Big Brother 18 Day 96

September 18, 2016

12:00-1:00 PM: Nicole headed to the safari room alone. She said that she has fought very hard to be there this long, so she wants to make sure that she finishes this thing. Nicole said there is a huge difference between $50,000 and $500,000. Nicole said she wants first place and the $500,000. To get first place, Nicole said she will have to be able to talk well and show people why she deserves to win. She said she needs to be able to explain why she deserves to win, what her biggest game move was and be able to cover her bases if she is asked about floating or her social game. Nicole started off by saying she was called a snake on Day 1, then she had to fight for her life on Day 2 after losing three competitions. After that, Nicole said she had to convince two strangers to give her HoH. Nicole mentioned making a ride or die alliance with Corey, then she worked with the girls and he worked with the guys in order to make sure that they were both safe. Nicole thinks that she aligned herself with the right people at the right times. As for her social game, Nicole said she tried to stay on good terms with people, but she would pull away when she knew that she wasn’t going to be able to keep certain people in the game. Nicole explained that she didn’t want to have to break promises or backstab. Nicole said that never once did she make an emotional move. Nicole said she got called out more than anyone else the whole entire season, yet she didn’t sit on the block until the final week and that was only because she lost on a tiebreaker question. Nicole said her biggest move in the game was after Paulie had just left and it was everyone against her and Corey. Nicole said she strategically convinced Michelle and Natalie to put up two of their own alliance members. Nicole explained that the blame was put on her, yet she deflected that and rebuilt her relationships. Following that, Nicole said she won the endurance competition and aligned with Paul and Victor who were the strongest people in the house. Nicole admitted that Corey helped her in the game but she said that she helped him as well. Nicole believes that she was the brains behind their alliance, planting seeds a lot and being able to read people. Nicole said it kind of boggles her mind that she is there but Corey is not. Nicole thinks she is there because James played the game emotionally, choosing to evict Corey over her. Nicole said James promised Natalie to get Corey out, so he got Corey out despite the fact that Corey would have taken him to the Final 2.

James joined Nicole. He asked what she is up to. Nicole said she is going over some points for finale night in case she makes it there. James said he is trying to do the same either for Final 2 or for if he ends up talking to Julie after being evicted. Nicole said he will probably be asked about Natalie. Nicole asked James if he threw Part 1 of the final HoH competition. James said hell no. Nicole asked if he just fell off right when she did. James said yeah. Nicole mentioned how he fell a split second after she did. James said that just happened to be the way it was. Nicole was then called to the diary room. James told Paul that Nicole was talking about how she is trying to get in the zone and how she has been watching the show since she was 8 and this is her moment. James also said that Nicole was getting her speech ready for finale night. James brought up that Nicole questioned him about throwing the endurance competition. Paul asked why he would throw the competition when he would then have to face off against Nicole in a mental competition. James said that’s what he was saying, so he doesn’t understand why Nicole would ask that. It was then time for James to go to the diary room. Paul let Nicole know that James is saying she was talking about watching the show since she was 8 and how it’s now her time to shine. Nicole said she did not say that. Paul said James looked like he had just seen a ghost. Nicole thought James might have been freaking out because he was expecting her to say he wont be talking to Julie when he commented on how he was preparing for that just in case. Paul gave Nicole his word that she is his Final 2. Nicole said Paul has her word as well.

3:00-4:00 PM: In the kitchen, Paul practiced his Final 2 speech. He started it off by saying as a first time player of the game, he can honestly say that he worked his ass off to get where he is. Paul said that from the second people saw him walk through the doors, they probably thought he was the crazy, loud one that will be evicted first week. Paul figured that’s why he was put on the block that week. He explained that he survived the block six times because of the strategic manoeuvres that he made throughout the house. Paul mentioned that he was the last to find out about the riddle, yet the first to solve it and get into the Paris room. He then pointed out that he got the round trip ticket, securing that Frank would be evicted. Paul said that he had zero help outside of the loyalty of Victor and his own social skills, as he did not even receive a single care package from America. After Victor left, Paul said he had to win his way to the end. He mentioned that he first had to win HoH, then he nominated Corey and Nicole who were the strongest couple in the house. After that, Paul said he won the veto to split them up and send his strongest competition, Corey, out the door. Paul went on to say that he won Parts 1 and 3 of the final HoH competition, giving him the most in house competition wins this season. Paul said the girl sitting next to him has been nothing but sweet to him this whole season, including being the only one crying for him when he was put up on the block the first week. Paul finished it up by saying he told them that he would break some rules, though there is one rule that he will never break. That rule, which he called rule number one, is friendship. Paul looked at the microwave which he had been using to time his speech. He said he had ten seconds to spare. Paul said that’s the winning speech and “your boy” is taking the cake.

Paul headed back outside with the others. Nicole asked James if he would have used the veto on Natalie had he won it the week that they were both nominated. James said it crossed his mind. Paul added that Natalie probably would have convinced him to. James said it’s about morals and ethics, seeing as he believes that he was the one who got Natalie nominated. Nicole said he may feel that way but it’s not the truth. Nicole told James it was Natalie who made him feel like that. Nicole said Natalie would have been evicted the next week had James voted Corey out, because she would have nominated Michelle and Natalie. James argued that Nicole would have felt the way that he did if Corey was going to leave because of her. Nicole said Corey did leave because of her, yet she still would have used the veto on herself. Nicole and Paul headed inside. Nicole said she hates when James says stuff like he was going to use the veto on Natalie. Nicole also didn’t like that James brought up morals and ethics. She took it as James throwing it in her face and questioning her morals and ethics. Nicole mentioned that both she and Paul felt guilty and when Corey and Victor left, so James shouldn’t say that his morals are better. Paul expects that James will wait until the last minute, then approach him and also approach Nicole to tell them that they will beat him if they take him to the end.

6:00-7:00 PM: In the kitchen, Nicole and Paul talked over numerous events that took place throughout the season. Nicole told Paul that she and Corey didn’t ever want to backstab Paul and Victor, but Corey had to set them up to be in a better position when they got down to three. Nicole said it was very hard to do. Paul said he can’t be mad since it is a game move and they had to protect themselves. Paul said Victor was very hurt by it. Nicole said she understand that Victor kept getting screwed over, though they were at the point in the game where there was no other choice. Paul told Nicole that he gets it. Paul called Nicole a great competitor and said that she didn’t have to show it until the end. Paul said that is smart, but he had to fight a lot and could not do that. Later on, Nicole brought up that Michelle being in jury for so long is going to screw her. Nicole claimed that she has not even done anything to Michelle either. Nicole said she has never not liked someone as much as she dislikes Michelle. Nicole talked about how Michelle made a terrible game move when she nominated Paul and Victor along with Natalie. Paul said Michelle would have teamed up with him and Victor if she was smart about it. Nicole agreed, explaining that those two just needed her for a vote and would not have cared about whether or not she could win competitions.

8:00-9:00 PM: James asked Nicole how she is feeling about Wednesday. Nicole said she is feeling good and whatever happens is going to happen. Nicole asked how James is feeling. James said he is in the same boat, seeing as it is out his hands now. James told Nicole that he at least wants to ask her what she is planning on doing rather than leave and not talk to anyone about it. Nicole explained that there are pros and cons and she doesn’t even know what she will do at this point. She said there is a lot to think about. James asked Nicole to give him a heads up if she does make a decision. Nicole said she doubts that she will even beat Paul and get the opportunity to choose who to go to the end with. Nicole pointed out that James would have Michelle’s vote and Natalie’s vote if he is against her. On top of that, she said James doesn’t have much blood on his hands. Nicole said she is drowning in blood. James wondered which way Da’Vonne would vote. Nicole said James would have Da’Vonne’s vote and he would likely get Bridgette’s vote as well. Nicole reiterated that James doesn’t have any blood on his hands. James countered that by saying that Nicole definitely has more comp wins. Nicole said James could argue that he threw things. Nicole told James that she doesn’t mean to get frustrated with him, but Corey really had his back. James explained that he knew he would have been leaving if Corey had won the veto, plus Paul made a move to keep him safe. Nicole then went on about how her chances of making it to the Final 2 are up to her alone, since it’s clear that James and Paul made a Final 2 deal. Nicole said that she threw James plenty of lifelines throughout the game, yet he was content with her being completely by herself and completely alone at the end of the game. Nicole said James and Paul were hoping that they would each win a competition, then she would be a sitting duck. Nicole said she is not stupid and she knows that James would have taken Paul to the end over her. James said he wanted the two vets to be at the end, since it would have been cool and they played pretty similar games. James said he will not be upset no matter what happens, but he wanted to talk to her. Nicole said he has to do that. Nicole said she doesn’t have any votes. James told her that he doesn’t think Paulie would vote for him over her. Nicole said Natalie and Michelle will be two votes against her no matter what because they are bitter. Nicole went on to say that she doesn’t think she will have a single vote from the girls, which would give James five votes already. Nicole said she is not okay with losing because of a bitter jury. She thinks that the only reason Michelle wouldn’t vote for her is if she is bitter. Nicole explained that she has a small chance of getting Natalie and Michelle’s votes if she is against Paul. James said Natalie will likely vote for Paul. Nicole agreed but thought that could change once Natalie hears about her game. Nicole worried that the girls are now tighter than ever and they will all vote the same way. She said it’s not that they don’t like her as a person but rather that they are bitter that she outlasted them. Nicole said the fact that Natalie went to jury earlier on screwed James over a bit because that is what is making her wary about taking him. After Nicole left, James said that’s not good that Nicole knows that he would have the votes. James said he knew but he didn’t want Nicole to know that.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nicole continued to talk to James. She told him that the fact that Natalie said not to work with her or Corey would have been enough for James to not take her to the Final 2 if he had won. James denied that, saying he got mad at Natalie when she said that. James explained that doing that was part of the reason why he had a fight with Natalie. Nicole said it sucks because she likes James a lot but she doesn’t know what the best move is. She wished that she could talk to her mom to ask what to do. Nicole said she doesn’t want to get to the end and have done it all for nothing, so she doesn’t want to make the wrong decision.

10:00-11:00 PM: Paul let Nicole know that James said he is really nervous. Paul said James told him that his fate is in his hands. Nicole thought that James didn’t mention her because she kind of told him that she isn’t taking him. Nicole and Paul agreed that James knows he will win the game if he makes it to the end. Nicole said James told her that he would take her and it would be cool if there were two vets at the end. Paul said it wouldn’t be cool. They then discussed all the votes that James has. Paul said he really hopes that Nicole doesn’t think he chose to take her because he thinks that he can beat her. Paul clarified that he chose to take her because he wants it to be her over James. Nicole said she feels the same way. Nicole told Paul that her motto is to be the best, you have to beat the best. Nicole called Paul the best but said she thinks that she has a fighting chance against him. Nicole said if she took James and lost to him, she would never forgive herself. As for Paul, she said she would vote for him. Nicole said she is going to go out with a bang and she is not going sit next to somebody that doesn’t deserve it. As a superfan, Nicole said she will not bring somebody to the end who doesn’t even deserve $50,000. On top of that, Nicole said she explained to James that she has one sure vote and Paul has one sure vote, but James has two. Paul argued that James has three.

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