Big Brother 20 Day 17 - Kaitlyn nominates Scottie and Winston

July 6, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Kaitlyn started having one-on-one talks with the houseguests. Brett was the first up since she believed that he has the power. Brett wouldn’t give any info on the power, except to say that it would have been used last night if Kaitlyn had voted to evict Sam. Kaitlyn became frustrated that Brett would not reveal anything more. She said she will have to nominate the people who haven’t talked game with her if nothing else is told to her. Brett said that it isn’t his place to say anything. Kaitlyn said she will not nominate Faysal, Haleigh or Rockstar. She clarified that she wont put Brett up either. Brett assumed that she was talking about Angela and Rachel not talking game with her, but Kaitlyn said that she isn’t putting them up either. Meanwhile, Sam and Tyler discussed telling Kaitlyn about the power. Tyler didn’t want Kaitlyn to know that he knew about it before now. He also said not to tell Kaitlyn that Kaycee knows about it, and don’t tell Kaycee that Kaitlyn knows about it. Tyler headed up to the HoH room. He told Kaitlyn that he just found out something crazy. Kaitlyn said Brett doesn’t have the power. Tyler said he knows. He explained that Brett played up the whole week that he had the power, just in case something like this happened and they needed to get a seventh vote. Tyler revealed that Sam has the power. Tyler said she just told him. Kaitlyn said she knew it. He explained that she can be safe after the votes are revealed. Kaitlyn asked what happens next. He suggested that the other nominee would go home. Kaitlyn said that’s prefect then since she can nominate Sam and Swaggy. Tyler told her not to do that. He let Kaitlyn know that Sam plans to come tell her about the power, and she is able to use it on her if she goes on the block in the next two weeks. Kaitlyn asked if she can nominate Angela and Winston. Tyler said no since they are on that side, and Sam might just use the power on them. Kaitlyn asked who she is supposed to put up. When Tyler asked who she wants to nominate, Kaitlyn said Kaycee cause she has never talked game with her, and Winston cause he is a doctor. Tyler asked if Kaitlyn wants Swaggy out. Kaitlyn confirmed that she does but said that she wants it to be a backdoor. Tyler suggested nominating Bayleigh next to a pawn. Kaitlyn said she is not putting Bayleigh up. Kaitlyn said she might nominate Scottie as a pawn next to Winston in her plan to backdoor Swaggy. Kaitlyn then spoke to Kaycee. She explained that she wants her original side to believe that nothing is happening until the last minute. Kaitlyn assured Kaycee that she is fine. Kaitlyn then told Rockstar that she is safe. Kaitlyn talked about her plan to use Scottie as a pawn. Rockstar said she will support whatever Kaitlyn does. Scottie was the next to talk to Kaitlyn. When asked where he lies in the house, Scottie said he feels like he is going after Brett and Winston now after what transpired last night. Scottie explained that Brett and Winston lied to him when he asked which way they were going to vote, and Winston even made a comment prior to the eviction that he would get a haircut from Sam next week. Kaitlyn then told Scottie that Winston is her target. She said she cannot nominate Brett, because Brett has become a friend of hers. Kaitlyn said she is considering nominating Scottie as a pawn. If Scottie wins the veto, Kaitlyn said she would then put Angela up. Scottie said he trusts whatever Kaitlyn’s plan is.

11:00-12:00 PM: Sam told Kaitlyn she is very thankful that she kept her. Kaitlyn pointed out that she was the deciding vote. Sam said she knows that. She revealed that she has the power. Kaitlyn said she knew it. Sam told Kaitlyn that she made a wise decision by keeping her. They discussed wanting to make big moves. Kaitlyn said she plans to backdoor a big target. Kaitlyn asked if there is an expiration date on Sam’s power. Sam confirmed that there is but said that it is a long ways away. Kaitlyn filled Sam in on her plan to nominate Scottie and Winston. Kaitlyn stressed that she does not want either of them to leave. Before leaving, Sam suggested that there could be an opportunity to do something with Bayleigh. Kaitlyn said there isn’t one since Bayleigh was talking about her all week. Kaitlyn then let Winston know that she plans to backdoor Swaggy, but she is going to use Winston as a pawn. She let him know that Scottie will be going up as well. Winston said he had a feeling that it might happen. Kaitlyn told him to act really pissed when he goes up. Winston agreed to do so.

12:00-1:00 PM: Rachel thanked Kaitlyn for voting the way that she did. She said that shows a lot. Kaitlyn let Rachel know that she will not be touching the block. Kaitlyn said she has plans for a ridiculous backdoor. Kaitlyn told Rachel not to freak out when Scottie and Winston go up, cause the plan is to backdoor Swaggy. Next up, Kaitlyn told Faysal about her plan for nominations. She made Faysal believe that Winston is her target. If the veto is used, it was discussed that Angela would probably go up. Faysal asked Kaitlyn how she feels about Bayleigh and Swaggy. Kaitlyn said Faysal knows exactly how she feels about them. She added that she has nothing to say. As for Tyler, Kaitlyn said she trusts him with her life. She let Faysal know that Tyler thinks he doesn’t like him. They discussed that it would be good for Faysal to make friends with the other side, though he worried about it coming off as him turning on those who he is loyal to. When Faysal asked Kaitlyn who she would like to be at the end with, Kaitlyn said Faysal, Tyler, Haleigh, Rockstar and maybe even Rachel. Elsewhere, Rachel told Angela that Scottie will have to go if Swaggy wins the veto. Rachel said Scottie scares her a lot more than Swaggy does, which Angela agreed with. They both said they would prefer to see Scottie leave before Swaggy.

1:00-2:00 PM: After returning from the diary room, Kaitlyn continued with her individual chats. She let Angela know that she is planning a backdoor move this week. Kaitlyn said she wants to make big moves. Angela said she will support whatever Kaitlyn wants to do. She offered to play in the veto competition. Kaitlyn said she has to pick Faysal since she doesn’t want to make that side suspicious, plus she can get him to use it by saying that she will nominate Angela or Rachel. Kaitlyn then told Haleigh the the plan for nominations. Haleigh asked who would go up if Scottie wins the veto. Kaitlyn said probably JC or Kaycee. Afterwards, Swaggy was filled in on the plan. He told Kaitlyn that he would like to be picked to play in the veto competition. Kaitlyn said she is picking Faysal. Swaggy said he would play for Scottie. Kaitlyn then asked if he wants to host. Swaggy said he will host instead. He said Rockstar can play, because Kaitlyn mentioned that she asked to play as well.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaitlyn told JC that he will die when he sees what she is doing this week. She asked him not to freak out at the initial nominations. She said he will know exactly what to do after the veto ceremony when she puts someone else up. JC reminded Kaitlyn that the ones she was supposed to be working with were the ones always throwing her name out there. He brought up that she made the right decision to flip and she is now being rewarded with good things from the universe.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned after the BB App Store was opened for the week. Scottie told Kaitlyn he doesn’t understand why she would nominate a number on their side. Kaitlyn said she doesn’t have to do it but it seemed to be the best idea to make Winston feel as comfortable as possible while on the block, seeing as she had previously told him that she would target Scottie. Kaitlyn told Scottie over and over again that he is not going home. Kaitlyn said Faysal will take Scottie off of the block if he wins the veto, and she might do it as well cause there may be a bigger target to go up. Later, Rockstar asked Scottie who he plans to pick to play in the veto competition. Scottie said Faysal or Swaggy. Rockstar suggested picking Faysal. Faysal said he will use the veto on Scottie if he chooses him. While playing foosball, Kaycee told Tyler she thinks that Swaggy has the power. Tyler agreed.

6:00-7:00 PM: Faysal spoke to Kaitlyn to see if she is fine with him using the veto on Scottie if he wins it. Kaitlyn said yes, and she already told Scottie that Faysal would use it on him. Kaitlyn told Faysal to remember that whatever happens is for the highest good. Faysal asked what that means. She said it means that she is doing what is best for their game. The houseguests had dinner together. They each discussed their highs and lows of the day. Rachel said her low point of the day was getting the least trending houseguest. Feeds went back down at 6:47 for the nomination ceremony.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned following the nomination ceremony. Kaitlyn nominated Scottie and Winston for eviction.

8:00-9:00 PM: After the nomination ceremony, Winston told Brett and Rachel that he has to figure out what Sam’s power is so that they know exactly what it can do. JC came by to check on Winston. He assured him that he has his vote. JC then went to Scottie to tell him that he has to win the veto. JC said Scottie has got this as long as there aren’t any snakes involved. Kaitlyn spoke to Winston in the have-not room. They discussed that he did a good job of acting after nominations. Winston asked if Scottie was told that he is a pawn. Kaitlyn said yes. Winston said that’s what he thought since Scottie is a terrible actor. Brett then spoke to Winston to let him know that Sam said she is torn over what to do. Winston was irritated by that since he voted to keep Sam, and Scottie didn’t. Winston again said that they need to find out what Sam’s power is. Winston is worried that Scottie got the power today, and it will be used if nominations remain the same. Winston wants Kaycee to tell Scottie that Swaggy was behind Steve leaving, because he told one of his people to evict Steve after finding out that Steve had made a deal with Winston. Kaycee then joined the bros. When the idea was proposed to her, Kaycee said she cannot do that because she will become a target when Scottie brings the information back to Swaggy. Kaycee also said that Winston will have the votes to stay over Swaggy even if he doesn’t get Scottie’s vote. Winston asked Kaycee to make sure that Sam doesn’t fall for Swaggy’s crap, because Sam is easily influenced.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kaycee spoke to Sam. She said she loves Scottie but you have to be careful talking to him since he brings everything back to Swaggy. Sam was concerned that the other side still wants her out, and she will go home if she is nominated. Kaycee assured Sam that she will not be going up. Kaycee told Sam that Swaggy needs to go. Kaycee said the plan is to use the veto on Winston if she wins it. Sam asked if she should do the same. Kaycee said yeah. Kaycee said the plan is to get their team to pick off the other team, and Sam said that it has to start with Swaggy. Elsewhere, Kaitlyn told Angela and Winston that Swaggy overheard Sam telling Rachel that she has the power. She said Swaggy believed that Sam got it today, but he said that before going to the App Store himself to see if he got the power. Angela said she doesn’t want Swaggy to have something that will pull himself off of the block if Kaitlyn puts him up, but Kaitlyn said she is willing to take the risk.

10:00-11:00 PM: Swaggy asked Tyler if he would vote Winston out if the nominations stay the same. Tyler said yeah. Swaggy said they should have the numbers but that Steve vote messed him up. Tyler suggested that there must have been a power in play. Swaggy disagreed since he thinks that Julie would have announced it. Up in the HoH room, Bayleigh told Haleigh and Rockstar she doesn’t like that people automatically associate her opinion with Swaggy’s. She said that they are very different people, and the fact that Kaitlyn doesn’t trust Swaggy should have nothing to do with her. Haleigh mentioned that she felt weird with Kaitlyn before having a conversation with her a couple of days ago, and then she felt as though nothing was wrong afterwards. Bayleigh said she did talk to Kaitlyn but did not get that feeling at all. Back downstairs, Swaggy told Faysal that he is the one taking the heat for calling Kaitlyn shady even though everyone in the group said it. Swaggy said he let it go days ago, yet she wont let it go herself. Faysal figured that Kaitlyn is upset with Swaggy for telling Tyler that she is shady. Swaggy added that he has a problem with Tyler too since Tyler is putting words in his mouth. While Swaggy admitted to calling Kaitlyn shady, he denied having said that she is at the bottom of the totem pole. Swaggy said he can’t trust Tyler much since he is not giving him information that he knows. Faysal suggested that they leave Tyler alone until later in the game, because he is close with Haleigh and Kaitlyn, and therefore wont come after them.

11:00-12:00 AM: Bayleigh asked Faysal if he thinks that she should apologize to Kaitlyn again. Faysal said they are all safe right now, so he would let time heal any issues. Faysal thinks that it would come off as fake if Bayleigh apologizes too much. Bayleigh said the girls encouraged there to apologize. Faysal again said that he doesn’t think it’s worth bringing anything up this week when everything is going according to plan. Bayleigh asked if they have the votes to keep Scottie. Faysal said yeah. He listed off Bayleigh, Swaggy, Haleigh, Rockstar, Tyler and himself. That would be enough to force a tie. He said JC and Kaycee also seem to like Scottie more than they like Winston.

12:00-1:00 AM: Rachel discussed receiving the crap app for being the least trending. She chose the yell app. Others mentioned that she will be yelled at for 24 hours. It was speculated by the houseguests that it will not be for 24 straight hours. Rachel said she is frustrated when she looks at how other people in the house are playing the game. Rachel said she doesn’t think that she is playing a bad game. One of her main frustrations with receiving the app is that she cannot receive a power app now.

1:00-2:00 AM: Scottie told Swaggy that Tyler came up to him and said to pick him to play in the veto competition. He said he told Tyler that he would pick one of the two, and Tyler said don’t pick Swaggy and don’t tell him that he said that. Scottie told Swaggy that Tyler claimed the bros think they are attached, so he doesn’t want him to pick Swaggy. Swaggy said he would have been sketched out until he heard that Tyler said the part about the bros thinking that they are attached. Swaggy mentioned that Tyler told Kaitlyn some of the things that he was telling him, so his trust in Tyler has been decreasing. Scottie told Swaggy that Kaitlyn said he should pick Faysal, not Swaggy, cause Swaggy was talking about her being on the bottom of the totem pole. Swaggy encouraged Scottie to listen to Tyler a bit if the bros think that they are close.

2:00-3:00 AM: Scottie told Faysal that numerous people are coming to him asking him to pick them if he gets houseguest’s choice. Scottie said he will definitely pick one of Faysal, Swaggy and Tyler. Faysal said he and Swaggy definitely want Winston out, whereas Tyler will want to do whatever Kaitlyn wants. Faysal pointed out that he smoked Tyler in the veto competition. He added that Kaitlyn would rather he take Scottie down than Kaitlyn take him down herself. Scottie said he trusts that Kaitlyn doesn’t want him to go. Faysal agreed.

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