Big Brother 20 Day 21

July 10, 2018

12:00-1:00 PM: Kaitlyn told Kaycee she is worried that she doesn’t know who Kaycee, Angela or Rachel would nominate. Kaycee. said she would nominate people who she is not close to. Kaitlyn wanted names, but Kaycee was reluctant to give them. Kaycee asked that Kaitlyn not say anything. Kaitlyn agreed. Kaycee then said she would probably nominate Faysal and Scottie. Meanwhile, Rockstar apologized to Tyler for any perceptions she had of him. She explained that Tyler wouldn’t put certain people up to him last week, then he got close to Kaitlyn this week, and Swaggy ended up on the block. Tyler said he knew that it would look that way to people. Tyler said he was an outlet for Kaitlyn when there was drama between her and her side, and that’s all that it was. Rockstar again said she wanted to apologize for making any inaccurate assumptions. She said Kaitlyn telling her that “anything you say to Tyler, he tells me” made her suspicious since she and Kaitlyn were supposed to be girls. Tyler said that was based on the fact that Kaitlyn found out people were talking behind her back, and he tried to keep her centred. Up in the HoH room, Scottie spoke to Kaitlyn and Tyler. Kaitlyn talked about being up in the air in regards to who she wants to leave this week. She explained that Swaggy has said she is not trustworthy, he has called her shady, and he started a rumour about her having a crush on Faysal. On the other hand, she said that she still wants Winston out as well. Kaitlyn informed Scottie that she would like to work with him moving forward. Scottie brought up his conversation with Brett and Winston in which they said it was Swaggy who flipped last week. He added that they are promising that they kept Steve. Kaitlyn said she doesn’t know. Scottie said if it’s true that Swaggy evicted Steve, Swaggy lied to him in order to reel him in, and he therefore got played by Swaggy. Tyler said he was under the assumption that a power was played last week. He and Kaitlyn both played it off as though they are not sure about the votes.

1:00-2:00 PM: Scottie told Kaitlyn and Tyler that they are the two people who he trusts right now, and those are the people who he will go with. Kaitlyn said her gut is telling her to evict Swaggy but she is fine with whatever the majority wants. Tyler said he has to go with his gut on this one as well, and his gut goes against everything that he tried to establish with Swaggy early on. Tyler and Scottie spoke alone after Kaitlyn left. They agreed that Swaggy is most likely going to go this week. Tyler told Scottie that Swaggy doesn’t even mention him in their private talks, and their Core alliance seems to be second to Bayleigh and the others at this point. Moving forward, Scottie suggested getting close to Haleigh and Kaitlyn since they seem to be tight. He said Haleigh is scary good at this game. Later, Sam told Tyler she had the first ever real conversation she has had with Swaggy last night, but it was more so personal than about game. Sam said she had a good conversation with Winston this morning as well. She said Swaggy is softer and has a heart but Winston is a brick wall. Sam mentioned that it would be interesting to see what Angela, Rachel and Brett are like without Winston. Sam asked if they will ever have another opportunity to get rid of Winston. She pointed out that much of Swaggy’s side is comprised of floaters. Sam said she also told Kaitlyn that she knows nothing about game, and she and Tyler are the masterminds at this point. Sam said she trusts them no matter what and she will do what they want her to do this week. Tyler said he was freaking out that Kaitlyn was leaning towards Sam using the power on Swaggy. Sam said she would never do that.

2:00-3:00 PM: Tyler told Sam he always has to go with his gut. Sam said that’s what she does. Tyler said his gut is set right now. Tyler said Kaitlyn believes that Swaggy will really not target either of them if he does stay. Sam agreed. Tyler said he believes Swaggy as well but he doesn’t believe that the rest of Swaggy’s group is strong enough to stick with him. Tyler said it’s not Swaggy’s fault that he has to go. Sam suggested that Swaggy’s group would keep Tyler over Swaggy, which Tyler disagreed with. Tyler said they believe that he is the one behind all of this. Kaitlyn joined them. Sam asked for her thoughts. Kaitlyn said she is still trying to talk to people to see which way they are planning on voting. Sam promised to put personal things aside. She assured Kaitlyn and Tyler that she will vote whichever way they tell her to. Afterwards, JC asked Tyler if he is falling in love with Kaitlyn. Tyler asked if that’s a serious question. JC said he is being completely serious, because people are asking him and it is really looking that way. Tyler said he is not in love with her. He claimed that Kaitlyn is everywhere he goes. JC brought up that Kaitlyn grabs Tyler’s hands. Tyler said he sees her as a sister and he is not the one initiating those things.

3:00-4:00 PM: Rockstar encouraged Swaggy to switch up his campaign a bit. She said she doesn’t trust Kaitlyn and Tyler, so she would focus on trying to make safety deals with others throughout the house. Options that were discussed included making deals with JC, with Rachel, or with Sam. Outside, Scottie told Kaycee he feels like she is one of the people aside from him who is really honest. He said he has 2-3 sides talking to him and blaming each other, so he doesn’t know what to believe. Scottie said he has a big decision to make for Thursday. Kaycee asked Scottie if he has an idea of what he’s going to do. Scottie said he is pretty on the fence and can definitely swing, but he would probably keep Winston as of now. Kaycee said she would obviously do the same since she was never included on the other side. Scottie said Brett and Winston are either very good liars or they voted to keep Steve. Scottie said his side screwed him over if they are telling the truth. Scottie mentioned that lots of stuff has come back to him about his side, so he knows that he is on the bottom of the totem pole. Scottie said he will be pissed if he side played him. Scottie thinks it made a lot of sense for his side to vote Steve out in order to reel him in.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for nearly an hour and a half for an HoH lockdown. Kaitlyn let Tyler know that she is frustrated he dismissed her thoughts when she wanted to discuss why it may be beneficial for Swaggy to stay. Kaitlyn said the only thing she is going to trust more than him in this game is her intuition. Tyler said he doesn’t expect to trump that. Kaitlyn said Swaggy is going home but it was weird that he didn’t seem to care what she thinks. Tyler said he wants to do what is best for the both of them, so it came off wrong when that happened. Tyler explained that it would be bad for their games if they were to go back on this now that they have discussed the plan with Winston’s side. Kaitlyn argued that it wouldn’t be their fault if Sam voted the other way. Kaitlyn also worried that Winston is not promising her anything like Swaggy is. She again said that Swaggy is going but she didn’t like how that conversation went.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kaitlyn let Haleigh know that she voted to evict Steve. Haleigh said she knew it. Kaitlyn explained that she did it for everyone, because someone who voted to evict Sam would have gone on the block when she used the power that she got last week. Kaitlyn said she flipped so that Sam didn’t have to use the power. When Haleigh asked who all knows that Sam has the power, Kaitlyn said just her and Tyler. Haleigh questioned why she wasn’t told to vote with Sam. Kaitlyn said it didn’t matter since her vote was preventing the power from being used, or else she would have told her. Kaitlyn said Tyler approached her the day before the eviction to let her know that she has to vote to evict Steve or else something bad is going to happen. Kaitlyn said she was a have-not, she was screamed at, she flipped her vote, she won HoH, and then she went on to put Swaggy on the block, so America is freaking out. Kaitlyn said Sam now owes her a limb for voting for her. Kaitlyn said she didn’t put Swaggy up for the other side, as she did it for herself. Haleigh said it upsets her that Tyler didn’t tell her to vote for Steve to go. Kaitlyn said Tyler felt he could ask her since she was pissed off at the group at the time. Haleigh asked where she stands with the others. Kaitlyn said she thinks that Haleigh is fine, plus she has no intention of working with Winston’s side of the house. Haleigh said she doesn’t either. She said she wants Rachel to go more than she did before, Angela to go less than she did before, and Winston about the same as before. They agreed that Brett is also a big threat.

8:00-9:00 PM: Rachel told Brett and Winston that Tyler mentioned he is getting concerned about Kaitlyn’s attachment to him. She clarified that he meant in a non-game way. Brett said he has had moments too. He pointed out that Kaitlyn has been acting weird today. Rachel said she has been acting really entitled. Winston figured that the power has gotten to her head. Rachel brought up Kaitlyn saying that she is going to go down in Big Brother history after backdooring Swaggy. Brett said or she might be the target next week. Later, Tyler told Angela and Kaycee that he is nervous about Kaitlyn always wanting to be around him. Kaycee asked if Tyler likes Kaitlyn. He said no. He talked about viewing her as a sister. Angela said things have gotten to an uncomfortable level considering that Kaitlyn has a boyfriend. Tyler said he doesn’t want this to look bad on her, but Angela said it already has. Kaycee said she can’t imagine being Kaitlyn’s boyfriend back home. Angela said if that was her boyfriend or girlfriend, they would be dead to her. They then discussed some game. Tyler said Scottie is willing to vote how he votes since he used the veto on him. Angela asked who they should target next out of Faysal and Rockstar. Tyler said he can’t be the one to get Faysal out since Kaitlyn made the two of them promise not to go after each other.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kaitlyn let Tyler know that she told Haleigh about being the one who flipped. Tyler asked if she told her who has the power. Kaitlyn said no. She claimed to only have said that she prevented the power from being used. Tyler told Kaitlyn not to let Haleigh know who has the power. Kaitlyn assumed that Tyler was saying it because he doesn’t trust Haleigh. Tyler reminded Kaitlyn that she promised Sam not to tell anyone, and she needs to keep Sam protecting her in case the power needs to be used on her. Kaitlyn said everyone already knows that Sam has the power anyway, which Tyler disagreed with. Kaitlyn felt that Tyler was getting mad at her for telling Haleigh. She said she thinks that he looks at her as a loose cannon. Tyler insisted that he wasn’t mad. He let her know that they cannot be hanging out 24/7 or else they will be nominated together because they will be viewed as a duo. Kaitlyn asked Tyler who the three people are that he trusts the most. He said Kaitlyn, JC and Scottie. Kaitlyn said hers are Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh.

10:00-11:00 PM: Swaggy checked in with Tyler. He said he is trying to let everyone see that he is a good person and he really wants to be there. He talked about letting Sam get to know Christopher last night. Swaggy reiterated that he just wants to get to jury with Bayleigh. Swaggy swore on his dad to keep Kaitlyn and Tyler safe. While Tyler said he believes Swaggy, he said he doesn’t trust Rockstar. Swaggy suggested that he could deflect and keep his side from going after Tyler, but they will come after him if he leaves this week. Swaggy mentioned that he would target Angela, Brett and Kaycee if he stays. He said he will call out Angela, Brett, Rachel and Winston during his speech, making it clear that he is going after that side. Swaggy asked Tyler to relay the message to Kaitlyn if he doesn’t get a chance to talk to her tonight. Tyler said he would. He told Swaggy that believes everything he said.

11:00-12:00 AM: Swaggy made his campaign pitch to Kaycee. He said he wants to speak to her and to Rachel, but he is not going to bother with Angela or Brett since they are so close to Winston. Swaggy pitched that he will be the biggest threat in the house if he sticks around, meaning that people will continue to target him. Swaggy guaranteed that he would keep Kacyee and Rachel safe at least until jury. He said he believes that he has five guaranteed votes, so he needs two more or one more plus Kaitlyn’s tie breaking vote. Swaggy discussed that his side is falling apart and does not trust each other anymore. He said he would either target Angela and Brett, or go after someone on his own side since they didn’t let him know that he was about to be backdoored. Kaycee thanked Swaggy for talking to her but she did not commit to anything.

1:00-2:00 AM: Swaggy campaigned to Rachel, using much the same pitch he did with Kaycee. One main difference is that he told Rachel she is someone who those on his side have talked about wanting to get out before jury. Swaggy said Rachel would benefit by keeping him around since he could deflect the target off of her. Swaggy once again said that he would want to target some people on his own side after they failed to tell him about the plan to backdoor him. Rachel thanked Swaggy for talking to her. She said that he gave her something to think about.

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