BB17 Day 46

August 2, 2015

1:00-2:00 PM: Shelli took a break from her punishment to eat. Clay told her that if one of them does leave, the target on the other will be so much smaller. He told her that she will have to pick a side though. Shelli said that they did pick a side and that’s why they are in this position. Clay said that the others were upset with them because they thought that they had their backs. Shelli said that she is wishing that Julie will come on the screen on eviction night and congratulate them all for making it to jury. Clay said that the worst that can happen is that he wont get to see her for about two months. Shelli said that that is plenty of time for him to change his mind about her. Clay told her that “what’s meant to be will always find its way”. He said that he finds it hard to believe that whatever they have in the house will not work outside of it. They discussed talking to James later on, trying to get him to use the PoV on one of them in order to target Steve instead. Clay said that the others will argue that this is their only chance to split them up, so they have to tell people that they are willing to be nominated whenever. Clay said that he is going to be a loose cannon by choice if he is the one that stays. He told Shelli that he will let it be known that certain people have to win every chance that they get, otherwise he will be nominating them. He said that he has no problem saying that to James and to Meg.

2:00-3:00 PM: James told Meg that Vanessa asked him if he was going to leave nominations the same and he told her yes. Meg said that she was probably worried about getting backdoored. James said that Shelli was the brain of Clay and she needs to go. Meg told him that they have to make sure that they have the votes for it. James said that they will. Meg said that they only need two more, since they have her, Becky and Jackie for sure. James asked if she is having doubts about the twins. He explained that they offered to vote whatever what he wanted in exchanging for staying off of the block this week. Meg said that they will likely vote with them then. Meg suggested that a big move will need to be made if it’s a double eviction. James asked what a big move would be. Meg suggested that splitting up Austin and the twins would be one, though it could be risky due to the fact that you would have two of them potentially upset with you. James said that Austin, Liz and Julia owe them huge, since everybody was out to get the twins this week. James figured that those three may even go after Clay next week, because they know that Clay and Shelli tried to get them nominated. James didn’t think that it would be hard to break that trio up eventually, since they are not that good in competitions.

James wondered who Clay would side with after this week. Meg said that her gut tells her that Clay is upset with Vanessa. James figured that he would still hold a grudge towards him. He thought that Clay may be close to Meg. James said that this was a great game move but it will be a bad one if Clay wins HoH. Meg said that it’s unlikely that he will. Meg wondered who Austin, Liz and Julia would go after next week. James said not one of them. Meg asked if he thought that they would go after Steve. James said that he did all of this to show that they are a group, so he doesn’t think that it will be them. Meg said that it’s not him that she thinks that they will go after, it’s Becky. Meg suggested that they talk to Austin and the twins after the veto ceremony, to go over plans for next week and reassure them that they are on board with what they want to do. James was on board with that and mentioned that he already told those three that they would be down for whatever they want to do next week. Meg figured that talking to them would also help to solidify their votes to evict Shelli.

3:00-4:00 PM: Liz headed up to the HoH room to talk to James and Meg. Liz informed them that Clay is asking people to vote him out and to keep Shelli. Meg said that she told Clay that she cannot promise him that. Liz then said that word on the street is that Clay and Shelli plan to come up there and campaign against Steve, trying to get him nominated in their place. Meg said that it’s too late to do that. Liz agreed and said that they are too far into this at this point. James said that his plans don’t change. He pointed out that he stuck to his plan with Jace in the first week and is going to do the same this week. Liz said that James would have taken a prize over the veto if he wanted to do anything but keep his nominations the same. She said that she respects that he took the veto in order to keep things the same. James said that a big part of why he did it was because he did not want to have to nominate Austin, Liz or Julia. Liz told James to let her know how he wants the votes to go, since she told him that they would vote with him. James said that it’s selfish of Shelli to want Clay to give up his game for her. Liz brought up that those two don’t care about anybody but each other and the people in power, which is why they got close to Vanessa. She told James and Meg that those two will tell them what they want to hear to keep them and then they will like come after them.

Liz headed out to the backyard and told Austin about her conversation with James. She said that she offered to vote how he wants and also brought up that Clay and Shelli may be trying to get Steve targeted. Clay came over to chat. Liz filled him in on her talk with James. She said that James was saying that he doesn’t plan to use the veto, since he doesn’t want to get more blood on his hands. Clay said that him and Shelli haven’t had their chance to talk to James about it yet. Clay told Austin and Liz that they need to vote him out if nominations do stay the same. Liz said that James likely wants Clay to stay over Shelli. Clay said that he does but they don’t have to vote with him. Clay said that Becky, John and Vanessa will vote with Austin and the twins to evict him. Up in the HoH room, Jackie, James, Meg and Vanessa discussed this week’s events. Meg said that this week seems to have opened the lines of communication between a number of people. Jackie and Meg said that they talked more game with Austin and the twins this week than they have all game. James said that they seem to be on board to go in the same direction as them moving forward. James said that the twins were so concerned that someone would take a shot at them this week. Vanessa said that they have to realize that it will happen eventually, though it is not best for them to have the twins broken up right now. Meg agreed and said that the twins and Austin are three votes for them. She said that she is fine with it since they are on their side. James then asked if they are planning to get a floater out this week. Jackie and Vanessa said it will probably be a floater, though Jackie mentioned that whoever remains between Clay and Shelli may have to go too. Meg brought up that she is hearing that Clay and Shelli plan to get Steve nominated. James said that he is not going to change his mind.

8:00-9:00 PM: Shelli wrapped up her 2400 battles in 24 hours punishment shortly before 6:00 PM: After a bit of a break, Clay and Shelli talked some game. Clay said that he wants to make a pitch to James sooner than later so that they can get it off of their minds. Clay wanted to make it clear that certain people are only close to James right now because he is in power, while they are two people that would remain loyal to him. Clay said that they need to admit to their mistakes about the Jason situation. Shelli did not want to mention a single name, not even Steve’s. She said that they need to imply who they are suggesting that James nominate, without actually saying it. Clay thought that they should offer to go up on the block again if anyone on James’ side wins HoH, because they may argue that this is their one shot to split them. Clay figured that the only risky part of the deal for James would be if they did not uphold their word. Shelli said that that is not going to happen, because she would not let him go against it and she would not either.

9:00-10:00 PM: James told John that he believes that most of the house is going to vote Shelli out. John said that he is going to do whatever the house does. James said that people are looking at it from a game standpoint and see that Shelli is a big competitor. James told John that he is 99.9999% sure that he is leaving nominations the same. John then spoke to Austin. He said that he feels as though Clay and Shelli are both going to be of equal value to him in the game. Austin said that they will also both be gunning for James. John said that the two of them want good TV and Clay asking to be taken out of the game is good TV. Austin agreed but pointed out that they are running out of guys in the house, which is getting scary. Vanessa spoke to Clay and Shelli, telling them that James had said that there is a 0% chance that he will use the PoV, since he passed up on $5,000 and a trip to get it. Clay asked what James’ biggest concern is. Vanessa said that it’s likely that he has too much blood on his hands already. Vanessa figured that there is little chance of getting James to change his mind and they would have to betray someone to make it happen, so they will have to weigh their options. Vanessa said that nothing is impossible in the game, so they should do what they can.

James told Jackie that he is surprised that Clay and Shelli have yet to talk to him. Jackie figured that they would tonight. James asked if Vanessa still thinks that he is going to backdoor her. Jackie said that she has not brought that up. Jackie was concerned that Vanessa may tell Clay and Shelli that they are planning on getting the other one out next week. James said that he is very worried about Vanessa. Jackie felt that she could do anything at any time. James said that Vanessa ran to Clay and Shelli to tell them about the plan to nominate them, then she ran back to them and said that she wants to work with them. James said that Vanessa sent people home based on flip flop decisions both times that she was HoH. Meg came to get James because Clay and Shelli want to talk. They headed up to the HoH room. Shelli told James and Meg that they could gain two potential jury votes if they keep them both this week, as opposed to for sure losing the vote of whoever stays in the game. Shelli said that they would continue to be a target if they stayed and that they could nominate them again if they wanted to make a move that kept the blood off of their hands. Shelli said that there are no hard feelings. Shelli suggested nominating someone that nobody has ties to. James knew that she was talking about Steve.

James told Clay and Shelli that he felt as though he was drifting away from them because their was less effort on their end to provide him with any information. James said that he believes that he was left in the dark for a reason and the line was drawn there. James said that they could easily have stuck with the group that voted Jason out last week and targeted him, Jackie and Meg. James said that he knew the consequences of making this move before he decided to do it. James told Clay and Shelli that he would need really strong evidence and reasoning in order to be able to use the veto and nominate someone else. Clay told James and Meg that keeping them in the game will get them closer to winning the $500,000. He said that they are on their own in the game, only having Vanessa. Clay said that he is willing to shake on it that he would not nominate James or Meg. Shelli said that passing up on the prizes has given James the opportunity to make this move and build these connections with them to better his game moving forward. Shelli suggested that they create a clean slate and start over.

10:00-11:00 PM: Meg told Clay and Shelli that she knows that Vanessa would not have went after Jason without them being on board. She said that they have had so much pull throughout the game. Shelli said that she wishes that they could see her diary rooms, because getting Jason out was not the goal. Meg said that the whole situation sucks. James said that he has heard that Clay told people that he would be nominated this week if he had not won HoH. Clay said that people did discuss coming after James heading in to the week, though he was not one of them. James pointed out that Clay shouldn’t withhold that information from him. James said that he gave Clay and Shelli three pieces of information and they did not give him anything back in return. Meg said that the way that Clay and Shelli are feeling now is how she felt last week. Clay and Shelli again began pushing for someone else to go up that would not put blood on James’ hands, though they refused to name any names. James said that he has to keep nominations the same if he doesn’t get any info.

11:00-12:00 AM: James told Meg that Clay and Shelli did not want to crack and would not give up any information. He said that they should stick to the plan. Meg agreed. James said that if he was told who was talking about going after him, he likely would have changed the nominations. James figured that Becky must have been the person that Clay was talking about, since he said that it was someone close to him. Meg didn’t understand why they would protect Becky. James also wondered why they would not throw Steve’s name out there. James told Meg that Vanessa wouldn’t crack and give up names either. James said that Clay and Shelli are protecting somebody to the death. Meg asked if it is Vanessa. James said that it could be. James pointed out that Vanessa has been so paranoid that she is getting backdoored, which could be because she is guilty of doing something against him. James told Meg that Vanessa has got to go too, because she is too wishy-washy and paranoid. James said that they need to make the smart decision this week. Meg asked if he is really scared of Steve. James said no. James and Meg spoke to Austin, Julia and Liz. Meg said that they would love to work with them to a point where they can take down the house. They discussed the options for this week. Austin said that the points for getting Steve out are valid but James already has a lot of blood on his hands. Liz said that it’s too late. They talked about who to evict. Austin said that Clay is less threatening in competitions. Meg agreed. Liz said that guys get over things faster than girls, and Shelli would not get over this. Julia said that she knows Clay the least of anyone in the house and wouldn’t mind him going. She later admitted that Shelli is more of a threat. They agreed that they would like to get to know Clay without Shelli.

12:00-1:00 AM: Shelli told Clay that she is getting the feeling that Austin, Liz and Julia and not supporting them upstairs and are probably throwing them under the bus to save themselves. Julia went down to the bathroom and was questioned by Shelli about what is going on upstairs. Julia said that they are discussing how Clay is saying that he wants to be evicted over Shelli. Shelli told Julia that neither of them want to go home. Shelli said that she believes that everyone is lying to them and that nobody is fighting for them. Julia said that she has tried, but Shelli did not buy it. Julia then headed up to the HoH room to tell them that Shelli cornered her and tried to make her feel bad for not bringing up the plan to target Steve. Julia said that she is done with Clay and Shelli and that it will now be easy for her to vote Shelli out. Julia headed back downstairs and told Vanessa that Shelli just attacked her and said that she feels that nobody has her back. Austin and Liz then told Vanessa that James is planning to leave the nominations the same.

Back up in the HoH room, Meg told James that she does not trust Vanessa fully. James said that Clay and Shelli may be protecting Vanessa and Vanessa may be protecting Clay and Shelli, which is why none of them will give up any names. James said that he would nominate Clay and Vanessa if both are in the game and he wins another HoH. Vanessa went upstairs to tell James that she would be on board with getting a floater out, but she also respects his decision. Vanessa asked if James is considering it. James said no. Vanessa mentioned that making Steve the target would not put any additional blood on James’ hands. James headed downstairs to find Steve. He told Steve that he is going out on a limb for him, since people are trying to get him to take Steve out of the house this week. James confirmed that Clay and Shelli are the ones behind that. James said that he is telling Steve this in confidence and they cannot go back to them with the information. James asked that Steve not throw him on the block if he wins HoH, as repayment for keeping him in the game this week. Clay saw James and Steve talking. He told Shelli and Vanessa. Vanessa said that James would likely tell Steve the plan in order to gain his trust.

1:00-2:00 AM: Clay asked Meg if they have any shot at getting the veto used. Meg said that she doesn’t think so. Meg said that Austin and the twins are saying that they want to get a floater out but this is a big game move that needs to happen too. As for Vanessa, Meg said that she is playing every side and covers herself in all of her conversations. Clay said that Vanessa is the one behind the whole nomination of Jason, yet they are the ones taking the blame for it and going home because of it. Meg said that she is worried that James is in too deep with the plan and will not change it. Clay said that they would be indebted to them and would be their ride or die. Clay said that if Jackie or Meg don’t win HoH then two of Jackie, James and Meg will be nominated. Meg said that she doesn’t have the pull over James that Clay thinks that she does. She told Clay that James’ big concern is that he would have been evicted last week had he not been safe. Clay said that it was not him or Shelli that would have nominated him. Meg said that it was Vanessa. Meg said that the big issues is that James goes through with plans once he puts them in to motion.

2:00-3:00 AM: Shelli joined Clay and Meg. Meg filled her in on what she had already told Clay. Shelli said that the are 100% being played right now. Shelli said that she is close to laying it all out there and exposing things, but it is against the way that she wants to play the game. She said that it is insulting that Austin is not trying to save them, after they did so much to save him last week. Shelli told Meg that Austin is a monster and that she has many shocking things that she could reveal about him. Clay begun getting frustrated, saying that it seems as though Meg is set on not rebuilding trust with them. Clay said that he knows for a fact that they were the original targets as soon as James won HoH. He pointed out that she did not give them a heads up that they would be nominated. Meg said that she didn’t know if they could be trusted after last week. Clay asked Shelli if they should talk to James again. He felt that it was a done deal. Shelli said that Becky is the only person that they could throw under the bus, but she does not want to do it.

3:00-4:00 AM: Clay told Austin that he is getting the feeling that he is not fighting for them, based on their talks with James and Meg. Clay said that it’s almost insulting. Shelli said that they really need Austin and the twins to help them. She said that they will do whatever Austin and the others need next week, since they need his help as much as he needs their last week. Vanessa told Austin to let James know that it’s best to get a floater out, without naming any names. Austin went to James and told him that Clay and Shelli are offering to go up again next week if a floater goes out this week. Austin said that it will come down to how much blood James is willing to put on his hands. James questioned if he would be the biggest douchebag on Big Brother if he goes through with breaking up the couple. Austin said that it could go either way. James asked if they should have another meeting to discuss this. James pointed out that he will either be the guy that got the biggest power couple out or the dumbass that brought them back in. Austin and James were concerned that there is no way to hold Clay and Shelli to their word that they will throw HoH and go up again next week. They agreed that it was a good deal if they stuck to it. On the other hand, they said that they could be gone next week if Clay and Shelli go back on their word. James said that he would rather take his chances with one of them there than with two. Clay approached James and asked him if he will be using the veto. James said that Austin just brought the new information to him and he wants to talk to Meg about it.

4:00-5:00 AM: James told Meg that Clay put a deal on the table that anybody can put him and Shelli up next week and that they will throw HoH. Meg said that they are not playing just to get to jury and that there is something dirty about letting them throw everything just so that they can do this all over again. James said that his gut tells him to get Clay or Shelli out this week and go with the original plan. Meg said that James can’t do this to Steve and nominate him. James agreed, saying that he gave Steve his word. James said that he is in too deep with this and his mind is made up that nominations will be kept the same. Meg told James that Clay and Shelli got so upset when they heard that Austin and the twins did not fight for them. Meg said that Shelli called Austin a monster. James said that Austin, Clay, Liz, Shelli and Vanessa must be closer than they had thought. Both agreed that Clay and Shelli are hiding something. James said that if they were so worried about it then they would do what’s right and reconcile the situation. James said that he would likely change his nominations if he knew what was actually going on in the house, yet Clay and Shelli choose to continue hiding things. Meg said that she will talk to Clay and Shelli before bed. James said to let them know that it’s now or never.

Meg went to Clay and Shelli to tell them that James has a lot of questions about what is going on in the house. Meg said that she believes that James may change his mind if some questions are answered. Clay and Shelli told Meg that there are some people that are trying to play every angle, telling each person that they are so loyal to them. Shelli said that the people that are saying that they are loyal to them are now throwing them under the bus this week. Meg said that Clay and Shelli will need to give James some actual info and not just plead their loyalty. Clay told Shelli that they are in this position because of Austin and they are going to get out of it because of him too. Shelli said that Austin just did what they had asked them to do. Clay said that it’s either him or them that is going to go. James told Clay and Shelli that he needs something huge from them in order to give them something huge in return. James said that nobody is wanting to give any information up. Shelli said that they are realizing that this can all blow up if they say things, but there are people that are only saying things to James now because he is HoH. Clay said that two of Jackie, James and Meg will be nominated unless they win HoH.

5:00-6:00 AM: Clay told James that the rest of the people in the house do not have his back like they would. Clay and Shelli were reluctant to give any specifics. James said that they don’t have to do this if they don’t want to. Shelli said that he is worried about the type of attack that she will get for all of this. James pointed out that she may be attacked but she will still be there. Shell begun explaining that Austin came clean last week after finding out about the plan to backdoor him. She clarified that the twins are innocent in this but Austin is trying to say that he is campaigning for them and yet he comes upstairs and says that he is fine with nominations staying the same. Shell revealed that Austin has an alter ego “Judas” and he was the one that voted to save Audrey. Shelli also said that during Liz’s HoH James was not going on the block until the last minute when Austin switched the nomination to him. She said that Austin was also upset with James for throwing the Battle of the Block next to Liz. Clay said that Liz and Julia will be workable if Austin is gone. Clay said that Austin will always gravitate towards the power. James told them that this is what he needed to hear and that he has a good feeling about it. James said that he will be on board as long as Jackie and Meg are. James brought Jackie and Meg up to the HoH room. Shelli told them that they made the wrong decision to evict Jason over Austin last week. She then explained everything about Austin to them. Jackie said that everything that was brought up was old information except for the Judas thing. James said that he brought Jackie and Meg up so that they would be in the loop in the event that he uses the veto.

6:00-7:00 AM: Jackie told James and Meg that everything that Clay and Shelli said is what they had said last week. Jackie told James that Vanessa has to go if Clay and Shelli do not. She said that you cannot leave Clay, Shelli and Vanessa in the game together. Meg said that three people could be upset if Austin is backdoored. Jackie said that Austin is on their side right now. Jackie said that sending Vanessa out will keep Shelli and Clay safe and happy. She said that they have a lot of reason to do it and they can redeem themselves for last week. Meg asked if Clay and Shelli would be okay with that. Jackie said who cares. After more discussion, James said that they should keep the nominations the same. Jackie said that Shelli would have to be the one to go then. Downstairs, Shelli told Vanessa that James is considering targeting Austin. Vanessa was concerned because Austin has so much information on them. Vanessa figured that James would not change the nominations and that he is only using them for information. Vanessa asked if Shelli would go after James. Shelli asked how could she if James saves her. Vanessa said that she would have to, since he will always be questioning if she will turn on him.

7:00-8:00 AM: Jackie said that Clay and Shelli were more worried about upsetting Austin and Vanessa than upsetting them, which says a lot. Jackie thought that everything that Clay and Shelli only confirmed that they made the right decision. They discussed that the alliance that Audrey mentioned was clearly real. James said that he had planned to tell Clay and Shelli that he isn’t going to use the veto but now he feels so betrayed that he may not warn them. Meg said that one of them will remain in the game and it is best for James to give them a heads up. Before Jackie headed back to bed, James told her that she can tell Clay and Shelli that he is keeping nominations the same if they ask. Jackie said that what they did only made her more upset. James agreed.

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