Big Brother 20 Day 18 - Tyler wins the Power of Veto

July 7, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Scottie asked Angela what she would do if he picked her with houseguest’s choice. Angela said she would do what Kaitlyn wants if she wins the veto. Scottie said he has asked a few people and everyone seems to be saying that. Scottie then asked Haleigh the same question. Haleigh said she will do her best to win the veto, and she will use it on Scottie if she wins. Haleigh mentioned that Faysal and Swaggy would also be good ones to choose, because both have said that they would use the veto on Scottie.

10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Kaitlyn, Scottie, Winston, Faysal, Rachel and Tyler. Bayleigh, and Swaggy celebrated the picks. Bayleigh said she didn’t want to get picked. Swaggy thinks that this will allow them to slide by.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kaitlyn talked to Tyler about using the veto. He said Faysal will also use it. Kaitlyn thinks that part is messed up since she would then be sending his best friend home after he uses it. Tyler asked if that means that she wouldn’t do it. Kaitlyn said of course she would but she wouldn’t be happy about it. Tyler then told Winston that he doesn’t think he can use the veto on him if he wins it. Winston said he knows but they can discuss it later.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kaitlyn had one-on-one chats with the veto players. She told Rachel that she picked Faysal because she promised him that she would and it makes it seem less sketchy. Kaitlyn said the worst case scenario would be if Faysal goes on to win the veto, seeing as he would use it, and she would then have to nominate his best friend. Rachel asked who Kaitlyn would want her to use it on if she wins. Kaitlyn said to use it on Winston since he is her friend. Kaitlyn said she can even use the veto if she wins it, though she wouldn’t be able to use it on Winston. Kaitlyn and Tyler then discussed that Swaggy will be getting backdoored no matter who wins the veto. When Kaitlyn said she doesn’t want Faysal to win the veto, Tyler suggested telling him that she doesn’t want him to be viewed as a competition threat. Kaitlyn brought up that she thinks Scottie or Swaggy have the power. Tyler said he doesn’t think so. Kaitlyn then asked if Tyler has it. He said he wishes that he had it. Next up, Kaitlyn told Faysal that she doesn’t want him to win the veto. When he asked why, Kaitlyn said it’s bad for his game since he is obviously safe this week and has no need to make himself a bigger threat. Faysal didn’t think that people would come after him if they see that he has won back to back veto competitions, because they will expect that he would save himself. Kaitlyn pointed out that they could backdoor him, but Faysal said that backdoors are tough to pull off. Kaitlyn told Faysal to do whatever he wants, but she doesn’t think that it’s necessary for him to win this competition. Scottie joined them. Kaitlyn said she is going to use the veto on him if she wins it.

1:00-2:00 PM: Faysal spoke to Haleigh about the plan for the veto competition. Haleigh said there is no reason for Faysal to win another competition. He questioned why someone would target him if he has won back to back vetoes. Haleigh said because he is a threat. She suggested winning only if Winston is going to win it. Haleigh explained that Faysal is going to have to really work on his social game with the other side if he wins another competition, but Faysal was reluctant to do so since he feels as though that could make it seem like he is not loyal to his people. Haleigh said Faysal is going to be the #1 target, even over Swaggy, if he wins the veto today. Haleigh and Rockstar continued to talk things over with Faysal. Haleigh eventually told Faysal to go for the win if that's what he would like to do. Feeds went down for the veto competition at 2:27.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Tyler won the Power of Veto. Tyler told Rachel he has a plan but he would have to secure the votes first. Tyler said he is thinking that he will use the veto on Scottie in order to ensure that Scottie is with them. Rachel said that she was thinking the same thing. Tyler then let Kaitlyn know that he is thinking about using the veto on Scottie. Kaitlyn was fine with that, but she said she is getting nervous about leaving her friends just because Swaggy was the ringleader. Tyler said she doesn’t have to leave them, but Kaitlyn believes that they will want her out once she makes this move. Kaitlyn worried that she is at the bottom of the alliance that she just joined. Tyler said there is not a solidified alliance, meaning that she is not at the bottom. Tyler explained that the girls are sleeping upstairs with Kaitlyn just to make it seem like they are still with her. Kaitlyn said she trusts Tyler but she is freaking out right now. She said she will nominate Swaggy, and she will give Faysal, Haleigh and Rockstar a heads up about 10 minutes prior that something they are really not going to like is about to happen.

8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal asked Kaitlyn what she is thinking. Kaitlyn said she wants the veto to be used on Scottie. Faysal said he didn’t see that one coming. Faysal said she respects the fact that Kaitlyn was up front with Scottie and now she is going to follow through with what she said. Kaitlyn said that’s who she is. When Faysal asked who Kaitlyn is putting up, she said probably Angela. Faysal said he is on board with that. Kaitlyn asked Faysal if he trusts her. He said yes. He assured Kaitlyn that he has got her no matter what happens in the game. Kaitlyn questioned what would happen if she did something that he wasn’t happy with at some point down the line. Faysal said they would have to move on. He said that’s the game, and he knows what she is talking, but they will cross that bridge when they get to it. Faysal said Swaggy is his boy but he doesn’t talk to him about the things that he and Kaitlyn discuss. The two reassured each other that they would never do anything each other. In the have-not room, Bayleigh told Swaggy that Tyler would have voted with the other side if not for being HoH last week. They discussed that Bayleigh would have gone home last week if Tyler had put her up. Bayleigh told Swaggy that he needs to watch his back cause she doesn’t trust Tyler. She said if Tyler can get in Kaitlyn’s head that easily, he can easily convince Kaitlyn to flip on Swaggy. Bayleigh pointed out that Swaggy is a physical threat, and they will be thinking that he eventually has to go. Bayleigh said Swaggy had best believe that they will turn on him at the proper time. Swaggy said their proper time to turn on him will be at jury, whereas his proper time to turn is tomorrow. Swaggy mentioned possibly nominating Kaitlyn and Tyler next to each other next week.

9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal asked Bayleigh and Swaggy if they think that Tyler will use the veto. Both said no. Faysal said Tyler will be putting a target on himself if he uses it, which led Swaggy to say that they want him to use it for that reason. If he doesn’t use it, Bayleigh thinks that Scottie will be pissed at Tyler, which could lead to Tyler voting Scottie out. Faysal said that they will have the votes anyway, but Swaggy pointed out that he said that last week too. Later, Faysal told Rockstar that Kaitlyn said Tyler is going to use the veto. Faysal said Tyler is going to do whatever Kaitlyn tells him to do. Rockstar said it would be interesting to see what Tyler would be doing if the other side were in power. Faysal said it’s kind of good if Tyler uses the veto, cause Angela and Winston will be up, and Tyler becomes a target for winning another competition. If Tyler doesn’t use the veto, Faysal said Tyler would then be going back on his word to Scottie. Rockstar said Tyler has been all over Kaitlyn, he lies, and he tries to get information on her and on Haleigh to bring back to Kaitlyn. She thinks that Tyler is trying to break up the girl thing that they have going on. Rockstar went on to say that Tyler plays the stupid beach bum kid even though he isn’t one. She called him a lying, sneaky, comp master. The two discussed that Kaitlyn will be even more on their side if Tyler happens to leave. In the storage room, Kaitlyn let Winston know that Tyler is going to use the veto on Scottie. She said she will put Swaggy up next to him. Winston said his one worry is that Swaggy has a power app. Kaitlyn brought up that she is going to do something that will mess up her friendships with people in the house. Winston assured her that she will not be targeted by anyone, and there is no totem pole on their side. Kaitlyn said she has one question. She let Winston know that she wants Faysal to be safe. Winston said absolutely. He claimed to like Faysal, saying he would have hit it off with him if not for Swaggy getting to him first.

10:00-11:00 PM: Winston asked Kaitlyn why Tyler wouldn’t just use the veto on him if they are going to be exposed anyway. Kaitlyn said Scottie has had a rough week, plus she told him that she doesn’t want him to go home. Kaitlyn assured Winston that he will not be going home. Winston asked what if Swaggy has the power. Kaitlyn said she is not scared. Kaitlyn explained that it will look weird if Tyler saves Winston. Winston then spoke to Angela and Rachel. He was admittedly paranoid about staying on the block. He didn’t think they should be risking his life over Scottie’s when there is possibly a power in play. Angela and Rachel agreed that it would make things too obvious if Tyler were to save Winston, but he argued that it will be obvious either way. Elsewhere, Tyler asked Scottie if he would like the veto. Scottie said he would. Tyler asked if he has a power. Scottie swore to God that he does not.

11:00-12:00 AM: Bayleigh told Haleigh and Rockstar that she doesn’t like how Tyler is stirring up drama between them. Rockstar said that’s why Tyler needs to go. Haleigh thinks Kaycee is someone who would be willing to take that shot. Bayleigh agreed. They discussed how close Kaitlyn and Tyler have become. Haleigh said Kaitlyn puts no effort into a relationship with them. Bayleigh said she was feeling insecure because she thought that Kaitlyn was close with Haleigh and Rockstar. Haleigh explained that they forced her to hang out by following her around. Rockstar pointed out that Kaitlyn puts an effort into other relationships. Bayleigh suggested that she does it for the male attention. Haleigh and Rockstar later discussed that they want Kaitlyn to be the first to go out of those on their side. Rockstar said Tyler has to go first. She hopes that Bayleigh wins HoH since she would have a reason to put Tyler up. In the have-not room, Winston asked Brett if Tyler is using the veto on Scottie. Brett said yes. He explained that it makes sense since Scottie will have nowhere else to go but to their side once Swaggy goes, plus it doesn’t expose Tyler’s alliance with them. Winston brought up his concern about Swaggy having a power. He said he would feel better if he knew what Sam’s power was, but Kaycee wont go ask her even though he has asked her to four times now. They eventually came up with the argument of leaving Scottie up since it would allow them to see who has the power out of Scottie and Swaggy.

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