Big Brother 18 Houseguest Bio: Nicole Franzel

June 14, 2016

Age: 23
Hometown: Ubly, MI
Current city: Ubly, MI
Occupation: ER nurse
Three adjectives that describe you: Classy, flirty, and adventurous.

Favorite activities: Watching basketball and hockey, cuddling, coffee dates, traveling, and shopping!

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
Being away from my family and missing their love and support. I will miss my daily talks with my mom.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
Frank Eudy [from Season 14] because he was very trustworthy and loyal to his alliances and ally. He had to fight to stay in the house continuously and didn't crack under pressure.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Yes, there are always twists that change your strategy, so a good social game is definitely needed. I plan on finding a great alliance, staying loyal, and being very observant. It's easy to get emotionally invested in people while playing this game, but that’s something I need to control better this time around. I'm very emotional and get attached quickly, so I need to keep my guard up a little longer, be sneaky, and play the game hard.

My life's motto is...
Make the most of your situation.

What would you take into the house, and why?
First would be a journal because I like to write out my thoughts and feelings as a way of stress-relief. Also, it helps me stay focused. Next, I'd want my pups because they are better cuddlers than any human I know. Finally, my ring because it's from my mom and it's meaningful.

Check out the bios of the other Big Brother 18 houseguests here.