Big Brother 18 Houseguest Bio: James Huling

June 14, 2016

Age: 32
Hometown: Sumter, SC
Current city: Wichita Falls, TX
Occupation: Staff recruiter
Three adjectives that describe you: Cool, calm, and a being a social tough guy.

Favorite activities: Boating, jet skiing, hunting, camping, going to the beach, and traveling.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? 
Being away from family, friends, and my cat, Gizmo.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
Derrick Levasseur from Season 16 because he never touched the Block.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Yes! To be tough guy and let my social game do what I do best—get along with everyone and be a fun, cool, and understanding person.

My life's motto is... 
You only live once, [so] live, laugh, and love.

What would you take into the house, and why?
Flushable baby wipes because a clean bottom is a happy bottom, a notepad so I can write notes, and my favorite jacket to keep me warm.

Check out the bios of the other Big Brother 18 houseguests here.