Big Brother 18 Day 35

July 19, 2016

11:00-12:00 PM: Da’Vonne told James that they have got to cut the showmances off. James asked which ones. Da’Vonne said Corey, Nicole, Paulie and Zakiyah. James said he is in a showmance. Da’Vonne said not him. She mentioned that last night they were discussing if this could be the love of their lives, so they will never choose one of them over each other. Da’Vonne said it’s bad. James said he can’t say much since he is with Natalie. Da’Vonne pointed out that James said he has no problem cutting Natalie. James said when the time is right. He told Da’Vonne that Natalie knows that and she just wants to get to jury. Da’Vonne said she was sitting upstairs watching the showmances and it was horrible. Da’Vonne said that Paulie is running the house. James said he could see that. Da’Vonne told James that she is trusting that he has her back like she has his. James told Da’Vonne that he will not nominate her if he wins HoH. Da’Vonne said she’s isn’t worried about this week. James told her not to worry about next week either since if any of them win they will be going after Frank and Bridgette. James worried that he and Natalie would be targeted if people start targeting the showmances. Da’Vonne assured James that he is at the bottom of that list because nobody is afraid of Natalie. On the other hand, she said that people fear Paulie and they fear Corey and Nicole as a duo. James said there will be a double eviction coming up. Da’Vonne said Bridgette and Frank will have to go. Da’Vonne let James know that she is on board with it being her, James, Natalie and Michelle.

1:00-2:00 PM: In the storage room, Tiffany checked in with Frank. Tiffany said she has an idea if Frank still wants to keep her. Frank said yeah. Tiffany suggested that they could bait Da’Vonne into saying that she was going to vote Corey out. Tiffany suggested that Nicole could hide in the safari room. She then wanted Frank to have a conversation with Da’Vonne, saying that he will make a deal with her. The deal would be that he would vote Tiffany out if they can go after Corey and Nicole next. Frank didn’t think that Da’Vonne would talk game with him since she wont even look at him. Frank told Tiffany that he thinks they are close to having the votes even without doing anything. Frank told Tiffany not to worry too much and to keep her chin up.

3:00-4:00 PM: Bridgette and Tiffany discussed that Da’Vonne and Natalie had been talking for a long time. Bridgette said she heard Da’Vonne talking about how she has to do this for her daughter, thinking that she was bringing that up in order to influence Natalie. Tiffany hoped that Natalie would be on her side. She understood that Natalie had to vote her out last week since she was up against her best friend. Bridgette let Tiffany know that Natalie was quite upset when she nominated Tiffany because she wanted the girls to work together. Tiffany was happy to hear that. Not long after, the girls headed to the storage room. Tiffany spoke to Bridgette about the same plan that she had previously talked to Frank about. Bridgette said it is funny but it would be risky.

4:00-5:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Zakiyah spoke to the camera to tell the viewers not to be fooled by Bridgette. She said that Bridgette is not innocent but rather is sneaky, mischievous and a snake. Nicole said Bridgette told Paul that she wants to get revenge on everybody. Zakiyah said she needs to go soon. The girls then discussed their showmances. Nicole said that Corey and Paulie are going to protect them in the game. Nicole asked Zakiyah if she thinks that the four of them can go far. Zakiyah said those are the only people that she trusts with everything. Nicole brought up that Da’Vonne likely made a lot of Final 2 deals. She thinks that Da’Vonne will go to the other side next week. Nicole suggested that the house is likely to split as follows: Corey, Nicole, Michelle, Paulie and Zakiyah vs Da’Vonne, Bridgette, Frank, James and Natalie. She expects that Paul will remain in the middle and it will be a 5 on 5 battle. Nicole mentioned that James is so close to Da’Vonne, even saying that he will never vote against her. Nicole noticed that Da’Vonne and Natalie had been talking a lot today. Though most of it was not game related, Nicole said she can see the Da’Vonne, James and Natalie trio developing. After Da’Vonne and Natalie wrapped up their conversation, Da’Vonne entered the room but then immediately left it. Nicole told Zakiyah that she doesn’t get why Da’Vonne is acting so weird when she is on the block.

Down in the safari room, Bridgette and Frank discussed Tiffany’s plan. They agreed that it wont go over well. Frank said he thinks that things are going well enough as is. He pointed out that Tiffany is making it clear that she wont talk to people or work with them, while Da’Vonne has influence over others. Frank brought up that he has noticed how close Nicole and Zakiyah are. As he suggested last night, Frank said that they should nominate Da’Vonne and Zakiyah together if they cannot get Da’Vonne out this week. Frank said he would love to see Zakiyah implode while on the block. Frank then spoke to Paulie about getting Da’Vonne out this week. He said that Da’Vonne being in jury worries him because they will not be able to beat a girl in the Final 2 if Da’Vonne is swaying the jury. Paulie said he agrees that Da’Vonne needs to go but he isn’t sure if it should be this week or next week. Paulie acknowledged that Da’Vonne gets people to make he and Corey wary of Frank. Frank said that Bridgette and Paulie are the only two people he feels 100% about. He said that Corey is at about 99% since he is close with Nicole. Frank pointed out that Tiffany doesn’t have influence over anyone like Da’Vonne does, which is why he would like for her to stay. Frank said that Michelle and Zakiyah would be the only two upset about Da’Vonne leaving. Paulie figured that Da’Vonne is relying on other people around her to win competitions since she can’t win herself. Frank mentioned that he is concerned about Nicole being too close to Da’Vonne because she is someone who could win competitions and give Da’Vonne power indirectly. With Da’Vonne gone, Frank said that Corey and Nicole would become even closer which is good for them since they are close with Corey. Frank counted out the votes that he thinks he has or can get. Paulie said he thinks that he, as HoH, would have to talk to people about keeping Tiffany it is something that he actually wants to have happen. Frank agreed. Paulie brought up Tiffany’s outburst in the safari room on Thursday night as the one thing that is hurting her right now. Frank told Paulie that it is good for them because it was with the girls and therefore Tiffany will target the girls.

7:00-8:00 PM: Corey told Paulie that Zakiyah is wanting to kiss him. Paulie asked why she wants to kiss. He also asked why everyone is trying to get him to kiss Zakiyah when he told her that he is not going to do that while he is on TV. Corey said he thinks that Zakiyah’s feelings are hurt that she hasn’t kissed him yet. Corey told Paulie that they need to keep Nicole and Zakiyah close for strategic purposes. He questioned if that means he needs to kiss Zakiyah if that’s what it takes. He asked Corey if he has kissed Nicole. Corey said no. Corey suggested that Paulie talk to Zakiyah about how it’s hard for him not to kiss her but he doesn’t want to do that until after the show ends in September.

8:00-9:00 PM: Frank walked in on the talk between Corey and Paulie. Paulie asked the guys how they are feeling about this week’s vote. Frank said he thinks it’s clear which way he is leaning. He again expressed that Da’Vonne could sway the jury against them if she were to make it there. Paulie said he wants them both gone but he doesn’t want to miss another shot at Tiffany when he knows that they will get another shot at Da’Vonne. Frank said Tiffany is a lone wolf who thinks she can only trust Bridgette and himself. Paulie worried that Tiffany would nominate him. Corey and Frank disagreed. Frank said that even if Tiffany did nominate him, they would have the votes to save him. If Da’Vonne wins HoH, Frank said that she would nominate two of the three of them. Corey said Da’Vonne has a better chance of getting her hooks into people than Tiffany does. Paulie compared Tiffany to a wounded animal, but said that she can only become dangerous. Frank said that’s why Tiffany will be loyal to them if they save her. Paulie said Tiffany will be loyal to Frank. Frank suggested that he can influence her. Frank said Tiffany is likely going to make the smallest move possible if she wins HoH. Paulie figured that she would take a big shot. Frank argued that she is goofy and sensitive, not diabolical. Paulie disagreed about her not being diabolical. Frank let the guys know about Tiffany’s plan to have Nicole hide in the chest in order to hear Da’Vonne say that she had wanted to vote Corey out. He used that example to show that she is not diabolical. Paulie said he wishes that he could have more reassurance with Tiffany and be able to find the rational reason behind everything that she pulled. Frank brought up that Da’Vonne is the matriarch figure right now, as the mom of the girl group. They agreed to chat more later.

9:00-10:00 PM: Corey told Nicole that Frank thinks Da’Vonne needs to go this week because she can influence numerous people in the house. Corey said he totally agrees with that. Nicole told Corey that she has been thinking about it and believes they need to get Tiffany out since she is part of a solid three with Frank and Bridgette. Nicole then brought up how she thinks it will be a 5 on 5 split next week with Da’Vonne going to the other side. Corey asked why they wouldn’t just get Da’Vonne out this week then. Nicole didn’t think that they would have the numbers to do it.

10:00-11:00 PM: Frank told Bridgette that Corey wants Da’Vonne out. He told her that Paulie even asked him if he thinks he can get the votes to make it a tie. Frank felt that Da’Vonne talking to Natalie for hours made Paulie nervous about Da’Vonne. Frank mentioned that Paulie is worried about Tiffany coming after him but both he and Corey said that she wouldn’t. Bridgette told Frank that Tiffany wants to go after the girls that have been treating her like crap, were her friends and then betrayed her. They talked about going after a girl from the other side next week. Frank threw Zakiyah’s name out there. Michelle was mentioned as well. Frank told Bridgette that going after Zakiyah would be the better game move because she is close to both Paulie and Nicole. Bridgette was fine with that and said she can put up with Michelle. Tiffany joined them. She asked Frank if everyone is still on the fence. Frank said they are getting closer and closer to voting her way. He let Tiffany know that Corey wants to keep her and that Paulie asked about whether or not he could get the votes to make it a tie. Frank said Paulie is worried that Tiffany would come after him. Tiffany swore that she wouldn’t and said she would nominate whoever Frank wanted her to. Up in the HoH room, Paulie told Paul that he is thinking about telling Frank he is going to send Tiffany home if it comes down to a tiebreaker.

11:00-12:00 AM: Up in the HoH room, Michelle told Zakiyah that Da’Vonne said it will be hard to win the game because of the overwhelming power upstairs, referring to the two showmances. Michelle said she changed the subject when Da’Vonne brought it up. Zakiyah said Da’Vonne is not on her radar but she doesn’t want her to pull a Frank by coming up with random stuff. Michelle agreed that Da’Vonne is not on her radar for now. Michelle figured that things would get back to normal once Tiffany leaves, or else definitely once Frank leaves.

1:00-2:00 AM: The houseguests played hide and seek. In the final round of the night, Natalie and Paulie hid under a mattress together. Zakiyah was upset by it. Zakiyah told Nicole that she is not sleeping in the HoH room tonight. Nicole said the way that Da’Vonne is reacting is making her angry. Nicole feels that Da’Vonne likes to see them frazzled. Zakiyah agreed. Nicole told Zakiyah that it’s not a good idea for her to sleep downstairs and act upset. Nicole advised Zakiyah to act confident and like she is not upset by it. Nicole said Zakiyah is a dream girl to a guy and so be it if Paulie wants to throw that away for a “Jersey girl”. Despite all of that, Zakiyah headed up to the HoH bed.

3:00-4:00 AM: In the storage room, James told Paulie that he doesn’t want to withhold any information. He said that Da’Vonne is his girl but she was telling him earlier today that they need to get the couples out of there. Paulie said he knows that Da’Vonne is coming after him. James said he is letting him know because he is his boy. Paulie said he has been skeptical about Da’Vonne and that’s why he is on the fence about which one to send home. He let James know that a lot of people are on the fence about it because she has said the same thing about Corey and Nicole. Paulie said that Da’Vonne has been lying to a lot of people. Paul joined them. James asked if they are still on the same page with regards to the vote. Paul said Tiffany has to go. Paulie agreed. Paulie said that Frank’s plan is to flip the votes on Da’Vonne and then come after him.

5:00-6:00 AM: Michelle said she is hoping that Tiffany goes home because she screwed them over and needs to go. Michelle said that Tiffany ruined everything. Michelle said she hates Frank and Bridgette and can’t wait to know if they will get to target them then on Thursday. Michelle said she’s sure that people hate her for not liking Tiffany but she went to the opposite side and spilled the beans. Michelle called Tiffany conniving and a strategist. As for Bridgette, Michelle said it’s an act and she is a superfan. Michelle said Bridgette seems really fake and she doesn’t care if she gets crap for being mean to Bridgette and Tiffany. Michelle said her hit list is Tiffany, Bridgette, Frank, Da’Vonne, Natalie, James and then Paul, leaving her at the end with the two showmances. She mentioned that Natalie and James could be switched.

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