockstar thinks that Brett has a power too. Haleigh joined in on the conversation. She said there is no way that Winston voted to keep Steve. Haleigh assured Scottie that she did not flip like the bros are saying she did. Rockstar asked Haleigh who she thinks is the brains out of Angela, Brett and Winston. Haleigh said Brett but she thinks that he is too protected to get out this week. Haleigh asked who Scottie would nominate next to him. Scottie said he would put him up next to Winston if he nominates him, as you have to get rid of one of them.

1:00-2:00 AM: Scottie asked Haleigh to swear that she didn’t vote to evict Steve. Haleigh swore that she didn’t. Scottie said the speculation is that the person who nominated him is the one who flipped on Steve. Haleigh said she has heard that several times as well. Haleigh told Scottie that if Brett and Winston try to throw her name out there again, she will call them out if he lets her know. Haleigh asked if Scottie is going to nominate those two. Scottie said he is not allowed to give a definitive answer but they are not safe. Rachel had her turn with Scottie. She admitted to evicting Steve in week one. Rachel said she is honest, loyal and she is not coming after Scottie. Scottie asked for advice on what to do this week. Rachel suggested keeping strong competitors around him. She said a tit for tat move would be nominating Kaitlyn but she is not suggesting it. Bayleigh and Faysal spoke to Scottie together. Scottie said he needs them to be ready to back him if he makes the big move by putting two big players up from the other side. Both Bayleigh and Faysal said they have Scottie’s back. Bayleigh asked if Scottie has a backup plan other than Brett and Winston. Scottie said he doesn’t have one. He said he doesn’t think that Angela or Rachel would come after him, and he doesn’t want to nominate JC or Kaitlyn since they will go instead. Powers were then discussed. Bayleigh revealed that Kaitlyn said Sam got the power in week one. Scottie said that’s great if she got it.

2:00-3:00 AM: Scottie asked Bayleigh and Faysal if they think that Kaitlyn and Tyler are Final 2 tight. Bayleigh pointed out that Kaitlyn said she knows anything that Tyler knows. Bayleigh asked if Tyler would be pissed if Kaitlyn has to go up as a replacement nominee. Scottie said Tyler wouldn’t have the right to be since he nominated Steve. The three then discussed that Rachel is likely to be willing to come over to their side at some point once Brett or Winston leave. Bayleigh asked who Scottie would prefer to see go this week. He said he is fine with either Brett or Winston leaving. Tyler spoke to Scottie about his plan for the week. Scottie said there is a stigma that is causing people to not want to go against the one side. Scottie said he wants to start that war because the minority is going to get wiped out if not. Tyler mentioned that Rockstar has been saying to Kaitlyn that Scottie evicted Steve. Tyler said it sounds like Rockstar is using that as a cover up cause she voted Steve out. Scottie said he isn’t going after her just yet since she is on what is viewed as his side. Tyler also let Scottie know that The Core is being discussed by the others. Tyler said he now thinks that Brett and Winston voted to keep Steve. Scottie said they lied either way since Winston told him he kept Steve but told Sam he kept her. Scottie said Brett and Winston need to be broken up since they pull in the floaters given that the floaters are scared of them. Tyler brought up that Rockstar was sucking up to him the most while he was in power, yet she is the one who hates him. Scottie said he will have Rockstar with him if he takes this shot. Tyler suggested that Rockstar would make a good replacement nominee since no one wants her out and he is only mentioning her cause she has said their names. Scottie said he would never put her up since she is a guaranteed vote. Kaitlyn had her chat with Scottie. She said Rockstar told her that they all thought she had flipped but now she knows it was Scottie. As for tonight’s vote, Scottie claimed to have kept Swaggy. Kaitlyn was confused. They discussed who the votes could have been. Scottie said he is not touching Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh or Rockstar either way. Scottie let Kaitlyn know that he would like to get either Brett or Winston out. He talked about Winston lying to him about keeping Steve. Kaitlyn said Brett and Winston did not keep Steve.

3:00-4:00 AM: Winston asked Scottie if he voted for him. Scottie said he voted for Swaggy like he said he was going to. Winston said that’s fine but he was going to say thanks if he had changed his mind. Scottie said part of his agenda for this week is to eliminate BS. Scottie asked about Winston saying he voted to keep Steve. Winston said he did do that, but he lied to Sam by saying he kept her in order to get her to vote for him tonight. Scottie said that’s a big piece of information. Scottie said he is trying to figure out those votes and who has the power. Winston said it’s awkward since people lie for some reason, and the hard part is figuring out when someone is lying. When Brett spoke to Scottie, he suggested that Haleigh and Rockstar were likely the ones who flipped to vote Steve out in week one.

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