Big Brother 20 Day 15 - Tyler tells Level 6 about Sam's power

July 4, 2018

12:00-1:00 PM: Sam asked Tyler how things are looking with Kailtyn. Tyler said it’s still a little bit up in the air. He explained that he has put the idea in her head that the two of them can jump over to the other side. Tyler thinks he will have to tell Kaitlyn at the last minute that she will be screwed if she doesn’t vote for Sam to stay, cause he knows who has the power. Tyler mentioned that Sam could tell her that she has the power. Sam asked if people think that she has it. Tyler said nobody knows. Sam said she is afraid that Kaitlyn would then force her to use the power. Sam thinks that Scottie might vote to keep her, which Tyler agreed with. Tyler said the other side will have no clue what’s going on if it ends up being an 8-5 vote. Sam said she is willing to lay some stuff out there for Kaitlyn but she is not going to tell her everything. Afterwards, Sam spoke to Scottie about how they have common strengths, meaning that they would be even stronger together. Sam said she would look at Scottie as a partner, not as a minion. Sam thinks that Steve has underestimate Scottie. She said the vote is really close right now, and the only options for a swing vote would be Kaitlyn or Scottie. Sam suggested that there would not be any backlash for Scottie if he votes to keep her, because the votes are anonymous. She said that losing his best teammate would be a foolish thing for Scottie to do. Sam said it’s time for her to take her kids gloves off, and talk to everyone as a person. Sam pinky swore to Scottie that if he votes to keep her, she pinky swears that she will work with him. Scottie said he will definitely talk to Kaitlyn about it. Sam told Scottie that if he is as smart as she thinks he is, he will vote to keep her.

2:00-3:00 PM: JC told Tyler he really likes Faysal. He doesn’t think that he is Faysal’s target. Tyler said he is Faysal’s target. JC assured Tyler that he would not let Faysal nominate him. Tyler explained that he is in a bad spot with Faysal because he is threatened by him due to his connection to Haleigh, his connection to Kaitlyn, and his strength in competitions. Tyler let JC know that Kaitlyn and Rockstar have been throwing his name around as a potential target because they think that he is in the middle. JC said there is no reason for him to pick a side at least until the next HoH competition. Meanwhile, Scottie let Steve know that Sam made a pitch for him to keep her. Steve asked if Sam has any clue how tight he and Scottie are. Scottie said he has told Sam that Steve is his ride or die, but she said that she could take his place. Scottie mentioned Sam saying that he and Kaitlyn are the swing votes. Steve said Sam is very misguided. Later, Steve brought up that what Scottie said makes a lot of sense but it would mean that Sam has some votes locked in. JC, Kaitlyn and Tyler were in the room at the time. Scottie let them know that Sam said he and Kaitlyn are the swing votes. Tyler quickly said that so many people are up in the air, and JC added that Steve has all of the votes.

3:00-4:00 PM: Tyler spoke to Sam to advise her not to mention who the swing votes are. He also suggested that she no longer pitch to Scottie, especially considering that he has already told her that he will be voting for Steve to stay. Tyler said he had to play it off as though Sam doesn’t know which way the votes are going since people are lying to her. Tyler pointed out that people are going to be shocked no matter what happens tomorrow, because either Steve will leave or Sam will reveal that she has the power. Tyler then headed up to the HoH room. He told Steve that Sam is really confused about the votes. JC added that he doesn’t know if Brett and Winston are voting for Steve, but he believes that Kaycee is. Elsewhere around the house, Rockstar spoke to Haleigh about Sam not building enough relationships in the house. She said that even if she wanted to keep Sam, she is only one vote. Haleigh asked if Rockstar feels solid about Steve. Rockstar confirmed that she does, though she feels bad for Sam. She added that it doesn’t mean that she wont encourage Sam to do her best. Haleigh observed that Steve has been interacting with everyone, and she wondered if Rockstar still believes that it’s best to keep him. Rockstar said yes because she thinks that Steve is loyal, and also because Scottie comes along with him.

4:00-5:00 PM: Brett and Winston spoke to Angela about their thought that keeping Steve is the better option. Winston said they will be able to pull Steve and Scottie over. Angela didn’t think so. Winston said they would be risking their alliance to bank on Kaitlyn keeping her word, because they are exposed if it’s a 7-6 vote. Winston also said that Sam doesn’t know the game, and she will be too open about things if she stays. Brett said they will see if they can pull Kaitlyn over without much trouble. Winston said he would make the move in a heartbeat if it was anyone but Sam, but Sam isn’t a game player or a competitor. They discussed wanting to know if JC has a power. JC then came by. He said he is voting Steve out, cause they are screwed if he stays. Winston asked who has the power. JC said it’s not someone on the other side. When Angela asked if JC knows what the power is, he said no. After JC left, Angela said she still think that JC has the power. Winston worried that JC is playing them. He said they will still have a glimmer of hope if they unanimously keep Steve. Angela eventually said she is now leaning towards keeping Steve as well.

5:00-6:00 PM: Rachel joined Angela and Winston in the have-not room. Rachel said she really wants Sam to stay. Winston said they have a lot to talk about. He then explained that they are risking exposing their alliance if they vote to keep Sam, and she is not someone who they can control even if she stays. As for Steve, Winston insisted that he can reel him in. While Rachel worried that Steve would nominate her next to Rachel, Winston said that he would influence him to never touch the two of them. Rachel said she is going to have to pull Sam aside to let her know what is going on if they are not keeping her. Winston said it would have to be done at the very last minute, which Rachel agreed with. Up in the HoH room, Scottie let Swaggy know that Sam pitched to him that she would be his ride or die if she stays. Scottie said he told her that Steve is his ride or die already. Scottie said he would rather keep Steve. Scottie then informed Swaggy that Sam is expecting it to be a really close vote. Swaggy feels the same way. He said they have the numbers but Steve will be gone if one person flips. Afterwards, Swaggy told Tyler that Sam thinks she only needs one vote, so Sam believes that the other side is keeping her. Tyler played it off as though Sam doesn’t know what’s going on, and she thinks that Haleigh and Rockstar are in her corner.

6:00-7:00 PM: JC spoke to Haleigh about the plan for the vote. He said they should talk to Tyler, see what he wants, and then vote whichever way he wants them to vote. Haleigh went along with what JC said. JC then asked Haleigh if she is in a showmance with Faysal. She said no. JC informed Haleigh that people are talking about that. She wanted to know who was saying it. JC said he will tell her after the HoH competition. JC explained that if Haleigh doesn’t do what Swaggy wants this week, he still wont target her until many others are out of the house first.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned after the houseguests had a 4th of July part. Faysal told Rockstar that if anyone from their side is considering keeping Sam, it might be a good long term move but it could screw one of them in the short term. Rockstar said it sucks since Tyler should have made a smart move. In the HoH room, Tyler let Kaycee know that Sam has the power. He said she has to vote for Sam to stay cause she is going to stay regardless. Kaycee agreed not to let anyone know. Tyler said it’s beneficial to keep Sam since she can use her power on one of them. Tyler revealed that she has four weeks to use it. He said it’s so crucial for everyone to keep her for this reason. They agreed that it’s best Sam didn’t tell everyone, otherwise people would have been fake to her, as well as vote her out to flush out her power. Tyler told Kaycee to act surprised when Sam tells her about the power. Kaycee said she will. Tyler asked for Kaycee’s help in getting everyone on board with keeping Sam.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kaycee told Angela and Rachel that they are voting for Sam to stay. Angela said they have no idea what they are doing since they don’t have the numbers. Kaycee reiterated that they have to vote to evict Steve. JC then spoke to Angela, telling her that Swaggy will be after Angela and Winston no matter which way they vote, so it’s better to take a risk by voting to evict Steve. JC said Haleigh is on board with voting whichever way Tyler wants her to. JC asked for Angela’s help with getting Winston on board. She said she will talk to him and to Rachel. JC called Winston is a chicken. Angela then let Rachel know what JC told her. Both agreed that JC likely has the power, which they expect will impact the votes. Rachel then let Winston know that JC is saying that Haleigh will vote whichever way Tyler wants her to. Winston said he doesn’t believe it for a second. He called Haleigh a snake. Rachel let Winston know that she will be voting whichever way Tyler wants her to, and she thinks that the alliance should do the same. Rachel argued that Sam is smart, good at puzzles, has a good memory, and can add a lot that Steve cannot. Afterwards, Winston told Brett that he is going to need his help convincing the group to evict Sam.

10:00-11:00 PM: JC let Haleigh know that he is leaning towards keeping Sam. Tyler joined the conversation. Haleigh said she wants to keep Steve but JC wants to keep Sam. JC said he will keep Steve if both Haleigh and Tyler want to. Haleigh said her main reason for keeping Steve is that she has a good relationship with Scottie. JC asked if Haleigh wants to be a pawn in the game for Swaggy, Faysal and Scottie. He told her not to be naive. When Tyler was asked for his opinion, he said he has a good relationship with both Sam and Steve. JC brought up that they will not be able to control Steve, but Sam is someone they could use in multiple ways. Haleigh said that if she votes for Sam, six people will be coming for whoever flipped. JC said Kaitlyn doesn’t even know what she is doing yet, so the group would be more suspicious of her. Haleigh said she doesn’t want to put the blame on Kaitlyn. Tyler said Kaitlyn is set on keeping Steve. JC argued that they will get wiped out down the line if they don’t start making moves right now to chip away at the power that Swaggy’s group has. Tyler headed upstairs. He told Angela that they have to vote Steve out. He asked her to trust him. Angela said she will do it. Tyler then spoke to Rachel. He said Haleigh’s vote is a lost cause, but he is working on Kaitlyn’s. Back downstairs, Haleigh told JC that she is starting to see what he is saying the more that he talks. She said she would have to be very careful about how she goes about making the move if she makes it. Steve then called the houseguests to the living room to make an announcement. PopTV gave the houseguests cookies. Afterwards, Winston told Angela, Brett and Rachel that their best move would be to unanimously keep Steve. Angela said Tyler just told her that they have to keep Sam cause Kaitlyn is voting with Tyler. Winston didn’t want to count on that. Brett said Steve would be two votes on their side since he comes along with Scottie. Meanwhile, Tyler told JC that the other side is wanting him to spill everything to him like he just did to Haleigh. JC asked if Tyler has Kaitlyn’s vote. Tyler explained that he has a plan in place for tomorrow.

11:00-12:00 AM: Tyler told the Level 6 alliance that they have to vote to evict Steve no matter what. He explained that Kaitlyn trusts him more that Faysal right now because the other side betrayed her. Winston spoke up to say that Sam is a liability and she is awful at the game. He worried that Sam will tell people who kept her safe. Kaycee said it will be obvious anyway. Winston brought up that he and Brett have a relationship with Steve, and they can pull him and Scottie over eventually. Brett asked Tyler for his perspective on Scottie. Tyler said Scottie is Swaggy’s informant who tells him everything that they say. Tyler said he knows this because Swaggy thinks he is with him, so Swaggy tells him whatever Scottie says. The debate continued with Brett and Winston being the most resistant to keeping Sam. They agreed to get on board if Kaitlyn’s vote is locked in. Tyler said that if his hair is down, they are voting Steve out. If his hair is up, they are voting Sam out.

12:00-1:00 AM: Level 6 attempted to determine who has the power. Winston assumed that Rockstar must have it since JC said “her”. He said Sam might be dumb enough to not realize that she has it. The others said that she would know if she has it. Angela said she still thinks that JC has it. When the debate continued, Tyler eventually spoke up, revealing that Sam has the power. Tyler said Sam told him that she has the power, and he is trying to get the seventh vote for her so that she can save her power to use it to keep her group safe. Tyler explained that Sam had told him not to tell anyone about the power. Tyler said he has been stressing that they have to keep her no matter what since she will trust the people who voted for her to stay. Tyler said from what he understands, Sam can stand up and say she is not leaving if she is evicted. Angela said it scares her that Sam fooled them all. Winston said he has changed his opinion on Sam. Winston said she is playing the game, she played him, and he wants to keep her. If Tyler has to choose a replacement nominee, he said he would nominate Bayleigh. If everyone is eligible to be nominated, the alliance discussed that they can take the shot at Swaggy instead.

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