Big Brother 20 Day 10 - Faysal wins the Power of Veto

June 29, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Haleigh and Kaitlyn had a quick chat about it being a bad move to use Bayleigh as the replacement nominee. Kaitlyn talked about nominating Angela being a move that will avoid getting blood on Tyler’s hands, because Angela would go home. Elsewhere, Tyler asked Swaggy C is he has any idea who has the power. Swaggy C said he is 100% positive that Angela won it. He explained that the first episode was focused on the two of them, and that’s all that the viewers had to base their decision off of. On top of that, Swaggy C pointed out that Angela is no longer spending any time in the HoH room.

10:00-11:00 AM: For the first time on the feeds, Sam entered the house as a human as opposed to playing as the robot. Not long after, feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

11:00-12:00 PM: When feeds returned, we found out that the veto players are Tyler, Sam, Steve, Faysal, Scottie and Swaggy C. JC will be the host. Up in the HoH room, Swaggy C asked JC to leave so that some others could chat. JC headed downstairs to tell Angela and Kaycee about what happened. Back upstairs, Faysal, Scottie, Steve and Swaggy C spoke to Tyler. Steve suggested putting Angela on the block in order to flush her power out. He said Sam will still go home, as Tyler said she will be going no matter what. Tyler questioned what happens if Angela doesn’t actually have the power. Steve said Sam would still go. Swaggy C said he would be cool with that since Angela would no longer have an advantage over them. Scottie made it clear that he would use the veto on Steve. Faysal and Swaggy C said they would like to use the veto on Steve as well. However, those two do not want Bayleigh or Kaitlyn to go on the block if that happens. Tyler said it’s best for his game to get the least amount of blood on his hands. Faysal, Steve and Swaggy C wanted to reach a consensus in order to know what to do in the veto competition. Tyler said this is his HoH, so they are not going to reach a consensus that Bayleigh and Kaitlyn are not going on the block. Tyler reiterated that he is confident Sam will go home over Steve if the nominations stay the same. Faysal asked if Tyler is thinking that he will nominate Bayleigh if the veto is used. Tyler said he guesses that he should feel people out some more since they are not as confident in the votes as he is.

12:00-1:00 PM: Sam spoke to Tyler to remind him how he felt from the beginning, before were telling him how to feel. Sam said everyone is planning on using Tyler at some point. She said she just wants to be his partner, which they had agreed on previously. Tyler assured Sam that they are partners and that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to her. Sam said she is going to be there no matter what. When Tyler asked if she has a power, Sam denied it. Sam said she is amazing, which is how she will stay no matter what. She added that they told each other to count on no one else but each other, so that would mean that she would have to be there. Next up, Tyler spoke to Kaitlyn. He let her know that there is no way he would put her up. Kaitlyn said she knows that even though he told Bayleigh that one of them would go up. Tyler said he was only listing off the people who would stay if nominated. Kaitlyn let Tyler know that people, including herself, are starting to think that he is working with the other side. Tyler explained that he is doing what he thinks is best for the group, making the other side think that he is with them. Kaitlyn said they already have Scottie doing that for them. She let Tyler know that Scottie relays everything Brett and Winston say to Swaggy C. Kaitlyn suggested that Tyler have a one-on-one with Bayleigh. Tyler admitted that he got nervous during the HoH competition when Bayleigh “snapped on him”. JC was the next to speak to Tyler. He stressed that Swaggy C is only using Tyler because he is in power. He didn’t like that Tyler used his houseguest’s choice to choose Swaggy C to play in the veto competition. Tyler explained that Faysal and Swaggy C will be too scared to use the veto since he has kept it in their heads that Bayleigh will go up if that happens. JC talked about how Tyler would be handing the throne over to Swaggy C if he were to take Angela or Winston out for him this week.

1:00-2:00 PM: JC and Tyler continued to run through scenarios. JC mentioned that the other side would be forced to take Steve out if Bayleigh goes up in the event that Sam wins the veto. Winston spoke to Tyler about having a good bond with Steve. He believes that they can pull Steve over in another week or two if he stays. Winston also thinks that keeping Steve around is best for Tyler since it would make it look like he is still working with Swaggy C. They later discussed that taking a shot at Bayleigh may actually be the best option if Sam has a power and is safe. Tyler and Winston both said that everything they are doing is for their six person alliance. Bayleigh then took her turn to speak to Tyler. She let Tyler know that she cried when she heard that Tyler was planning to put her up. Bayleigh told Tyler she isn’t sure that she would have the votes to stay. He said over and over again that she would indeed have the votes. Tyler claimed that the only reason he is considering nominating Bayleigh is because she would be safe. Tyler said he only has five options and this is nothing against Bayleigh, though Bayleigh said it feels like a personal attack since he is putting her up even though people are telling him not to. Tyler told Bayleigh that he will not put her up if he believes that people would vote her out.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaitlyn spoke to Scottie and Swaggy C about wanting Winston to go home if Steve is pulled off of the block. Swaggy C said he would prefer for Angela to go up since it would flush out her power, but he does want Winston to leave before her. After her talk with Tyler wrapped up, Bayleigh spoke to Swaggy C about what was said. Swaggy C said he is not going to risk her going. He told Bayleigh that he had planned to throw the veto competition to Steve but he will now have to win it himself in order to ensure that she is safe. Upstairs, Tyler let Angela know that Faysal, Scottie and Swaggy C are wanting to use the veto on Steve so that she can go on the block. Angela denied having any type of power. She believes that JC has the power. Tyler said the others are idiots for trying to get him to nominate her by saying she has a power, because she would then use it and come after him if that were the case. The two discussed needing to get the numbers down on the other side. Angela said they need Sam to stay. Tyler revealed he has a feeling that she is going to stay.

3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh and Kaitlyn spoke to Tyler in hope of getting him to put Angela on the block in order to flush out her power. Tyler expressed his concern about it not being the best move due to the potential power. Both Haleigh and Kaitlyn said that they cannot play the game scared of her power, otherwise they will continue to do that all game. Kaitlyn suggested that flushing it out now is best since they still have the numbers. After talking to those two, Tyler relayed the conversation to Kaycee. The two agreed that they like Bayleigh. Tyler said he doesn’t want her to go this week, though he will be putting her up if a replacement nominee is needed. Tyler said the best case scenario would be nominations staying the same, and Steve leaving.

4:00-5:00 PM: Swaggy C spoke to Faysal about his plan to nominate Tyler next week if he wins HoH. He mentioned nominating Angela next to him, giving him the ability to scare Tyler a little plus get Angela to use her power. Faysal asked who he would put up if Angela saved herself. Swaggy C said that it would be either Rachel or Winston. Faysal agreed with the plan to nominate Tyler. Swaggy C pointed out that they warned Tyler not to nominate Bayleigh. The two agreed to keep nominations the same if they win the veto. Meanwhile, Tyler spoke to the cameras. He questioned what kind of idiots start an alliance of nine in the first week, bringing him in last and expecting him to feel good about his position within the group. Tyler said they can’t see that he is with Angela and Winston, which is why they keep trying to get those two on the block. Tyler hopes that Sam has a power to save herself, and he hopes that it is not revealed until Bayleigh is on the block next to her. Swaggy C joined Tyler in the HoH room. He let Tyler know that he plans to leave nominations the same if he wins the competition. Swaggy C said that Steve is staying regardless. Tyler agreed. Tyler told Swaggy C that he is making the move that is best for them, seeing as the other side is always saying that they are threatened by Swaggy C. Specifically, Tyler said Angela, Brett, Rachel and Winston are saying that the most. Swaggy C then told Tyler that Brett and Winston approached him and Faysal to form a four person alliance to take out the rest of the house. Swaggy C said he respects that Angela is not trying to make fake deals with him like Brett, Rachel and Winston are. Swaggy C then talked about how he and Bayleigh are no longer sleeping the same bed. While Swaggy C said he didn’t come there for a showmance, he feels as though detaching themselves at this point is going to come off as fake since there is no reason for it. Swaggy thinks that America will love him after seeing his softer side with Bayleigh, but now that is going to be messed up since she is detaching herself. Moving forward, Swaggy C asked that Tyler deflect when people bring his name up. In return, Swaggy C said that he will let Tyler know when people are coming to him to make side deals.

5:00-6:00 PM: Tyler told Sam that he doesn’t want her to go. Sam said she isn’t going anywhere. She promised that she will be there. Sam revealed that she has a power that can be used even after the eviction. She clarified that she can use it to save herself or someone else if she wants them to be there. Tyler then let Sam know that Bayleigh is his replacement nominee if the veto is used. When Sam questioned why he would nominate Bayleigh, Tyler explained that he doesn’t have a lot to go off of, plus there are two sides in the house and her side is bigger at the moment. Feeds went down at 5:43 for the veto competition.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Faysal won the Power of Veto. Faysal told Haleigh and Kaitlyn that he will be able to use this win as leverage by making a deal not to use the veto. Elsewhere, Rachel told Angela and Kaycee that she has a plan. She mentioned that they could try to get someone on the other side to throw Sam a sympathy vote, and then everyone on their side could vote to evict Steve in order to get him out since they only need one more vote. The girls agreed that they need Sam to stay since she is not coming after their alliance. Up in the HoH room, Faysal and Winston agreed to talk more later. Faysal pointed out that people who don’t deserve to make it to the end will do so if the two of them, Swaggy C and Brett decide to clash early on. Winston agreed.

10:00-11:00 PM: Bayleigh, Faysal and Swaggy C discussed that Sam will be going home this week. Faysal said he needs to talk to Steve in order to ensure that he will not be salty when he doesn’t use the veto on him. Swaggy C thinks that Steve is on board with the plan since he knows that he has the votes to stay. In the have-not room, Winston filled Brett in on his talk with Faysal. Winston said that Faysal is wanting protection from him for next week for a competition that he hasn’t even won yet. The two discussed that Sam performed poorly in the competition. They did not like the way that she reacted, allegedly swearing at producers. Winston said she is not someone that they can work with moving forward. Faysal checked in with Steve to list off the votes that he has to stay. Faysal said Steve only needs seven, which he would get from Scottie, Swaggy C, Haleigh, Kaitlyn, Rockstar, Bayleigh and himself. Faysal also said Brett and Winston will probably keep him over Sam.

11:00-12:00 AM: Faysal told Steve he will use the veto on him if Tyler agrees to put Angela or someone up from the other side, but he doesn’t think that Tyler will agree to that. Either way, Faysal reassured Steve that he has the votes to stay. Elsewhere, Tyler told Kaycee and Rachel that he got Faysal to agree to leave nominations the same prior to the final round of the veto competition. Tyler explained that he agreed to let Faysal have the veto, though Faysal beat him fair and square in that round. Kaycee told Tyler they are thinking that Sam has to stay. Rachel told Tyler about her plan to get someone on the other side to throw Sam a sympathy vote. Tyler worried that the girls would risk their games by trying to do that, seeing as the people on the other side would run back to Swaggy C to let him know. Tyler mentioned Swaggy C saying that he is the leader. Kaycee said she cannot wait until the day that they backdoor him. Angela, Brett and Winston joined the conversation. The girl let Brett and Winston know that Steve has to go this week. Brett thinks that Kaitlyn is the most likely to go for Rachel’s plan of giving Sam a sympathy vote. Tyler talked about being told that Scottie is an informant for Swaggy C. Winston went over his conversation with Faysal. Tyler told Brett and Winston that Swaggy C is claiming that the two of them approach him and Faysal to create an alliance. Tyler said he knew it was BS. Winston assured Tyler that they are with him.

12:00-1:00 AM: Tyler spoke to the cameras. He said he has to cover all angles but it’s not easy playing both sides. Tyler thinks it’s stupid of everyone to be playing in two sides like they are, as they are beginning to hate each other for the stupidest reasons. Tyler said it was very telling today when Haleigh told him that she will never talk to him again if she finds out that he is working with the other side. Tyler mentioned that it only confirmed what he only knew in terms of Haleigh talking to him only to get him on her side.

2:00-3:00 AM: Tyler told Sam that he is still working the votes for her. Sam said she would prefer not to use her power. She clarified that she wants no one else to know about it. Sam mentioned that she could save the power to use on someone else after they have already been evicted, showing them what people really think about them. Sam mentioned that there is a “chance” involved with her power. She wondered if the person would get to stay in the game but as a robot. Tyler didn’t think that would be the case. In order to build trust with Sam, Tyler let her know that he is a superfan who has seen every season of the show but he is playing dumb.

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